CPL @1108 (62.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "hundreds of mature _" "first kiss under _" "inner barks of _" "forest of blue _" "heavenly scent of _" "seeds of certain _" "eagles perched in _" "forest of evergreen _" "_ were planted between" "groves of mature _" "garden , shaded by _" "fairways lined with mature _" "forests dominated by _" "garden with tall _" "lawns , tall _" "trunks of giant _" "tables shaded by _" "plants , including _" "Plants such as _" "plantations of exotic _" "_ eradicated sable" "slope covered in _" "groves of red _" "allee of _" "area was planted with _" "acres planted to _" "dense grove of _" "cover of tall _" "garden plants such as _" "small plantation of _" "area shaded by _" "land planted in _" "grove of old _" "leaves such as _" "forest of young _" "dense stand of _" "small forests of _" "Thick forests of _" "scale insects on _" "area of tall _" "shrubs including _" "sandy beaches shaded by _" "_ cut down in" "great grove of _" "dead branches off _" "forest consisting of _" "trees bonsai _" "fine roots of _" "sand shaded by _" "many fallen _" "lots of downed _" "native plants such as _" "sand among _" "row of tall _" "leaves of _" "number of invasive _" "_ providing cool shade" "hammock strung between _" "grove of large _" "gardens with tall _" "garden shaded by _" "oaks , tall _" "landscaping with mature _" "bluffs covered with _" "branches of fallen _" "forests of ancient _" "stands of white _" "shady place under _" "sap extracted from _" "forests of giant _" "kiss under _" "large groves of _" "_ growing side" "sand fringed with _" "garden is shaded by _" "plants such as _" "nutrient uptake of _" "moss hanging from _" "nest in tall _" "park with centuries-old _" "picnic table under _" "paths lined with _" "stand of large _" "more planting of _" "old growth white _" "mixed forest of _" "_ were removed along" "beautiful stand of _" "bark of many _" "forest of huge _" "evergreens , such as _" "shady spot under _" "breeze among _" "bay lined with _" "planting of red _" "nearby grove of _" "midst of tall _" "leaves similar to _" "large stand of _" "land is planted with _" "plantations of non-native _" "removal of mature _" "fairways lined with _" "fairways are lined with mature _" "conifers , such as _" "old stands of _" "_ covered the slopes" "grove of majestic _" "field of beautiful _" "sap of ancient _" "_ are an important crop" "_ grows quickly in" "pool , shaded by _" "dark trunks of _" "endless forest of _" "pollen of certain _" "pioneer species such as _" "shade of mature _" "coniferous trees such as _" "avenues lined with _" "root area of _" "natural grove of _" "stand of longleaf _" "Florida slash _" "outer branches of _" "mature stand of _" "landscape with mature _" "lower limbs on _" "house is surrounded by mature _" "branches of young _" "breeze rustled through _" "back yard filled with _" "resin of ancient _" "areas of tall _" "black trunks of _" "dripline of _" "beetles kill _" "softwoods like _" "branches of white _" "wood of dead _" "leaves , like _" "plantations of young _" "young forest of _" "woodsy scent of _" "white sandy beach lined with _" "stands of red _" "courtyard shaded by _" "oaks , native _" "lower limbs of _" "tall plants such as _" "yard with mature _" "_ were planted along" "woodlands filled with _" "waxy leaves of _" "_ are also planted on" "nests in tall _" "oil , derived from _" "_ had been felled across" "_ bending before" "_ are planted beside" "conifers like _" "_ shedding needles" "Many plants , including _" "standing dead _" "thick row of _" "stand of tall _" "wood of certain _" "thousands of non-native _" "stands of large _" "they 're planting _" "trees include _" "wind whisper through _" "garden with only _" "forest of stunted _" "gardens , mature _" "forest of ancient _" "forest of live _" "evergreen plants such as _" "phloem tissue of _" "lot has mature _" "thick groves of _" "trunks of young _" "small stands of _" "extensive planting of _" "trees are mainly _" "new planting of _" "meadows dotted with _" "sand , tall _" "plantations of fast-growing _" "acres of yellow _" "taller varieties of _" "thickets of small _" "shade of giant _" "dried leaves of _" "vegetation , such as _" "you 're growing _" "woods of tall _" "natural extract from _" "wind rustled through _" "forest of black _" "inner bark of _" "forest is dominated by _" "hollows of old _" "Homes are decorated with _" "thick grove of _" "wood of white _" "narrow fairways lined with _" "top branches of _" "tall groves of _" "trees , in particular _" "variety of mature _" "yard shaded by _" "dense planting of _" "grove of tall _" "dense growth of _" "plants , like _" "shade of large _" "edible seeds of _" "gifts beneath _" "lower branches on _" "_ providing ample shade" "dark grove of _" "sand lined with _" "root rot of _" "young shoots of _" "grounds planted with _" "hemlock , white _" "forest with tall _" "white sand fringed with _" "I was under _" "vegetation such as _" "sap of various _" "bark of mature _" "wind whispering through _" "trees , including many _" "drive lined with _" "canopy of giant _" "forest of towering _" "grove of huge _" "forests made up of _" "sap of certain _" "snow flocked _" "rows of tall _" "pollen comes from _" "natural shade from _" "lower branches of _" "thick barrier of _" "soft inner bark of _" "thousands of tall _" "wind move through _" "dead branches of _" "_ shed needles" "windbreak of _" "_ produce edible nuts" "line of mature _" "large forest of _" "land planted with _" "plants like _" "groves of majestic _" "forest of majestic _" "driveway lined with _" "stands of tall _" "trunks of huge _" "stands of majestic _" "gardens with mature _" "hedge row of _" "conifers , like _" "_ are planted along" "thick stand of _" "thick canopy of _" "thick cluster of _" "stand of red _" "thousands of mature _" "shade of big _" "_ prefer a well-drained" "_ lining the fairway" "oaks , towering _" "flowers , such as _" "hut under _" "_ produce resin" "winds uprooted _" "shade of century-old _" "seeds of local _" "corner lot with mature _" "_ are shade tolerant" "meadow dotted with _" "trunks of mature _" "stands of exotic _" "thickets of dense _" "line of tall _" "little grove of _" "forest of large _" "hammock beneath _" "growth white _" "garden with old _" "_ cover the slope" "_ have been planted on" "lawns with mature _" "sandy beaches fringed with _" "_ grew beside" "stand of mature _" "tops of mature _" "shallow roots of _" "garden amongst _" "hillsides full of _" "sandy beach lined with _" "_ were planted throughout" "grassy area under _" "_ prefer acid soils" "seeds of native _" "radial growth of _" "hammock under _" "fine grove of _" "garden with many mature _" "perennial plants such as _" "shade of tall _" "pleasant grove of _" "quiet grove of _" "little forest of _" "bare limbs of _" "forests of tall _" "screen of tall _" "forest of thick _" "forest is mostly _" "grass , tall _" "splendid grove of _" "trees mixed in with _" "stand of DD-year-old _" "sand beaches fringed by _" "rough bark of _" "lawn with mature _" "low limbs of _" "root mass of _" "_ planted along" "_ line the fairways" "bark of dead _" "row of young _" "garlands made from _" "Forests dominated by _" "stands of young _" "_ cast shade" "garden with mature _" "forest of tall _" "severe pest of _" "green needles of _" "deep shade under _" "sand , fringed with _" "park with tall _" "root systems of _" "beach fringed with _" "conifers such as _" "class planted _" "stand of native _" "stands of mature _" "we felled _" "trees such as _" "small grove of _" "setting of mature _" "husband planted _" "conifers are _" "collection of mature _" "dappled shade under _" "_ lining the fairways" "thick growth of _" "solid stand of _" "terrace shaded by _" "shade from tall _" "shade beneath _" "shade of lush _" "ground planted with _" "evergreens such as _" "lawns shaded by _" "magnificent grove of _" "tops of young _" "square shaded by _" "gardens shaded by _" "_ lining the trails" "forest of giant _" "flowers of other _" "stand of white _" "shady grove of _" "leaves , tall _" "new stand of _" "hardy varieties of _" "dead limbs from _" "clearing amongst _" "grove of small _" "garden planted with _" "fossilized resin of _" "inflorescences of _" "small wood of _" "tree species such as _" "species of southern _" "roots of certain _" "sandy beaches fringed by _" "copse of tall _" "_ line the driveway" "_ are monoecious" "entire stands of _" "grove of _" "root zone of _" "reproductive structures in _" "shoots of young _" "forest is thick with _" "outer bark of _" "Individual species of _" "root system of _" "pool is shaded by _" "_ were planted before" "mycorrhizal associations with _" "_ tortured into" "beach shaded by _" "plants , such as _" "row of mature _" "small stand of _" "shrubs , including _" "beautiful grove of _" "_ form a canopy" "rows of young _" "tall , waving _" "sparse stand of _" "severe defoliation of _" "hammock between _" "huge stand of _" "fossilized resin of ancient _" "areas with tall _" "grove of mature _" "clearing surrounded by tall _" "defoliator of _" "bouquet of _" "campsite under _" "abundance of mature _" "alien species , such as _" "canopy of old _" "We were under _" "acres of red _" "branches of old _" "_ are considered a weed" "canopy of tall _" "low branches on _" "long needles of _" "_ grow back from" "_ growing below" "growth of native _" "forests of mature _" "forest of white _" "dense forest of tall _" "beaches fringed by _" "selection of artificial _" "canopy of mature _" "display of potted _" "fairways flanked by _" "grove of young _" "big grove of _" "_ providing natural shade" "shade of ancient _" "small copse of _" "swing under _" "trees compete with _" "It is surrounded by mature _" "hills with tall _" "foliage of susceptible _" "plants other than _" "_ were snapped like" "thick rows of _" "sprigs of _" "land was planted with _" "tall stand of _" "t" ] using pine_trees
SEAL @174 (96.9%) on 08-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using pine_trees
MBL @1103 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of plant:pine_trees plantincludeplant plant:bushes ]
CMC @124 (100.0%) on 20-jun-2010 [ LASTPREFIX=tre 4.72004 PREFIX=tre 3.80710 PREFIX=tr 2.10847 LASTPREFIX=tr 1.97987 PREFIX=pi 1.43531 LASTPREFIX=tree 1.34407 PREFIX=pin 1.30967 CHARS -2.02463 POS=NN -2.32599 WORDS -9.36723 ] using pine_trees
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and birch arg1" "arg2 and other coniferous arg1" "arg2 and cypress arg1" "arg2 are evergreen arg1" ] using (tree, pine_trees)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey