SEAL @665 (50.7%) on 01-dec-2012 [ 12 ] using mormon_religion
CMC @1055 (100.0%) on 03-may-2017 [ PREFIX=re 1.71946 PREFIX=relig 1.68510 PREFIX=reli 1.68123 PREFIX=rel 1.67474 CHARS 1.36685 LASTPREFIX=relig 1.32395 LASTPREFIX=reli 1.32364 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.89865 POS=NN -1.97379 WORDS -6.38694 ] using mormon_religion
CPL @1107 (57.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ is a false religion" "cultic nature of _" "basic doctrines of _" "_ is a religion" "He had converted to _" "convert to _" "I had converted to _" "own sect of _" "basic tenets of _" "children embraced _" "central practice of _" "He was converted to _" "basic beliefs of _" "sects within _" "he converted to _" "holy site in _" "central tenets of _" "polytheistic nature of _" "she converted to _" "main beliefs of _" "founding prophet of _" "sect of _" "_ is a good religion" "They converted to _" "religions , including _" "_ is the only religion" "foundational myth of _" "sects of _" "Smith converted to _" "religions such as _" "Religion , including _" ] using mormon_religion
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey