CMC @538 (100.0%) on 24-mar-2012 [ CHARS 2.17950 PREFIX=kit 1.30162 PREFIX=kitc 1.29487 PREFIX=kitch 1.28278 SUFFIX=ing 1.15312 PREFIX=are 1.09030 SUFFIX=ining 1.06213 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a_a -0.47144 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.79236 WORDS -7.73778 ] using kitchen_dining_area
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of furniture:chairs furniturefoundinroom room:kitchen_dining_area ]
LE @1066 (82.4%) on 13-jul-2017
CPL @1095 (94.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "porch off of _" "_ including electric oven" "_ is exceptionally well equipped with" "full bath , full _" "plan fully fitted _" "room , seperate _" "fireplace , fitted _" "entrance hall , fitted _" "entrance hall , large _" "Accommodation briefly comprises of _" "hall leads into _" "bed settee in _" "quality fitted _" "porch off _" "_ has patio doors" "living area is open to _" "new flooring in _" "plan , fully equipped _" "_ has ceramic tile" "_ has an electric stove" "ceramic tile floor in _" "wood burning stove in _" "heating , fully fitted _" "deck off _" "half-bath off _" "large living room , full _" "_ has a microwave oven" "patio off of _" "_ includes a stove" "doors lead from _" "door opens into _" "great room , large _" "hall , fitted _" "open plan fitted _" "alcove off _" "room , separate _" "sofa bed in _" "I walked into _" "balcony off _" "_ has a microwave" "floor has large _" "pergo flooring in _" "futon couch in _" "spacious lounge , fitted _" "room leads through to _" "room is located off _" "plan modern _" "lounge , spacious _" "_ includes a fridge" "Delicious breakfasts are served in _" "air conditioning , fully equipped _" "under-floor heating in _" "breakfasts are served in _" "_ including dishwasher" "_ is fully fitted with" "powder room is located off _" "room separated from _" "bed , fully equipped _" "living area , full _" "modern fitted _" "bedrooms , separate _" "area , fully equipped _" "lanai off _" "archway leads through to _" "open plan , fully equipped _" "Large eat in _" "living room combined with _" "apartments have fully equipped _" "doors lead out of _" "double bed , fully equipped _" "ceilings in _" "beautiful hardwood floors in _" "_ has an electric cooker" "fireplace opens to _" "cook stove in _" "_ has a pantry" "_ has an oven" "_ are located downstairs" "tile flooring in _" "new appliances in _" "room , spacious _" "_ are open plan" "front door leads into _" "sunroom off _" "spacious eat in _" "open fireplace , large _" "balconies off _" "entrance porch leads to _" "Double doors lead from _" "_ has a breakfast bar" "tile floors in _" "spacious living room , large _" "floors throughout except in _" "plan features large _" "living room separated from _" "large fully fitted _" "downstairs off _" "bathroom , fully equipped _" "compact fitted _" "open plan fully fitted _" "living room , full _" "sofa beds in _" "_ has a gas stove" "gas fireplace , open _" "Modern fully fitted _" "_ has a cooker" "room with fully-equipped _" "area leading into _" "terrace , fully fitted _" "conditioning , fully equipped _" "living room , fully equipped _" "wood cook stove in _" "plan fitted _" "New tile in _" "hall , large _" "living room , large _" "briefly comprises of _" "new ceramic tile in _" "room is just off _" "wood laminate flooring in _" "fireplace , fully fitted _" "Patio doors off _" "couch in _" "separate fully fitted _" "bath , full _" "_ has a gas cooktop" "lounge adjoins _" "open plan modern _" "bathroom , spacious _" "area , full _" "room , fully fitted _" "_ is fully equipped with" "luxury fitted _" "living room is open to _" "burning stove in _" "open-plan fitted _" "_ has a sofa" "room , fully equipped _" "lounge , fully fitted _" "shower , fully equipped _" "Large , fully equipped _" "room , full _" "fuel stove in _" "vinyl flooring in _" "lounge , fitted _" "deck off of _" "bar separates _" "telephone , fully equipped _" "bedroom , separate _" "door leads into _" "entrance hall , open _" "large eat in _" "glass doors lead from _" "Accommodation comprises of large _" "_ has a fridge" "bathroom , fully fitted _" "fireplace in _" "bedroom , fully fitted _" "_ featuring granite counters" "high quality fitted _" "_ has just been remodeled with" "family room off _" "hardwood floors , open _" "room , bright _" "tile floor in _" "room , large open _" ] using kitchen_dining_area
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 with dining table and arg1" "arg2 has a table and four arg1" "arg2 with table and D arg1" "arg2 with dining table and four arg1" "arg2 there is a table and arg1" ] using (chairs, kitchen_dining_area)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is fully equipped with electric arg1" "arg2 has a microwave arg1" "arg2 with hob and arg1" ] using (oven, kitchen_dining_area)
CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is well equipped with electric arg1" "arg2 is fully equipped with electric arg1" ] using (cooker, kitchen_dining_area)