CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 scheduled for arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in january arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 was implemented in February arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" ] using (products, n2006)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 to the public in November arg2" "arg1 is copyright arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 union negotiations arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" ] using (products, n2007)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is current as of December arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in January of arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" ] using (products, n2008)
CPL @1097 (99.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 in January of arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 scheduled for arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" ] using (products, n2010)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in January of arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" ] using (products, n2002)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 scheduled for arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" ] using (products, n2005)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January of arg2" ] using (products, n2000)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 scheduled for arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" ] using (products, n2011)
SEAL @625 (100.0%) on 17-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (links, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to useful sites and arg2" "arg1 to third party sites or arg2" "arg1 to sites which offer arg2" "arg1 to websites with arg2" "arg1 to sites offering arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to third party sites and arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to other sites or arg2" "arg1 to other websites and arg2" "arg1 to other web sites or arg2" "arg1 to third party websites and arg2" ] using (links, products)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 regarding our mission and arg2" "arg1 about our products and arg2" "arg1 from industry regarding the individual arg2" "arg1 on those services and arg2" ] using (comments, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to enable healthcare arg2" "arg1 and services of third party arg2" "arg1 to patients and health care arg2" "arg1 from a selected panel of arg2" "arg1 that enable service arg2" "arg1 to licensed health care arg2" "arg1 to help health care arg2" "arg1 available to healthcare arg2" "arg1 available to health care arg2" "arg1 or other health care arg2" "arg1 and services enable healthcare arg2" ] using (products, providers)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and resources for health arg2" "arg1 to patients and health arg2" "arg1 to consumers and health arg2" "arg1 to help patients and health arg2" "arg1 to assist health arg2" "arg1 and services to health arg2" ] using (products, care_professionals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to help health care arg2" "arg1 are all industry arg2" "arg1 are industry arg2" "arg1 are acknowledged arg2" ] using (products, leaders)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 regarding our company or arg2" "arg1 regarding pricing and availability of arg2" "arg1 that you have about our arg2" "arg1 regarding our company or our arg2" "arg1 people ask us about our arg2" "arg1 about your order or our arg2" "arg1 and comments about its arg2" "arg1 and answers about buying arg2" "arg1 about this site or its arg2" "arg1 you might have regarding our arg2" ] using (questions, products)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 regarding our company or arg2" "arg1 regarding our company or our arg2" "arg1 you might have regarding our arg2" "arg1 about our products and arg2" "arg1 from industry regarding the individual arg2" "arg1 or ideas relating to arg2" "arg1 on our Web Site and arg2" "arg1 on those services and arg2" "arg1 that you have about our arg2" ] using (comments, products)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" ] using (products, n2001)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" ] using (products, n2003)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" ] using (products, n2004)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the art alarm arg2" "arg1 of the art filtration arg2" "arg1 of the art biometric arg2" "arg1 of the art heating arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 of the art diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of the art AV arg2" "arg1 of the art ventilation arg2" ] using (state, products)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the art alarm arg2" "arg1 of the art filtration arg2" "arg1 of the art biometric arg2" "arg1 of the art heating arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 of the art diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of the art AV arg2" "arg1 of the art ventilation arg2" ] using (state, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 dioxide and waste arg2" "arg1 monoxide and other harmful arg2" "arg1 dioxide and methane arg2" "arg1 dioxide and mineral arg2" "arg1 dioxide and other harmful arg2" "arg1 stored in wood arg2" "arg1 monoxide and other combustion arg2" "arg1 dioxide and other toxic arg2" "arg1 dioxide and other waste arg2" "arg1 dioxide and other arg2" "arg1 monoxide and other toxic arg2" ] using (carbon, products)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 regarding our company or our arg2" "arg1 you might have regarding our arg2" "arg1 about your order or our arg2" ] using (concerns, products)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and medicines prescribed by arg1" "arg2 without first telling your arg1" "arg2 only as directed by your arg1" "arg2 or consult your arg1" "arg2 without checking with your arg1" "arg2 have to be prescribed by arg1" ] using (doctor, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (products, steve)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (products, steve)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (products, steve)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (products, steve)
CPL @1115 (96.9%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" ] using (products, last_year)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 is copyright arg2" "arg1 in Malaysia in arg2" "arg1 in January of arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 scheduled for arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 sales declined in arg2" ] using (products, n2009)
CPL @1115 (96.9%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" ] using (products, last_year)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January of arg2" ] using (products, n2000)
CPL @1115 (96.9%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" ] using (products, last_year)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as petrol and arg1" "arg2 that contain ammonia or arg1" "arg2 such as carbon dioxide and arg1" "arg2 such as iodine and arg1" ] using (alcohol, products)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 containing building arg2" "arg1 and asbestos containing arg2" "arg1 or other toxic arg2" "arg1 has been used in building arg2" "arg1 containing construction arg2" "arg1 or asbestos related arg2" "arg1 or asbestos containing arg2" ] using (asbestos, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 steel flat arg2" "arg1 dioxide and waste arg2" "arg1 monoxide and other harmful arg2" "arg1 fiber composite arg2" "arg1 monoxide and other poisonous arg2" "arg1 emissions or waste arg2" "arg1 monoxide into arg2" "arg1 footprint of individual arg2" "arg1 dioxide and methane arg2" "arg1 dioxide and hydrogen arg2" "arg1 dioxide and mineral arg2" "arg1 stored in wood arg2" "arg1 in harvested wood arg2" "arg1 disulfide and arg2" "arg1 dioxide waste arg2" "arg1 dioxide into useful arg2" "arg1 dioxide and other toxic arg2" "arg1 dioxide as well as arg2" "arg1 dioxide and other waste arg2" "arg1 dioxide emissions than arg2" "arg1 footprint of their arg2" "arg1 footprint of food arg2" "arg1 oxide arg2" "arg1 fiber and composite arg2" "arg1 dioxide emissions from burning arg2" "arg1 dioxide arg2" "arg1 dioxide and arg2" "arg1 footprint of its arg2" "arg1 neutral because arg2" "arg1 dioxide and inorganic arg2" "arg1 dioxide and other gaseous arg2" "arg1 footprints of their arg2" "arg1 monoxide and methane arg2" "arg1 dioxide as waste arg2" "arg1 dioxide from arg2" "arg1 monoxide and other arg2" ] using (carbon, products)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and methane arg2" "arg1 and other noxious arg2" "arg1 emissions or waste arg2" "arg1 footprint of their arg2" "arg1 and hydrocarbon arg2" "arg1 and water as waste arg2" "arg1 and other toxic arg2" "arg1 emissions from burning arg2" ] using (carbon_dioxide, products)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other alkali arg2" "arg1 dioxide arg2" "arg1 and bromine arg2" "arg1 bleach and other arg2" "arg1 and other toxic arg2" ] using (chlorine, products)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as gasoline and arg1" "arg2 like gasoline or arg1" "arg2 such as gasoline or arg1" "arg2 like gasoline and arg1" ] using (diesel_fuel, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to methane and carbon arg1" "arg2 are water vapor and carbon arg1" "arg2 produce less carbon arg1" "arg2 into water and carbon arg1" "arg2 like sulphur arg1" "arg2 from carbon arg1" "arg2 like titanium arg1" "arg2 produces carbon arg1" "arg2 releases large amounts of carbon arg1" "arg2 including carbon arg1" "arg2 that emit carbon arg1" "arg2 such as sulphur arg1" "arg2 such as carbon arg1" "arg2 include sulfur arg1" "arg2 such as water and carbon arg1" "arg2 like carbon arg1" "arg2 produce carbon arg1" "arg2 include carbon arg1" "arg2 like water and carbon arg1" "arg2 such as chlorine arg1" "arg2 are converted to carbon arg1" "arg2 and carbon arg1" "arg2 such as titanium arg1" "arg2 from atmospheric carbon arg1" "arg2 into alcohol and carbon arg1" "arg2 other than carbon arg1" "arg2 into harmless carbon arg1" "arg2 are water and carbon arg1" "arg2 into methane and carbon arg1" "arg2 emits less carbon arg1" "arg2 such as sulfur arg1" "arg2 out of carbon arg1" ] using (dioxide, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are nitrogen arg1" "arg2 such as liquefied petroleum arg1" "arg2 include petroleum and natural arg1" "arg2 such as oil and natural arg1" "arg2 such as chlorine arg1" "arg2 and liquefied arg1" "arg2 such as nitrogen arg1" "arg2 and liquefied natural arg1" "arg2 and liquefied petroleum arg1" "arg2 like coal and arg1" "arg2 of greenhouse arg1" "arg2 such as coal or natural arg1" "arg2 such as liquid petroleum arg1" "arg2 or liquefied arg1" "arg2 like oil and arg1" "arg2 such as petroleum and arg1" "arg2 such as coal and natural arg1" ] using (gas, products)
OE @809 (96.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (gases, products)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and other toxic arg2" "arg1 or liquefied petroleum arg2" "arg1 and other poisonous arg2" "arg1 and other hydrocarbon arg2" ] using (gases, products)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 footprint of their arg2" "arg1 emissions and other harmful arg2" "arg1 emissions or waste arg2" "arg1 emissions than conventional arg2" ] using (greenhouse_gas, products)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as polyaromatic arg1" "arg2 such as nitrogen oxides and arg1" "arg2 such as polycyclic aromatic arg1" "arg2 called chlorinated arg1" ] using (hydrocarbons, products)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and oxygen are arg2" "arg1 peroxide to arg2" "arg1 sulphide and other arg2" "arg1 cyanide and other arg2" "arg1 peroxide and other arg2" "arg1 dioxide arg2" "arg1 sulfide arg2" ] using (hydrogen, products)
OE @832 (97.6%) on 18-apr-2014 [ ] using (hydrogen, products)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 oxide hydroxide arg2" "arg1 sulfide arg2" "arg1 beds and associated arg2" "arg1 ore and other raw arg2" "arg1 oxide arg2" "arg1 ore and other arg2" ] using (iron, products)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as petrol and arg1" "arg2 like gasoline and arg1" "arg2 like gasoline or arg1" "arg2 such as gasoline and arg1" "arg2 such as diesel and arg1" ] using (jet_fuel, products)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like gasoline and arg1" "arg2 such as gasoline or arg1" "arg2 such as gasoline and arg1" "arg2 like gasoline or arg1" ] using (kerosene, products)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 containing the element arg1" "arg2 like mercury and arg1" "arg2 like zinc and arg1" "arg2 such as mercury and arg1" ] using (lead, products)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as lead and arg1" "arg2 such as arsenic or arg1" "arg2 like lead and arg1" "arg2 including arsenic and arg1" ] using (mercury, products)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 containing carbon and arg1" "arg2 like oxygen and arg1" "arg2 such as oxides of arg1" ] using (nitrogen, products)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as fertilizers or arg1" "arg2 such as cadmium and arg1" "arg2 such as organochlorine arg1" ] using (pesticides, products)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as petroleum and arg1" "arg2 like gasoline and arg1" "arg2 such as gasoline and arg1" "arg2 such as fertilizers or arg1" ] using (plastics, products)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as gold and arg1" "arg2 like gold and arg1" "arg2 such as sterling arg1" "arg2 such as nickel arg1" ] using (silver, products)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 parts and boat arg2" "arg1 transport and boat arg2" "arg1 accessories and marine arg2" "arg1 accessories and boating arg2" "arg1 covers and related arg2" "arg1 parts and marine arg2" "arg1 manufacturers to showcase their arg2" "arg1 means boat arg2" "arg1 and marine parts and arg2" ] using (boat, products)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 supplements and sports nutrition arg2" "arg1 equipment and nutritional arg2" "arg1 and musclebuilding arg2" "arg1 supplement manufacturer arg2" "arg1 supplements and bodybuilding arg2" "arg1 store with the best arg2" ] using (bodybuilding, products)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 gear and arg2" "arg1 equipment and fitness arg2" "arg1 equipment and nutritional arg2" "arg1 equipment and exercise arg2" ] using (fitness, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 balls nike arg2" "arg1 apparel and arg2" "arg1 training impact arg2" "arg1 carts used arg2" "arg1 balls and golf arg2" "arg1 clubs golf arg2" "arg1 clubs and other golfing arg2" "arg1 gift and golf arg2" "arg1 club components and arg2" "arg1 clubs and golfing arg2" "arg1 teaching aid arg2" "arg1 training aid arg2" "arg1 bags and other golf arg2" "arg1 balls and other sports arg2" "arg1 and turf maintenance arg2" "arg1 shoes and golf arg2" "arg1 course irrigation arg2" "arg1 ball tracking arg2" "arg1 training aids and golf arg2" "arg1 course equipment arg2" "arg1 swing training aid arg2" "arg1 shop golf arg2" "arg1 accessories and golf arg2" "arg1 clubs and golf arg2" "arg1 balls and other golfing arg2" "arg1 gear and arg2" "arg1 or snowboard arg2" "arg1 clubs or equipment arg2" "arg1 courses and golf arg2" "arg1 balls and arg2" "arg1 swing training arg2" "arg1 course real estate arg2" "arg1 carts and related arg2" "arg1 clubs and other golf arg2" "arg1 gifts and golf arg2" "arg1 balls and other arg2" "arg1 clone which are quality arg2" "arg1 courses or golf arg2" "arg1 merchandise and golf arg2" "arg1 divot tool arg2" "arg1 services and golf arg2" "arg1 shop offering the latest arg2" "arg1 tees and other arg2" "arg1 discounts on golf arg2" "arg1 balls and other golf arg2" "arg1 course drainage arg2" ] using (golf, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and hot tub spa arg2" "arg1 equipment and pool arg2" "arg1 Supplies and arg2" "arg1 tables and game room arg2" "arg1 supplies and pool arg2" "arg1 of carbon in wood arg2" "arg1 A number of innovative arg2" "arg1 supplies swimming pool arg2" "arg1 chemicals and pool arg2" "arg1 supplies Pool arg2" "arg1 supplies and swimming pool arg2" "arg1 toys and pool arg2" "arg1 accessories and cleaning arg2" "arg1 tables and billiard arg2" "arg1 cues and billiard arg2" "arg1 supplies and spa arg2" "arg1 accessories and pool arg2" "arg1 and spa equipment and arg2" "arg1 cues and other arg2" ] using (pool, products)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 contain high levels of trans arg1" "arg2 free of trans arg1" "arg2 contain unsaturated arg1" ] using (fats, products)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 juice and cranberry arg2" "arg1 juice or cranberry arg2" "arg1 and cranberry arg2" ] using (cranberry, products)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 attacks can be arg2" "arg1 disorder with agoraphobia arg2" "arg1 and anxiety arg2" "arg1 and anxiety related arg2" ] using (panic, products)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
SEAL @66 (50.0%) on 17-mar-2010 [ 1 ] using (microsoft, products)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Office suite of arg2" "arg1 Word and other Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office Suite of arg2" "arg1 Office and Visual Studio arg2" "arg1 Windows and Microsoft Office arg2" ] using (microsoft, products)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Gordonii diet arg2" "arg1 Gordonii weight loss arg2" "arg1 Gordonii Plus weight loss arg2" "arg1 and hoodia diet arg2" "arg1 gordonii weight loss arg2" ] using (hoodia, products)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as the Apple arg1" "arg2 like the Apple arg1" "arg2 like the iPhone or arg1" "arg2 such as the iPhone and arg1" "arg2 to your iPhone or arg1" "arg2 like the iPhone and arg1" "arg2 such as an Apple arg1" ] using (ipad, products)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and BlackBerry arg2" "arg1 or Android arg2" "arg1 and Google Android arg2" "arg1 and Windows mobile arg2" "arg1 or other Apple arg2" "arg1 or iPod touch arg2" ] using (iphone, products)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" ] using (products, diagnostics)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" ] using (products, prescriptions)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 on our medical arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, prescription_drugs)
CPL @1113 (87.5%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" ] using (products, prescription_medicines)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, vaccines)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, apparatus)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other hospital arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, instruments)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as orthopedic arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 or other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and respiratory care arg1" ] using (products, medical_devices)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, vaccines)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to help health care arg2" "arg1 are all industry arg2" "arg1 are industry arg2" "arg1 are acknowledged arg2" ] using (products, leaders)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" ] using (products, prescriptions)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 on our medical arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, prescription_drugs)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and paramedical arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" ] using (products, medications)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" ] using (products, prescriptions)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as orthopedic arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 or other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and respiratory care arg1" ] using (products, medical_devices)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 or other healthcare arg1" ] using (products, pharmaceuticals)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, vaccines)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, apparatus)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 on our medical arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, prescription_drugs)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other hospital arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, instruments)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 on our medical arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, prescription_drugs)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, vaccines)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, apparatus)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" ] using (products, diagnostics)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as orthopedic arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 or other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and respiratory care arg1" ] using (products, medical_devices)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 on our medical arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, prescription_drugs)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other hospital arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, instruments)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and paramedical arg1" ] using (products, over_the_counter_medications)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 or other healthcare arg1" ] using (products, pharmaceuticals)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 on our medical arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, prescription_drugs)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, vaccines)
OE @809 (88.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (products, professionals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to both health care arg2" "arg1 are dedicated arg2" "arg1 to the public and health arg2" "arg1 for patients and healthcare arg2" "arg1 for both health arg2" "arg1 are trained arg2" "arg1 for nurses and other healthcare arg2" "arg1 and services to health arg2" "arg1 and information for health arg2" "arg1 is geared toward working arg2" "arg1 and services enable healthcare arg2" "arg1 to patients and health care arg2" "arg1 and skilled arg2" "arg1 provided by medical arg2" "arg1 to licensed health care arg2" "arg1 and resources for health care arg2" "arg1 for patients and medical arg2" "arg1 to help health care arg2" "arg1 to enable healthcare arg2" ] using (products, professionals)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to enable healthcare arg2" "arg1 and services of third party arg2" "arg1 to patients and health care arg2" "arg1 from a selected panel of arg2" "arg1 that enable service arg2" "arg1 to licensed health care arg2" "arg1 to help health care arg2" "arg1 available to healthcare arg2" "arg1 available to health care arg2" "arg1 or other health care arg2" "arg1 and services enable healthcare arg2" ] using (products, providers)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to help health care arg2" "arg1 are all industry arg2" "arg1 are industry arg2" "arg1 are acknowledged arg2" ] using (products, leaders)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, apparatus)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as orthopedic arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 or other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and respiratory care arg1" ] using (products, medical_devices)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and paramedical arg1" ] using (products, over_the_counter_medications)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, vaccines)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (products, apparatus)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 offers quality and reliable arg1" ] using (products, staff)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of consumer lawn and garden arg2" "arg1 to establish our brand and arg2" "arg1 for milk and dairy arg2" "arg1 of fresh dairy arg2" "arg1 of molecular diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and coal arg2" "arg1 for petroleum arg2" ] using (area, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of fabricated aluminum arg2" "arg1 of specialty chemicals and polymer arg2" "arg1 of automotive refinish arg2" "arg1 of manufactured wood arg2" "arg1 of meat and animal arg2" "arg1 and supplier of oil arg2" "arg1 of premium pork arg2" "arg1 of sophisticated software arg2" "arg1 of flat steel arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of electronic and electric arg2" "arg1 of branded food arg2" "arg1 of distilled spirits arg2" "arg1 of processed agricultural arg2" "arg1 of refined oil arg2" "arg1 of long steel arg2" "arg1 of frozen potato arg2" "arg1 and exporter of basic arg2" "arg1 of greenhouse and nursery arg2" "arg1 of agricultural commodities or arg2" "arg1 of innovative nutritional arg2" "arg1 of consumer food arg2" "arg1 of generic pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of specialty agricultural arg2" "arg1 of chemicals and allied arg2" "arg1 of fluorochemical arg2" "arg1 and exporter of farm arg2" "arg1 of dry pasta arg2" "arg1 of natural personal care arg2" "arg1 of rolled aluminum arg2" "arg1 of semifinished arg2" "arg1 of high quality dairy arg2" "arg1 of decorative surfacing arg2" "arg1 of steel and steel arg2" "arg1 of specialty packaging arg2" "arg1 of residential ventilation arg2" "arg1 of high quality pork arg2" "arg1 of cheese and other dairy arg2" "arg1 and publisher of personal development arg2" "arg1 of high temperature insulation arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 of construction steel arg2" "arg1 of honey and other bee arg2" "arg1 of fresh dairy arg2" "arg1 of food and dairy arg2" "arg1 of precast and prestressed concrete arg2" "arg1 of lumber and wood arg2" "arg1 of bodycare arg2" "arg1 of moist smokeless tobacco arg2" "arg1 of various petroleum arg2" "arg1 of aluminium rolled arg2" "arg1 of lime and limestone arg2" "arg1 of hemp food arg2" ] using (producer, products)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (administrators, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 help network arg1" "arg2 allow network arg1" "arg2 to help network arg1" "arg2 enable network arg1" "arg2 designed to help network arg1" ] using (administrators, products)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and services to home arg1" "arg2 and services for home arg1" "arg2 enable application arg1" ] using (builders, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and distributors for their arg2" "arg1 and distributors for our arg2" "arg1 to source qualified arg2" "arg1 who fail to pay for arg2" "arg1 for locally manufactured arg2" "arg1 of natural personal care arg2" "arg1 of timber and other forest arg2" "arg1 and sellers of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and sellers of various arg2" "arg1 compare prices on millions of arg2" "arg1 and sellers of industrial arg2" "arg1 and sellers with arg2" "arg1 and sellers of different arg2" "arg1 of rubber and rubber arg2" "arg1 of steel and steel arg2" "arg1 to source quality arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 and sellers of business arg2" "arg1 More peanut arg2" "arg1 of Malaysian timber arg2" "arg1 of manufactured wood arg2" "arg1 of household care arg2" ] using (buyers, products)
CPL @1112 (99.2%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg2 and services that our arg1" "arg2 and services provided by its arg1" "arg2 through a network of authorized arg1" "arg2 and services that help our arg1" "arg2 are sold through authorized arg1" "arg2 purchased from authorized arg1" "arg2 purchased from unauthorized arg1" ] using (dealers, products)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of an exciting range of arg2" "arg1 and sale of food arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of electronic arg2" "arg1 and deployment of interoperable arg2" "arg1 of computer software and other arg2" "arg1 of software portability arg2" "arg1 and sale of forest arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of nutritional supplements and herbal arg2" "arg1 of signal transmission arg2" "arg1 and acceptance of new arg2" "arg1 and production of plastic arg2" "arg1 of processed agricultural arg2" "arg1 of food and dairy arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of medical arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of proprietary arg2" "arg1 of novel diagnostic arg2" "arg1 and market acceptance of our arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of its arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of our arg2" "arg1 and publication of standards for arg2" "arg1 of branded prescription arg2" "arg1 and distribution of software arg2" "arg1 and distribution of its arg2" "arg1 company which creates arg2" "arg1 of novel pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of autologous cell arg2" "arg1 of a suite of software arg2" "arg1 and sale of consumer arg2" "arg1 and marketing of software arg2" "arg1 and launching of new arg2" "arg1 of new seafood arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of their arg2" "arg1 of markets for recycled arg2" "arg1 of useful software arg2" "arg1 and sale of software arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of military arg2" "arg1 and marketing of our arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of electronics arg2" "arg1 of highly integrated arg2" "arg1 and production of innovative arg2" "arg1 of powerful software arg2" "arg1 and sale of financial arg2" "arg1 of methods and software arg2" "arg1 of generic pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of consumer food arg2" "arg1 of consumer lawn and garden arg2" "arg1 of innovative nutritional arg2" "arg1 of interoperable security arg2" "arg1 of competitive electronic arg2" "arg1 of new evaluation arg2" "arg1 of new risk management arg2" "arg1 of innovative and powerful arg2" "arg1 of branded consumer arg2" "arg1 of specialty agricultural arg2" "arg1 of natural personal care arg2" "arg1 of compatible data arg2" "arg1 and sales of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of new approaches and arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of novel therapeutic arg2" "arg1 of analytical software arg2" "arg1 of language technology arg2" "arg1 of new software arg2" "arg1 of pharmaceutical and biological arg2" "arg1 of nanotechnology based arg2" "arg1 of GIS map arg2" "arg1 and marketing of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of therapeutic arg2" "arg1 and marketing of other arg2" "arg1 and marketing of consumer arg2" "arg1 and market acceptance of arg2" "arg1 and research of new arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of consumer and commercial arg2" "arg1 of new pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of new diagnostic and therapeutic arg2" "arg1 and support of software arg2" "arg1 of innovative pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of bioinformatic arg2" "arg1 and marketing of healthcare arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of consumer arg2" "arg1 and promotion of other arg2" "arg1 and production of technical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of novel arg2" "arg1 and marketing of new arg2" "arg1 of effective communications arg2" "arg1 of cosmetic and toiletry arg2" "arg1 of new formulations and arg2" "arg1 and distribution of petroleum arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of innovative therapeutic arg2" "arg1 and distribution of our arg2" "arg1 and distribution of consumer arg2" "arg1 of CAD software arg2" "arg1 tools and other electronic arg2" "arg1 and distribution of drug arg2" "arg1 of new dairy arg2" "arg1 of instructional and professional arg2" "arg1 of innovative technological arg2" "arg1 of breakthrough technologies and arg2" "arg1 of new hemp arg2" "arg1 and marketing of insurance arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of their arg2" "arg1 and marketing partners for arg2" "arg1 and distribution of innovative arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of electronic arg2" "arg1 of algorithms and software arg2" "arg1 and debugging arg2" "arg1 and distribution of audiovisual arg2" "arg1 of molecular diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of tobacco or tobacco arg2" "arg1 of additional software arg2" "arg1 and use of therapeutic arg2" "arg1 of new nutritional arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of its arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of our arg2" "arg1 and marketing of their arg2" "arg1 and processing of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and use of biobased arg2" "arg1 of voluntary consensus standards for arg2" "arg1 and distribution of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of unique arg2" "arg1 and marketing of such arg2" "arg1 solutions and search engine optimisation arg2" "arg1 and marketing of its arg2" "arg1 of sophisticated software arg2" "arg1 of LED based lighting arg2" "arg1 of potential pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and launch of new arg2" "arg1 and sales of our arg2" "arg1 and marketing of technology arg2" "arg1 and sales of consumer arg2" "arg1 and marketing of financial arg2" "arg1 for wood and wood arg2" "arg1 and marketing of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and marketing of medical arg2" "arg1 of traditional milk arg2" "arg1 and marketing of chemical arg2" "arg1 and delivery of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 efforts to develop new arg2" "arg1 of innovative diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of new assessment arg2" "arg1 and commercialisation of innovative arg2" "arg1 system of software arg2" "arg1 of basic software arg2" "arg1 and quality control of our arg2" "arg1 and sale of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of protein and antibody arg2" "arg1 of new entertainment arg2" "arg1 and marketing of medicinal arg2" "arg1 of high added value arg2" "arg1 of methodologies and arg2" "arg1 of new medicinal arg2" "arg1 of new diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of higher margin arg2" "arg1 of non timber forest arg2" "arg1 of nanotechnology enabled arg2" "arg1 of several proprietary arg2" "arg1 of new technology based arg2" "arg1 and processing of food arg2" "arg1 of finished pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and market acceptance of new arg2" "arg1 of important pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 processes and final arg2" "arg1 of effective skin care arg2" "arg1 of novel healthcare arg2" "arg1 of prescription pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of potential arg2" ] using (development, products)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 for crude oil and refined arg2" "arg1 of steel and steel arg2" "arg1 of rubber and rubber arg2" "arg1 for milk and milk arg2" ] using (growth_rate, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and distributors of our arg2" "arg1 and exporters of food arg2" "arg1 of livestock and livestock arg2" "arg1 of pharmaceutical finished arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and petroleum arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 of cigarettes and other tobacco arg2" "arg1 and distributors for our arg2" "arg1 of consumer and commercial arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of refined oil arg2" "arg1 and retailers of consumer arg2" "arg1 of home furnishings arg2" "arg1 of canned fish arg2" "arg1 and distributors of home arg2" "arg1 of chemicals and allied arg2" "arg1 of finished petroleum arg2" "arg1 of honey and honey arg2" "arg1 and exporters of agricultural arg2" ] using (importers, products)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and services to industry arg1" "arg2 and services to help business arg1" "arg2 are used by industry arg1" ] using (leaders, products)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and sales of our arg2" "arg1 and marketing of horticultural arg2" "arg1 and support of software arg2" "arg1 of new medicinal arg2" ] using (maintenance, products)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to help network arg1" "arg2 allow project arg1" "arg2 can help IT arg1" "arg2 available to content arg1" "arg2 to assist network arg1" "arg2 enable business arg1" "arg2 allow network arg1" "arg2 to help forest arg1" ] using (managers, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and marketing of construction arg2" "arg1 and marketing of petroleum arg2" "arg1 of nanotechnology based arg2" "arg1 of lime and limestone arg2" "arg1 sites and sells arg2" "arg1 and distribution of innovative arg2" "arg1 of hemp food arg2" "arg1 and consumption of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and exporting of paper arg2" "arg1 and distribution of dairy arg2" "arg1 and sale of dairy arg2" "arg1 and processing of food arg2" "arg1 and marketing petroleum arg2" "arg1 and marketing of oil arg2" "arg1 and sale of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and distribution of healthcare arg2" "arg1 and selling of such arg2" "arg1 and distribution of its arg2" "arg1 company with over thirty arg2" "arg1 and sales of organic arg2" "arg1 and marketing of consumer arg2" "arg1 of fresh dairy arg2" "arg1 of food and dairy arg2" "arg1 and marketing of chemical arg2" "arg1 of various petroleum arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of medicinal arg2" "arg1 and distribution of tobacco arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and coal arg2" "arg1 of high added value arg2" "arg1 of pharmaceutical finished arg2" "arg1 of our superlative arg2" "arg1 and marketing of finished arg2" "arg1 and marketing of our arg2" "arg1 of cigarettes and other tobacco arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of innovative pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of its arg2" "arg1 and marketing of their arg2" "arg1 and processing of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of consumer and commercial arg2" "arg1 processes and final arg2" "arg1 and shipments of selected arg2" "arg1 and marketing of dairy arg2" "arg1 and marketing of automotive arg2" "arg1 and production of plastic arg2" "arg1 or distribution of their arg2" "arg1 and distribution of consumer arg2" "arg1 and distribution of our arg2" "arg1 company for a range of arg2" "arg1 of timber related arg2" "arg1 and distributing food arg2" "arg1 of its furniture arg2" "arg1 or quality control of arg2" "arg1 experience producing top quality arg2" "arg1 and marketing of digital arg2" "arg1 and marketing of tobacco arg2" "arg1 and advertising of tobacco arg2" "arg1 and distribution of petroleum arg2" "arg1 and marketing of such arg2" "arg1 of aluminium rolled arg2" "arg1 and sales of our arg2" "arg1 and marketing of technology arg2" "arg1 of lumber and wood arg2" "arg1 of bodycare arg2" "arg1 of rubber and rubber arg2" "arg1 of prescription pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of Orthotic arg2" "arg1 and distribution of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of chemicals and allied arg2" "arg1 into injectable arg2" "arg1 of various dairy arg2" "arg1 of semifinished arg2" "arg1 of consumer food arg2" "arg1 and distribution of building arg2" "arg1 processes and not arg2" "arg1 and marketing of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and distribution of drug arg2" "arg1 of decorative surfacing arg2" "arg1 processes and finished arg2" "arg1 and distributing quality arg2" "arg1 of diversified agricultural arg2" "arg1 of novel pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of premium chocolate arg2" "arg1 and marketing of healthcare arg2" "arg1 and exporting high quality arg2" "arg1 them into finished arg2" "arg1 and sales of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of honey and honey arg2" "arg1 industrial communications arg2" "arg1 of steel and steel arg2" "arg1 and marketing of novel arg2" "arg1 and sale of petroleum arg2" "arg1 and marketing of new arg2" "arg1 and sale of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and quality control of our arg2" "arg1 and expiry dates of arg2" "arg1 and marketing of medical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and sale of tobacco arg2" ] using (manufacturing, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of petroleum and related arg2" "arg1 of cosmetic and toiletry arg2" "arg1 and exporters of food arg2" "arg1 of oil and refined arg2" "arg1 of branded consumer arg2" "arg1 of natural personal care arg2" "arg1 of branded food arg2" "arg1 of distilled spirits arg2" "arg1 of generic pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of consumer food arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 and companies to sell arg2" "arg1 of advanced electronic and electrical arg2" "arg1 and retailers of consumer arg2" "arg1 of professional audio and music arg2" ] using (marketers, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and services of its arg1" "arg2 and services that our arg1" "arg2 and services to help our arg1" "arg2 and services to help its arg1" "arg2 and services that may interest arg1" "arg2 and services offered by its arg1" "arg2 and services which our arg1" "arg2 and services help our arg1" "arg2 or services that our arg1" "arg2 and services that allow our arg1" "arg2 and services to fellow arg1" "arg2 are used by industry arg1" "arg2 and services to offer our arg1" "arg2 Average rating from DD arg1" "arg2 and services to prospective arg1" "arg2 and services to enable our arg1" "arg2 and technologies to help arg1" "arg2 and services that help our arg1" "arg2 and services to support its arg1" "arg2 and services that are in arg1" "arg2 and services provided by its arg1" "arg2 and services available only to arg1" "arg2 Average rating from D arg1" "arg2 For employers For arg1" "arg2 allow project arg1" "arg2 buyer and supplier arg1" "arg2 and services we offer our arg1" "arg2 will incorporate audience arg1" ] using (members, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of specialty packaging arg2" "arg1 and handlers of organic arg2" "arg1 of various petroleum arg2" "arg1 and distributors of our arg2" "arg1 of processed agricultural arg2" "arg1 of long steel arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of flat steel arg2" "arg1 of UCFM arg2" "arg1 of lime and limestone arg2" "arg1 of chemicals and allied arg2" "arg1 of these petroleum arg2" "arg1 of greenhouse and nursery arg2" "arg1 of fresh dairy arg2" "arg1 of electronic and electric arg2" "arg1 of refined oil arg2" "arg1 of lumber and wood arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and coal arg2" "arg1 and handlers of agricultural arg2" "arg1 who sell its arg2" "arg1 of meat and animal arg2" "arg1 do not exchange their arg2" "arg1 of specialty agricultural arg2" "arg1 of honey and honey arg2" "arg1 of generic pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and suppliers of solar energy arg2" "arg1 of livestock and livestock arg2" "arg1 and consumers of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of frozen potato arg2" "arg1 and exporters of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of agricultural commodities or arg2" "arg1 of bodycare arg2" "arg1 of cheese and other dairy arg2" "arg1 of agricultural and fishery arg2" "arg1 of household care arg2" "arg1 and sellers of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of like or directly competitive arg2" "arg1 of cheese and whey arg2" "arg1 and sellers of various arg2" "arg1 of steel and steel arg2" ] using (producers, products)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and consumption of forest arg2" "arg1 of chemicals and allied arg2" "arg1 of fluorochemical arg2" "arg1 of finished petroleum arg2" "arg1 techniques to make our arg2" "arg1 of semifinished arg2" "arg1 and consumption of tobacco arg2" "arg1 of timber related arg2" "arg1 of long steel arg2" "arg1 of new pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of computerized gaming arg2" "arg1 base for standard arg2" "arg1 of organic and inorganic chemical arg2" "arg1 of natural personal care arg2" "arg1 for all petroleum arg2" "arg1 of some petroleum arg2" "arg1 and sale of dairy arg2" "arg1 and distribution of dairy arg2" "arg1 and marketing of tobacco arg2" "arg1 and supply of petroleum arg2" "arg1 and consumption of cultural arg2" "arg1 and marketing of new arg2" "arg1 and sale of petroleum arg2" "arg1 and marketing of consumer arg2" "arg1 and shipments of selected arg2" "arg1 of manufactured wood arg2" "arg1 of meat and animal arg2" "arg1 of and does not endorse arg2" "arg1 to supply the relevant arg2" "arg1 for fabricated metal arg2" "arg1 processes and finished arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 and marketing of their arg2" "arg1 and processing of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of the milk or milk arg2" "arg1 of processed fish arg2" "arg1 of hemp food arg2" "arg1 and sale of tobacco arg2" "arg1 and marketing of farm arg2" "arg1 and distribution of petroleum arg2" "arg1 of new dairy arg2" "arg1 of innovative technological arg2" "arg1 and handling of organic arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of their arg2" "arg1 and marketing of oil arg2" "arg1 and delivery of final arg2" "arg1 and quality control of our arg2" "arg1 and sale of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of petroleum arg2" "arg1 and sales of organic arg2" "arg1 of tobacco or tobacco arg2" "arg1 of greenhouse and nursery arg2" "arg1 and sale of food arg2" "arg1 and acceptance of new arg2" "arg1 of new software arg2" "arg1 of pharmaceutical and biological arg2" "arg1 and marketing of digital arg2" "arg1 of canned fish arg2" "arg1 of these analytical arg2" "arg1 and processing of farm arg2" "arg1 and marketing of automotive arg2" "arg1 and marketing of dairy arg2" "arg1 of agricultural and fishery arg2" "arg1 of household care arg2" "arg1 and trade of forest arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of its arg2" "arg1 and manufacturing of our arg2" "arg1 and use of everyday arg2" "arg1 and distribution of building arg2" "arg1 of bear bile arg2" "arg1 and supply of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of a variety of stone arg2" "arg1 for milk and milk arg2" "arg1 and distribution of cultural arg2" "arg1 of precast and prestressed concrete arg2" "arg1 and expiry dates of arg2" "arg1 and consumption of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of rubber and rubber arg2" "arg1 and delivery of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of wood and other forest arg2" "arg1 of non timber forest arg2" "arg1 of higher margin arg2" "arg1 of intermediate and end arg2" "arg1 of honey and other bee arg2" "arg1 of traditional milk arg2" "arg1 of steel and steel arg2" "arg1 and distribution of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of engineered lumber arg2" "arg1 and processing of food arg2" "arg1 and labelling of organic arg2" "arg1 and marketing of chemical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of medicinal arg2" "arg1 of effective skin care arg2" "arg1 of high quality pork arg2" "arg1 of aluminium rolled arg2" "arg1 and distribution of tobacco arg2" "arg1 of cheese and other dairy arg2" "arg1 of lumber and wood arg2" "arg1 of manufactured dairy arg2" "arg1 of electronic and electric arg2" "arg1 capacity in order to provide arg2" "arg1 of processed agricultural arg2" "arg1 and distribution of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of like or directly competitive arg2" "arg1 of fabricated aluminum arg2" "arg1 and distribution of innovative arg2" "arg1 and sale of forest arg2" "arg1 and trade of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and distribution of its arg2" "arg1 of meat or poultry arg2" "arg1 of refined oil arg2" "arg1 and consumption of media arg2" "arg1 and distribution of software arg2" "arg1 and marketing of such arg2" "arg1 and selling of such arg2" "arg1 and commercialization of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of cigarettes and other tobacco arg2" "arg1 of sheep or goat arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of their arg2" "arg1 and marketing of software arg2" "arg1 and sale of consumer arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and petroleum arg2" "arg1 problems in the manufacture of arg2" "arg1 of standards and information arg2" "arg1 and marketing of solar arg2" "arg1 and export of primary arg2" "arg1 of the following work arg2" "arg1 and sale of software arg2" "arg1 and marketing of finished arg2" "arg1 and marketing of our arg2" "arg1 and manufacture of electronics arg2" "arg1 and distribution of audiovisual arg2" "arg1 of diversified agricultural arg2" "arg1 of UCFM arg2" "arg1 and marketing of medical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of branded food arg2" "arg1 and sales of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and coal arg2" "arg1 and sales of our arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and petrochemical arg2" "arg1 and distribution of healthcare arg2" "arg1 of our superlative arg2" "arg1 and sales of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of oil and refined arg2" "arg1 and marketing of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of gasoline and other petroleum arg2" "arg1 of timber and other forest arg2" "arg1 of consumer food arg2" "arg1 of generic pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of organic meat arg2" "arg1 of various dairy arg2" "arg1 of honey and honey arg2" "arg1 of specialty agricultural arg2" "arg1 and distribution of our arg2" "arg1 and distribution of consumer arg2" "arg1 and exporters of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and distribution of drug arg2" "arg1 and use of biobased arg2" "arg1 and transportation of petroleum arg2" "arg1 and marketing of its arg2" "arg1 and marketing of horticultural arg2" "arg1 of materials and intermediate arg2" "arg1 of its furniture arg2" "arg1 and sales of food arg2" "arg1 and marketing of healthcare arg2" "arg1 and sales of consumer arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of flat steel arg2" "arg1 of frozen potato arg2" "arg1 of finished pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 or distribution of their arg2" "arg1 and consumption of animal arg2" "arg1 of food and dairy arg2" "arg1 processes and final arg2" "arg1 of fresh dairy arg2" "arg1 of bodycare arg2" "arg1 and promotion of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and sale of organic arg2" "arg1 of livestock or livestock arg2" "arg1 of high added value arg2" "arg1 of livestock and livestock arg2" "arg1 and sale of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of new medicinal arg2" "arg1 of high quality dairy arg2" ] using (production, products)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that help Web arg1" "arg2 and services to help our arg1" "arg2 available to online arg1" ] using (publishers, products)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and distributors of our arg2" "arg1 who sell its arg2" "arg1 and distributors for our arg2" "arg1 and distributors for their arg2" "arg1 for engineered wood arg2" ] using (representatives, products)
CPL @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 who sell its arg2" "arg1 and distributors for our arg2" "arg1 who sell tobacco arg2" "arg1 of age restricted arg2" "arg1 of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco arg2" "arg1 of consumer and commercial arg2" "arg1 and distribution of tobacco arg2" "arg1 and quality control of our arg2" "arg1 of natural personal care arg2" "arg1 of Fairtrade certified arg2" "arg1 and distributors for their arg2" "arg1 and distributors of our arg2" ] using (retailers, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 or distribution of their arg2" "arg1 and marketing of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and marketing of medical arg2" "arg1 for the industrial automation arg2" "arg1 of age restricted arg2" "arg1 of processed fish arg2" "arg1 of home furnishings arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and related arg2" "arg1 and marketing of healthcare arg2" "arg1 for disposable paper arg2" "arg1 and promotion of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of our liquidity arg2" "arg1 of livestock and livestock arg2" "arg1 force to market arg2" "arg1 for milk and dairy arg2" "arg1 of specialty metal arg2" "arg1 of steel and steel arg2" "arg1 of greenhouse and nursery arg2" "arg1 of natural honey arg2" "arg1 of finished pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 organization that distributes arg2" "arg1 of organic and inorganic chemical arg2" "arg1 and consumption of tobacco arg2" "arg1 of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco arg2" "arg1 and marketing of such arg2" "arg1 of generic pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and distribution of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 and marketing of new arg2" "arg1 and marketing of technical arg2" "arg1 of honey and honey arg2" "arg1 of organic meat arg2" "arg1 promotions for consumer arg2" "arg1 of natural personal care arg2" "arg1 of finished petroleum arg2" "arg1 of chemicals and allied arg2" "arg1 ratio of industrial arg2" "arg1 on goodyear arg2" "arg1 and support of software arg2" "arg1 and marketing of software arg2" "arg1 of variable insurance arg2" "arg1 and marketing of finished arg2" "arg1 and marketing of our arg2" "arg1 pitches for other arg2" "arg1 and distribution of veterinary arg2" "arg1 and distribution of healthcare arg2" "arg1 of finished food arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and petroleum arg2" "arg1 and can excel with arg2" "arg1 channels for our arg2" "arg1 of cigarettes and other tobacco arg2" "arg1 of financial or investment arg2" "arg1 and marketing of pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of nanotechnology based arg2" "arg1 of livestock or livestock arg2" "arg1 and purchases of arg2" "arg1 and marketing of chemical arg2" "arg1 of electronic components and computer arg2" "arg1 of gasoline and other petroleum arg2" "arg1 and distribution of dairy arg2" "arg1 of a variety of magnetic arg2" "arg1 of cosmetic and toiletry arg2" "arg1 of tobacco or tobacco arg2" "arg1 of professional haircare arg2" "arg1 of music and music video arg2" "arg1 and marketing of construction arg2" "arg1 and marketing of tobacco arg2" "arg1 and marketing of petroleum arg2" "arg1 training for your unique arg2" "arg1 letter that sells arg2" "arg1 and launch of new arg2" "arg1 deals compare arg2" "arg1 and distribution of innovative arg2" "arg1 and distribution of software arg2" "arg1 of OTOP arg2" "arg1 and marketing of consumer arg2" "arg1 and distribution of its arg2" "arg1 and marketing of its arg2" "arg1 of cheese and other dairy arg2" "arg1 people to sell their arg2" "arg1 of branded food arg2" "arg1 and marketing of technology arg2" "arg1 forecasts for key arg2" "arg1 of hazardous or systematically defective arg2" "arg1 of frozen potato arg2" "arg1 force with the right arg2" "arg1 of refined oil arg2" "arg1 for American farm arg2" "arg1 on ralph lauren arg2" "arg1 website page with arg2" "arg1 of electronic and electric arg2" "arg1 of nondeposit investment arg2" "arg1 and marketing of insurance arg2" "arg1 of hemp food arg2" "arg1 and distribution of tobacco arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and coal arg2" "arg1 of some ephedra arg2" "arg1 and distribution of agricultural arg2" "arg1 of higher margin arg2" "arg1 of intermediate and end arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of flat steel arg2" "arg1 of computerized gaming arg2" "arg1 of new pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of scheduled listed chemical arg2" "arg1 of agricultural commodities or arg2" "arg1 of nutritional supplements and herbal arg2" "arg1 of our pictures and arg2" "arg1 made to customers who purchase arg2" "arg1 and marketing of automotive arg2" "arg1 of innovative pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of OTC healthcare arg2" "arg1 of open source security arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and petrochemical arg2" "arg1 of high quality pork arg2" "arg1 of Fairtrade certified arg2" "arg1 channels for their arg2" "arg1 of household care arg2" "arg1 and marketing of their arg2" "arg1 and marketing of other arg2" "arg1 of timber and other forest arg2" "arg1 calls and selling arg2" "arg1 of new software arg2" "arg1 and distribution of consumer arg2" "arg1 and distribution of our arg2" "arg1 and marketing of financial arg2" "arg1 force automation arg2" "arg1 of some petroleum arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 promotion of their arg2" "arg1 for fabricated metal arg2" "arg1 channel for their arg2" "arg1 of fresh dairy arg2" "arg1 and advertising of tobacco arg2" "arg1 and distribution of petroleum arg2" ] using (sales, products)
OE @808 (85.5%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (teachers, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that really work for arg1" "arg2 that allow students and arg1" "arg2 and resources to help arg1" "arg2 designed to help parents and arg1" "arg2 and information to help arg1" ] using (teachers, products)
CPL @1115 (99.2%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 of frozen potato arg2" "arg1 of livestock and livestock arg2" "arg1 who stock our arg2" "arg1 and manufacturers of consumer arg2" "arg1 of age restricted arg2" "arg1 of Fairtrade certified arg2" "arg1 who sell its arg2" ] using (traders, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Oracle software arg2" "arg1 and evaluates vendor arg2" "arg1 to orgnize arg2" "arg1 compare prices on millions of arg2" "arg1 and consumers of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and third party providers of arg2" "arg1 and producers of information arg2" "arg1 of other instant messaging arg2" "arg1 of CAD software arg2" "arg1 using various software arg2" "arg1 of these petroleum arg2" "arg1 with a variety of wholesale arg2" "arg1 may occasionally receive information on arg2" "arg1 of cigarettes and other tobacco arg2" "arg1 quit using tobacco arg2" "arg1 placing high demands on arg2" "arg1 to be dissatisfied with our arg2" "arg1 to complete surveys about arg2" "arg1 of your site to access arg2" "arg1 can vote for your arg2" "arg1 will occasionally receive information on arg2" "arg1 of its interactive arg2" "arg1 of TASKING arg2" "arg1 to search and browse for arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of electronic components and computer arg2" "arg1 of their films and arg2" "arg1 email messages regarding arg2" ] using (users, products)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 are used by system arg1" "arg2 and technologies from other arg1" "arg2 and services that our arg1" "arg2 and services provided by its arg1" "arg2 to qualified wholesale arg1" ] using (vendors, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the art alarm arg2" "arg1 of the art filtration arg2" "arg1 of the art biometric arg2" "arg1 of the art heating arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 of the art diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of the art AV arg2" "arg1 of the art ventilation arg2" ] using (state, products)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the art alarm arg2" "arg1 of the art filtration arg2" "arg1 of the art biometric arg2" "arg1 of the art heating arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 of the art diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of the art AV arg2" "arg1 of the art ventilation arg2" ] using (state, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the art alarm arg2" "arg1 of the art filtration arg2" "arg1 of the art biometric arg2" "arg1 of the art heating arg2" "arg1 of the art audio visual arg2" "arg1 of the art diagnostic arg2" "arg1 of the art AV arg2" "arg1 of the art ventilation arg2" ] using (state, products)
SEAL @625 (100.0%) on 17-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (links, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to useful sites and arg2" "arg1 to third party sites or arg2" "arg1 to sites which offer arg2" "arg1 to websites with arg2" "arg1 to sites offering arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to third party sites and arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to other sites or arg2" "arg1 to other websites and arg2" "arg1 to other web sites or arg2" "arg1 to third party websites and arg2" ] using (links, products)
CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is classified as Registration arg1" "arg2 and programs described in such arg1" ] using (information, products)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 below to view more arg2" "arg1 to other websites and arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to other sites that provide arg2" ] using (link, products)
CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is classified as Registration arg1" "arg2 and programs described in such arg1" ] using (information, products)
SEAL @625 (100.0%) on 17-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (links, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to useful sites and arg2" "arg1 to third party sites or arg2" "arg1 to sites which offer arg2" "arg1 to websites with arg2" "arg1 to sites offering arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to third party sites and arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to other sites or arg2" "arg1 to other websites and arg2" "arg1 to other web sites or arg2" "arg1 to third party websites and arg2" ] using (links, products)
CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is classified as Registration arg1" "arg2 and programs described in such arg1" ] using (information, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other web sites or arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to websites that offer arg2" "arg1 to useful tools and arg2" ] using (references, products)
CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is classified as Registration arg1" "arg2 and programs described in such arg1" ] using (information, products)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 regarding our mission and arg2" "arg1 about our products and arg2" "arg1 from industry regarding the individual arg2" "arg1 on those services and arg2" ] using (comments, products)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 below to view more arg2" "arg1 to other websites and arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to other sites that provide arg2" ] using (link, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other web sites or arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to other sites and arg2" "arg1 to websites that offer arg2" "arg1 to useful tools and arg2" ] using (references, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (products, steve)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (products, steve)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs announced arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" "arg2 Jobs and arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" ] using (products, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (search, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (products, search)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (products, search)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (search, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (products, search)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (search, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (search, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (products, search)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (products, search)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (search, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (search, products)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 results and featured arg1" "arg2 engines index your arg1" "arg2 form to find arg1" "arg2 engine home arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" "arg2 engines every day to find arg1" "arg2 engines on arg1" "arg2 engines will see your arg1" "arg2 bar below to find arg1" "arg2 for other books or arg1" "arg2 bar to look for arg1" "arg2 engines find your arg1" "arg2 engines consider your arg1" "arg2 engines to get your arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engines to find your arg1" "arg2 engines to find information on arg1" "arg2 engines looking for arg1" "arg2 for and locate arg1" "arg2 engines to index your arg1" "arg2 engine returns arg1" "arg2 engine to find specific arg1" "arg2 engines know what arg1" "arg2 engines to list your arg1" "arg2 engines when looking for arg1" "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 phrases people use to find arg1" ] using (products, search)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Zealand are arg2" "arg1 York grape arg2" "arg1 Zealand or arg2" "arg1 Zealand design arg2" "arg1 England farm arg2" "arg1 Zealand dairy arg2" "arg1 Zealand forest arg2" "arg1 Zealand deer arg2" "arg1 Zealand seafood arg2" "arg1 Zealand meat arg2" "arg1 Zealand tourism arg2" "arg1 York City is one of arg2" "arg1 Zealand pork arg2" "arg1 Zealand building arg2" "arg1 Zealand and arg2" "arg1 England textile arg2" "arg1 York City and our arg2" "arg1 Jersey home inspection arg2" "arg1 England style arg2" "arg1 Zealand farm arg2" ] using (new, products)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)
SEAL @66 (50.0%) on 17-mar-2010 [ 1 ] using (microsoft, products)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Office suite of arg2" "arg1 Word and other Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office Suite of arg2" "arg1 Office and Visual Studio arg2" "arg1 Windows and Microsoft Office arg2" ] using (microsoft, products)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 recordable arg2" "arg1 and CD arg2" "arg1 and Blu Ray arg2" "arg1 and VCD arg2" "arg1 or CD arg2" ] using (dvd, products)
CPL @1107 (93.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 for paper and paper arg2" "arg1 for engineered wood arg2" "arg1 for petroleum arg2" "arg1 for milk and milk arg2" ] using (agency, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 for most forest arg2" "arg1 for petroleum arg2" "arg1 for gasoline and other energy arg2" "arg1 for lumber and other wood arg2" "arg1 for wood and wood arg2" "arg1 for dairy and meat arg2" "arg1 of flat steel arg2" "arg1 for fabricated metal arg2" "arg1 for fluid milk arg2" "arg1 for Shariah compliant arg2" "arg1 of various petroleum arg2" "arg1 provides over DDD different arg2" "arg1 and supply of petroleum arg2" "arg1 for American farm arg2" "arg1 for gasoline and other petroleum arg2" "arg1 for more recycled arg2" "arg1 and market acceptance of our arg2" "arg1 for food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 and consumption of cultural arg2" "arg1 for meat and meat arg2" "arg1 for steel and steel arg2" "arg1 and sales of organic arg2" "arg1 for extruded aluminium arg2" "arg1 for processed food arg2" "arg1 promotion of their arg2" "arg1 for halal food arg2" "arg1 for engineered wood arg2" "arg1 for fish and fishery arg2" "arg1 for crude oil and refined arg2" "arg1 for soybeans and soybean arg2" "arg1 for all petroleum arg2" "arg1 for milk and milk arg2" "arg1 for refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 for kosher food arg2" "arg1 for more healthful arg2" "arg1 for disposable paper arg2" "arg1 for meat and dairy arg2" "arg1 for paper and paper arg2" "arg1 for fish and fish arg2" "arg1 for oil and oil arg2" "arg1 for mainstay arg2" "arg1 for its networking arg2" "arg1 for AMSOIL arg2" "arg1 for aquatic food arg2" "arg1 for Echelon arg2" "arg1 for crude oil and petroleum arg2" "arg1 of finished pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 for natural fibre arg2" "arg1 for timber and other forest arg2" "arg1 for oil and petroleum arg2" "arg1 for gasoline and other refined arg2" "arg1 for timber and timber arg2" "arg1 for Canadian wood arg2" "arg1 for Islamic banking arg2" "arg1 for meat and animal arg2" "arg1 for wood and paper arg2" "arg1 and consumption of tobacco arg2" "arg1 for beef and beef arg2" "arg1 for refined oil arg2" "arg1 of new pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of long steel arg2" "arg1 for apples and apple arg2" "arg1 for animal food arg2" "arg1 of timber related arg2" "arg1 for household care arg2" "arg1 for certified wood arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 for locally manufactured arg2" "arg1 for timber and wood arg2" "arg1 of a variety of stone arg2" "arg1 for steel cord arg2" "arg1 for recycled content arg2" "arg1 for meat and other animal arg2" "arg1 for organic dairy arg2" "arg1 for primary agricultural arg2" "arg1 for petroleum and petroleum arg2" "arg1 of consumer and commercial arg2" "arg1 for finished steel arg2" "arg1 for certified forest arg2" "arg1 and supply of agricultural arg2" "arg1 and trade of forest arg2" "arg1 for recycled paper arg2" "arg1 for calming and sleeping arg2" "arg1 for blood banking and blood arg2" "arg1 for rhino horn arg2" "arg1 of livestock and livestock arg2" "arg1 for forest industry arg2" "arg1 for paper and wood arg2" "arg1 for DDD food arg2" "arg1 for cell and gene therapy arg2" "arg1 for milk and dairy arg2" ] using (demand, products)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 force to market arg2" "arg1 of cosmetic and toiletry arg2" "arg1 of specialty metal arg2" "arg1 channels for their arg2" "arg1 and marketing of technical arg2" "arg1 organization that distributes arg2" "arg1 channel for their arg2" "arg1 and marketing of technology arg2" "arg1 and distribution of our arg2" ] using (direct_sales, products)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of refined oil arg2" "arg1 of moist smokeless tobacco arg2" "arg1 of lumber and wood arg2" "arg1 and manufacturer of innovative arg2" "arg1 of toys and consumer arg2" "arg1 of gasoline and other petroleum arg2" "arg1 of specialty chemicals and polymer arg2" "arg1 of advanced electronic and electrical arg2" "arg1 and distributor of foodservice arg2" "arg1 of prescription pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of consumer and commercial arg2" "arg1 of refined petroleum arg2" "arg1 of engineered lumber arg2" "arg1 of adult consumer arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and related arg2" "arg1 of hemp food arg2" "arg1 of toys and family arg2" "arg1 of distilled spirits arg2" "arg1 of branded food arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and petrochemical arg2" "arg1 of premium pork arg2" "arg1 of medical devices whose arg2" "arg1 of premium chocolate arg2" "arg1 of engineered materials and arg2" "arg1 is to sell enough arg2" "arg1 of branded consumer arg2" "arg1 of desktop telephony arg2" "arg1 of dry pasta arg2" "arg1 of consumer lawn and garden arg2" "arg1 of innovative nutritional arg2" "arg1 of generic pharmaceutical arg2" "arg1 of consumer food arg2" "arg1 of organic meat arg2" "arg1 of rolled aluminum arg2" "arg1 of various dairy arg2" ] using (marketer, products)
CPL @1104 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of higher margin arg2" "arg1 of processed fish arg2" "arg1 of these thermo arg2" "arg1 of food and other agricultural arg2" "arg1 of the milk or milk arg2" "arg1 of meat and animal arg2" "arg1 of finished petroleum arg2" "arg1 of processed agricultural arg2" "arg1 of petroleum and coal arg2" "arg1 of these finished arg2" ] using (share, products)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" ] using (steve, products)