CPL @1096 (89.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "group linked with _" "_ is still firing rockets" "_ launching thousands" "Iranian backed _" "Mark Regev says _" "_ 's Syrian" "armed members of _" "arms smuggling by _" "_ stopped firing rockets" "_ uses children" "fighters belonging to _" "_ had fired rockets" "_ launched this attack" "Scud missiles to _" "_ 's construction arm" "Israeli victory over _" "three-week offensive against _" "terrorist groups such as _" "ceasefire with _" "fierce gun battles with _" "factions led by _" "soldiers captured by _" "rearming of _" "rocket attack from _" "counterinsurgency against _" "violence sponsored by _" "soldiers held by _" "hostages kidnapped by _" "fundamentalist group called _" "final push against _" "fierce fighting with _" "_ fired mortar shells" "US designation of _" "DD-day-old war on _" "_ 's Iranian" "Lebanese member of _" "truce with _" "international terrorist groups such as _" "DD-day war on _" "_ 's Nasrallah" "_ has committed terrorist acts" "_ receives substantial amounts" "_ is labeled a terrorist organization" "groups such as Lebanese _" "fundamentalist groups such as _" "hostages held by _" "ground attack against _" "Saturday blamed _" "Israelis killed by _" "United States lists _" "Israel pushes _" "Syria helped _" "_ 's political leader" "Israel has blamed _" "UN has allowed _" "Iran helping _" "Iran is backing _" "Israeli military officials say _" "Iranian aid to _" "terror groups including _" "spokesman Mark Regev says _" "re-arming of _" "terrorists linked to _" "militant wing of _" "_ used human shields" "_ used tunnels" "extremists , like _" "future attacks by _" "shields used by _" "Islamists like _" "Iranian backing for _" "Bush blaming _" "Muslim groups like _" "military apparatus of _" "militant Islamic groups such as _" "_ 's long-range missiles" "_ are a terrorist group" "_ are firing missiles" "_ has used terrorism" "_ bombed the U.S. embassy" "_ extorting funds" "_ 's top members" "opposition parties led by _" "Israel’s attacks on _" "_ 's top military commander" "Israel faces from _" "Israeli operations against _" "terrorist groups , like _" "recruitment videos for _" "such terrorists as _" "army believes _" "_ targets civilians" "_ 's television station" "guerrilla groups like _" "crucial ally of _" "disarmament of _" "terrorist group known as _" "prisoner swaps with _" "propaganda victory to _" "_ fired more rockets" "arms destined for _" "_ rocketing Israel" "armed groups such as _" "_ using civilians" "war crimes being committed by _" "terrorist groups , such as _" "_ has an armed wing" "_ has missiles" "_ 's security headquarters" "guerrilla war led by _" "immediate cease-fire with _" "terrorist networks such as _" "_ has been launching rockets" "_ has denied responsibility" "_ led rally" "_ invented suicide" "explosives training from _" "factions such as _" "ground campaign against _" "senior commander of _" "rocket attack by _" "rocket barrages from _" "DD-day war against _" "Israel blames _" "Israel negotiated with _" "_ 's armed militia" "Shiite leader of _" "_ 's terrorist agenda" "_ defeated Israel" "terrorist attacks by _" "understanding has been reached with _" "terrorists groups such as _" "terrorist ties to _" "soldier held captive by _" "_ is smuggling weapons" "_ led government" "_ is hiding weapons" "_ is not Lebanon" "_ 's leader Hassan Nasrallah" "_ 's media savvy" "Israel dismantle _" "Sunday blamed _" "_ had been firing rockets" "_ is a terrorist network" "it is arming _" "controversial alliance with _" "shells were fired by _" "_ is using civilians" "_ is committing war crimes" "_ is a terror organization" "_ recognize Israel’s right" "_ declares victory" "terrorists sympathetic to _" "_ continued firing rockets" "_ attacks Israel" "Terrorist organizations such as _" "Israeli attacks against _" "_ 's indiscriminate killing" "jihadis of _" "month-long war with _" "rocket threat from _" "_ 's key members" "_ explosives expert" "_ 's main backer" "_ 's militants" "US talk to _" "disarming of _" "Palestinian prisoners to _" "American hostages held by _" "Terrorist attacks by _" "_ win a parliamentary majority" "_ stops firing rockets" "smuggling weapons to _" "militant wings of _" "militias like _" "ongoing military campaign against _" "swap deal with _" "terrorist operations of _" "Palestinian support for _" "Union consider _" "_ 's Shura Council" "deliberate provocation by _" "Israeli war against _" "Syrian support to _" "Lebanese branch of _" "offensive against _" "_ used UN" "_ targets Israel" "_ rained rockets" "armed part of _" "_ use civilians" "armed wing of _" "administration blamed _" "_ launches rockets" "_ is an international terrorist organization" "_ proclaimed victory" "terrorists like _" "terror activities of _" "new government dominated by _" "operational commander of _" "opposition groups like _" "_ are terrorist organizations" "_ does not recognize Israel" "_ attacking Israelis" "_ 's militant wing" "_ fired scores" "_ 's military abilities" "_ has fired more" "Israel is not targeting _" "Islamists such as _" "Israel has been attacked by _" "rocket launched by _" "_ announced a cease-fire" "human shields by _" "_ launches missiles" "_ provoked Israel" "_ is designated a terrorist group" "_ is demanding the release" "_ is the Klan" "_ kidnapped the soldiers" "_ is a multi-national organization" "planned attacks by _" "operation , aimed at _" "radical Islamist groups such as _" "propaganda material for _" "rocket fired by _" "soldiers being held by _" "violent groups like _" "terrorist organisations such as _" "terrorist operations by _" "opportunistic alliance with _" "_ lobbed rockets" "_ wants Israel" "_ is using human shields" "international terrorist groups like _" "first such attack by _" "hijackings by _" "_ kidnapped an Israeli soldier" "_ picked this fight" "_ sending rockets" "_ said the militant group" "_ captured an Israeli soldier" "_ fundraising operations" "_ has no air force" "terror organizations such as _" "_ has been designated a terrorist organization" "exchange deal with _" "terror groups , such as _" "_ is accusing Israel" "arms meant for _" "_ triggered the war" "_ rained missiles" "Iran has supplied _" "France kicked _" "Israel’s assault on _" "_ 's rearmament" "_ is a non-state actor" "_ launched rockets" "_ is fighting a proxy war" "_ started the crisis" "_ started the hostilities" "armed wing to _" "disastrous war against _" "cross-border attack by _" "cross-border operations by _" "such terrorist groups as _" "terror group is _" "top leader of _" "shoulder-fired missiles to _" "_ is not the only terrorist organization" "Iran supporting _" "Israel is negotiating with _" "political bureau of _" "Iranian assistance to _" "_ 's al-Manar TV" "Gaza offensive against _" "Islamist movements , such as _" "Islamist groups such as _" "_ is considered a terrorist organisation" "_ renounces terrorism" "_ shot rockets" "_ won simply by" "suspected member of _" "militant Islamic groups like _" "military assault against _" "operational commander for _" "Israeli soldier by _" "Islamic militants of _" "Iran backed _" "_ 's missile capabilities" "_ 's al-Manar television" "Israel launched against _" "Islamic movements such as _" "Israeli cities by _" "Sunni support for _" "Islamic organizations such as _" "military arms of _" "lasting truce with _" "suicide attacks by _" "sophisticated weaponry to _" "rockets launched by _" "terrorist activities by _" "_ is a terror group" "_ 's spiritual leader" "anti-Israel groups like _" "_ fought Israel" "_ accepted a ceasefire" "_ has fired thousands" "_ uses rockets" "factions like _" "insurgent groups such as _" "_ has offered Israel" "immediate ceasefire between _" "cross-border raids by _" "current war with _" "_ 's terrorist campaign" "Israeli intelligence says _" "Israel deal with _" "prisoner exchanges with _" "_ are firing rockets" "Israel accuses _" "Terrorist organizations like _" "Israeli operation against _" "resistance movements such as _" "collaborators inside _" "major operation against _" "militias , including _" "militant organizations , including _" "fundamentalist groups like _" "_ 's military wing" "Militant groups such as _" "_ 's al-Manar television station" "_ 's media wing" "_ 's cross-border raid" "military arm of _" "militia allied to _" "_ sends missiles" "_ targets inside" "_ 's terror infrastructure" "Lebanese members of _" "Lebanon was to _" "Israel consider _" "_ prevented civilians" "Palestinian groups such as _" "_ 's military commander" "soldier abducted by _" "terrorist groups including _" "top operative of _" "terrorist organizations , including _" "terrorist organization linked to _" "front organizations of _" "terrorists belonging to _" "summer war with _" "terrorist groups , including _" "European Union consider _" "Israeli pressure on _" "_ 's 'victory" "_ 's armed wing" "Islamic terrorists such as _" "Israeli targets by _" "terrorists such as _" "extremist organizations such as _" "military threat posed by _" "prisoner exchange with _" "militant organizations such as _" "_ 's media operations" "Israel is waging against _" "U.S. blames _" "_ 's central council" "non-state actors such as _" "_ was a resistance movement" "_ was the armed wing" "armed groups are _" "terrorist wing of _" "terrorist group named _" "ground war against _" "mortar attack by _" "militias , in particular _" "main backer of _" "_ 's provocations" "_ 's rocket launchers" "_ is stockpiling weapons" "_ is a militant organization" "_ has killed Americans" "_ has retaliated in" "Iran has been helping _" "_ 's guerrilla forces" "_ 's military arm" "Iraqi branch of _" "Israel is accusing _" "US talks with _" "terrorists groups like _" "violent groups such as _" "armed groups , including _" "damage as possible on _" "unity government including _" "civilian targets by _" "factions allie" ] using hezbollah
CPL @1116 (61.3%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "fighters belonging to _" "terrorist groups such as _" "political parties , like _" "influential leader of _" "Monday accused _" "hostages held by _" "electoral alliance between _" "demonstration was organized by _" "militant wing of _" "media arm of _" "militias of _" "opposition parties led by _" "government run by _" "guerrilla groups like _" "armed groups such as _" "terrorist groups , such as _" "government dominated by _" "_ is the Party" "factions such as _" "senior commander of _" "insurgency by _" "propaganda arm of _" "_ led government" "_ is a major party" "_ claimed responsibility" "_ led coalition" "_ is the only political party" "local commander of _" "coalition were _" "militias like _" "lifelong supporter of _" "Israeli war against _" "alternative party to _" "armed wing of _" "political party like _" "prominent leader of _" "coalition Government with _" "front led by _" "deputy secretary general of _" "top leader of _" "Islamist groups such as _" "suspected member of _" "electoral defeat of _" "military arms of _" "_ dominated government" "insurgent groups such as _" "political organizations like _" "militias , including _" "military arm of _" "Palestinian groups such as _" "terrorist groups including _" "terrorist organizations , including _" "front organizations of _" "terrorists belonging to _" "terrorist groups , including _" "_ 's armed wing" "strike called by _" "militant arm of _" "terrorist wing of _" "_ 's utter contempt" "Christian wing of _" "armed groups , including _" "ideological leader of _" "_ holds rally" "_ have been equally guilty" "unity government with _" "top commander of _" "coalition partner with _" "coalition dominated by _" "alleged members of _" "deputy leader of _" "national parties like _" "alliance headed by _" "group aligned with _" "Israeli aggression against _" "militant groups like _" "movement headed by _" "electoral success of _" "coalition government was formed between _" "opposition represented by _" "electoral successes of _" "rocket attacks by _" "militant groups such as _" "front groups of _" "_ led opposition" "opposition headed by _" "media arms of _" "Deputy leader of _" "strong opposition of _" "forces led by _" "Islamist groups like _" "factions , including _" "ranking member of _" "Thursday accused _" "Islamic groups , such as _" "_ is a mass party" "_ is a nationalist party" "Islamic parties like _" "parliament member from _" "parties led by _" "political parties except _" "political movements such as _" "power-sharing arrangement with _" "political forces , including _" "ceasefire agreement with _" "militant groups , including _" "radical groups such as _" "political groups like _" "political parties such as _" "_ later claimed responsibility" "political arm of _" "opposition , led by _" "_ was the only party" "chairman of _" "such parties as _" "card-carrying member of _" "political aspirations of _" "terrorist organizations such as _" "terrorist outfits like _" "opposition groups , such as _" "government was formed with _" "government headed by _" "extremist groups such as _" "coalition led by _" "bloc led by _" "_ also claimed responsibility" "militias , such as _" "militant groups , such as _" "extremist groups like _" "general strike called by _" "terrorist organizations , such as _" "militias such as _" "guerrillas of _" "terror groups such as _" "militia known as _" "political wing of _" "terrorist organization called _" "rebel group known as _" "it becomes necessary for _" "coalition between _" "armed groups like _" "rebel groups such as _" "media wing of _" "government was formed between _" "_ backed candidates" "armed wings of _" "_ is a terrorist group" "_ swept the polls" "propaganda wing of _" "opposition alliance led by _" "_ is a major political party" "political groups such as _" "government is supported by _" "parties except _" "propaganda arm for _" "public supporter of _" "electoral alliance with _" "radical wing of _" "militants belonging to _" "political alternative to _" "former secretary-general of _" "movement led by _" "opposition led by _" "militia called _" "militant group called _" "current secretary general of _" "terrorist arm of _" "coalition headed by _" "communications arm of _" "former secretary general of _" "terrorist groups like _" "terrorist organizations like _" "open alliance with _" "senior ranks of _" "opposition parties , including _" "resistance led by _" "party named _" "faction of _" "former leader of _" "alleged member of _" "Islamic groups such as _" "alliance , led by _" "political support to _" "enormous victory for _" "electoral victory by _" "military wing of _" "Opposition led by _" "armed resistance of _" "alliance led by _" "propaganda outlet for _" "political parties other than _" "Islamist groups , such as _" "government led by _" "radical elements within _" "terror groups like _" ] using hezbollah
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 versus the United arg1" "arg2 and the United arg1" "arg2 has warned the United arg1" ] using (states, hezbollah)
CPL @1112 (87.5%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 and missiles by arg2" "arg1 and other military equipment to arg2" "arg1 and missiles to arg2" ] using (rockets, hezbollah)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 uses chemical arg1" "arg2 wants nuclear arg1" "arg2 refuses to give up its arg1" "arg2 had chemical arg1" "arg2 have nuclear arg1" "arg2 was stockpiling arg1" ] using (weapons, hezbollah)