CPL @1111 (97.7%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "full head of _" "lots of dark _" "_ tied back in" "miles of sandy _" "_ protruding from" "_ be afraid" "_ spilled in" "_ topped with" ] using brown_hair
CPL @1104 (91.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "girls with long _" "_ was tied back in" "_ was shoulder length" "full head of _" "guy with long _" "mop of curly _" "woman with dark _" "guys with long _" "_ slung over" "_ cropped short" "_ clipped short" "girl with black _" "_ trimmed short" "man with long _" "man with curly _" "_ is naturally curly" "_ is parted on" "I have blonde _" "_ flapping behind" "_ tied back with" "_ is medium length" "_ was pulled back in" "girl with short _" "_ tied back in" "_ parted down" "girl with dark _" "head of dark _" "man with dark _" "_ is medium-length" "_ infused with" "woman with short _" "woman with long _" "women with long _" "I have curly _" "girl with long _" "man with short _" "_ topped with" ] using brown_hair
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey