CPL @1104 (90.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "Reaches of _" "city straddles _" "irrigation along _" "Dam built on _" "conquest along _" "middle stretches of _" "floodplains along _" "tribes along _" "chief tributary of _" "fertile flood plains of _" "principal tributary of _" "_ is the third-longest river" "main tributary of _" "boat trip down _" "tributaries of _" "upper valley of _" "civilization along _" "south bank of _" "annual flooding of _" "west bank of _" "floodplain of _" "South bank of _" "eastern bank of _" "upper course of _" "northeast bank of _" "agriculture along _" "river cruise down _" "east bank of _" "middle reaches of _" "great bend in _" "north bank of _" "riparian states of _" "navigable point on _" "deltas include _" "_ flows north through" "minor tributary of _" "headwaters of _" "left banks of _" "big bend of _" "sunset boat ride on _" "boats operating on _" "river banks of _" "_ flows south into" "confluence with _" "_ is the main river" "trading centers on _" "tribe living along _" "area watered by _" "sandy banks of _" "southern bank of _" "dam across _" "Lower Reaches of _" "middle course of _" "huge delta of _" "rivers , including _" "various tributaries of _" "land west of _" "riverboat tour on _" "slow boat down _" "rivers like _" "floodplains of _" "boat trip up _" "river port on _" "_ 's flood plain" "_ makes a great bend" "banks of _" "middle valley of _" "they float down _" "estuary of _" "barges plying _" "low water level of _" "affluents of _" "expedition up _" "damming of _" "hydroelectric dams along _" "delta area of _" "wetland areas along _" "other bank of _" "slow boat along _" "annual flood of _" "_ is the major river" "city straddling _" "major dam on _" "main river is _" "paddle down _" "downtown , across _" "large bend in _" "lower course of _" "major rivers , including _" "lower reaches of _" "bridge crossing _" "distributary of _" "lush plains of _" "pirogue down _" "fertile valley of _" "cruise down _" "free navigation of _" "flood plain of _" "_ 's annual flooding" "far bank of _" "steamer up _" "flood plains of _" "upper tributaries of _" "great bend of _" "cruise along _" "fertile banks of _" "private boat along _" "opposite bank of _" "_ flows south through" "principal river is _" "tours down _" "boat cruise along _" "voyage down _" "tributary to _" "geographical feature is _" "rivers including _" "right banks of _" "boat journey along _" "International Law See _" "route parallels _" "sand bars of _" "inland delta of _" "left bank of _" "tributary of _" "dams along _" "eastern banks of _" "_ is the primary river" "_ is the principal river" "boat ride up _" "major tributary of _" "expedition down _" "alluvial plains of _" "Tributaries of _" "river cruise on _" "boat ride on _" "delta region of _" "bridge over _" "new bridge over _" "cruise up _" "troops crossed _" "right bank of _" "river cruises along _" "territory east of _" "upper waters of _" "North bank of _" "broad bend of _" "dams on _" "riverboat trip on _" "pontoon bridge over _" ] using niger_river
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Delta in southern arg2" "arg1 delta region of arg2" "arg1 Delta of arg2" "arg1 Delta area of arg2" "arg1 Delta region of arg2" ] using (niger_river, nigeria)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Delta in southern arg2" "arg1 delta region of arg2" "arg1 Delta of arg2" "arg1 Delta area of arg2" "arg1 Delta region of arg2" ] using (nigeria, niger_river)