CPL @1109 (59.2%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ has tea/coffee" "surround sound system in _" "wall leading into _" "front door opens into _" "meals were taken in _" "king-size bed in _" "_ has a king size sleigh bed" "alcove off _" "bed dominates _" "_ has closets" "ceiling in _" "bath off _" "people trickled into _" "Buffet breakfast is served in _" "_ has leather couches" "hallway , into _" "bedrooms off _" "_ has sliding door access" "we were escorted into _" "Hutch walked into _" "kitchen leads into _" "_ including microwave" "bed adorns _" "_ offers a queen size bed" "door led into _" "entry hall is _" "door leads into _" "burning stove in _" "bedrooms off of _" "_ contains a queen bed" "_ offers a queen-size bed" "lower level also includes _" "door opens into _" "_ offers a king bed" "_ has a king size" "_ tastefully furnished with" "breakfast is served in _" "first floor there is _" "ground floor we find _" "coffee table in _" "full size bed in _" "_ has a laminate floor" "door , leading to _" "bedroom , separate _" "arched doorway into _" "_ has a king-size bed" "Everyone gathered in _" "small alcove off _" "entrance leads into _" "kitchen to _" "_ is equipped wit" "breakfasts are served in _" "_ has a double bed" "_ containing a double" "apartment is composed of _" "continental breakfast is served daily in _" "Upstairs , is _" "guests enter into _" "wood burning stove in _" "door opened into _" "_ is an informal area" "original fireplace in _" "_ has a queen size bed" "_ has patio doors" "_ including all amenities" "_ has french windows" "_ featuring a queen-sized bed" "_ has a king size bed" "_ has a queen bed" "_ has a writing desk" "_ has a bunk bed" "room leads into _" "dining room adjacent to _" "breakfast buffet is served in _" "king bed in _" "_ is fully equipped with" "_ offers a queen bed" "ground floor level is _" "_ has a corner sofa" "_ has a King bed" "_ is furnished with" "_ offers a double bed" "area flows into _" "_ was spacious" "hall opens into _" "I walked into _" "He was shown into _" "breakfast is served daily in _" "king size bed in _" "old floor in _" "_ has a king-sized bed" "foyer into _" "_ contains a queen size bed" "red wall in _" "corner fireplace in _" "bathroom off _" "entry opens to _" "fireplace in _" "_ has twin beds" "double bed in _" "couch in _" "double doors leading into _" "_ richly appointed with" "_ has a fireplace" "sofa in _" "small balcony in _" "_ has a large bath" "Breakfast Breakfast is served in _" "_ includes a king size bed" "_ include free wireless Internet" "_ has a kingsize bed" "_ has a canopy bed" "conversation area in _" "queen size bed in _" "_ offers a king size bed" "_ has a sofa" "_ has a super king-size bed" "ceilings in _" "front entrance leads into _" "They were shown into _" "_ has linoleum flooring" "pullout couch in _" "archway leads into _" "buffet is served in _" "buffet breakfast is served in _" "_ has a King Size bed" "carpet in _" "_ has a king bed" "Ground floor consists of _" "_ has a private bath" "door leads from _" "_ has a queen" "_ is very well equipped with" "suites are composed of _" "tiled floors in _" "door opens onto _" "dark hallway to _" "size bed in _" "gurney in _" "_ has a wall" "_ has a bay window" "_ has a bathtub" ] using large_room
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of furniture:bed itemfoundinroom room:large_room ]
LE @1061 (77.4%) on 28-may-2017
CMC @1063 (100.0%) on 05-jun-2017 [ SUFFIX=oom 3.14332 SUFFIX=om 3.05407 PREFIX=roo 2.60228 LASTSUFFIX=oom 2.52434 LASTSUFFIX=om 2.39572 PREFIX=ro 1.95589 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.77708 POS=NN -0.48310 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.48233 WORDS -7.18416 ] using large_room
CPL @1097 (99.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with sofa and easy arg1" "arg2 with a table and arg1" "arg2 with table and arg1" "arg2 is furnished with tables and arg1" "arg2 with dining table and four arg1" "arg2 with a dining table and arg1" "arg2 furnished with tables and arg1" ] using (chairs, large_room)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with king arg1" "arg2 features a queen size arg1" "arg2 has a king size arg1" "arg2 with a king arg1" "arg2 complete with king arg1" "arg2 with a double and single arg1" "arg2 features a king sized arg1" ] using (sleigh_bed, large_room)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (size_bed, large_room)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 featuring a queen arg1" "arg2 with super king arg1" "arg2 furnished with queen arg1" "arg2 offers a queen arg1" "arg2 with a Queen arg1" "arg2 contains a queen arg1" "arg2 with queen or king arg1" "arg2 comes with a queen arg1" "arg2 has one king arg1" "arg2 with one king arg1" "arg2 with one queen arg1" "arg2 includes a king arg1" "arg2 with a queen arg1" "arg2 with a King arg1" "arg2 with king arg1" "arg2 with queen arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 with a king arg1" "arg2 has a king arg1" "arg2 with one King arg1" "arg2 offers a king arg1" ] using (size_bed, large_room)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with king arg1" "arg2 features a queen size arg1" "arg2 has a king size arg1" "arg2 with a king arg1" "arg2 complete with king arg1" "arg2 with a double and single arg1" "arg2 features a king sized arg1" ] using (sleigh_bed, large_room)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with Queen Size arg1" "arg2 with a Queen size arg1" "arg2 with King or Queen arg1" "arg2 with a King arg1" ] using (bed, large_room)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with king arg1" "arg2 with two twin arg1" "arg2 has D queen arg1" "arg2 has two queen arg1" ] using (size_beds, large_room)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with Queen Size arg1" "arg2 with a Queen size arg1" "arg2 with King or Queen arg1" "arg2 with a King arg1" ] using (bed, large_room)