SEAL @49 (75.0%) on 06-feb-2010 [ 12 ] using cox_pavilion
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "rough outing at _" "League game at _" "team plays at _" "event coming to _" "final home game at _" "great venues such as _" "DD-DD victory at _" "reason you 're visiting _" "basketball team plays at _" "Center , located adjacent to _" "_ is a great venue" "home game at _" "suitable hotel accommodation near _" "capacity crowd at _" "game Monday night at _" ] using cox_pavilion
CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ PREFIX=pavil 2.30069 PREFIX=pavi 2.24478 SUFFIX=ilion 2.23817 PREFIX=pav 2.06414 SUFFIX=lion 2.05304 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.34633 LAST_WORD=pavilion 1.22502 LASTSUFFIX=on -1.01846 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.18365 WORDS -4.88383 ] using cox_pavilion