CPL @1105 (50.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "egg hunt for _" "play room for _" "He gets along great with _" "_ are meat eaters" "brisk walk with _" "outdoor toys for _" "natural health care products for _" "supervised activities for _" "summer camps for _" "summer programs for _" "play structure for _" "_ being slaughtered for" "summer camp for _" "_ loved the beach" "positive place for _" "petting zoo for _" "craft activities for _" "balanced meals for _" "Halloween costumes for _" "easy snack for _" "Bach Flower Remedies for _" "Flower Remedies for _" "Fun stuff for _" "She was great with _" "playgroups for _" "bandannas for _" "_ 's share" "play areas for _" "learning fun for _" "play area for _" "special activities for _" "Halloween fun for _" "_ enjoyed playing with" "play space for _" "play ground for _" "food supplements for _" "lifetime care for _" "Christmas Stockings for _" "_ get lice" "fun run for _" "information resource for _" "_ has food allergies" "Easter egg hunt for _" "_ eats grass" "grazing ground for _" "supplement recommended for _" "camps for _" "_ entertained while" "training fun for _" "_ 's Diet" "large backyard for _" "holistic medicine for _" "fun site for _" "fun ways for _" "fun treat for _" "Halloween party for _" "worm medicine for _" "natural herbal products for _" "loving environment for _" "homemade treats for _" "wonderful toy for _" "_ loved the pool" "quality nutrition for _" "raw diet for _" "_ have a blast" "slaughtering of _" "Birthday parties for _" "swimming area for _" "_ are very stoic" "Stockings for _" "fun way for _" "fun activities for _" "health care tips for _" "adventure playground for _" "play toys for _" "playroom for _" "fun stuff for _" "game room for _" "tasting treat for _" "great activities for _" "natural health for _" ] using whole_family
CPL @1115 (51.4%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "play room for _" "fishing opportunities for _" "great toys for _" "fishing excursions for _" "game fishing for _" "supervised activities for _" "summer camps for _" "summer programs for _" "_ being slaughtered for" "fishing trips for _" "summer camp for _" "_ loved the beach" "petting zoo for _" "craft activities for _" "easy snack for _" "charter fishing for _" "excellent fishing opportunities for _" "exciting fishing for _" "holistic health care for _" "Bach Flower Remedies for _" "Flower Remedies for _" "fishing packages for _" "good fishing opportunities for _" "Fun stuff for _" "playgroups for _" "bandannas for _" "_ 's share" "snorkelling with _" "play areas for _" "play area for _" "fishing opportunity for _" "_ enjoyed playing with" "Fishing trips for _" "play space for _" "fishing is good for _" "play ground for _" "food supplements for _" "sport fishery for _" "_ get lice" "fun run for _" "information resource for _" "gourmet treats for _" "Easter egg hunt for _" "training fun for _" "summer fishing for _" "holistic medicine for _" "fun site for _" "fun treat for _" "swim with _" "good fishing for _" "loving environment for _" "fishing is for _" "float trips for _" "quality nutrition for _" "fishing for _" "experience caring for _" "raw diet for _" "fishing tours for _" "saltwater fishing for _" "natural healing for _" "charters for _" "slaughtering of _" "fishing adventures for _" "boarding facility for _" "_ are very stoic" "feeding habits of _" "fun way for _" "fun activities for _" "_ eat snow" "great fishing for _" "fishing is great for _" "fishing charters for _" "_ including dogs" "fishing experience for _" "great activities for _" "water fishing for _" "natural health for _" ] using whole_family
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
CPL @671 (96.9%) on 18-dec-2012 [ "arg1 changed dramatically as arg2" "arg1 may suffer as arg2" "arg1 will be better off as arg2" "arg1 suffered as arg2" "arg1 died as arg2" ] using (whole_family, result)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the lives of my arg2" "arg1 and the lives of his arg2" "arg1 and the life of your arg2" "arg1 and the life of my arg2" "arg1 and the life of his arg2" ] using (life, whole_family)