SEAL @347 (87.5%) on 13-jul-2011 [ 123 ] using hizbullah
CPL @1096 (86.3%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "militant Islamic groups like _" "_ 's rocket arsenal" "Iranian arms to _" "prisoner exchange deal with _" "breakaway faction of _" "_ remains armed" "_ infiltrated Israel" "Israel’s war with _" "Nasrallah says _" "Lebanon controlled by _" "Rockets fired by _" "Shiite militia of _" "Israeli action against _" "provocations by _" "_ seized control" "alliance led by _" "extremist groups like _" "ground offensive against _" "such terrorist organizations as _" "_ is a terrorist group" "_ rejects Israel" "_ 's telecommunication network" "Shiite militias of _" "_ 's military capability" "resistance led by _" "soldier captured by _" "terror organizations like _" "rockets were launched by _" "soldiers abducted by _" "militant groups like _" "soldiers were kidnapped by _" "ongoing operations against _" "terrorist networks such as _" "_ is not a militia" "_ knew Israel" "knockout blow against _" "launchers used by _" "ceasefire agreement with _" "political factions , including _" "massive military operation against _" "_ are terrorist groups" "_ has been attacking Israel" "military offensive against _" "_ sent rockets" "_ launched thousands" "_ is a terrorist organisation" "_ firing rockets" "_ fires rockets" "factions other than _" "non-state actors such as _" "_ 's terrorist regime" "month-long war with _" "Israeli campaign against _" "Groups linked to _" "soldiers kidnapped by _" "Radical groups such as _" "Islamic organizations , including _" "_ 's operations chief" "_ 's yellow flag" "rocket attacks by _" "recent war against _" "_ 's Katyusha rockets" "radical organizations such as _" "political wing of _" "_ 's military capacity" "_ has fired over" "Israeli assault against _" "_ 's missile attacks" "_ 's terrorist activities" "_ 's military branch" "_ is also a political party" "_ 's rocket attacks" "inconclusive war against _" "_ is not a terrorist organisation" "alleged links to _" "terrorist organizations as _" "disarmament of _" "rocket fire by _" "terrorist threats from _" "terrorist organisation like _" "Syrian backed _" "terror groups such as _" "mortar fire by _" "_ 's armed resistance" "major backer of _" "cleric linked to _" "Israel was defeated by _" "Israel destroy _" "Iran is aiding _" "militants loyal to _" "militant groups such as _" "_ has demanded the release" "resistance groups such as _" "unity government with _" "television station run by _" "_ is a terrorist movement" "Iran backs _" "_ 's political wing" "_ 's TV station" "Israel also said _" "Lebanese based _" "_ 's main backers" "_ fired rockets" "much damage as possible on _" "_ 's military activities" "_ 's senior military commander" "_ 's disarmament" "Militiamen loyal to _" "U.S. State Department designated _" "Islamist groups like _" "Israel’s attack on _" "Islamist organizations like _" "Resistance led by _" "propaganda battle with _" "terrorist organizations , such as _" "_ launched rocket attacks" "_ 's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah" "_ 's rocketing" "_ 's politburo" "resistance movements like _" "summer war between _" "_ 's military wing" "_ fired mortar rounds" "terrorists such as _" "_ 's Al-Manar TV" "Israel’s war on _" "Israel fears _" "Hamas is like _" "factions such as _" "_ is fighting alongside" "_ provided explosives" "continued attacks by _" "_ 's rearming" "_ blames Israel" "new attacks by _" "_ wants the release" "_ 's cross-border raid" "_ 's al-Manar television station" "Israel accuses _" "Muslim group called _" "disarming of _" "swap deal with _" "Israeli military action against _" "militia like _" "prisoner swap deal with _" "_ uses civilians" "_ started the conflict" "tunnels used by _" "terrorist activities by _" "rockets launched by _" "arms smuggling by _" "rocket range of _" "_ began this conflict" "_ had been firing rockets" "terrorists affiliated with _" "Israeli intelligence says _" "complete disarmament of _" "_ began firing rockets" "_ targets civilians" "_ is running a state" "Israeli attacks against _" "fragile ceasefire between _" "ground operation against _" "main backer of _" "_ is launching attacks" "_ is fighting Israel" "_ is an Islamic movement" "Iran has been supporting _" "Israeli strikes against _" "Iran ordered _" "_ stops firing rockets" "arms traffic to _" "Iranian aid to _" "Iran is backing _" "UN has allowed _" "Islamic groups including _" "radical Islamists such as _" "rocket fire from _" "cross-border attack by _" "disastrous war against _" "rockets by _" "armed component of _" "rocket attack from _" "rearming of _" "Israeli military operations against _" "Israel’s war against _" "Islamic terrorist groups such as _" "hideouts used by _" "month-long war between _" "_ rained rockets" "non-state actor like _" "_ fired Katyusha rockets" "prisoner swap deal between _" "_ sent operatives" "_ rearming in" "_ launches missiles" "_ provoked Israel" "enclave controlled by _" "terrorist organizations including _" "terror groups like _" "_ is attacking Israel" "fighters belonging to _" "terror organizations such as _" "_ fought a DD-day war" "_ has fired rockets" "rocket fired by _" "Iran supporting _" "Israel is negotiating with _" "_ is a non-state actor" "_ is fighting a proxy war" "_ launched rockets" "_ 's rockets" "_ has blamed Israel" "military infrastructure of _" "militias including _" "_ prevented civilians" "terrorist organizations , including _" "terrorist groups including _" "Syrian support of _" "Arab criticism of _" "_ 's cadres" "_ 's Nasrallah" "_ fought Israel" "emboldening of _" "cross-border attacks by _" "_ has fired more" "operational commander of _" "Iranian backed _" "_ is using civilians" "_ is a terror organization" "_ has launched hundreds" "opportunistic alliance with _" "cross-border raid by _" "fundamentalist groups like _" "soldiers being held by _" "ceasefire with _" "_ has missiles" "_ is a terror group" "_ launched a missile attack" "smuggling weapons to _" "terror groups , such as _" "fierce fighting with _" "missile attacks by _" "border attacks by _" "factions , including _" "_ 's military commander" "_ 's indiscriminate bombing" "_ fired thousands" "_ blamed Israel" "soldiers captured by _" "DD-day war against _" "_ has no air force" "_ fears Israel" "rockets used by _" "_ 's military buildup" "Israeli war on _" "_ 's missile capability" "Israeli retaliation against _" "recent conflict with _" "it has armed _" "_ 's Iranian" "Lebanese member of _" "Iranian involvement with _" "collaborators inside _" "military arm of _" "heavy clashes with _" "Islamic groups like _" "Islamic movements like _" "Israel pushes _" "Syria helped _" "terrorist groups like _" "terrorist organizations like _" "_ declares victory" "men affiliated with _" "_ 's weapons arsenal" "_ are terrorist organisations" "militia called _" "militia such as _" "non-state actors like _" "weapons smuggling to _" "weapons shipment to _" "proxies , like _" "group affiliated to _" "armed wing of _" "_ use civilians" "terrorists like _" "_ started the crisis" "militant groups , like _" "terrorists lead by _" "militias like _" "_ is a resistance movement" "violent groups like _" "terrorist organisations such as _" "Israel consider _" "Lebanese members of _" "_ 's terror infrastructure" "_ 's Shura Council" "militant Islamic groups such as _" "terrorist groups , including _" "summer war with _" "yellow flags of _" "_ fighting the Israelis" "war provoked by _" "ongoing attacks by _" "military operation against _" "rocket launched by _" "Islamic groups , including _" "Israel warns _" "Islamists such as _" "weapons shipments to _" "DD-day war with _" "_ 's Al-Manar television" "Islamist movements such as _" "Israeli soldiers by _" "_ was a terrorist group" "_ violates the ceasefire" "groups such as Lebanese _" "ground attack against _" "hostages held by _" "_ was firing rockets" "arms shipments to _" "militias , including _" "Israel is targeting _" "Israeli offensive against _" "Israeli soldiers kidnapped by _" "_ returned the bodies" "Israeli military campaign against _" "_ 's Secretary-General" "missiles used by _" "military campaign against _" "militia known as _" "human shields by _" "DD-day offensive against _" "_ is hiding among" "_ has denied responsibility" "_ is fighting Iran" "_ is shooting rockets" "_ fired an anti-tank missile" "Lebanese people against _" "strong military action against _" "Islamist groups such as _" "Iranian assistance to _" "_ 's al-Manar TV" "_ 's armed wing" "_ 's leader Hassan Nasrallah" "_ is demanding the release" "future confrontation with _" "DD-day campaign against _" "rearmament of _" "_ are not terrorist groups" "_ 's rocket launchers" "cease-fire between _" "recent war with _" "other groups affiliated with _" "recent war between _" "proxy war through _" "_ 's unprovoked attack" "opposition led by _" "_ 's spiritual leader" "military wings of _" "militias such as _" "military pressure on _" "weapons destined for _" "human shields , as _" "militant organizations such as _" "prisoner exchange with _" "_ led opposition" "rocket attacks of _" "_ is a militia" "_ 's al-Manar television" "Islamic movements such as _" "_ 's military arm" "_ 's missile capabilities" "ceasefire between _" "_ 's militants" "_ 's main backer" "_ has fired hundreds" "factions led by _" "_ fired more rockets" "exchange deal with _" "swap deal between _" "weapons supplies to _" "_ later claimed responsibility" "retaliatory attack by _" "Islamist parties like _" "Iranian arms shipments to _" "DD-day war between _" "Islamist movements like _" "Iranian influence over _" "_ recognized Israel" "Israel’s offensive against _" "_ is a nationalist party" "_ is not a terrorist organization" "_ explosives expert" "_ fired scores" "American hostages held by _" "_ 's Hassan Nasrallah" "Katyusha rockets fired by _" "sophisticated weaponry to _" "damage as possible on _" "_ 's financial network" "DD-day conflict with _" "_ was a terrorist organizati" ] using hizbullah
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 possesses chemical arg1" "arg2 does not have nuclear arg1" "arg2 refuses to give up its arg1" "arg2 had chemical arg1" ] using (weapons, hizbullah)