CMC @1064 (99.7%) on 23-jun-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=nee 2.60934 PREFIX=need 2.56821 PREFIX=nee 2.46345 LASTPREFIX=need 2.44516 SUFFIX=eeds 1.90527 LASTSUFFIX=eeds 1.66483 SUFFIX=eds 1.57978 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -1.05152 WORDS -2.40309 FULL_POS=NNS -4.42075 ] using needs
SEAL @196 (87.5%) on 02-feb-2011 [ 123 ] using needs
CPL @1097 (80.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "series of human _" "profit organization dedicated to _" "education , vocational _" "equal access to basic _" "students do not meet _" "financing of basic _" "improvements in basic _" "equality in basic _" "individuals meeting _" "youth with mental _" "students with mental _" "workers basic _" "young people with special _" "protection of fundamental _" "unions , human _" "war , human _" "survival , basic _" "charge of human _" "disabilities in special _" "diploma in special _" "non-governmental organizations , human _" "levels of legal _" "component of special _" "degrees in special _" "children with special educational _" "care , basic _" "many students with special _" "sanitation , basic _" "teacher , special _" "sister with special _" "young children with special _" "education /special _" "rights , individual _" "commitment to patient _" "fight for basic _" "experience match _" "wind generated _" "you do not fulfill _" "classes fulfill _" "customers ’ specific _" "women access to basic _" "attention to human _" "advocacy for human _" "_ are met before" "classroom management , special _" "defence of basic _" "inclusive approaches to _" "you already meet _" "health , basic _" "guarantees of basic _" "you do not meet _" "quality of basic _" "standards for environmental _" "_ is the Individuals" "aspects of equine _" "_ have been violated in" "_ are basic rights" "situation of human _" "such areas as human _" "children’s basic _" "concerns of human _" "management , financial _" "majors have specific _" "bid meets _" "you meet certain _" "state has specific _" "systems meet _" "priority to basic _" "area of vocational _" "assurance of basic _" "you do not fit _" "balance between economic _" "discussions on human _" "civil rights , human _" "childhood education , special _" "you do not satisfy _" "physicians , other _" "issues related to special _" "high school , special _" "health care , environmental _" "infringement of basic _" "learning , social _" "links to human _" "expert in special _" "training program meets _" "welfare , social _" "whole-school approach to _" "workshop on human _" "young adults with special _" "teachers in special _" "vessel meets _" "_ surrounding children" "you do not fulfil _" "machine meets _" "expertise in human _" "understanding of multicultural _" "project satisfies _" "plan satisfies _" "relief , human _" "programs have additional _" "violation of human _" "computer meeting _" "plans meet _" "you have fulfilled _" "advocate for human _" "amount of electrical _" "you have satisfied _" "_ based immigration" "parents in special _" "right to basic _" "psychology applied to _" "nurses , special _" "rights-based approach to _" "computer meets _" "education law , special _" "courses meet _" "needs , physical _" "information technology applied to _" "line with national _" "program meet _" "learners with special _" "youth with special _" "violation of fundamental human _" "directors of special _" "changes in medical _" "committee on special _" "you meet specific _" "young person with special _" "application does not meet _" "infant with special _" "guarantees basic _" "masters in special _" "they still meet _" "early childhood special _" "approach to patient _" "rights , basic _" "regard to mental _" "repression of basic _" "general education , special _" "discussion on human _" "_ are human rights" "student in special _" "specifications as per _" "nutrition , basic _" "degree in special _" "continuum of medical _" "extent of special _" "advocacy , special _" "babies with special _" "management , human _" "care , economic _" "product meets _" "involvement in human _" "impact on basic _" "development , human _" "children with special _" "administration , social _" "meeting of human _" "importance of basic _" "safety , physical _" "secondary education , special _" "projects in basic _" "counseling , special _" "amount you pay in _" "courses in special _" "campers with special _" "definition of basic _" "defense of individual _" "compliance with local _" "fields of special _" "information on vocational _" "_ is a hot political issue" "minimum , meet _" "plan does not meet _" "protection for basic _" "partial fulfillment of _" "training meets _" "teens with special _" "security , basic _" "NOT satisfy _" "issue of human _" "citizens of basic _" "democracy , human _" "barriers to basic _" "baby with special _" "prevention of human _" "media , human _" "number of civil _" "meeting continuing _" "person meets _" "defense of human _" "Different states have different _" "issues in special _" "level of legal _" "integrated approaches to _" "action on human _" "access to universal _" "poverty , human _" "proposal meets _" "security , human _" "hygiene continuing _" "Foundation is dedicated to _" "politics , environmental _" "field of human _" "care , physical _" "technology in special _" "college dedicated to _" "pupils with special _" "relations , public _" "faculty dedicated to _" "denial of basic _" "documentation of human _" "pattern of human _" "lip service to human _" "lack access to basic _" "better meet _" "children without special _" "children with Special _" "applications meet _" "approach to special _" "graduates meet _" "equitable access to basic _" "intensive learning _" "federal spending for _" "grounds of human _" "liberties , human _" "partial fulfilment of _" "standard of basic _" "sustainable development , human _" "university dedicated to _" "application meets _" "background in special _" "attention to civil _" "issues such as basic _" "post secondary _" "restrictions on basic _" "respect of human _" "policy , human _" "_ have been met before" "abuse , human _" "community on human _" "legislation , public _" "institution meets _" "programs in human _" "medical care , public _" "_ are unalienable" "program also meets _" "resources for economic _" "priority to human _" "policies on human _" "gain access to basic _" "claims of human _" "organizations , human _" "provision of universal _" "proposals meet _" "suits your _" "focus on civil _" "health care , physical _" "software meets _" "experience meet _" "child mental _" "family member with special _" "mutual concerns for _" "older children with special _" "investment in basic _" "I teach special _" "Students with special _" "evaluation for special _" "it meets certain _" "_ are met during" "teachers meet _" "behalf of human _" "programs in special _" "practice in special _" "purposes of special _" "_ are met for" "concerns about human _" "compliance with basic _" "education , special _" "childhood special _" "surplus to _" "treatment , patient _" "trends in legal _" "suits your specific _" "other groups concerned with _" "people with secondary _" "improved access to basic _" "protection , economic _" "students fulfill _" "participation , human _" "regard for basic _" "server meets _" "societies , human _" "students with Special _" "status of basic _" "it did not meet _" "medical care , basic _" "record of human _" "restoration of basic _" "technology , continuing _" "abandonment of public _" "_ are trampled on" "_ are not met within" "different states have different _" "deprivation of basic _" "science , special _" "program satisfies _" "regular education , special _" "health , physical _" "health care , social _" "disregard for basic _" "_ have been met in" "_ are deferred until" "school children with special _" "software meet _" "students meets _" "supervisor of special _" "programs have special _" "education dedicated to _" "health care , economic _" "infant oral _" "child overall _" "goals of basic _" "efforts for human _" "increases in special _" "human rights approach to _" "referral for special _" "resources on special _" "Respect for human _" "services , human _" "program has different _" "program does not meet _" "respect of basic _" "_ are being met for" "focus on developmental _" "end to human _" "injustice , human _" "facility meets _" "student for special _" "support for mental _" "support to human _" "decisions about special _" "public expenditure on _" "primacy of human _" "nonprofit organization focusing on _" "national issues like _" "institution committed to _" "knowledge of primary _" "Ensure you meet _" "support for renewable _" "request meets _" "students with special _" "student meets _" "stringent set of _" "he/she meets _" "standpoint of national _" "responsibility for basic _" "they do not meet _" "attacks on basic _" "meeting general _" "assessment , special _" "expense of basic _" "fulfillment of specific _" "social justice , human _" "teacher professional _" "they meet basic _" "they meet certain _" "context of basic _" "courses fulfill _" "director of human _" "certain they meet _" "civil liberties , human _" "current issues in special _" "courses do not meet _" "system meets _" "responsibilities of special _" "other levels of _" "rights , global _" "preschool special _" "systematic denial of basic _" "support for nuclear _" "concern for basic _" "daughter with special _" "context of undergraduate _" "director of special _" "certification in special _" "client has unique _" "_ are met prior" "programs have specific _" "relationship between special _" "other priorities like _" "guarantee of basic _" "quality basic _" "respect for basic _" "science , public _" "students meeting _" "training satisfies _" "states have different _" "other children with special _" "organisation meets _" "national budget to _" "program in special _" "support for human _" "social work , special _" "adults with special _" "integration of human _" "child primary _" "communications firm specializing in _" "Program meets _" "Disparities in _" "_ is a justice issue" "bachelor of _" "evaluation of public _" "emphasis in special _" "employment" ] using needs
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and local government programs and arg2" "arg1 and local law enforcement arg2" "arg1 and local correctional arg2" "arg1 and federal law enforcement arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 to state moving arg2" "arg1 and local recovery arg2" "arg1 and local workforce development arg2" ] using (state, needs)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and local government programs and arg2" "arg1 and local law enforcement arg2" "arg1 and local correctional arg2" "arg1 and federal law enforcement arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 to state moving arg2" "arg1 and local recovery arg2" "arg1 and local workforce development arg2" ] using (state, needs)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and snowboard vacation arg2" "arg1 and snowboard rental arg2" "arg1 and snowboard arg2" "arg1 and snowboard equipment arg2" "arg1 or snowboard rental arg2" ] using (ski, needs)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of the helping arg1" "arg2 of the medical and legal arg1" "arg2 of the legal and accounting arg1" ] using (professions, needs)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House and government arg2" "arg1 River Junction or arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" ] using (white, needs)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House and government arg2" "arg1 River Junction or arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" ] using (white, needs)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and local government programs and arg2" "arg1 and local law enforcement arg2" "arg1 and local correctional arg2" "arg1 and federal law enforcement arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 to state moving arg2" "arg1 and local recovery arg2" "arg1 and local workforce development arg2" ] using (state, needs)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and local government programs and arg2" "arg1 and local law enforcement arg2" "arg1 and local correctional arg2" "arg1 and federal law enforcement arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 to state moving arg2" "arg1 and local recovery arg2" "arg1 and local workforce development arg2" ] using (state, needs)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and local government programs and arg2" "arg1 and local law enforcement arg2" "arg1 and local correctional arg2" "arg1 and federal law enforcement arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 to state moving arg2" "arg1 and local recovery arg2" "arg1 and local workforce development arg2" ] using (state, needs)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with emotional and behavioral arg2" "arg1 with documented arg2" "arg1 and children with developmental arg2" "arg1 who have children with developmental arg2" "arg1 with severe and multiple arg2" "arg1 and youth with mental health arg2" "arg1 with learning arg2" "arg1 affected by Autism arg2" "arg1 with significant developmental arg2" "arg1 with children with developmental arg2" ] using (families, needs)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who may have learning arg2" "arg1 who have learning arg2" "arg1 who have emotional or behavioral arg2" "arg1 with emotional or behavioral arg2" "arg1 with language and communication arg2" "arg1 who have writing arg2" "arg1 and adults who have physical arg2" "arg1 with high incidence arg2" "arg1 with specific learning arg2" "arg1 with learning and behavioural arg2" "arg1 with moderate learning arg2" "arg1 with documented learning arg2" "arg1 with severe behavioral arg2" "arg1 with autism and related arg2" "arg1 with serious emotional and behavioral arg2" "arg1 with diagnosed learning arg2" "arg1 with behavioural arg2" "arg1 with emotional and behavioral arg2" "arg1 with learning or behavioral arg2" "arg1 who have behavioral arg2" "arg1 with behavior arg2" "arg1 with language and learning arg2" "arg1 with Speech and Language arg2" "arg1 with documented arg2" "arg1 with behaviour arg2" "arg1 with mild learning arg2" "arg1 with learning arg2" "arg1 with learning and emotional arg2" "arg1 with behavior and emotional arg2" "arg1 with learning and behavioral arg2" "arg1 with emotional behavioral arg2" "arg1 with dyslexia or other learning arg2" "arg1 with identified learning arg2" "arg1 who have behavior arg2" "arg1 with emotional and behavior arg2" "arg1 with minor learning arg2" "arg1 with behavioral or emotional arg2" "arg1 with autism arg2" "arg1 with moderate to severe learning arg2" "arg1 with significant behavior arg2" "arg1 with learning and behavior arg2" "arg1 with low incidence arg2" "arg1 with neurobiological arg2" "arg1 with learning differences and arg2" "arg1 with behavioral and emotional arg2" "arg1 with language based learning arg2" "arg1 with behavioral and learning arg2" "arg1 identified with learning arg2" "arg1 with behavior and learning arg2" "arg1 with mild to moderate learning arg2" "arg1 with autism and communication arg2" "arg1 with severe emotional and behavioral arg2" "arg1 who have specific learning arg2" "arg1 with complex developmental arg2" "arg1 with severe and profound arg2" ] using (students, needs)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with behaviour arg2" "arg1 with learning and behavioural arg2" "arg1 with learning arg2" "arg1 with autism and other developmental arg2" "arg1 with specific developmental arg2" "arg1 who have behavioral arg2" "arg1 with specific learning arg2" "arg1 with autism and developmental arg2" "arg1 with autism arg2" "arg1 with documented arg2" "arg1 with specific reading arg2" "arg1 with behavioural arg2" ] using (individuals, needs)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the wake of Hurricane arg1" "arg2 after Hurricane arg1" "arg2 following Hurricane arg1" "arg2 in the aftermath of Hurricane arg1" ] using (katrina, needs)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the wake of Hurricane arg1" "arg2 after Hurricane arg1" "arg2 following Hurricane arg1" "arg2 in the aftermath of Hurricane arg1" ] using (katrina, needs)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House and government arg2" "arg1 River Junction or arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" ] using (white, needs)