SEAL @605 (65.8%) on 30-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using mature_trees
CPL @1103 (77.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ improve the air quality" "beetles kill _" "nests in tall _" "lower branches of _" "_ have been grown at" "_ including plum" "trees , in particular _" "_ including avocado" "_ including figs" "trunks of old _" "_ provide a canopy" "_ form a canopy" "grove of shady _" "_ have been planted along" "shady areas under _" "hills with tall _" "_ provide seed" "crowns of tall _" "shade of huge _" "canopy of large _" "_ lend shade" "_ providing natural shade" "_ growing right through" "_ do not require watering" "beautiful garden with many _" "_ were snapped like" "_ including coconuts" "_ shade the house" "_ are quite drought tolerant" "stand of large _" "_ are felled in" "pool , shaded by _" "_ providing some shade" "_ have foliage" "leaves of _" "_ including maples" "_ bear seed" "crowns of large _" "_ including magnolia" "_ had been planted along" "_ help clean the air" "_ line the pathways" "_ line the driveway" "hammock under _" "line of tall _" "_ providing much needed shade" "_ lining the fairway" "_ have been planted on" "_ have already been planted on" "_ were planted before" "leaves falling from _" "_ offer welcome shade" "_ fill the yard" "_ provide summer shade" "cottage nestled among _" "canopy of majestic _" "_ planted along" "_ line the fairways" "root system of _" "_ cast shade" "forest of thick _" "_ lining the fairways" "_ including fig" ] using mature_trees
CMC @219 (100.0%) on 13-mar-2011 [ PREFIX=tre 2.92961 LASTPREFIX=tre 2.51374 PREFIX=tr 1.95357 LASTPREFIX=tr 1.63073 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.18679 LASTPREFIX=tree 0.96988 PREFIX=tree 0.92207 PREFIX=mat -0.74223 CHARS -1.02728 WORDS -3.91102 ] using mature_trees
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 provide shade in arg1" "arg2 which provide shade in arg1" "arg2 for shade in arg1" "arg2 providing shade in arg1" "arg2 that provide shade in arg1" ] using (summer, mature_trees)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey