SEAL @125 (87.5%) on 20-jun-2010 [ 123 ] using pines
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of grain:trees plantincludeplant plant:pines ]
CMC @1104 (99.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=pin 2.04703 SUFFIX=ines 1.09522 LASTSUFFIX=ines 0.96252 LASTSUFFIX=es 0.92955 LASTPREFIX=pine 0.80251 LASTPREFIX=pin 0.73935 PREFIX=pine 0.70209 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.29122 CHARS -0.62975 WORDS -1.92810 ] using pines
CPL @1109 (57.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "forest dominated by _" "lower branches of _" "maples , dwarf _" "magnificent canopy of _" "_ line the drive" "conifers including _" "lots of mature _" "low branches of _" "large trees like _" "clump of tall _" "_ require full sunlight" "branches of white _" "edible seeds of _" "canopies of tall _" "lot has mature _" "hemlock , white _" "forest with tall _" "grounds planted with _" "stand of DDD-year-old _" "tall grove of _" "stands of red _" "tree species like _" "picnics under _" "open grown _" "sand , tall _" "plantations of native _" "areas of tall _" "pine , white _" "pest of young _" "areas are planted with _" "resin of ancient _" "plants , like _" "_ shade the soil" "breeze rustled through _" "_ form a canopy" "_ are gymnosperms" "plants closely related to _" "plants such as _" "forests made up of _" "conifers , such as _" "_ are drought-tolerant" "vegetation such as _" "grove of mature _" "forests containing _" "fruits , white _" "top branches of _" "tall groves of _" "stand of scrub _" "limbs of ancient _" "mixed stand of _" "nut producing _" "shade of large _" "canopy of century-old _" "bud development in _" "canopy of mature _" "lawns dotted with _" "mosses , small _" "native range of _" "pool is shaded by _" "root system of _" "Softwoods such as _" "narrow fairways lined with _" "plant rows of _" "pleasant grove of _" "quiet grove of _" "thousands of tall _" "tender leaves of _" "_ grew much taller" "large forest of _" "kiss beneath _" "land planted with _" "line of mature _" "bottom branches of _" "_ growing everywhere on" "_ develop deep roots" "red pine , white _" "lovely forest of _" "maples , black _" "_ providing some shade" "_ shade the house" "wind rustling in _" "thick bark of _" "tall stand of _" "high branches of _" "dunes covered with _" "grove of white _" "timbers such as _" "tree species including _" "wood of black _" "wind whispering through _" "bare branches of _" "twisted roots of _" "forest of mature _" "groves of tall _" "yellow birch , white _" "_ produce edible nuts" "trees other than _" "wood species such as _" "wind whispers in _" "white birch , white _" "monkeys swinging through _" "trees are mainly _" "nearby grove of _" "Conifers such as _" "bald eagles perched in _" "bird dispersed _" "dead , standing _" "_ have been planted along" "forest of young _" "genes from transgenic _" "many trees , including _" "mature stand of _" "_ grown outdoors in" "_ get too tall" "leaves , like _" "native trees like _" "sand among _" "row of tall _" "huge grove of _" "breeze among _" "dense grove of _" "cover of tall _" "crowns of mature _" "_ lost branches" "beds , mature _" "wood species , including _" "variety of mature _" "sand beaches lined with _" "removal of mature _" "plantations of non-native _" "tolerant than other _" "trees , black _" "Mediterranean vegetation with _" "conifers include _" "courtyard planted with _" "deciduous trees , including _" "bench beneath _" "trees of white _" "woodlands dominated by _" "thick grove of _" "woody species such as _" "winged seeds of _" "conifer species such as _" "dense planting of _" "branches of evergreen _" "pines , scrub _" "woody tissues of _" "_ were planted along" "woods , such as _" "trees consisting of _" "woods of tall _" "_ planted decades" "_ produce resin" "female flowers on _" "growth of scrub _" "exotic woods like _" "dense growth of _" "fairways lined with mature _" "forest composed of _" "forest of dead _" "forest is composed of _" "avenue of mature _" "white sand beaches lined with _" "shade of giant _" "thickets of small _" "wood of various _" "root area of _" "rock , green _" "plantings of ornamental _" "woods such as _" "_ shed needles" "Spider mites on _" "Trees such as _" "Thick forests of _" "Other trees , such as _" "areas with scattered _" "snow flocked _" "lower limbs of _" "oaks , native _" "tops of tall _" "needle-like leaves of _" "land planted in _" "young stands of _" "windbreak of _" "thick groves of _" "trunks of young _" "canopy of majestic _" "drought resistance in _" "pathway lined with _" "little wood of _" "canopy of giant _" "woodpecker holes in _" "wind whisper through _" "pool set among _" "conifers are _" "magnificent groves of _" "meadows dotted with _" "woody plants like _" "woods , tall _" "Pollen grains of _" "yard with mature _" "_ commonly planted in" "young shoots of _" "wind rustled through _" "trunks of giant _" "trees such as red _" "plantings include _" "stand of small _" "trunks of ancient _" "sparse cover of _" "_ are the predominant trees" "protective branches of _" "forest of evergreen _" "forest with towering _" "groves of white _" "_ dominate the canopy" "trees are white _" "species of white _" "thick row of _" "vines , tall _" "stand of tall _" "trees were mostly _" "plantations of fast-growing _" "thick fringe of _" "trees such as white _" "such plants as _" "square shaded by _" "stands of young _" "root zones of _" "seeds of many _" "forest of ancient _" "house surrounded by mature _" "gardens , mature _" "leaves of white _" "long grove of _" "refreshing scent of _" "lower branches on _" "plants , including _" "shrubs such as _" "straight trunks of _" "evergreens , including _" "canopy of ancient _" "bare limbs of _" "shrubs , native _" "stands of dead _" "shelter belts of _" "huge stand of _" "hammock between _" "grassland with scattered _" "invasive plants such as _" "grove of wild _" "large stand of _" "planting of white _" "magnificent forest of _" "bushes , tall _" "bark , such as _" "branch tips of _" "new stand of _" "canopy of red _" "canopy of native _" "bouquet of _" "campsite under _" "other trees including _" "roots of nearby _" "second growth forest of _" "shade , under _" "softwoods including _" "small stands of _" "shady grove of _" "I finished planting _" "trees include _" "stands of large _" "grove of black _" "gymnosperms such as _" "sparse stand of _" "pests of ornamental _" "large trees including _" "many trees including _" "plantings , ornamental _" "row of mature _" "plants , such as _" "softwood trees such as _" "grove of stunted _" "growth of red _" "grove of tall _" "grassy area under _" "track lined with _" "conifers such as _" "_ germinate only after" "rhizosphere of _" "_ are preferred hosts" "branches of thick _" "Spanish moss hanging from _" "ash , white _" "backyard with mature _" "home is surrounded by mature _" "height growth of _" "internet whispering _" "mixed stands with _" "stands of black _" "_ are unisexual" "_ need good drainage" "gardens with tall _" "garden shaded by _" "grove of giant _" "grove of old _" "little grove of _" "line of tall _" "softwoods are _" "low branches from _" "_ are planted than" "Douglas fir , white _" "stand of large _" "rows of tall _" "branches of giant _" "growth of white _" "stands of exotic _" "Plants such as _" "mixtures with other _" "larger trees such as _" "_ form dense stands" "Needles on fresh _" "row of young _" "sand dunes covered with _" "_ prefer a soil pH" "thick stands of _" "breeze rustling through _" "_ fix nitrogen" "_ prefer well-drained soil" "forest of white _" "forests of mature _" "evergreen trees such as _" "unique collection of rare _" "stand of mixed _" "_ are very winter hardy" "impressive stands of _" "_ require soil" "_ ' crowns" "forest consisting of _" "great grove of _" "forest of old-growth _" "old gnarled _" "area , shaded by _" "copse of _" "branches of mature _" "coniferous trees , such as _" "nest in tall _" "moss hanging from _" "nutrient uptake of _" "shade from mature _" "seeds of tropical _" "they were hidden behind _" "Other trees such as _" "canopy of tall _" "Weeds such as _" "numerous stands of _" "fields of tall _" "early successional species such as _" "acres of tall _" "beautiful stand of _" "_ need moist" "species including red _" "stands of mature _" "rocks , fallen _" "pines , black _" "fossilized resin of _" "higher branches of _" "magnificent stand of _" "green leaved _" "large grove of _" "trees are primarily _" "seed crop of _" "stem , as in _" "Common trees include _" "bark of mature _" "plantation of young _" "shrubs , like _" "bark of dead _" "forests of huge _" "species of ornamental _" "stand of black _" "shrubs , such as _" "amongst mature _" "outer bark of _" "meadows of tall _" "lush grove of _" "huge groves of _" "forest is mostly _" "forest trees , including _" "grass , tall _" "growth of tall _" "hard wood like _" "beautiful grove of _" "even-aged stands of _" "common plants like _" "crowns of tall _" "breeze whispering through _" "healthy stand of _" "fragrance of tropical _" "forest of majestic _" "gardens lined with _" "small groves of _" "solid stand of _" "sparse growth of _" "thicker stands of _" "lovely grove of _" "Tall stands of _" "Other plants , such as _" "mature stands of _" "native species such as _" "large garden filled with _" "control of invasive _" "grove of beautiful _" "thicket of low _" "spruce , red _" "several groves of _" "trees here are _" "thick clump of _" "stands of longleaf _" "property with mature _" "copses of _" "dense groves of _" "property has mature _" "radial growth of _" "countryside dotted with _" "old growth white _" "nurseries growing _" "mixed forest of _" "dense forest of tall _" "cedar , white _" "container grown _" "hammock beneath _" "host plants , including _" "forest of large _" "fairways , mature _" "grove of yellow _" "_ are felled in" "_ fallen across" "continuous stand of _" "_ planted along" "_ line the fairways" "occasional stand of _" "nests in tall _" "American beech , red _" "_ scented forests" "good stand of _" "grounds are lush with _" "fine stands of _" "_ are the dominant trees" "trunks of old _" "trees are mostly _" "pool , shaded by _" "large groves of _" "park of secular _" "impacts of invasive _" "forest of tall _" "_ are borne in" "_ have long needles" "forests dominated by _" "garden with tall _" "grove of young _" "plantings of" ] using pines
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are evergreen arg1" "arg2 and sweet chestnut arg1" "arg2 and other broadleaf arg1" "arg2 and Russian Olive arg1" "arg2 and Chinese scholar arg1" "arg2 and Douglas fir arg1" "arg2 and some oak arg1" "arg2 and other evergreen arg1" "arg2 and hemlock arg1" "arg2 and white fir arg1" "arg2 and pine arg1" "arg2 and bur oak arg1" "arg2 and pinon arg1" "arg2 are thirsty arg1" "arg2 and bald cypress arg1" "arg2 and spruce arg1" "arg2 and quaking aspen arg1" "arg2 are popular Christmas arg1" "arg2 or fir arg1" "arg2 and Birch arg1" "arg2 and oak arg1" "arg2 and redwood arg1" "arg2 and magnolia arg1" "arg2 used as Christmas arg1" "arg2 and birch arg1" "arg2 grown for Christmas arg1" "arg2 and ilex arg1" "arg2 and beech arg1" "arg2 and cedar arg1" "arg2 and maples arg1" "arg2 and horse chestnut arg1" "arg2 trees and olive arg1" "arg2 and fir arg1" "arg2 and wild apple arg1" "arg2 are used for Christmas arg1" "arg2 and white cedar arg1" "arg2 or cypress arg1" "arg2 trees and oak arg1" "arg2 or other evergreen arg1" "arg2 and even palm arg1" "arg2 and sweetgum arg1" "arg2 and aspen arg1" "arg2 and other specimen arg1" "arg2 and tulip arg1" "arg2 and other shade arg1" "arg2 and willow arg1" "arg2 and eastern hemlock arg1" "arg2 and live oak arg1" "arg2 and cottonwood arg1" "arg2 and yew arg1" "arg2 and sweet gum arg1" "arg2 and blue gum arg1" "arg2 trees and deciduous arg1" "arg2 and sycamore arg1" "arg2 and holm oak arg1" "arg2 and silver birch arg1" "arg2 and other deciduous arg1" "arg2 and locust arg1" "arg2 and eucalyptus arg1" "arg2 and cypress arg1" "arg2 and the mulberry arg1" "arg2 and hickory arg1" "arg2 and white birch arg1" "arg2 and native hardwood arg1" "arg2 and assorted fruit arg1" "arg2 and other hardwood arg1" "arg2 and Madrone arg1" "arg2 and white ash arg1" "arg2 and other coniferous arg1" "arg2 and poplar arg1" "arg2 and other conifer arg1" "arg2 and black gum arg1" "arg2 as well as deciduous arg1" "arg2 and deciduous arg1" ] using (trees, pines)
OE @823 (98.6%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (trees, pines)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and chokecherry arg1" "arg2 and Manzanita arg1" "arg2 and cedar arg1" "arg2 and deciduous arg1" ] using (bushes, pines)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sweet chestnut arg2" "arg1 and some deciduous arg2" "arg1 and Chinese scholar arg2" "arg1 and wild cherry arg2" "arg1 and white fir arg2" "arg1 and pecan arg2" "arg1 and bald cypress arg2" "arg1 and spruce arg2" "arg1 and quaking aspen arg2" "arg1 and chinquapin arg2" "arg1 and wild pear arg2" "arg1 are popular Christmas arg2" "arg1 or fir arg2" "arg1 and Birch arg2" "arg1 and oak arg2" "arg1 and sequoia arg2" "arg1 and wild olive arg2" "arg1 and secular olive arg2" "arg1 and magnolia arg2" "arg1 used as Christmas arg2" "arg1 and Deodar arg2" "arg1 and chestnut arg2" "arg1 and birch arg2" "arg1 and blue spruce arg2" "arg1 grown for Christmas arg2" "arg1 and ilex arg2" "arg1 and ash arg2" "arg1 and beech arg2" "arg1 and incense cedar arg2" "arg1 and carob arg2" "arg1 and cedar arg2" "arg1 and maples arg2" "arg1 and rhododendron arg2" "arg1 and horse chestnut arg2" "arg1 and silver olive arg2" "arg1 are used for Christmas arg2" "arg1 and white cedar arg2" "arg1 and broadleaf arg2" "arg1 and sweetgum arg2" "arg1 and aspen arg2" "arg1 and other specimen arg2" "arg1 and dogwood arg2" "arg1 and willow arg2" "arg1 and eastern hemlock arg2" "arg1 and broadleaved arg2" "arg1 and cottonwood arg2" "arg1 and yew arg2" "arg1 and sweet gum arg2" "arg1 trees and deciduous arg2" "arg1 and sycamore arg2" "arg1 and holm oak arg2" "arg1 and silver birch arg2" "arg1 and other deciduous arg2" "arg1 and hickory arg2" "arg1 and white birch arg2" "arg1 and other hardwood arg2" "arg1 and linden arg2" "arg1 and Madrone arg2" "arg1 and white ash arg2" "arg1 and manzanita arg2" "arg1 and other coniferous arg2" "arg1 and poplar arg2" "arg1 and cork oak arg2" "arg1 and black gum arg2" ] using (pines, trees)
OE @823 (96.1%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (pines, trees)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and cedar arg2" "arg1 and cottonwood arg2" "arg1 and aspen arg2" "arg1 forests and olive arg2" ] using (pines, groves)