CPL @1105 (98.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "political science professor at _" "American studies from _" "graduate of _" "She also studied at _" "she studied abroad at _" "he has also studied at _" "Latin American studies from _" "adjunct professor at _" "degree from _" "Studies at _" "economics from _" "studies at _" "engineering at _" "Visual Art from _" "I graduated from _" "med student at _" "degrees from _" "science at _" "he studied abroad at _" "Texas , graduated from _" "science professor at _" "Industrial Design student at _" "political science at _" "Architecture degree from _" "advanced degrees at _" "science from _" "Design student at _" "student at _" "junior year studying at _" "professor at _" "industrial engineering at _" "engineering from _" "campus of _" "musicologist at _" "He graduated from _" "teaching fellowship at _" "industrial engineering from _" "advanced studies at _" ] using la_universidad
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Literature and Language from arg2" "arg1 Language and Culture from arg2" "arg1 Literature at arg2" "arg1 language and culture at arg2" ] using (spanish, la_universidad)