CPL @1111 (53.3%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "mulch between _" "_ lined driveway" "_ including azaleas" "grass , trimming _" "occasional stand of _" "gardens are lush with _" "mowing , trimming _" "Essential oils are extracted from _" "root balls of _" "deer browse on _" "planting of native _" "plants such as _" "vines , tall _" "cultivation of ornamental _" "_ provide an outdoor home" "you are considering planting _" "shade loving _" "weeding , planting _" "crops , ornamental _" "flowers , trim _" "place was overgrown with _" "other blooming _" "row of tall _" "flowers , ornamental _" "front of evergreen _" "flowers , green _" "flowers , trimming _" "_ are still dormant" "groves of native _" "drip line of _" "dense plantings of _" "pruning of ornamental _" "plants , flowering _" "_ have been planted along" "areas of tall _" "_ grows next" "trees , native _" "shade trees , flowering _" "forests composed of _" "nest hidden in _" "volunteers have planted _" "years , planting _" "other shade loving _" "grass , pruning _" "garden with established _" "lawn , trim _" "lower limbs of _" "shade beneath _" "thickets of tall _" "grounds planted with _" "they perch in _" "windbreak of _" "large planting of _" "roses , exotic _" "dense growth of _" "bark mulch around _" "lower branches of _" "clumps of red _" "variety of mature _" "trees , ornamental _" "_ planted adjacent" "paths lined with _" "_ lined path" "_ planted along" "bare branches of _" "sprigs of _" "low-hanging branch of _" "thick growth of _" "field of tall _" "planting native _" "patches of bright green _" "waxy leaves of _" "weeds , overgrown _" "_ are propagated from" "large thickets of _" "mass planting of _" "tall stand of _" "grass , trim _" "formal plantings of _" "spring blooming _" "_ are leafless" "plants like _" "other low growing _" "leaves of _" "clearing amongst _" "lawns dotted with _" "_ was planted along" "garden varieties of _" "Dwarf varieties of _" "propagation of native _" "shady place under _" "garden planted with _" "site is overgrown with _" "row of dense _" "lawns , tropical _" "lawned garden with _" "low branches of _" "lots of mature _" "weeds , dead _" "mixed planting of _" "leaves on deciduous _" "plants , pruning _" "early spring blooming _" "_ planted alongside" "drive lined with _" "large plants like _" "_ sheared into" "nursery grown _" "growth of tall _" "leaves of nearby _" "lawns , trimming _" "damage to ornamental _" "_ were growing along" "garden with beautiful _" "copse of _" "planting of appropriate _" "large leaves of _" "thick cluster of _" "thickets of dense _" "thick clump of _" "_ trimmed away from" "lawns , flowering _" "garden with mature _" "garden , mature _" "planters filled with _" "small grove of _" "trees , decorative _" "clump of low _" "Plant lots of _" "_ growing below" "fields , planting _" "lawn with mature _" "sparse clumps of _" "_ are rhododendrons" "trees , flowering _" "patio with mature _" "gardens with mature _" "grove of _" "fields of green _" "mixed borders of _" "man trimming _" "garden of tropical _" ] using shrubbery
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 trees and tropical arg2" "arg1 trees and lush arg2" "arg1 trees and exotic arg2" "arg1 trees and other exotic arg2" ] using (palm, shrubbery)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and birch arg1" "arg2 and spruce arg1" "arg2 and oak arg1" "arg2 and beautiful maple arg1" "arg2 and different fruit arg1" "arg2 and magnolia arg1" "arg2 and pine arg1" ] using (trees, shrubbery)
CPL @1097 (98.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and birch arg2" "arg1 and spruce arg2" "arg1 and dogwood arg2" "arg1 and oak arg2" "arg1 and chestnut arg2" "arg1 and magnolia arg2" ] using (shrubbery, trees)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey