CPL @1096 (86.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ casted a YES vote" "_ 's congressional campaign" "Democrat Has Supported _" "seat being vacated by _" "_ has not supported any Darfur legislation" "seat currently occupied by _" "_ cast a YES vote" "_ is the junior senator" "seat vacated by _" "U.S. named _" "_ apparently is comfortable" "_ 's Senate campaign" "_ has been named Futuresaver" "_ Also tagged in" "_ has cosponsored this bill" ] using tom_udall
CMC @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=tom 3.14714 POS=NN 3.13724 PREFIX=to 1.47169 SUFFIX=ll 1.34717 LASTSUFFIX=ll 1.20343 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.17575 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A_A 1.02817 SUFFIX=all -1.51723 CHARS -2.85324 WORDS -2.89229 ] using tom_udall
CPL @1095 (88.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ casted a YES vote" "congressional seat being vacated by _" "Democrat Has Supported _" "seat being vacated by _" "_ has not supported any Darfur legislation" "Senators led by _" "Congressional seat vacated by _" "seat currently occupied by _" "_ cast a YES vote" "_ is the junior senator" "_ is an American politician" "seat vacated by _" "U.S. named _" "_ apparently is comfortable" "_ 's Senate campaign" "he was trounced by _" "_ has been named Futuresaver" "_ Also tagged in" "_ has cosponsored this bill" ] using tom_udall
CMC @1085 (90.4%) on 08-dec-2017 [ FIRST_WORD=tom 4.62939 PREFIX=to 2.54908 POS=NN 2.44691 SUFFIX=om 2.20243 LASTSUFFIX=ll 1.50281 SUFFIX=dall 1.06480 LASTSUFFIX=dall 1.03507 SUFFIX=all -2.34906 WORDS -6.68143 CHARS -6.94083 ] using tom_udall
CMC @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=tom 4.92198 SUFFIX=om 2.50917 PREFIX=to 2.22843 SUFFIX=dall 1.13856 LASTSUFFIX=dall 0.99818 SUFFIX=ll 0.81419 PREFIX=ud 0.77292 SUFFIX=all -2.62333 CHARS -3.02875 WORDS -6.48571 ] using tom_udall
CPL @1103 (89.9%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ casted a YES vote" "re-election bid to _" "_ won the Democratic primary" "congressional seat being vacated by _" "Democrat Has Supported _" "seat being vacated by _" "_ has not supported any Darfur legislation" "Senators led by _" "seat currently occupied by _" "_ cast a YES vote" "_ is the junior senator" "_ 's campaign Web site" "_ is an American politician" "seat vacated by _" "U.S. named _" "_ apparently is comfortable" "_ 's Senate campaign" "_ has been named Futuresaver" "_ is the Democratic candidate" "_ Also tagged in" "_ has cosponsored this bill" "_ 's campaign web site" ] using tom_udall
MBL @1093 (99.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ Promotion of person:tom_udall politicianrepresentslocation geopoliticallocation:new_mexico ]
CPL @1096 (74.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ casted a YES vote" "_ won the Democratic primary" "seat being vacated by _" "_ cast a YES vote" "_ is the junior senator" "seat vacated by _" "_ apparently is comfortable" "_ 's Senate campaign" "_ has been named Futuresaver" "_ is the Democratic candidate" "_ Also tagged in" ] using tom_udall