CPL @1107 (61.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "precepts of American _" "pillar of American _" "radical notions of _" "requirements of true _" "real champions of _" "rise of political _" "principles of religious _" "philosophy of economic _" "atmosphere of religious _" "democracy , social _" "freedom , true _" "fairness , of _" "doctrine of religious _" "women , political _" "measure of national _" "larger movement for _" "protests calling for _" "national movement for _" "level of economic _" "respect for human _" "human struggle for _" "important bulwark of _" "favour of absolute _" "issue of civil _" "hallmark of true _" "common struggle for _" "constitution guaranteeing _" "desire for national _" "opponents of human _" "liberty , individual _" "liberty , economic _" "journey towards true _" "_ means the freedom" "common fight for _" "constitution guarantees _" "degree of economic _" "conception of social _" "defenders of religious _" "conception of religious _" "favor of economic _" "fundamental values , such as _" "hand with political _" "secular notions of _" "prerequisite for political _" "proponents of economic _" "road to financial _" "policy of economic _" "guarantee of religious _" "general struggle for _" "issues of academic _" "pursuit of true _" "serious violations of _" "defender of human _" "center of civil _" "defense of intellectual _" "economic development , political _" "_ is not the freedom" "threat to human _" "tolerance , political _" "human quest for _" "ideals of individual _" "issues of religious _" "high degree of economic _" "such thing as absolute _" "political rights , economic _" "present struggle for _" "questions of economic _" "semblance of true _" "relationship between economic _" "real defenders of _" "idea of civil _" "barriers to economic _" "_ requires checks" "democracy , civil _" "demands for religious _" "democracy , economic _" "States stands for _" "Party believes in _" "Iranian people for _" "behalf of religious _" "advocates of human _" "commitment to intellectual _" "deal of economic _" "democratic culture of _" "noble struggle for _" "Amendment rights to _" "_ was proclaimed in" "American fight for _" "Oromo struggle for _" "American way of _" "constitutional provision for _" "respect for personal _" "promotion of human _" "reality of American _" "traditions of American _" "equality , social _" "degree of sexual _" "democratic principles of _" "measures of economic _" "fundamental guarantees of _" "group seeking _" "hero fighting for _" "fundamental rights to _" "acceptance of religious _" "_ requires eternal vigilance" "way to financial _" "symbol of American _" "state of religious _" "very foundations of American _" "wider struggle for _" "American belief in _" "issues of economic _" "human drive for _" "foundation for American _" "terrorism , religious _" "freedom , social _" "justice , real _" "entire struggle for _" "element of American _" "first step towards financial _" "foundation for political _" "I believe in economic _" "Amendment guarantees of _" "men struggling for _" "libertarian notion of _" "belief in economic _" "constitutional concept of _" "climate of religious _" "Britain granted _" "second war for _" "substantive conception of _" "struggle for democratic _" "theme of religious _" "system of liberal _" "blow to American _" "constitutional guarantee of _" "chance for real _" "civil liberties , economic _" "champion of religious _" "successful movement for _" "struggle for human _" "stage of American _" "American system of _" "African American struggle for _" "Flag stands for _" "African struggle for _" "state of political _" "pathways to economic _" "peace without _" "lifelong struggle for _" "liberties , economic _" "notions of religious _" "_ is just war" "Islam is not compatible with _" "American experiment with _" "Enlightenment ideals of _" "immutable principles of _" "foundations of economic _" "_ was the inalienable right" "years fought for _" "world movement for _" "world struggling for _" "world of total _" "world government based on _" "American desire for _" "American principle of _" "Western ideals of _" "Liberty stands for _" "founding of American _" "erosion of personal _" "_ is not only the right" "route to financial _" "regaining of _" "_ is dictatorship" "_ is fought by" "American war of _" "period of political _" "principle of true _" "fight for human _" "fundamental right to _" "incitements to _" "great ideals of _" "form of civil _" "defender of American _" "democratic principle of _" "economic freedom , political _" "desire for absolute _" "consistent opponent of _" "country committed to _" "dream of financial _" "_ requires government" "freedom , religious _" "form of poetic _" "greater degree of _" "fathers fought for _" "benefits of economic _" "agenda of economic _" "banner of religious _" "advocates of religious _" "idea of divine _" "exercise of true _" "very foundation of American _" "way of true _" "Islam is incompatible with _" "_ are God-given rights" "battle for social _" "advent of political _" "seeds of political _" "_ fought by" "hope of economic _" "global struggle between _" "forms of constitutional _" "regime of social _" "principled stand for _" "peoples struggling for _" "political ideas such as _" "programme of political _" "right of political _" "pernicious threat to _" "foundation of political _" "ideal of religious _" "long battle for _" "future struggle for _" "gross violation of human _" "idea of democratic _" "framework of American _" "essential pillar of _" "human rights including _" "human aspirations for _" "heroic stand for _" "universal notions of _" "struggle for American _" "Enlightenment principles of _" "Western discourse on _" "liberal notions of _" "measure of religious _" "nation fighting for _" "opposition to economic _" "experiment in political _" "guarantees of political _" "ideals such as _" "name of economic _" "movement toward economic _" "revolutionary struggle for _" "rights , including religious _" "patriots fighting for _" "peoples fighting for _" "abuses of academic _" "attack on academic _" "_ requires equality" "path of economic _" "status of religious _" "western conception of _" "universal ideals of _" "way to economic _" "woman fighting for _" "Enlightenment values of _" "American doctrine of _" "Constitutionally guaranteed _" "wars of _" "thing as complete _" "belief in democratic _" "fruits of economic _" "historical struggles for _" "freedom includes _" "fight for _" "meaning of political _" "message of religious _" "labor , civil _" "nation declared _" "final struggle for _" "great deal of personal _" "cornerstone of economic _" "death-knell to _" "history toward _" "ideals of American _" "today fighting for _" "sense of financial _" "strange notion of _" "principles of personal _" "road to democratic _" "others fighting for _" "stated ideals of _" "rights , political _" "state of original _" "socialism vs. _" "struggle for industrial _" "organizations working for _" "_ is being waged in" "government , economic _" "fierce spirit of _" "freedom versus _" "heart of civil _" "symbol of intellectual _" "threats to religious _" "security , economic _" "social justice , political _" "establishment of constitutional _" "great American experiment in _" "favour of economic _" "fierce sense of _" "authoritarianism to _" "periods of political _" "many struggles for _" "new era of civil _" "balance between individual _" "advocate of political _" "attainment of economic _" "champion of global _" "battle cry of _" "heroic symbol of _" "_ is economic freedom" "_ is the inherent right" "_ iowa zip code" "lack of religious _" "American values , such as _" "measure of political _" "battle for political _" "bastion of religious _" "advocates of economic _" "attainment of true _" "barriers to individual _" "amendment right to _" "ar on _" "thing as religious _" "political movement for _" "road to real _" "_ anywhere is a threat" "own ideals of _" "British values of _" "American principles of _" "Jubilee year of _" "America’s struggle for _" "US stands for _" "plan for economic _" "South African struggle for _" "support for religious _" "concept of political _" "essence of economic _" "history of civil _" "guarantee of economic _" "expense of economic _" "individual freedom , economic _" "fundamental values like _" "lives fighting for _" "human struggles for _" "measure of economic _" "form of democratic _" "fight for social _" "higher ideals of _" "fight for educational _" "hallmark of American _" "freedom , political _" "fundamental right to religious _" "end of individual _" "forefathers fought for _" "expression of American _" "_ was fought for" "abuses of religious _" "global struggle for _" "government dedicated to _" "extension of civil _" "foundation of civil _" "idea of religious _" "degrees of economic _" "degree of personal _" "conception of American _" "_ is the inalienable right" "America stands for _" "maximum individual _" "message of economic _" "momentous struggle for _" "dream of absolute _" "equality , political _" "end of religious _" "desire for true _" "commitment to political _" "enemies of civil _" "enthusiasm for social _" "early struggle for _" "historic struggle for _" "groups fighting for _" "fruits of genuine _" "political freedom , economic _" "bloody struggle for _" "civil rights , civil _" "connection between economic _" "battle for economic _" "abstract ideal of _" "_ was declared in" "new bastion of _" "measure of intellectual _" "justice , true _" "liberty , true _" "struggle for civil _" "spread of political _" "commitment to democratic _" "documents of American _" "bedrock principle of American _" "American value of _" "definition of economic _" "education , economic _" "citizen’s right to _" "definition of civil _" "conditions of true _" "advocate for human _" "aspirations aft" ] using liberty
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Wrangler or arg2" "arg1 Wrangler and Jeep arg2" "arg1 Grand Cherokee or arg2" "arg1 Wrangler and arg2" "arg1 manufactured parts for your arg2" "arg1 Grand Cherokee and arg2" "arg1 Cherokee or arg2" "arg1 models including arg2" ] using (jeep, liberty)
SEAL @180 (96.9%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using (jeep, liberty)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 via the Staten Island arg1" "arg2 on the Staten Island arg1" "arg2 from the Staten Island arg1" "arg2 by the Staten Island arg1" ] using (ferry, liberty)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Wrangler or arg2" "arg1 Cherokee and arg2" "arg1 Wrangler and arg2" "arg1 Grand Cherokee and arg2" "arg1 Cherokee or arg2" ] using (jeep, liberty)
SEAL @251 (87.5%) on 15-may-2011 [ 123 ] using (jeep, liberty)
Sempasre @1067 (75.0%) on 16-jul-2017 [ "My understanding has been that individualist anarchism was largely sidelined from the end of Liberty until the emergence of anarcho-capitalism and the ensuing debate , which , among other things , revived both sides ' interest in the older individualist anarchist tradition ." ] using (end, liberty)
CPL @1099 (99.6%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Wrangler or arg2" "arg1 Wrangler and Jeep arg2" "arg1 Grand Cherokee or arg2" "arg1 Wrangler and arg2" "arg1 manufactured parts for your arg2" "arg1 Grand Cherokee and arg2" "arg1 Cherokee or arg2" "arg1 models including arg2" ] using (jeep, liberty)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 head coach arg1" "arg2 under head coach arg1" "arg2 University head coach arg1" "arg2 coach arg1" ] using (ritchie_mckay, liberty)
CPL @1100 (93.8%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 head coach arg1" "arg2 under head coach arg1" "arg2 University head coach arg1" "arg2 coach arg1" ] using (ritchie_mckay, liberty)