CPL @1105 (70.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "time of civil _" "strategy of nonviolent _" "signs of political _" "outright acts of _" "brink of civil _" "blatant acts of _" "path of civil _" "acts of peaceful _" "individual acts of _" "study of civil _" "story of civil _" "act of cultural _" "acts of cultural _" "prospect of civil _" "alleged acts of _" "pressure of civil _" "new wave of civil _" "blatant act of _" "instance of civil _" "talk of civil _" "tradition of civil _" "brand of civil _" "act of direct _" "acts of social _" "serious act of _" "result of civil _" "_ waged by" "acts of civil _" "declaration of _" "days of civil _" "century , civil _" "commit acts of _" "acts of non-violent _" "hydra-headed monster of _" "problem of civil _" "it was civil _" "mass civil _" "threat of civil _" "meaning of civil _" "perpetual state of _" "power of nonviolent _" "question of civil _" "obvious act of _" "overt acts of _" "freedom , civil _" "incitement to _" "act of non-violent _" "new era of civil _" "multiple acts of _" "outbreak of civil _" "seeds of civil _" "realities of civil _" "continued acts of _" "civil rights , civil _" "practice of social _" "ideas on social _" "symbol of political _" "decades of civil _" "experience of civil _" "theory of civil _" "brazen act of _" "long history of civil _" "round of civil _" "state of permanent _" "It was civil _" "act of civil _" "state of political _" "stories about civil _" "war , civil _" "theory of social _" "flames of civil _" "cause of individual _" "theories of civil _" "pretexts for _" "verge of civil _" "theory of liberal _" "impact of civil _" "ideas of civil _" "part in civil _" "catalyst for civil _" "state of civil _" "forces of civil _" "further acts of _" "definition of civil _" "aspects of civil _" "foundation of civil _" "extension of civil _" "call for civil _" "_ is the inherent right" "stories of civil _" "_ becomes duty" "periods of civil _" "core of civil _" "movement struggling for _" "politics , civil _" "non-violent form of _" "revolution , civil _" "power of non-violent _" "particular acts of _" "path of social _" "instances of civil _" "major act of _" "methods of civil _" "kind of civil _" "flagrant act of _" "name of civil _" "attempt at civil _" "fomenters of _" "spread of civil _" "outrageous act of _" "example of direct _" "greater degree of _" "human rights , civil _" "conflict , civil _" "principle of civil _" "times of civil _" "spectre of civil _" "_ is not only a right" "_ is not just against" "own acts of _" "minor acts of _" "labor , civil _" "previous acts of _" "period of civil _" "overt act of _" "limitations of civil _" "fears of civil _" "declarations of _" "policy of civil _" "isolated acts of _" "calls for civil _" "center of civil _" "incitements to _" "form of civil _" "education , civil _" "encyclopedia Civil _" "clear acts of _" "danger of civil _" "midst of civil _" "act of environmental _" "area of social _" "fires of civil _" "free encyclopedia Civil _" "height of civil _" "principles of civil _" "clear act of _" "return to civil _" "decade of civil _" "degree of civil _" "full scale civil _" "threats of civil _" "history of civil _" "forms of nonviolent _" "form of organised _" "point of civil _" "they declared _" "act of nonviolent _" "level of civil _" "start of civil _" "resumption of civil _" "_ does not mean freedom" "effects of civil _" "democracy , civil _" "flagrant acts of _" "road of civil _" "heart of civil _" "cause of civil _" "campaign of civil _" "committed acts of _" "rights , civil _" "symbol of female _" "rule , civil _" "nation into civil _" "inevitable price of _" "idea of civil _" "form of nonviolent _" "possible acts of _" "measures of civil _" "work in civil _" "era of total _" "attempted act of _" "deliberate acts of _" "campaign of passive _" "era of civil _" "aggressive act of _" "terrible cost of _" "actual acts of _" "descent into civil _" "commitment to civil _" "_ is sometimes justified" "several acts of _" "theory of democratic _" "prisoners of _" "_ is the deliberate" "term 'civil _" "stages of civil _" "issue of civil _" "future acts of _" "years of civil _" "movement , civil _" "terrible consequence of _" "oppression , civil _" "campaign of nonviolent _" "acts of economic _" "scale civil _" "road to civil _" "recipe for civil _" "harsh consequences of _" "egregious act of _" "serious acts of _" "spirit of total _" "edge of civil _" ] using disobedience
CMC @1107 (84.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ SUFFIX=ce 1.47296 SUFFIX=nce 1.19215 LASTPREFIX=di 1.16532 PREFIX=di 1.10430 LASTSUFFIX=ce 0.88783 SUFFIX=ence 0.83993 LASTSUFFIX=nce 0.81771 FULL_POS=NN -0.83791 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -1.11120 WORDS -1.97533 ] using disobedience
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey