CPL @1111 (60.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "club level at _" "finale at _" "lots surrounding _" "_ is an open-air facility" "fans heading to _" "press box at _" "site game at _" "sports bars near _" "Democratic nomination at _" "DD-game winning streak at _" "beer vendors at _" "playoff game at _" "pre-season game at _" "parking lots surrounding _" "level seats at _" "football game at _" "luxury suites at _" "Broncos game at _" "neutral site game at _" "Concessions at _" "ballgame at _" "_ 's Mile High Stadium" "parking lots around _" "naming rights to _" "south stands at _" ] using invesco
SEAL @109 (75.0%) on 24-may-2010 [ 12 ] using invesco_field
CPL @1094 (98.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "nomination speech at _" "Parking Free parking is available at _" "inaugural game at _" "Broncos game at _" "Obama speech at _" "home games at _" "nomination acceptance speech at _" "speech Thursday night at _" "play football at _" "capacity crowd at _" "home game at _" "Democratic nomination at _" "last home game at _" "lacrosse game at _" "team store at _" "Obama’s acceptance speech at _" "convention moves to _" "Broncos play at _" ] using invesco_field
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of bank:invesco stadiumlocatedincity city:denver ] using concept:bank:invesco
CMC @1051 (100.0%) on 20-apr-2017 [ LAST_WORD=field 2.15985 PREFIX=fie 2.10811 PREFIX=fiel 2.01172 SUFFIX=ield 1.88996 LASTPREFIX=fiel 1.77048 LASTPREFIX=fie 1.75539 SUFFIX=eld 1.72006 CHARS -1.04287 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.84436 WORDS -4.81852 ] using invesco_field
LE @1073 (59.2%) on 18-aug-2017
Human feedback from bkisiel @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "nfl leaguestadiums invesco_field", Action=(+leaguestadiums) (from NELL.08m.1035.SSFeedback.csv) ] using invesco_field
CPL @1109 (56.2%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "fund managers including _" "investment strategist for _" "economist at _" "investment firm of _" "investment strategist at _" "_ 's Chief Economist" "_ 's private equity fund" "strategist at _" "_ bought the naming rights" "wealth management division of _" "management business of _" "management division of _" "wealth management business of _" "equity trading at _" "chief economist at _" "senior portfolio manager with _" "asset allocation at _" "investment affiliate of _" "income portfolio manager at _" "asset manager at _" "_ 's asset management division" "fund manager at _" "_ has filed a registration statement" "management firms like _" "asset management arm of _" ] using invesco
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:relatedto,concept:agentrelatedtolocation" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:relatedto,concept:agentactsinlocation" "Y~_X0~concept:organizationhasagent,concept:relatedto,concept:agentactsinlocation" "Y~_X0~concept:organizationhasagent,concept:relatedto,concept:agentrelatedtolocation" "Y~_X0~concept:agenthierarchicallyaboveagent,concept:relatedto,concept:agentactsinlocation" ] using (nfl, invesco)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:relatedto,concept:agentrelatedtolocation" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcontrols,concept:relatedto,concept:agentactsinlocation" "Y~_X0~concept:organizationhasagent,concept:relatedto,concept:agentactsinlocation" "Y~_X0~concept:organizationhasagent,concept:relatedto,concept:agentrelatedtolocation" "Y~_X0~concept:agenthierarchicallyaboveagent,concept:relatedto,concept:agentactsinlocation" ] using (nfl, invesco_field)
SEAL @214 (100.0%) on 22-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using (nfl, invesco_field)
Human feedback from bkisiel @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "nfl leaguestadiums invesco_field", Action=(+leaguestadiums) (from NELL.08m.1035.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (nfl, invesco_field)
OE @824 (97.6%) on 20-mar-2014 [ ] using (invesco_field, denver)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 at Mile High Stadium in arg2" "arg1 and Downtown arg2" "arg1 Stadium in arg2" "arg1 in downtown arg2" ] using (invesco_field, denver)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Field in downtown arg2" "arg1 Field Stadium in arg2" "arg1 Stadium in arg2" "arg1 Field in arg2" "arg1 Field and downtown arg2" ] using (invesco, denver)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey