CPL @1099 (69.7%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "military operation against _" "_ accepts Israel" "_ is a terrorist organization" "terrorist groups as _" "terrorist regime of _" "_ 's guerrilla forces" "_ 's Tanzim" "US talks with _" "Israel blamed _" "terrorist group linked to _" "_ is a terrorist group" "terrorists , such as _" "border attacks by _" "armed wings of _" "Israel created _" "_ was a terrorist organisation" "_ sent rockets" "terrorist organizations , such as _" "propaganda win for _" "Syria backs _" "violent wing of _" "gunmen belonging to _" "operational links to _" "moderate faction of _" "terrorist activities of _" "armed wing of _" "_ 's central council" "breakaway factions of _" "_ is the legitimate representative" "terrorists associated with _" "terrorist organizations such as _" "terrorist group like _" "terrorist leaders of _" "terrorist organization called _" "terrorist organisations like _" "military wing of _" "unity agreement between _" "political wing of _" "main faction of _" "_ has rejected out of" "cease-fire with _" "founding charter of _" "final status negotiations with _" "previous agreements signed by _" "_ recognizes Israel" "other terrorist groups such as _" "_ 's deputy leader" "Palestinian leadership , including _" "Hamas defeated _" "_ 's military infrastructure" "armed struggle led by _" "radical leader of _" "_ 's military structure" "_ has renounced violence" "political accommodation with _" "rocket attacks from _" "final-status agreement with _" "such terrorist groups as _" "Islamofascists of _" "_ 's number-two man" "_ 's Fatah faction" "_ 's terrorist campaign" "nationalist groups such as _" "mainstream faction of _" "missile attacks by _" "political bureau of _" "terrorist network known as _" "_ 's terror activities" "propaganda wing of _" "militias like _" "Palestinian people , while _" "Fatah party of _" "_ 's military capability" "terrorist organization like _" "vital territory to _" "_ was a terrorist organization" "Israel’s war against _" "_ 's own militia" "IDF operation against _" "disarming of _" "Palestinian anger at _" "political groups like _" "hostages held by _" "_ recognised Israel" "alleged ties with _" "_ fired mortar shells" "financial boycott of _" "various terrorist groups , including _" "_ was not a terrorist organization" "_ 's founding charter" "propaganda organ of _" "_ 's military committee" "_ recognize Israel" "terrorists such as _" "_ was designated a terrorist organization" "bitter rival of _" "bloody attacks by _" "terror organizations such as _" "Palestinian leaders from _" "_ 's political wing" "_ 's TV station" "government headquarters of _" "terror groups , including _" "disastrous war against _" "rockets by _" "terrorist activity by _" "_ has attacked Israel" "_ is a terror organization" "_ controlled Gaza" "_ 's chief financier" "_ 's Badr Brigade" "factions , including _" "Authority led by _" "Muslim terrorists of _" "_ 's Syrian" "_ 's Yasser Arafat" "liberation movements like _" "_ was a terrorist group" "soldiers held by _" "terror tactics by _" "deputy leader of _" "_ is not a terrorist organization" "Israel defeat _" "services loyal to _" "terror organizations like _" "soldier captured by _" "_ 's political representative" "government negotiations with _" "_ used Palestinian civilians" "_ is considered a terrorist group" "arms destined for _" "Israeli reprisals against _" "Islamic groups like _" "mortar attack by _" "arms shipments to _" "offensive against _" "attacks claimed by _" "military infrastructure of _" "rockets fired by _" "_ has a political wing" "_ has recognized Israel" "revolutionary groups such as _" "Iranian weapons to _" "group allied with _" "diplomatic boycott of _" "_ has never recognized Israel" "_ renounces terrorism" "_ represents the Palestinian people" "_ 's military branch" "_ 's terrorist activities" "terrorist acts attributed to _" "_ renounced violence" "cease-fire agreement with _" "_ renounces violence" "_ is fighting Israel" "_ is Fatah" "Lebanese branch of _" "Fatah wing of _" "Arafat led _" "terrorist groups , from _" "propaganda coup for _" "Palestinian Authority led by _" "_ was a military organization" "exiled leadership of _" "terrorist wing of _" "Palestinian groups including _" "_ 's military threat" "_ 's Fatah movement" "Israel let _" "hijackings by _" "gun-runner for _" "_ 's exiled leadership" "ceasefire between _" "_ 's military commander" "Palestinian groups such as _" "terrorists like _" "terror groups such as _" "_ claims responsibility" "_ was considered a terrorist organization" "guerrillas of _" "Israel destroy _" "Israel supported _" "truce with _" "_ terrorists responsible" "_ wants Israel" "Israeli assault on _" "_ was not a terrorist group" "attacks perpetrated by _" "terror groups like _" "student wing of _" "terrorist organizations including _" "_ controls the Palestinian Authority" "_ does not want peace" "_ 's militants" "terrorist groups like _" "terrorist organizations like _" "terror organizations , including _" "military campaign against _" "late leader of _" "secular nationalism of _" "senior commander of _" "rocket barrages from _" "rocket attack by _" "guerrilla attacks by _" "_ accept the Jewish state" "_ accepted UN" "Israeli soldier captured by _" "Hamas beat _" "_ 's Katyusha rockets" "_ 's political bureau" "_ 's indiscriminate attacks" "Israeli campaign against _" "Fatah movement of _" "_ uses children" "armed members of _" "_ 's military capacity" "Palestinian factions , including _" "_ 's numerous violations" "ongoing violence between _" "Terrorist attacks by _" "_ launched rockets" "national unity between _" "militant offshoot of _" "militants associated with _" "Israeli targets by _" "_ 's armed wing" "liberation movements such as _" "terrorists groups like _" "ceasefire with _" "terrorist attacks by _" "Palestinian civilians than _" "Palestine led by _" "missiles fired by _" "nonstate actors such as _" "_ 's armed struggle" "_ 's second man" "_ fired thousands" "terrorist activity of _" "factional fighting between _" "networks affiliated with _" "_ 's rocket attacks" "_ 's Fatah group" "terrorist groups , including _" "terrorists belonging to _" "group linked to _" "terrorist groups , such as _" "_ recognises Israel" "militant wing of _" "_ 's Palestinian Authority" "Palestinian terrorist groups such as _" "non-negotiation with _" "Israeli pressure on _" "_ 's charter states" "_ 's armed resistance" "_ 's Fatah" "_ 's indiscriminate killing" "Fatah faction of _" "_ 's Fatah organization" "cross-border attacks by _" "_ 's Fatah forces" "Israel negotiated with _" "inconclusive talks with _" "attack was claimed by _" "military assault against _" "_ recognized Israel" "terrorist groups including _" "terrorist organizations , including _" "government negotiate with _" "_ has never abided by" "_ bombed Israel" "rocket attacks by _" "military arm of _" "Israel negotiate with _" "Israelis killed by _" "_ 's Fatah party" "group affiliated to _" "IDF against _" "Arab countries support _" "_ is not a monolithic organization" "_ did not recognize Israel" "terrorist groups such as _" "_ is a terrorist organisation" "terrorist activities by _" "two-state solution , while _" "breakaway faction of _" "militant groups like _" "Syrian branch of _" "official charter of _" "_ does not recognize Israel" "_ are terrorist organizations" "_ 's Mahmoud Abbas" "open contacts with _" "_ 's military wing" "_ 's terrorist agenda" ] using plo
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1113 (68.5%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "_ is a terrorist group" "armed wings of _" "terrorist organizations , such as _" "major leader of _" "he became active in _" "violent wing of _" "gunmen belonging to _" "moderate faction of _" "chairman of _" "left-wing faction of _" "viable political alternative to _" "armed wing of _" "militant faction of _" "terrorist organizations such as _" "unofficial arm of _" "terrorist organization called _" "splinter group of _" "military wing of _" "organization affiliated with _" "new leader of _" "intellectual leader of _" "struggle led by _" "political wing of _" "political monopoly of _" "main faction of _" "young leader of _" "political department of _" "political organizations from _" "agreement negotiated by _" "peace accord with _" "armed struggle of _" "extremist faction of _" "putative leader of _" "groups aligned with _" "nationalist groups such as _" "militant arm of _" "mainstream faction of _" "right-wing leadership of _" "sole legitimate representative of _" "factional disputes within _" "propaganda wing of _" "militias like _" "contributions went to _" "terrorist arm of _" "continued rule of _" "electoral victory over _" "political groups like _" "hostages held by _" "armed resistance of _" "card-carrying members of _" "several factions of _" "opposition groups , including _" "new chairman of _" "media darling of _" "political faction within _" "_ 's Democratic Front" "responsible leadership of _" "political arm of _" "extreme wing of _" "factions , including _" "deputy leader of _" "own faction of _" "humiliating defeat of _" "propaganda arm for _" "political director of _" "left-wing members of _" "_ ruled government" "unofficial headquarters of _" "articulate leader of _" "_ won majorities" "ranking member of _" "political failure of _" "respected leader of _" "nationalist movement led by _" "political alternative to _" "radical factions of _" "War weakened _" "radical wing of _" "terrorist wing of _" "_ led regime" "Palestinian groups such as _" "political bankruptcy of _" "terror groups such as _" "veteran leader of _" "guerrillas of _" "terror groups like _" "student wing of _" "terrorist groups like _" "terrorist organizations like _" "late leader of _" "senior commander of _" "dominant faction within _" "Palestinian factions , including _" "national liberation struggle of _" "major donors to _" "mainstream leadership of _" "_ 's armed wing" "splinter group from _" "state governed by _" "just cause of _" "former leader of _" "faction of _" "extremist elements of _" "high-level members of _" "terrorist groups , including _" "terrorists belonging to _" "governmental power to _" "internal elections in _" "terrorist groups , such as _" "militant wing of _" "other allies of _" "_ claimed responsibility" "former spokesman for _" "dominant faction of _" "Marxist wing of _" "prominent supporter of _" "_ was not the only party" "attack was claimed by _" "left wing of _" "constituent party of _" "terrorist groups including _" "terrorist organizations , including _" "former chairman of _" "rocket attacks by _" "military arm of _" "Israeli aggression against _" "movement led by _" "nationalist leaders of _" "communist wing of _" "longtime leader of _" "terrorist groups such as _" "legitimate representative of _" "breakaway faction of _" "movement headed by _" "militant groups like _" "_ 's Mahmoud Abbas" "liberation struggle of _" ] using plo
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 forces loyal to arg1" "arg2 chairman arg1" "arg2 under Chairman arg1" "arg2 boss arg1" "arg2 and its Chairman arg1" ] using (yasser_arafat, plo)
CPL @1100 (93.8%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 chairman arg1" "arg2 boss arg1" "arg2 faction led by arg1" "arg2 faction headed by arg1" ] using (arafat, plo)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 forces loyal to arg1" "arg2 chairman arg1" "arg2 under Chairman arg1" "arg2 boss arg1" "arg2 and its Chairman arg1" ] using (yasser_arafat, plo)