CMC @1058 (100.0%) on 16-may-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=dr 2.17051 PREFIX=dr 1.86848 PREFIX=drea 1.66024 LASTPREFIX=dream 1.62337 LASTPREFIX=drea 1.59691 PREFIX=dream 1.59679 LASTPREFIX=dre 1.48140 LASTSUFFIX=er -0.81612 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.53559 WORDS -5.98324 ] using adobe_dreamweaver
CPL @1094 (92.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "web authoring software such as _" "HTML editors such as _" "WYSIWYG HTML editor like _" "web editor like _" "design tool like _" "editor like _" "design tools like _" "web development tools such as _" "visual editor like _" "IDEs such as _" "web authoring tools such as _" "HTML editors are _" "web page editor such as _" "HTML editors like _" "design tools , such as _" "web editor such as _" "page editor like _" "development software such as _" "external editor like _" "design tools such as _" "WYSIWYG editors such as _" "HTML editors , including _" "development tool such as _" "web design programs such as _" "editors , such as _" "editing software such as _" "WYSIWYG editor like _" "editor such as _" "editor , such as _" "code editor like _" "web design software such as _" "HTML editors , such as _" "site themselves using _" "html editor like _" "WYSIWYG editor such as _" "editor program such as _" "design tool such as _" "web design tools such as _" "web design software like _" "creation software such as _" "editors such as _" "site definition in _" "authoring tool like _" "authoring software such as _" "design programs such as _" "pages were developed using _" "page editor such as _" "software programs like _" "web page editor like _" "HTML editor , such as _" "WYSIWYG editors like _" "development applications such as _" "design software , such as _" "web design programs like _" "design programs like _" "design software such as _" "design packages such as _" "editing program , such as _" "HTML editor such as _" "authoring tool , such as _" "design applications like _" "HTML editor like _" "development software like _" "building software such as _" "authoring tools such as _" "design software like _" ] using adobe_dreamweaver
SEAL @698 (58.8%) on 14-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using adobe_dreamweaver
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Illustrator and arg2" "arg1 Fireworks or arg2" "arg1 Illustrator or arg2" "arg1 PhotoShop and arg2" "arg1 Acrobat and arg2" "arg1 Photoshop and arg2" "arg1 InDesign and arg2" ] using (adobe, adobe_dreamweaver)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 GoLive or arg2" "arg1 Illustrator and arg2" "arg1 Fireworks or arg2" "arg1 Illustrator or arg2" "arg1 Photoshop or arg2" "arg1 PhotoShop and arg2" "arg1 Acrobat and arg2" "arg1 InDesign or arg2" "arg1 Photoshop and arg2" "arg1 InDesign and arg2" ] using (adobe, adobe_dreamweaver)