SEAL @247 (93.8%) on 10-may-2011 [ 1234 ] using stems
CMC @1060 (98.8%) on 24-may-2017 [ LASTSUFFIX=ms 1.65839 SUFFIX=ms 1.39688 FULL_POS=NNS 1.15439 LASTPREFIX=ste 0.96825 LASTPREFIX=st 0.76693 PREFIX=stem 0.76674 LASTPREFIX=stem 0.74660 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.31958 CHARS -0.62201 WORDS -1.60857 ] using stems
MBL @824 (99.8%) on 24-mar-2014 [ Promotion of legume:stems plantgrowinginplant plant:tree ]
CPL @1108 (59.5%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ produce leaves" "woman planting _" "hardwoods , including _" "_ are monocarpic" "_ are tubers" "They are herbaceous _" "_ provide wildlife cover" "thickets of thorny _" "thick tufts of _" "summer , flowering _" "_ grow up through" "_ bearing large" "_ form dense clumps" "_ growing underneath" "roses with white _" "softwood cuttings of _" "plants , such as _" "vines , including _" "vase of _" "root crowns of _" "flowers such as _" "flowers , tall _" "dry weights of _" "plants other than _" "cold hardiness of _" "_ provide nectar" "_ blooming throughout" "_ become too tall" "clusters of white _" "bark of young _" "_ including roses" "_ are thornless" "tussocks of _" "flowers on separate _" "_ are extremely fragrant" "_ are grown against" "base of infected _" "_ are sweetly fragrant" "flowers , ornamental _" "few flowering _" "_ have no leaves" "green blooming _" "_ form a dense canopy" "_ dominate the canopy" "_ cover the tree" "_ do not produce seeds" "_ require fertile soil" "plants , including _" "purple loosestrife _" "leaves , red _" "bouquets of _" "_ sprout new leaves" "leaves with pink _" "leafy parts of _" "plants , cut _" "overwinters on _" "peeling bark of _" "clusters on long _" "catkins on _" "flowers on long _" "flower , cut _" "many blooming _" "green leaved _" "weeds , trim _" "range of dried _" "spring , flowering _" "_ require staking" "tall swaying _" "tip cuttings of _" "soil , cut _" "leaves , pink _" "standing , dead _" "vase life of _" "leaves are off _" "bark of dead _" "plants , cutting _" "phloem of _" "_ do not require staking" "internodes of _" "bouquet of fresh-cut _" "sap extracted from _" "sap obtained from _" "_ have flower buds" "_ produce resin" "tops of mature _" "_ blooming through" "_ form thick mats" "_ flowering on" "fruit right off _" "bark on young _" "_ setting seed" "_ are carnations" "growth of tall _" "nests in hollow _" "host plants such as _" "low , spreading _" "_ have a vase life" "_ well watered throughout" "tall , flowering _" "blooms such as _" "_ need no staking" "grey bark of _" "plant with tiny _" "clumps of low _" "spring flowers , including _" "daisy like _" "several flowering _" "_ reaching D'" "_ form dense stands" "_ originally planted in" "small vase of _" "aphids feeding on _" "leaves , like _" "_ provide fiber" "bouquet of fresh _" "low creeping _" "leaves clasp _" "_ are cooked through" "_ have alternate leaves" "_ originally planted by" "_ having leaves" "_ have bright green" "_ bear clusters" "roses , delicate _" "berries appear on _" "base of woody _" "arrangements , cut _" "hardwood cuttings of _" "natural extract from _" "_ are leggy" "_ contain toxic compounds" "flowers include _" "growth habit of _" "female flowers on _" "herbs including _" "roses , cut _" "plants with white _" "ornaments , artificial _" "bark of woody _" "canker of _" "_ produce blooms" "_ called rhizomes" "seeds , young _" "secondary xylem of _" "dried leaves from _" "_ cover the plant" "_ are cut back after" "clippings , dead _" "tall , swaying _" "_ have green leaves" "_ produce white flowers" "flowers are on separate _" "female flowers on separate _" "_ are very cold hardy" "woody part of _" "They also feed on _" "Sow seeds of _" "plant with red _" "Fresh cut _" "outer bark of _" "flowers on tall _" "leaves fall off _" "ground portions of _" "flowers , cut _" "tender shoots of _" "trees are grown from _" "bark of mature _" "_ have dark green foliage" "actual planting of _" "collection of herbaceous _" "inner bark of _" "fields eating _" "growth of understory _" "plants , like _" "roses , green _" "sap of certain _" "winter interest with _" "forest of small _" "tender leaves of _" "vine , red _" "variety of woody _" "large gnarled _" "_ have perfect flowers" "_ do not need staking" "woody tissues of _" "pruning rose _" "rodent damage to _" "tops of tall _" "thick growing _" "_ produce flower buds" "flowers , flowering _" "density of woody _" "defense responses in _" "botanicals including _" "dense mats of _" "caterpillar feeds on _" "plants like _" "vegetarians , feeding on _" "wood of dead _" "number of woody _" "plants with colorful _" "petals off _" "huge clumps of _" "flowers on slender _" "_ get too tall" "leaves of _" "flowers , artificial _" "close growing _" "perennial herb with _" "Stir in chopped _" "plants such as _" "vigorous , spreading _" "water , cook _" "vegetation such as _" "_ produce suckers" "mealy bugs on _" "several blooming _" "_ encourages new growth" "_ become woody" "vases with fresh _" "_ make excellent cut flowers" "white berries on _" "bark , red _" "clump of tall _" "_ make great cut flowers" "weeds like _" "_ get leggy" "_ have vascular tissue" "flowers on strong _" "dense growth of _" "lower leaves from _" "lower limbs on _" "woody tissue in _" "terminal bud of _" "seasonal blooming _" "_ bear leaves" "_ are easily propagated from" "mat of green _" "bunches of dried _" "clumps of tall _" "crowns of large _" "roses , exotic _" "_ held well above" "aerial portions of _" "_ stems per" "milky juice of _" "loose bark of _" "young tips of _" "tips of young _" "_ are violet-blue" "oils extracted from _" "leaves , white _" "sap rises in _" "_ grew leaves" "_ are usually purple" "_ are potted in" "vigorous growing _" "vegetation , such as _" "short creeping _" "_ are almost tender" "leaves on mature _" "leafy portion of _" "pink roses with _" "nest of dry _" "flowers including _" "_ make a colorful addition" "thick clumps of _" "leaves of young _" "_ survive fire" "aphids off _" "resin derived from _" "white flowering _" "bouquet of _" "cambial region of _" "_ become tall" "leaves with long _" "meristems of _" "clumps of green _" "base of infested _" "_ produce new growth" "_ mainly grow in" "bouquets , single _" "soil moist until _" "_ become top-heavy" "form of woody _" "flowers grow on separate _" "_ bear flowers" "flowers on different _" "herbs , cut _" "thick clump of _" "_ ' crowns" "flowers , woody _" "_ are woody perennials" "growth of woody _" "thick mat of _" "flowers are borne on separate _" "cup chopped _" "Clusters of small _" "_ are fork tender" "woody parts of _" "scale insects on _" "radial growth of _" "flowers on short _" "blades of green _" "blooms on long _" "different plants such as _" "foliage of many _" "_ have a long vase life" "_ attract butterflies" "_ dominate the garden" "clump of purple _" "dense mat of _" "grove of _" "_ are sprouting leaves" "_ appear all summer" "_ are shipped fresh" "leaves appear on _" "bouquets of dried _" "plant with purple _" "bouquets , fresh _" "_ are succulents" "copse of _" "bunch of fresh _" "_ are several inches tall" "_ have smooth bark" "growth of herbaceous _" "nursery grown _" "second flush of _" "plants , woody _" "_ are leafless" "_ are usually grown in" "stands containing _" "_ growing below" "cuttings of woody _" "_ are light pink" "_ attract bees" "patch of tall _" "early spring growth of _" "milky sap of _" "_ are very fragrant" "grasses , woody _" "plants includes _" "petals off of _" "_ produce clusters" "lower leaves on _" "_ have thorns" "diameter growth of _" "herbs such as _" "flowers , green _" "_ start blooming in" "plant species , including _" "plant with white _" "_ add winter interest" "thick stand of _" "nest in hollow _" "masses of colourful _" "_ are harvested around" "cuttings from healthy _" "cambium from _" "stands of tall _" "_ are somewhat hardy" "_ are excellent cut flowers" "leaves , tall _" "bridal bouquet with _" "female flowers are on separate _" "small blooming _" "internode of _" "_ produce branches" "flowers , trim _" "fruit hanging from _" "top growth of _" "suck juices from _" ] using stems
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that bore in arg2" "arg1 bore into arg2" "arg1 or pupae in arg2" "arg1 will bore into arg2" "arg1 that bore into arg2" "arg1 may feed on arg2" "arg1 that tunnel into arg2" "arg1 eat holes in arg2" "arg1 feeding inside arg2" "arg1 bore through arg2" ] using (larvae, stems)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 may also feed on arg2" "arg1 that bore into arg2" "arg1 bore into arg2" "arg1 may feed on arg2" ] using (beetles, stems)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 which bore into arg2" "arg1 that bore into arg2" "arg1 feed on plant arg2" "arg1 suck juices from arg2" "arg1 that cluster on arg2" "arg1 that tunnel into arg2" ] using (insects, stems)
OE @811 (99.2%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (larvae, stems)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 crawl up arg2" "arg1 have bored into arg2" "arg1 that bore in arg2" "arg1 bore into arg2" "arg1 from crawling up arg2" "arg1 commonly infest arg2" "arg1 or pupae in arg2" "arg1 will bore into arg2" "arg1 that bore into arg2" "arg1 can bore into arg2" "arg1 that tunnel into arg2" "arg1 eat holes in arg2" "arg1 eat their way through arg2" "arg1 live in rotting arg2" "arg1 feeding inside arg2" "arg1 bore through arg2" ] using (larvae, stems)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 which bore into arg2" "arg1 that bore into arg2" "arg1 that suck juices from arg2" "arg1 bore holes in arg2" "arg1 feed on plant arg2" "arg1 lay their eggs in arg2" "arg1 suck juices from arg2" "arg1 that cluster on arg2" "arg1 from leaves and arg2" "arg1 that tunnel into arg2" ] using (insects, stems)
OE @803 (97.0%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (insects, stems)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 lay their eggs in arg2" "arg1 lay eggs in arg2" "arg1 begin to lay eggs in arg2" "arg1 insert their eggs into arg2" "arg1 lay eggs on arg2" ] using (females, stems)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 may also feed on arg2" "arg1 that bore into arg2" "arg1 lay eggs in arg2" "arg1 bore into arg2" ] using (beetles, stems)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 bore into arg2" "arg1 chew through arg2" "arg1 that feed on plant arg2" "arg1 tunnel into arg2" ] using (caterpillars, stems)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with two or more main arg1" "arg2 by its multiple arg1" "arg2 and shrub arg1" "arg2 with codominant arg1" "arg2 ferns with arg1" "arg2 sends out multiple arg1" ] using (stems, tree)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that bore in arg2" "arg1 bore into arg2" "arg1 or pupae in arg2" "arg1 will bore into arg2" "arg1 that bore into arg2" "arg1 may feed on arg2" "arg1 that tunnel into arg2" "arg1 eat holes in arg2" "arg1 feeding inside arg2" "arg1 bore through arg2" ] using (larvae, stems)