CPL @1109 (78.3%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "U.S. Senate seat now held by _" "Senate seat held by _" "Senate seat being vacated by _" "seat now held by _" "U.S. Senate seat being vacated by _" "senators like _" "Senate seat now held by _" "Republican Senators like _" "moderates like _" "seat being vacated by _" "U.S. Senate seat held by _" "centrist like _" "_ 's approval ratings" "_ is leaving the Senate" "senators such as _" "Republicans such as _" "_ won another term" "_ was the only Republican" "Republicans like _" "Senate race between _" "RINOs like _" "_ 's Conservatism" "_ is the only Republican" "general election against _" "Senators , such as _" "Senators like _" "centrists like _" "_ 's U.S. Senate seat" "seat currently occupied by _" "_ 's Senate seat" "U.S. named _" ] using olympia_snowe
CPL @1098 (80.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "U.S. Senate seat now held by _" "Senate seat held by _" "Senate seat being vacated by _" "seat now held by _" "Senators including _" "U.S. Senate seat being vacated by _" "senators like _" "Senate seat now held by _" "Republican Senators like _" "moderates like _" "seat being vacated by _" "U.S. Senate seat held by _" "Senate seat currently occupied by _" "moderates such as _" "_ 's approval ratings" "_ is leaving the Senate" "senators such as _" "Republican Senators such as _" "conservatives like _" "Republicans such as _" "_ won another term" "Senators such as _" "moderate conservatives like _" "_ was the only Republican" "Republicans like _" "Senate race between _" "McCain had picked _" "RINOs like _" "_ 's Conservatism" "_ is the only Republican" "Senators , such as _" "Senators like _" "centrists like _" "_ 's U.S. Senate seat" "seat currently occupied by _" "Republican moderates like _" "_ 's Senate seat" "politicians , such as _" "progressives such as _" "U.S. named _" ] using olympia_snowe
SEAL @680 (100.0%) on 07-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using olympia_snowe
CPL @1107 (63.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "U.S. Senate seat now held by _" "Senate seat held by _" "Senate seat being vacated by _" "U.S. Senate seat being vacated by _" "Senate seat now held by _" "seat being vacated by _" "U.S. Senate seat held by _" "centrist like _" "_ is leaving the Senate" "senators such as _" "_ 's open seat" "Senate race between _" "general election against _" "Senators , such as _" "centrists like _" "_ 's U.S. Senate seat" "_ 's Senate seat" ] using olympia_snowe
SEAL @170 (96.9%) on 18-nov-2010 [ 12345 ] using olympia_snowe
CPL @1107 (80.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "U.S. Senate seat now held by _" "Senate seat held by _" "Senate seat being vacated by _" "lawmakers like _" "primary challenger to _" "legislator like _" "seat now held by _" "_ 's political career" "Senators including _" "_ 's actual voting record" "U.S. Senate seat being vacated by _" "senators like _" "Senate seat now held by _" "Republican Senators like _" "moderates like _" "seat being vacated by _" "U.S. Senate seat held by _" "Senate seat currently occupied by _" "moderates such as _" "_ 's approval ratings" "_ is leaving the Senate" "senators such as _" "Republican Senators such as _" "Republicans such as _" "_ won another term" "Senators such as _" "_ is n't running for" "senators , including _" "_ was the only Republican" "_ 's open seat" "Senate race between _" "_ is a CFR member" "McCain had picked _" "I did not vote for _" "RINOs like _" "_ 's Conservatism" "_ is the only Republican" "I never voted for _" "general election against _" "Senators , such as _" "Senators like _" "centrists like _" "_ 's U.S. Senate seat" "seat currently occupied by _" "Republican moderates like _" "_ 's Senate seat" "politicians , such as _" "progressives such as _" "U.S. named _" ] using olympia_snowe
MBL @1094 (99.9%) on 02-jan-2018 [ Promotion of female:olympia_snowe politicianrepresentslocation country:u_s_ ]