CPL @1103 (88.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "indoor growing of _" "_ now grown in" "pot of white _" "bouquets of _" "Spring flowers such as _" "plants like _" "_ blooming through" "flowers , potted _" "root growth of _" "lilies , white _" "cut flowers , potted _" "_ grown indoors" "outstanding varieties of _" "plants , including _" "small bouquets of _" "nosegays of _" "main pest of _" "garden plants , such as _" "_ planted along" "pot grown _" "plants , such as _" "edible flowers such as _" "dress embroidered with _" "flowers are similar to _" "bouquet of _" "_ are winter hardy" "plants such as _" "_ have been planted along" "beautiful pot of _" "flowers , such as _" "self pollinated _" "dead heading _" "roses , fragrant _" "beautiful bouquet of _" "selection of potted _" "small bouquet of _" "flowers such as _" "_ need much humidity" "roses , climbing _" "_ are grown indoors" "roses , red _" "leaves of _" "lovely bouquet of _" "flowering plants , including _" "entire garden of _" ] using miniature_roses
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=es 2.55491 PREFIX=ros 2.25740 PREFIX=rose 2.13275 SUFFIX=oses 2.01645 LASTPREFIX=rose 1.83318 LASTSUFFIX=oses 1.68182 SUFFIX=ses 1.54595 SUFFIX=es -1.05966 CHARS -3.07419 WORDS -5.08261 ] using miniature_roses
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey