CPL @1104 (88.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "railway bridge over _" "hydropower plants on _" "floodplain areas along _" "Russian troops crossed _" "barge up _" "frontier along _" "hydroelectric complex on _" "dinner cruise along _" "North bank of _" "_ cuts the country" "estuary of _" "dams along _" "bridge , crossing _" "Buda side of _" "lush green banks of _" "_ divides the city" "development project along _" "city is divided by _" "assault across _" "bridge built across _" "important trading center on _" "west banks of _" "barges down _" "last bridge across _" "high right bank of _" "flooding along _" "boat ride along _" "Fortress overlooking _" "dam project on _" "cabin along _" "major tributary of _" "old course of _" "new bridge across _" "border marked by _" "tributary of _" "small tributary of _" "gorge cut by _" "floodplain area of _" "bridge crossing _" "barge trip along _" "_ forms the county" "right banks of _" "rivers including _" "positions north of _" "picturesque valley of _" "major rivers , including _" "major rivers are _" "only bridge across _" "upper stretch of _" "bridge crosses _" "quays along _" "West bank of _" "free navigation on _" "west bank of _" "wine region along _" "cruise down _" "International Law See _" "New bridge over _" "_ flows east through" "scenic stretches of _" "important tributary of _" "River join _" "swampland along _" "major bridge across _" "barge down _" "river systems such as _" "Christmas markets along _" "south banks of _" "silt deposits from _" "tribes crossed _" "very bank of _" "boat trip down _" "tributary to _" "boat ride down _" "southern tributary of _" "river cruise down _" "first bridge spanning _" "major rivers including _" "_ is joined there by" "northern bend of _" "territory south of _" "tourist attraction along _" "hydroelectric dam on _" "north bank of _" "River cruise on _" "water quality conditions of _" "southern bend of _" "valley along _" "counties along _" "boat tour along _" "right bank of _" "river boat on _" "western bank of _" "beautiful banks of _" "river cruise along _" "troops crossed _" "lovely banks of _" "left banks of _" "eastern bank of _" "tributaries of _" "bridges spanning _" "_ splits the city" "left shore of _" "_ makes a sharp bend" "many bridges over _" "northern bank of _" "southern bank of _" "_ drains an area" "hydroelectric power plant on _" "picturesque banks of _" "southern banks of _" "south bank of _" "fertile land along _" "Bridge spans _" "_ flows south through" "River joins _" "city is bisected by _" "free navigation of _" "boat ride on _" "permanent bridge over _" "night cruise down _" "relaxing cruise down _" "riverbank of _" "northern banks of _" "region west of _" "historic bridges spanning _" "first permanent bridge over _" "major bridge over _" "bank tributary of _" "civilization along _" "truss bridge over _" "city situated along _" "river named _" "riparian states of _" "raft trip down _" "area , crossed _" "steel truss bridge over _" "confluence with _" "district west of _" "Huns crossed _" "banks of _" "swampy banks of _" "river port on _" "city is split by _" "right-bank tributary of _" "D-night cruise along _" "opposite banks of _" "_ is an important river" "cruise up _" "barge trip on _" "lower stretches of _" "river cruise on _" "colony north of _" "lower reaches of _" "marshy delta of _" "bridges cross _" "kingdom north of _" "lower course of _" "Army crossed _" "hydroelectric power stations on _" "Army crossing _" "Slovak side of _" "damming of _" "only bridge over _" "bridge over _" "_ cuts the city" "new bridge over _" "dinner cruise down _" "green banks of _" "left bank of _" "east bank of _" "floodplains of _" "extensive flooding along _" "short cruise down _" "great valley of _" "forces had crossed _" "optional dinner cruise on _" "main tributary of _" "flood waters from _" "canoe trip down _" "casinos along _" "assault crossing of _" "alluvial plain of _" "Pest side of _" "kayak trip down _" "riverboat cruise on _" "tributary valleys of _" "mixed-use development along _" "barge traffic on _" "power plants along _" "_ drains parts" "second bridge over _" "large river systems such as _" "main tributaries of _" "legions across _" "border follows _" "right-hand bank of _" "he travelled along _" "barbarians along _" "Major rivers include _" "bike trail along _" "river banks of _" "territory north of _" "army crossed _" "plain , drained by _" "picturesque section of _" "new dam on _" "barbarians across _" "big bend of _" "tribes beyond _" "boat trip up _" "rivers , including _" "skyline along _" "_ cruises save" "northern border along _" "barges up _" "shipping point on _" "bridges crossing _" "middle basin of _" "hydrographic basin of _" "boat traffic along _" "boat trip along _" "beautiful sites along _" "broad valley of _" "headwaters of _" "main channel of _" "recent flooding of _" "cruise along _" "Serbs across _" "_ flows southeast through" ] using danube_river
LE @1066 (65.7%) on 13-jul-2017
CMC @3 (100.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ PREFIX=rive 4.54395 PREFIX=riv 4.47031 LAST_WORD=river 4.26761 SUFFIX=iver 4.14595 PREFIX=ri 3.63553 LASTPREFIX=rive 3.40778 LASTSUFFIX=iver 3.32417 LASTSUFFIX=er -1.91621 WORDS -3.59247 CHARS -6.27585 ] using danube_river
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 from Passau to arg1" "arg2 as it flows past arg1" "arg2 between Budapest and arg1" "arg2 Basin Commission in arg1" "arg2 from Bratislava to arg1" ] using (vienna, danube_river)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey