CPL @1108 (69.5%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "proteins , called _" "genes coding _" "proteins , such as _" "GTPase activity of _" "upstream regulators of _" "maximal activity of _" "_ signaling activation" "_ signaling mediates" "_ signaling cascade" "phosphorylation by _" "proteins interacting with _" "membrane targeting of _" "_ signaling specificity" "glucosylation of _" "membrane trafficking of _" "protein , called _" "_ signaling during" "inhibition of endothelial _" "_ were detected with" "cells overexpressing _" "such proteins as _" "C terminus of _" "protein known as _" "_ signaling pathway" "negative mutant of _" "dominant negative mutant of _" "important functional role for _" "endogenous activity of _" "protein called _" "events downstream of _" "expression of dominant-negative _" "expression of activated _" "localized activation of _" "signal regulating _" "dominant-negative mutant of _" "carboxyl terminus of _" "multiple isoforms of _" "_ induced migration" "pathways downstream of _" "expression of active _" "factors activate _" ] using rac
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey