SEAL @225 (98.4%) on 26-mar-2011 [ 123456 ] using george_catlin
CMC @1075 (99.9%) on 01-sep-2017 [ FIRST_WORD=george 1.39653 PREFIX=ge 1.26726 SUFFIX=rge 1.19462 SUFFIX=orge 1.15471 PREFIX=geo 1.14209 PREFIX=geor 1.11319 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.00830 CHARS -0.49960 SUFFIX=ge -0.92916 WORDS -3.00440 ] using george_catlin
CPL @1108 (74.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "Other artists represented include _" "_ 's famous portraits" "persons named _" "artists represented include _" "portrait was painted by _" "contemporaries including _" "German artists such as _" "other artists such as _" "painters like _" "Western artists as _" "Western artists such as _" "visual artists like _" "artists , such as _" "masters such as _" "such master artists as _" "Artists such as _" "contemporary artists including _" "painters such as _" "_ was an American painter" "such artists as _" "renowned artists like _" "American artists , including _" "_ was the first artist" "artists such as _" "other persons named _" "Artists featured include _" "artists like _" "woman painted by _" ] using george_catlin
MBL @905 (93.8%) on 22-feb-2015 [ Promotion of architect:george_catlin visualartistartform visualartform:paintings ]