SEAL @544 (59.4%) on 01-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using woody_plants
CPL @1105 (70.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ are also perennials" "_ have root systems" "_ have broad leaves" "_ are still dormant" "shrubs are _" "leaf buds of _" "stands of invasive _" "_ widely cultivated in" "_ prefer soils" "seed of native _" "chlorosis in _" "cultivars of ornamental _" "stems of certain _" "roots of certain _" "_ including rhododendrons" "_ including grapevines" "thickets of young _" "_ including azaleas" "use of ornamental _" "planting of deciduous _" "production of ornamental _" "forest of native _" "winter damage to _" "_ require full sunlight" "_ survive fire" "_ including blueberry" "aerial part of _" "bark of many _" "reproductive parts of _" "_ use the nutrients" "buds of many _" "planting of native _" "genus of tropical _" "removal of invasive _" "_ are propagated from" "foliage of several _" "cuttings of many _" "leaves of deciduous _" "collection of hardy _" "establishment of invasive _" "pests of many _" "root system of _" "roots of other _" "_ including azalea" "foliage of many _" "leaves of _" "_ including magnolia" "_ including roses" "pruning of ornamental _" "_ enter dormancy" "_ grown outdoors" "hollow stems of _" "_ break dormancy" "_ do not go dormant" "rhizosphere of _" "collection of temperate _" "flowers of other _" "_ produce new leaves" "flood tolerant _" "_ have multiple stems" "flower stalks of _" ] using woody_plants
CMC @827 (99.9%) on 30-mar-2014 [ PREFIX=plan 2.31399 LASTPREFIX=plan 2.19402 PREFIX=pl 1.05513 LASTPREFIX=pl 1.03930 LASTPREFIX=pla 1.03468 PREFIX=pla 1.00108 PREFIX=plant 0.74519 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.83466 CHARS -0.93574 WORDS -2.83349 ] using woody_plants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey