CPL @1107 (88.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "rafting adventures on _" "side canyons of _" "population living along _" "outdoors activities are available near _" "canyon wall above _" "beauty found along _" "camp site along _" "dams on _" "bridge , crossing _" "boat cruise along _" "border follows _" "_ starts high in" "Trail crossed _" "Jet boating on _" "boat ride up _" "bridge was built across _" "basin drained by _" "Park , located along _" "Creek branch of _" "BLM land along _" "Creek tributary of _" "River joins _" "Class III rapids of _" "highway passes over _" "foot bridge across _" "hydroelectric plants along _" "gristmill on _" "field work along _" "beautiful overlook of _" "greenbelt along _" "it forded _" "rural communities along _" "rich valley of _" "major tributary to _" "new dam across _" "raft trip on _" "crossing point on _" "dam constructed on _" "canyon cut by _" "mighty rapids of _" "one-lane bridge over _" "raft trip down _" "precipitation falls here at _" "flood along _" "county is drained by _" "canyon system of _" "dams along _" "road crossing of _" "photograph was taken along _" "basin states of _" "magnificent whitewater spots on _" "upper stretch of _" "whitewater rafting along _" "tributary is _" "pontoon boat ride on _" "rainfall falls here at _" "rafting expedition down _" "sediment deposits from _" "boat trip along _" "broad valley of _" "bridges were built across _" "old bridge across _" "riparian forest along _" "private bridge over _" "riverboat cruise along _" "Trail parallels _" "Bridge spans _" "Bridge crossing of _" "major tributaries of _" "only bridge across _" "mile frontage on _" "native fish of _" "Canyon section of _" "Valley , crossed _" "V rapids of _" "narrow gorge cut by _" "gold strike on _" "jet boat tours on _" "float trip on _" "fine whitewater spots on _" "Boat ride on _" "Paddler input for _" "Museum is located along _" "_ drains much of" "senior water rights on _" "Canyon reach of _" "tributary of _" "we floated down _" "whitewater rapids of _" "white water rafting on _" "stream gradient of _" "High temperatures at _" "Canyon stretch of _" "adventure vacations on _" "side canyon off _" "new crossing over _" "scenic canyons of _" "unparalleled location on _" "swift waters of _" "imported water from _" "dam along _" "cottonwoods along _" "control flooding along _" "muddy banks of _" "rafting tour down _" "famous crossing of _" "jet boat on _" "tributary stream of _" "switchbacks down to _" "upstream reaches of _" "hydropower dam on _" "floodway for _" "good whitewater of _" "cottonwood along _" "bridge straddling _" "dams were built along _" "riparian habitats of _" "recreational opportunities along _" "rafting adventure down _" "settlement west of _" "severe flooding along _" "recreation areas along _" "suspension bridge across _" "second bridge over _" "DD-mile reach of _" "great bend of _" "highway followed _" "head waters of _" "eight-mile stretch of _" "suspension bridge spanning _" "small tributary of _" "rafting trip along _" "primary tributaries of _" "Tribes along _" "Class V rapids of _" "River confluence with _" "scenic bend of _" "impounded waters of _" "great falls on _" "float down _" "DD-mile trip down _" "_ is the primary river" "great whitewater of _" "habitat restoration along _" "banks of _" "Canyon portion of _" "train crosses _" "_ passes a few miles" "hilly banks of _" "fly fishing trips on _" "paddling is brilliant on _" "river trips on _" "family farm along _" "_ forms the border" "_ carved the Grand Canyon" "damming of _" "expedition up _" "_ is a major waterway" "They were located along _" "_ 's eastern bank" "grist mill along _" "whitewater paddling on _" "_ basin upstream from" "_ offers some magnificent whitewater" "_ 's Black Canyon" "III rapids of _" "Scenic Byway follows _" "scenic float down _" "great dam on _" "riparian communities along _" "southern bank of _" "we raft down _" "water river rafting on _" "water rights on _" "fishing access along _" "Canyon region of _" "first west of _" "girder bridge over _" "_ flowing west through" "several tributaries of _" "fishing spot along _" "facility located along _" "dam construction along _" "deserts west of _" "lower mainstem of _" "bottomland along _" "riparian woodlands along _" "recreation area along _" "natural flooding of _" "canals off _" "canyon lands of _" "private land along _" "bald eagles along _" "major tributary of _" "dramatic bend in _" "settlers along _" "new bridge over _" "natural flow regime of _" "major waterways such as _" "flood plain of _" "kayak trips down _" "steel bridge over _" "first suspension bridge across _" "flood control measures along _" "gorge made by _" "industry west of _" "day rafting on _" "brown water of _" "boat tour down _" "flow regime of _" "flood waters from _" "major rivers such as _" "class III rapids of _" "cruise down _" "canoe down _" "big bend in _" "annual spawning run up _" "private water on _" "present channel of _" "high-quality water from _" "gorge created by _" "dam was constructed on _" "Bridge , crossing _" "DD-km reach of _" "dammed waters of _" "brilliant whitewater spots on _" "tamarisk along _" "aquatic ecology of _" "river rafting along _" "reduced flows in _" "rafting guide on _" "Water is diverted from _" "Whitewater rafting on _" "Several tributaries of _" "new bridge was built over _" "kayaks down _" "_ watershed within" "wild rapids of _" "upper watershed of _" "upper reach of _" "famous rapids of _" "fine whitewater of _" "canyon along _" "Water rights to _" "downcutting by _" "canyon , along _" "dam is on _" "dam built on _" "boat ride along _" "nearby bridge over _" "wildlife habitat along _" "white water rafting along _" "wide spot in _" "first bridge across _" "gorge , carved by _" "north bank of _" "riverboat cruise on _" "scenic float trip on _" "riparian habitats along _" "raft down _" "scenic banks of _" "rafting company on _" "mill along _" "new bridge crossing _" "water levels along _" "water resources along _" "upper valleys of _" "tribes living along _" "they lived along _" "entire watershed of _" "whitewater trips on _" "wonderful trip down _" "wooded bluffs of _" "watershed feeding _" "short tributary of _" "whitewater rafting on _" "warrior tribes of _" "precious waters of _" "river basins including _" "park-like setting along _" "river bank of _" "peaceful float down _" "pontoon bridge across _" "western banks of _" "waterways , such as _" "whitewater segment on _" "_ basin upstream of" "water power on _" "water taxis on _" "flooding along _" "minor tributary of _" "new site along _" "people living south of _" "look at near _" "_ has a pleasant whitewater paddling spot" "_ has no rapids" "_ has a delightful whitewater paddling spot" "_ forms the boundary" "Reservation is located along _" "Bridge crossing _" "Native American tribes along _" "International Law See _" "_ flows west from" "sand bars of _" "riverboat ride on _" "we rafted down _" "instream flows on _" "glorious whitewater of _" "small lake along _" "riparian woodland along _" "ford across _" "freshwater flows from _" "water rafting trips down _" "whitewater stretch of _" "swimming hole along _" "bottomlands along _" "country west of _" "boat ramps on _" "bridge being built over _" "massive dam on _" "paddling on _" "highway crosses over _" "house boating on _" "many dams along _" "wildlife viewing along _" "white water rafting down _" "whitewater sweep on _" "wonderful fishing in _" "wetland habitat along _" "whitewater on _" "hiking trail next to _" "rafting trip on _" "only dam on _" "cool banks of _" "entire reach of _" "rafting expedition on _" "headwater of _" "goosenecks of _" "entire drainage area of _" "westbank of _" "various tributaries of _" "we cruise up _" "upper basin of _" "white water rapids of _" "_ watershed through" "We are located along _" "River , now known as _" "_ 's annual flow" "sites west of _" "spectacular gorge of _" "steam boats on _" "canoe ride down _" "dam was built across _" "delta formed by _" "exciting trip down _" "eastern bank of _" "communities west of _" "_ turns west into" "beautiful banks of _" "beautiful park along _" "boat service on _" "riparian forests along _" "riparian corridor along _" "sandstone cliffs above _" "white-water rapids of _" "whitewater spots on _" "rafting is on _" "river port on _" "dammed portion of _" "border west to _" "county south of _" "water was diverted from _" "whitewater rafting trips down _" "water imported from _" "us flowed _" "tributaries of _" "stony banks of _" "dam is located on _" "dam building on _" "levees along _" "highway follows _" "white water river rafting on _" "paddling trip on _" "fourth river is _" "massive dams on _" "large tributaries of _" "meandering stretch of _" "major rivers including _" "agricultural area along _" "many dams on _" "grist mill on _" "rivers such as _" "pedestrian bridge over _" "northeast bank of _" "land , east of _" "nice whitewater spots on _" "County west of _" "I-DD bridge across _" "City is just across _" "_ flows southward through" "park is bisected by _" "paddling is pleasant on _" "steamer up _" "unincorporated town on _" "truss bridge over _" "water rights along _" "water rafting trips on _" "paddle down _" "middle course of _" "agriculture along _" "_ watershed drains" "downtown along _" "_ offers some delightful whitewater" "White-water rafting on _" "first bridge over _" "beautiful canyon of _" "canoe trips on _" "_ scouring the floor" "base camp along _" "boat ride down _" "boat journey down _" "activities are available near _" "buttes by _" "cruise up _" "early settlers along _" "side channel of _" "first dam on _" "footbridge crossing _" "wide bend in _" "diversion dam on _" "riverbed of _" "frequent flooding of _" "hot spring along _" "sediment input from _" "sand bars on _" "river trips along _" "scenic section of _" "Canyon dams on _" "settlements west of _" "river tr" ] using colorado_river
SEAL @658 (100.0%) on 06-nov-2012 [ 12 ] using (gila_river, colorado_river)
OE @803 (94.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (gila_river, colorado_river)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to its junction with arg2" "arg1 is a tributary of arg2" "arg1 near its confluence with arg2" "arg1 to its confluence with arg2" "arg1 confluence with arg2" ] using (gila_river, colorado_river)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:atlocation,concept:atlocation" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:riveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" ] using (gila_river, colorado_river)
OE @803 (98.4%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (san_juan, colorado_river)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:cityliesonriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver,concept:atlocation" ] using (san_juan, colorado_river)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to the confluence of arg1" "arg2 below the confluence with arg1" "arg2 tributaries to arg1" "arg2 to the confluence with arg1" "arg2 above the confluence with arg1" "arg2 from its junction with arg1" ] using (green_river, colorado_river)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to the confluence of arg2" "arg1 upstream of its confluence with arg2" "arg1 below the confluence with arg2" "arg1 tributaries to arg2" "arg1 to the confluence with arg2" "arg1 above the confluence with arg2" "arg1 from its junction with arg2" ] using (colorado_river, green_river)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to its junction with arg1" "arg2 is a tributary of arg1" "arg2 near its confluence with arg1" "arg2 to its confluence with arg1" ] using (colorado_river, gila_river)
OE @811 (96.9%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (colorado_river, gila_river)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 valley near arg1" "arg2 valley down to arg1" "arg2 Valley from arg1" "arg2 Delta south of arg1" "arg2 Valley near arg1" ] using (yuma, colorado_river)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is a major tributary of arg1" "arg2 is a tributary of arg1" "arg2 is a tributary to arg1" ] using (colorado_river, escalante_river)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to the confluence with arg1" "arg2 and just south of arg1" "arg2 to its confluence with arg1" ] using (colorado_river, carbondale)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to the confluence of arg2" "arg1 upstream of its confluence with arg2" "arg1 below the confluence with arg2" "arg1 tributaries to arg2" "arg1 to the confluence with arg2" "arg1 above the confluence with arg2" "arg1 from its junction with arg2" ] using (colorado_river, green_river)