CMC @1114 (97.7%) on 18-aug-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=es 1.27272 SUFFIX=ses 1.12366 PREFIX=tu 0.97455 FULL_POS=NNS 0.84702 LASTSUFFIX=sses 0.81529 LASTSUFFIX=ses 0.80653 SUFFIX=sses 0.71181 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.34160 CHARS -1.39919 WORDS -1.99172 ] using turfgrasses
CPL @1107 (71.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "other commonly grown _" "salinity tolerance in _" "root system of _" "foliar diseases of _" "stress tolerance in _" "Pesticides used on _" "plants , such as _" "root growth of _" "_ grown outdoors" "Weeds compete with _" "herbicide resistance in _" "top growth of _" "_ enter dormancy" "stress physiology of _" "foliar application to _" "stress tolerant _" "plants other than _" "_ prefer a soil" "fertilizer than other _" "releases of transgenic _" "growth of desirable _" "spot disease of _" "extensive planting of _" "Plants such as _" "root zone of _" "shade tolerant of _" "_ grown outdoors in" "establishment of desirable _" "plant species , including _" "growth of perennial _" "growth habit of _" "drought tolerance of _" "stress tolerance of _" "pest problems on _" "injury to desirable _" "endophyte infected _" "plants , including _" "ornamentals , including _" "root rot of _" "plants like _" "abiotic stress tolerance in _" "plants such as _" "vegetation , such as _" "nutrient needed by _" "occasional pests of _" "root systems than _" "grasses , including _" "mixtures with other _" "vegetation such as _" "winter damage to _" "fibrous roots of _" "Root systems of _" "perennial crops such as _" "underground stems of _" "severe pest of _" "benefits of native _" "nematodes affecting _" "root diseases of _" "_ are breaking dormancy" "_ prefer full sunlight" "leaves of _" "leaf spot disease of _" "root systems of _" "weeds compete with _" ] using turfgrasses
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (64.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "foliar diseases of _" "fertilizer requirements for _" "salt tolerance of _" "key pest of _" "Pesticides used on _" "pathogenicity on _" "_ grown outdoors" "Weeds compete with _" "host range including _" "stress tolerant _" "fertilizer than other _" "spot disease of _" "N applied to _" "phytotoxicity to _" "shallow rooted _" "root rot of _" "nitrogen fertilization of _" "abiotic stress tolerance in _" "nematode pest of _" "N requirements of _" "broad-leaved weeds in _" "crops such as _" "_ grow year-round" "grasses , including _" "blight diseases of _" "perennial crops such as _" "economic pests of _" "nematodes affecting _" "root diseases of _" "annual broadleaf weeds in _" "nitrogen requirements for _" "leaf spot disease of _" "weeds compete with _" ] using turfgrasses
CPL @1107 (69.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "salinity tolerance in _" "foliar diseases of _" "glyphosate resistant _" "salt tolerance of _" "key pest of _" "broadleaf weeds in _" "Pesticides used on _" "pathogenicity on _" "insect resistance in _" "root growth of _" "_ grown outdoors" "_ commonly grown in" "Weeds compete with _" "_ prefer a soil" "significant pest of _" "spot disease of _" "N applied to _" "drought tolerance of _" "endophyte infected _" "shallow rooted _" "root rot of _" "nitrogen fertilization of _" "abiotic stress tolerance in _" "nematode pest of _" "N requirements of _" "crops such as _" "common pest of _" "_ grow year-round" "grasses , including _" "important pests of _" "perennial crops such as _" "economic pests of _" "leaf spot on _" "nematodes affecting _" "root diseases of _" "annual broadleaf weeds in _" "leaf spot disease of _" "_ specifically grown for" "weeds compete with _" ] using turfgrasses
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey