CPL @1112 (73.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "nearby valley of _" "Important cities along _" "rail line crosses _" "north bank of _" "stone bridge across _" "stone bridge over _" "banks of _" "main river is _" "tributary of _" "boat ride on _" "steamboats on _" "bridge was built across _" "railway bridge over _" "army crossed _" "bridge over _" "bridge crossing _" "lower valley of _" "first bridge over _" "oxbow of _" "_ has many dams" "tributary to _" "_ meets the Rhine" "rivers such as _" "'pearl of _" "right bank of _" "bridge built across _" "south bank of _" "traffic bridge over _" "old stone bridge across _" "left bank of _" "wooden bridge was built across _" ] using lahn
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of city:nassau cityliesonriver river:lahn ]
OE @829 (90.1%) on 08-apr-2014 [ ] using lahn
SEAL @174 (61.0%) on 08-dec-2010 [ 12 ] using lahn