CMC @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=otel 6.13712 SUFFIX=tel 5.80141 SUFFIX=nn 5.75504 PREFIX=hote 3.44165 SUFFIX=uites 3.38753 PREFIX=hot 3.01645 PREFIX=suite 2.97489 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa -0.55412 LASTSUFFIX=el -0.92403 WORDS -5.75252 ] using econo_lodge_inn___suites_hotel
CPL @1108 (91.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ is conveniently located with" "pleasure , make _" "pleasure , stay at _" "_ provides friendly customer service" ] using econo_lodge_inn___suites_hotel
CMC @1003 (100.0%) on 01-jul-2016 [ SUFFIX=nn 5.74775 SUFFIX=tel 5.23545 SUFFIX=otel 4.75328 PREFIX=in 2.63186 SUFFIX=uites 2.34379 SUFFIX=ites 2.06472 PREFIX=suite 2.01858 POS=NNS -0.40387 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.61705 WORDS -6.75359 ] using econo_lodge_inn___suites_hotel
LE @1052 (58.9%) on 24-apr-2017
CPL @1094 (98.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ is ideally located in" "_ is conveniently located with" "_ provides relaxing accommodations" "_ is the perfect hotel" "pleasure , make _" "pleasure , stay at _" "_ provides excellent accommodations" "_ offers the perfect destination" "_ provides friendly customer service" "_ offers affordable accommodations" ] using econo_lodge_inn___suites_hotel