CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "analysis of statistical _" "three-way analysis of _" "multiple sources of _" "maximum likelihood estimation of _" "key sources of _" "_ using SPSS." "multivariable analysis of _" "_ indicated significant differences" "one-way analysis of _" "mixed analysis of _" "_ regarding the location" "D-way analysis of _" "data , analyzing _" "model analysis of _" "relevant sources of _" "standard analysis of _" "two-way analysis of _" "_ using varimax rotation" "measures analysis of _" "statistical technique of _" "_ using SPSS" "multiple analysis of _" "nonparametric analysis of _" "variables contain _" "use of spatial _" "random variable has _" "independent source of _" "information means _" "likelihood estimate for _" "repeated measures analysis of _" "random variables have _" "I contact for _" "factorial analysis of _" "_ regarding students" "_ requested on" "statistical methods such as _" "One-way analysis of _" "maximum likelihood estimate for _" "_ requested is necessary" "_ is reasonably necessary" "multivariate analysis of _" "repeated-measures analysis of _" "mixed model analysis of _" "Poisson approximation to _" "_ using SAS." "independent sources of _" "confidence bounds for _" "We request _" "_ is a statistical procedure" "_ is a statistical technique" "source of current _" "_ using generalized estimating equations" "independent random variables with _" "Two-way analysis of _" "univariate analysis of _" "web-pages contain _" ] using variance
CMC @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=iance 2.26431 PREFIX=va 2.09086 LASTSUFFIX=iance 1.69676 SUFFIX=ance 1.63517 PREFIX=varia 1.61307 SUFFIX=nce 1.48655 CHARS 1.40827 WORDS -1.47260 POS=NN -1.75676 FULL_POS=NN -1.88768 ] using variance
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey