CPL @1115 (85.3%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "immigration inspector at _" "Air travel is accessible via _" "Short-term car parking is available at _" "transport facilities at _" "_ operates fares" "rental van from _" "D-minute drive from _" "_ is a major airport" "airport code for _" "banking facilities are available at _" "screening operations at _" "Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "Short-Term Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "travel is accessible via _" "cargo terminal at _" "main terminal at _" "car rental rates at _" "terminal project at _" "daily non-stop flight from _" "long security lines at _" "passengers departing from _" "Facilities Other facilities at _" "main base is _" "airline based at _" "international terminals at _" "automotive department at _" "International flights are available from _" "airplane From _" "flights departing from _" "terminal buildings of _" "Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "maintenance hangar at _" "Indicazioni stradali From _" "Terminal building at _" "Flights are available to _" "Other Facilities Other facilities at _" "conference facilities are available at _" "airport car rentals at _" "parking reservation at _" "Taxis are readily available at _" ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
CPL @1098 (92.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "immigration inspector at _" "Directions From _" "Air travel is accessible via _" "passenger terminal at _" "new passenger terminal at _" "twice-daily service between _" "aircraft landing at _" "Short-term car parking is available at _" "INS officials at _" "luggage carousel at _" "flight departed from _" "transport facilities at _" "Airline flight to _" "airport , see _" "_ is the main airport" "DD-minute drive from _" "security screener at _" "airline flight from _" "arrival terminal at _" "runway at _" "_ operates fares" "hub is at _" "flights arriving at _" "terminal building at _" "customs agents at _" "rental van from _" "D-minute drive from _" "He was detained at _" "nonstop flight to _" "_ is a major airport" "airport code for _" "banking facilities are available at _" "hotel located near to _" "he disembarked at _" "passenger arriving at _" "low-cost airline based in _" "accommodation options near _" "airports , such as _" "screening operations at _" "Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "earlier flight to _" "major hubs at _" "Short-Term Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "_ is the main international airport" "travel is accessible via _" "cargo terminal at _" "international hub at _" "main hub is _" "low-cost airline based at _" "main terminal at _" "car rental rates at _" "terminal project at _" "_ is the air gateway" "airport hangar at _" "new lounge at _" "flight was diverted to _" "daily non-stop flight from _" "passengers departing from _" "Facilities Other facilities at _" "DD,DDD-square-foot hangar at _" "main base is _" "Airport was renamed _" "airline based at _" "hotels airport near _" "air traffic control tower at _" "passengers flying out of _" "_ are open press" "international terminals at _" "cargo plane at _" "_ is an international airport" "airport screeners at _" "_ is the principal airport" "International flights are available from _" "landing rights at _" "airplane From _" "flights departing from _" "airline operating at _" "traffic control tower at _" "terminal buildings of _" "home airport is _" "airports such as _" "Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "hourly flights to _" "Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "_ 's Terminal" "screeners at _" "maintenance hangar at _" "flight departing from _" "Customs agents at _" "Indicazioni stradali From _" "Terminal building at _" "Flights are available to _" "hub is located at _" "airports , including _" "Other Facilities Other facilities at _" "airport was renamed _" "immigration officers at _" "conference facilities are available at _" "airport car rentals at _" "airplane hangar at _" "direct rail connection to _" "parking reservation at _" "Taxis are readily available at _" ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
SEAL @175 (96.9%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using john_f_kennedy_international_airport
CMC @1046 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2017 [ PREFIX=ai 3.29975 LASTPREFIX=airp 2.78816 LASTPREFIX=airpo 2.72502 PREFIX=airp 2.24964 LASTPREFIX=air 2.23154 LASTSUFFIX=ort 2.22680 PREFIX=air 2.08968 CHARS -0.83698 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.46829 WORDS -7.45783 ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
CPL @1098 (92.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "main airports are _" "traffic arriving _" "members based near _" "new lounge at _" "home airport is _" "airline based at _" "runway at _" "aeronautical information about _" "OurAirports members based near _" "airports including _" "Complete aeronautical information about _" "_ is a simple mouse-click" "airports such as _" "_ Take the Belt Parkway" "service to/from _" "passengers traveling from _" "shops found at _" "departure traffic destined to _" "passenger terminal at _" "new passenger terminal at _" "major airports such as _" "airport transfer service to/from _" "major airports including _" "transfer service to/from _" "private airport transfer service to/from _" "month specifically look for _" "students fly into _" "airport was renamed to _" "Shuttle Service is available from _" "Charter flights to _" ] using john_f_kennedy_international_airport
CMC @1070 (100.0%) on 04-aug-2017 [ PREFIX=ai 3.07125 LASTPREFIX=airp 1.95751 PREFIX=airp 1.88199 PREFIX=airpo 1.73764 LASTPREFIX=airpo 1.66358 PREFIX=air 1.60778 LASTPREFIX=air 1.42104 PREFIX=jo -0.49413 CHARS -0.59943 WORDS -11.10491 ] using john_f_kennedy_intl_airport
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of airport:john_f_kennedy_intl_airport airportincity city:nueva_york ] using concept:airport:john_f_kennedy_intl_airport
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
CPL @1100 (77.1%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "traffic arriving _" "members based near _" "airline based at _" "aeronautical information about _" "OurAirports members based near _" "taxis operate from _" "Complete aeronautical information about _" "_ is a simple mouse-click" "_ Take the Belt Parkway" "service to/from _" "shops found at _" "departure traffic destined to _" "new passenger terminal at _" "airport transfer service to/from _" "transfer service to/from _" "private airport transfer service to/from _" "month specifically look for _" "students fly into _" "Shuttle Service is available from _" ] using john_f_kennedy_international_airport
CPL @1100 (82.8%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "immigration inspector at _" "Air travel is accessible via _" "new passenger terminal at _" "twice-daily service between _" "Short-term car parking is available at _" "INS officials at _" "passenger flight from _" "transport facilities at _" "Airline flight to _" "_ is the main airport" "security screener at _" "arrival terminal at _" "_ operates fares" "passengers entering _" "terminal building at _" "rental van from _" "banking facilities are available at _" "passenger arriving at _" "accommodation options near _" "Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "major hubs at _" "Short-Term Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "travel is accessible via _" "cargo terminal at _" "main hub is _" "low-cost airline based at _" "main terminal at _" "car rental rates at _" "terminal project at _" "various hotels near _" "Taxi Cabs Taxis are readily available at _" "flight was diverted to _" "daily non-stop flight from _" "long security lines at _" "passengers departing from _" "Facilities Other facilities at _" "DD,DDD-square-foot hangar at _" "main base is _" "Airport was renamed _" "airline based at _" "hotels airport near _" "subway link to _" "_ is an international airport" "airport screeners at _" "_ is the principal airport" "International flights are available from _" "airplane From _" "Cabs Taxis are readily available at _" "traffic control tower at _" "terminal buildings of _" "Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "maintenance hangar at _" "Customs agents at _" "Indicazioni stradali From _" "_ has direct flights" "Terminal building at _" "Flights are available to _" "Other Facilities Other facilities at _" "airport was renamed _" "conference facilities are available at _" "airport car rentals at _" "Taxis are readily available at _" ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
CMC @902 (100.0%) on 15-feb-2015 [ PREFIX=in 3.59705 SUFFIX=ort 3.51899 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 2.95918 PREFIX=ai 1.86374 PREFIX=air 1.69115 PREFIX=airpo 1.64453 PREFIX=airp 1.63288 CHARS -1.43643 PREFIX=jo -2.02761 WORDS -5.34665 ] using john_f_kennedy_international_airport
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of airport:john_f_kennedy_intl_airport touristattractionsuchastouristattraction attraction:temple_of_the_reclining_buddha ] using concept:airport:john_f_kennedy_intl_airport
CMC @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=ort 6.58186 SUFFIX=rt 4.23960 PREFIX=ai 2.15845 PREFIX=airpo 2.03170 LASTPREFIX=air 1.95469 PREFIX=air 1.85028 LASTPREFIX=airp 1.82780 POS=JJ -1.15287 PREFIX=jo -2.15431 WORDS -9.61439 ] using john_f_kennedy_international_airport
CPL @1099 (75.6%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "traffic arriving _" "airline based at _" "aeronautical information about _" "OurAirports members based near _" "airports including _" "Complete aeronautical information about _" "_ is a simple mouse-click" "airports such as _" "service to/from _" "departure traffic destined to _" "passenger terminal at _" "airport transfer service to/from _" "major airports including _" "transfer service to/from _" "private airport transfer service to/from _" "month specifically look for _" "airport was renamed to _" "Shuttle Service is available from _" ] using john_f_kennedy_international_airport
CMC @736 (100.0%) on 30-may-2013 [ SUFFIX=ort 5.69822 SUFFIX=rt 3.25899 LASTSUFFIX=port 2.02639 PREFIX=ai 1.68049 SUFFIX=nal 1.58198 LASTSUFFIX=ort 1.34289 SUFFIX=port 1.33557 POS=JJ -0.53262 POS=NN -1.08016 WORDS -6.89355 ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
CPL @1099 (78.8%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "immigration inspector at _" "Air travel is accessible via _" "passenger terminal at _" "twice-daily service between _" "Short-term car parking is available at _" "INS officials at _" "passenger flight from _" "_ is the main airport" "security screener at _" "_ operates fares" "terminal building at _" "customs agents at _" "area arrive at _" "_ is a major airport" "airport code for _" "fare quote for _" "banking facilities are available at _" "hotel located near to _" "low-cost airline based in _" "Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "major hubs at _" "Short-Term Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "main hub is _" "low-cost airline based at _" "main terminal at _" "car rental rates at _" "terminal project at _" "_ is the air gateway" "various hotels near _" "Taxi Cabs Taxis are readily available at _" "airport hangar at _" "flight was diverted to _" "passengers departing from _" "Facilities Other facilities at _" "DD,DDD-square-foot hangar at _" "main base is _" "Airport was renamed _" "airline based at _" "hotels airport near _" "air traffic control tower at _" "passengers flying out of _" "_ are open press" "_ is an international airport" "airport screeners at _" "International flights are available from _" "airplane From _" "Cabs Taxis are readily available at _" "traffic control tower at _" "terminal buildings of _" "airports such as _" "Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "terminal opened at _" "Airport Car Parking Short-term car parking is available at _" "Customs agents at _" "Indicazioni stradali From _" "Terminal building at _" "Flights are available to _" "Other Facilities Other facilities at _" "conference facilities are available at _" "airport car rentals at _" "direct rail connection to _" "Taxis are readily available at _" ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
CPL @1113 (97.1%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "non-stop flight from _" "airline based in _" "Flights to _" "direct flight from _" "he is confined to _" "overnight flight from _" "non-stop flights from _" "flights departing from _" "nonstop service from _" ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1115 (92.8%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "non-stop flight from _" "airport code for _" "low-cost airline based in _" "JetBlue flight from _" "flight was diverted to _" "direct flight from _" "daily non-stop flight from _" "overnight flight from _" ] using john_f__kennedy_international_airport
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:attraction~specializations,concept:touristattractionsuchastouristattraction" "Y~_z-concept:attraction~specializations,concept:relatedto" "Y~_z-concept:attraction~specializations" "Y~_z-concept:lake:new~concept:locationlocatedwithinlocation,concept:relatedto" "Y~_z-concept:lake:new~concept:atlocation,concept:relatedto" ] using (john_f__kennedy_international_airport, temple_of_the_reclining_buddha)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:attraction~specializations,concept:touristattractionsuchastouristattraction" "Y~_z-concept:attraction~specializations,concept:relatedto" "Y~_z-concept:attraction~specializations" "Y~_z-concept:lake:new~concept:locationlocatedwithinlocation,concept:relatedto" "Y~_z-concept:lake:new~concept:atlocation,concept:relatedto" ] using (john_f_kennedy_international_airport, temple_of_the_reclining_buddha)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Airport and arg1" "arg2 Airport to arg1" ] using (john_f__kennedy_international_airport, los_angeles_international)