CMC @1075 (100.0%) on 01-sep-2017 [ PREFIX=harro 1.29195 LASTPREFIX=harro 1.29114 SUFFIX=rrods 1.23484 SUFFIX=rods 1.23343 PREFIX=har 1.20023 LASTSUFFIX=rrods 1.17991 LASTSUFFIX=rods 1.17991 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.79313 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A -1.03730 WORDS -1.96217 ] using harrods
CPL @1103 (77.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "department store such as _" "sale last week at _" "she was shopping in _" "high-end retailers like _" "several major retailers , including _" "stores including _" "luxury department stores such as _" "window dresser at _" "next time you go shopping at _" "clothing line at _" "departmental stores such as _" "retail outlets including _" "retail outlets , including _" "end department stores such as _" "department store next to _" "merchants like _" "trainee manager at _" "Christmas section of _" "major department stores including _" "famous stores like _" "high-end department stores like _" "big department stores like _" "big stores such as _" "we 're shopping at _" "free shopping at _" "food halls of _" "department stores , like _" "high street retailers including _" "high end stores like _" "home shopping at _" "glass vase from _" "foods section of _" "shoe department at _" "toy section of _" "pet department at _" "luxury retailers like _" "luxury retailers such as _" "obligatory trips to _" "lingerie department at _" "you ever shopped at _" "he shopped at _" "fashion stores such as _" "I was shopping at _" "She shopped at _" "I went shopping at _" "Christmas windows at _" "I mainly shop at _" "shop-in-shop at _" "popular stores such as _" "stores worldwide including _" "stores worldwide , including _" "I bought at _" "major shopping centers such as _" "retailers such as _" "retail establishments including _" "retailers , including _" "sales assistants in _" "retail outlets such as _" "Christmas stuff at _" "prestigious retailers such as _" "retailers including _" "famous shops like _" "furniture department at _" "shelf space at _" "last time I shopped at _" "major customers such as _" "range sold in _" "flagship stores such as _" "Years Buy from _" "Large stores such as _" "Signing at _" "online retailers , including _" "major retailers such as _" "high-end retailers as _" "former buyer for _" "fashion line at _" "retail outlets , such as _" "Chanel counter at _" "They shopped at _" "brand available at _" "food hall at _" "clothing sold by _" "ones they sell at _" "weekly shop at _" "various retailers such as _" "department store called _" "_ is the only department store" "other retailers including _" "luxury stores such as _" "materials bought at _" "toy department at _" "accessories are sold in _" "_ was the first department store" "Stores such as _" "_ is a retail chain" "we shopped at _" "designer stores such as _" "dress I bought at _" "upscale retailers such as _" "retail companies such as _" "_ ' department store" "retailers , such as _" "shopping stores like _" "key retailers such as _" "luxury stores like _" "longer shop at _" "fine shopping at _" "we went shopping to _" "well-known stores such as _" "_ is a wonderful store" "luxury gifts from _" "Christmas sale at _" "international chains such as _" "shopping trips to _" "_ was the first store" "big shops like _" "shopping session at _" "stores , like _" "stockists include _" "such department stores as _" "toy stores such as _" "world-class shopping of _" "I do n't shop at _" "great sale at _" "daily shopping at _" "one I bought at _" "shoe section in _" "shoe sale at _" "menswear at _" "upscale shops such as _" "_ is a huge department store" "perfume counter at _" "little shopping at _" "store like _" "top stores like _" "large stores such as _" "large retailers such as _" "such stores as _" "shopping areas including _" "paint section at _" "pet department of _" "buying team at _" "you do n't shop at _" "upscale stores like _" "he was shopping at _" "exclusive shopping of _" "end retailers such as _" "grocery business of _" "you shop at _" "retail clients including _" "exclusive stores like _" "exclusive stores such as _" "goods retailers such as _" "IRA bombed _" "online retailers such as _" "retail shops , including _" "other retail outlets including _" "street retailers including _" "I shopped at _" "major shops such as _" "major retailers , including _" "departmental stores like _" "time I shopped at _" "such retailers as _" "chains such as _" "big stores like _" "morning shopping at _" "pharmacy section of _" "shopping at _" "high street stores like _" "shopping centers such as _" "major stores , including _" "food outlets such as _" "high-end department stores such as _" "saleswoman at _" "famous department stores of _" "retail giants such as _" "lion cub from _" "major department stores such as _" "window shopped at _" "stores like _" "top retailers including _" "stores , such as _" "department stores , such as _" "electronics section of _" "exclusive lines for _" "famous stores such as _" "fine stores such as _" "high end department stores such as _" "seafood counter at _" "toy department of _" "shopping areas , including _" "stores nationwide , including _" "they 're shopping at _" "stores nationwide including _" "shopping stop at _" "retail stores including _" "retailers like _" "top retailers such as _" "large department stores , such as _" "department stores like _" "cosmetics counter at _" "days shopping at _" "luxury goods at _" "_ is the only store" "clothing department at _" "department stores , including _" "top stores such as _" "shopping expedition at _" "high end retailers such as _" "popular stores like _" "end stores like _" "major retail outlets such as _" "I purchased at _" "famous department stores like _" "perfumery at _" "retail stores like _" "retail giants including _" "several retailers including _" "international retailers like _" "Retailers such as _" "_ gives a tantalising glimpse" "personal shopper at _" "regular shopper at _" "major retailers like _" "many stores , including _" "major stores such as _" "oil , available at _" "famous department stores such as _" "large department store like _" "shopping sprees at _" "I was shopping in _" "Christmas decor at _" "They were sold at _" "stockists such as _" "Retailers , like _" "retail brands such as _" "department store similar to _" "end retailers like _" "department stores include _" "shelves at _" "Department stores such as _" "high end retailers like _" "food halls at _" "shopping spree at _" "department stores such as _" "department store like _" "department stores including _" "shopping expedition to _" "shopping trip to _" "many retail outlets , including _" "You shop at _" "we are shopping in _" "prestigious stores such as _" "retail partnership with _" "well-known stores like _" "clothing is sold at _" "exclusive distribution through _" "stores such as _" "they shop at _" "store such as _" "busy shopping at _" "Food shopping at _" "busking outside _" "people shopped at _" "little retail therapy at _" "more time shopping at _" "gift registry at _" ] using harrods
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:publication:harrods generalizations concept:publication Action=(+retailStore) ] using harrods
SEAL @628 (74.1%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 12345678 ] using harrods