CPL @1097 (78.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ usually are held on" "_ are taught exclusively by" "listing of upcoming _" "information on upcoming _" "_ require attendance" "_ are offered per" "_ introduce participants" "_ are offered Fall" "_ are usually held at" "_ are held every other Saturday" "_ are taught in" "schedule of _" "_ begin promptly at" "_ are typically held at" "_ are offered fall" "_ begin again in" "_ have enrollment limits" "_ taught by" "_ are offered quarterly" "_ are normally scheduled for" "series of intensive _" "_ are held after" "_ are usually conducted in" "_ are held each week" "_ feature guest speakers" "_ run an hour" "_ are held live" "_ are offered once per" "_ are taught over" "_ are typically held during" "_ require advance registration" "_ are typically held in" "_ are held the third Thursday" "_ are held regularly on" "_ begin Feb." "_ begin the first week" "_ are held every Wednesday evening" "_ are typically held on" "_ begin February" "_ begin Thursday" "_ are every Monday" "_ are conducted in" "_ are held on-site" "_ are Tuesdays" "_ are held the first Thursday" "_ are held bi-monthly" "_ are held on" "_ have limited enrollment" "_ are taught during" "_ are held every Thursday" "_ are held Mondays" "Parties to _" "_ are held weekly" "_ are held around" "_ are taught throughout" "_ are held at" "_ are being held throughout" "_ are held the third Monday" "_ are kept small" "_ are generally held at" "_ are not held during" "_ are held Wednesday" "_ are held either at" "_ are every Thursday" "_ are not offered during" "_ are taught via" "_ are held either in" "_ are held the third Wednesday" "_ are also conducted for" "_ meet twice a week" "_ are offered monthly" "_ are held every Wednesday" "_ are taught by" "_ are offered twice a month" "_ are held once a month" "Information on upcoming _" "_ offered each term" "_ are conducted on-site" "_ resume at" "upcoming schedule of _" "_ meet once per" "_ meet once a week" "_ have been held with" "_ are usually held once a week" "_ are typically held from" "_ meet only once a week" "_ are held periodically throughout" "_ are held September" "_ are held year" "_ take place weekly" "_ are usually taught by" "_ are held twice a year" "_ are tuition-free" "_ are held every Tuesday evening" "_ are held every second Wednesday" "_ are held online" "_ are offered each semester" "_ start again in" "_ involve discussion" "_ are offered regularly at" "_ are generally held during" "_ begin Sept." "_ are held the last Tuesday" "_ are held from" "_ are offered every semester" "_ are offered on-site" "_ held weekly" "_ are generally held from" "_ are Monday" "_ currently scheduled at" "_ are discussion" "students register for _" "full schedule of _" "_ start promptly at" "_ are held once per" "_ meet from" "_ are held each Tuesday evening" "_ are held either on" "_ are held year-round" "_ are held each Tuesday" "_ are usually attended by" "_ are offered periodically throughout" "_ are offered several times" "_ are held twice per" "_ are normally held at" "_ were taught by" "He has attended many _" "_ are held during" "_ are conveniently scheduled for" "_ are held every other week" "_ are taught on" "_ are usually held from" "_ are held each month" "_ are typically scheduled for" "_ are held every Tuesday" "_ are held Wednesday evenings" "_ are offered twice a year" "_ are regularly offered in" "_ are usually held during" "_ have no prerequisites" "_ include lecture" "_ are also offered online" "_ are usually scheduled on" "_ include classroom instruction" "_ are not scheduled during" "_ are held the first Wednesday" "_ are scheduled several times" "hours attending _" "We hold monthly _" "_ are Thursdays from" "_ begin June" "_ were also held with" "_ were held once a week" "_ are also scheduled at" "_ are typically scheduled on" "_ are held every Friday" "_ are generally scheduled on" "_ are generally held on" "_ are team-taught" "_ are offered during" "_ are currently held at" "_ are held Thursdays" "Instructor Led _" "_ are taught with" "_ / workshops" "_ are held every Saturday" "_ are also conducted at" "_ are usually held on" "_ are held once a week" "_ cover such topics" "_ are taught at" "_ resume on" "We regularly hold _" "_ offered each semester" "_ are held each Monday" "_ are once a week" "_ are held twice a week" "_ are cancelled if" "_ are held every day" "list of upcoming _" "_ are held every other month" "_ offered quarterly" "_ Scheduled at" "_ are held monthly" "_ are offered once" "_ are offered year" "_ are held twice a month" "_ are held daily" "_ are held Wednesdays" "_ begin Jan" "_ are held quarterly" "_ are Thursdays at" "schedule of upcoming _" "_ start Feb." "_ are typically scheduled in" "I register for _" "_ are held each Wednesday" "_ are held every month" "_ held monthly" ] using seminars
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey