CPL @1107 (70.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "applications include commercial _" "prestige of judicial _" "international law firm with _" "evier timbre d _" "floors are used as _" "donation jar in _" "formation , virtual _" "_ is generally open Monday" "annual reports sent to _" "bedroom area from _" "_ has beautiful custom" "_ going women" "rooms Fully equipped _" "record , please call _" "_ remodeling photos" "_ is fully equipped with" "permanent vacancy in _" "new president takes _" "patio off _" "phone company central _" "offices , serviced _" "virginia gynecologists ltd new _" "old bedroom into _" "patio accessible from _" "nominating persons for _" "room is furnished as _" "sheets are posted in _" "room is currently used as _" "free high-speed Internet access in _" "_ has built-in bookshelves" "_ has poor ventilation" "qualification for public _" "private deck off _" "new president take _" "main PC in _" "log furniture for _" "lenexa recruiting _" "new flooring in _" "next President takes _" "details of serviced _" "ceremonial oath of _" "family room / _" "president-elect Barack Obama takes _" "room , fully equipped _" "room has been converted to _" "_ has a fireplace" "_ became a nursery" "US President Barack Obama took _" "Calderon took _" "such other duties consistent with _" "trades licensing _" "size futon in _" "staff operating out of _" "floor used as _" "lounge , separate _" "we were shown into _" "award , please call _" "aid counselor in _" "you 're working away from _" "nurse recruiter , with _" "additional access from _" "religious tests for public _" "retail stores , corporate _" "Medvedev took _" "I called corporate _" "Student Center houses _" "President Reagan took _" "High-speed internet access is available in _" "you probably already have around _" "whole foods corporate _" "second bedroom as _" "suites , virtual _" "spare room as _" "smaller spaces like _" "staircase leads from _" "successors take _" "Obama is n't even in _" "Garage has been converted to _" "I are sitting here in _" "planet processing _" "owners use as _" "vehicle licence issuing _" "bathroom adjoins _" "area currently used as _" "I hereby resign _" "address , virtual _" "breakfast room / _" "accents perfect for _" "candidates seeking public _" "light snacks are available in _" "We provide registered _" "Andrew Johnson took _" "voice mail , virtual _" "bar , private _" "Bush is still in _" "sitting room , separate _" "room dedicated as _" "school , please call _" "cork board in _" "collection box is located in _" "candidates for electoral _" "company with corporate _" "terrace off _" "telephone central _" "next president takes _" "new serviced _" "_ live small business" "_ has modern furniture" "_ live meeting" "Republican candidates for local _" "new President take _" "large , tastefully decorated _" "kitchen , private _" "carpet in _" "elections for public _" "easy flow from _" "bit processing _" "room , administrative _" "president take _" "_ has every convenience" "_ remodeling contractors" "separate room as _" "rentals , virtual _" "sitting room off _" "sitting room , large _" "room , entered _" "successive terms in _" "spare bedroom into _" "staff operate out of _" "private recitation of _" "noisy people in _" "mobile telephone switching _" "_ has a sofa" "Candidates for public _" "London serviced _" "Dr. s _" "He never came into _" "rooms , such as _" "projects sitting in _" "picnic , in _" "screen TV in _" "we were escorted into _" "pad off to _" "_ has a WC" "_ has a coffeemaker" "arizona attorney general _" "bathroom off of _" "brochure rack in _" "_ is now decorated in" "high-speed Internet access in _" "_ remodeling company" "bedroom has been converted to _" "built-in shelving in _" "bedroom , fully equipped _" "alcove off _" "administration took _" "living-room , in _" "period processing _" "_ maintains the academic records" "impromptu meeting in _" "garage was converted to _" "he was shown into _" "internal doors to _" "kitchen , fully equipped _" "important furniture in _" "fixed locations , such as _" "_ has a private bath" "_ has a Murphy bed" "_ has a single sofa bed" "republicans out of _" "ethics clearance through _" "country kitchen , large _" "Barack Obama is sworn into _" "Edinburgh serviced _" "License issuing _" "Church please contact _" "Instructions are posted in _" "French doors leading into _" "Spacious , well appointed _" "RSVP call _" "Delaware corporation with _" "Sheriffs ’ _" "African American take _" "Barack Obama take _" "Bill Clinton left _" "Bush has been in _" "Premises for general _" "I got locked in _" "Registration Forms are available in _" "conditioning , private _" "business floor with _" "candidates for political _" "full bath , large _" "high school main _" "fireplace leads to _" "large couch in _" "large living room , large _" "length mirror in _" "Tuesday raided _" "Truman left _" "Qualification to _" "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took _" "Offers serviced _" "installation legal _" "family room , open _" "foyer is flanked by _" "facilities , air-conditioned _" "waste paper basket in _" "international nurse recruiter , with _" "_ has no closet" "_ carrying a mug" "formal dining room , large _" "extra bedroom into _" "Nixon resigned from _" "Staff located in _" "Sam walked into _" "Poor lighting in _" "people trickled into _" "post-Cabinet news conference at _" "_ has built-in bookcases" "_ Raided by" "I walked back out of _" "UK serviced _" "Attorney s _" "Ma Ying-jeou took _" "Mike walked into _" "overstuffed chair in _" "mother had entered _" "George Bush took _" "President-Elect Barack Obama takes _" "Obama taking _" "Sheriff s _" "fireproof safe in _" "recycling bins in _" "room furnished as _" "rental , serviced _" "rooms serve as _" "fan/light in _" "stool perfect for _" "thing processing _" "suite with full _" "persons holding public _" "president takes _" "speed Internet access is available in _" "shui colors for _" "duties usually associated with _" "hall , administrative _" "fax machine is located in _" "members walked into _" "lab , administrative _" "lounge / _" "date it is received in _" "organization moved into _" "ohio attorney general s _" "door opened directly into _" "next administration takes _" "companies head _" "candidate for elective _" "duties incident to _" "duties usually vested in _" "dining room , formal _" "area , finished _" "_ is more spacious" "_ is a separate space" "office space , serviced _" "mess I made in _" "_ has refrigerator" "He has n't even been in _" "He stalked into _" "Democrat takes _" "Attorney General s _" "first full day in _" "fireplace , separate _" "interest in elective _" "front bedroom to _" "small room off _" "time Lincoln took _" "room now serves as _" "california of microsoft _" "cwk file with _" "Vending machines are located in _" "Hutch walked into _" "President Clinton took _" "President Obama taking _" "Candidates for federal _" "Lower level has large _" "Clinton took _" "I went back out into _" "Barack Hussein Obama took _" "women holding public _" "I just go down to _" "They were shown into _" "MSA also has _" "Poor air quality in _" "IT solutions provider with _" "bathroom located in _" "well equiped _" "electric space heater in _" "counter tops in _" "company with principal _" "offices , executive _" "own oath of _" "art , fully equipped _" "bottled water delivered to _" "bedroom converted into _" "entry opens to _" "comfortable sofa in _" "porch attached to _" "room also serves as _" "sleeper sofa in _" "secretary came into _" "soft chair in _" "suites , shared _" "counter space in _" "porch off _" "quality fitted _" "disposable cups in _" "doors , separate _" "dining room , into _" "_ are open plan" "Double doors lead into _" "Grace came into _" "Melbourne serviced _" "room , currently used as _" "residences , corporate _" "room with private _" "Group opens new _" "federal agents searched _" "first months in _" "room flows into _" "player , fully equipped _" "laboratories , administrative _" "_ is conveniently accessed from" "double bed in _" "couch in _" "_ is Independently Owned" "_ has a pantry" "_ is a converted garage" "glass wall into _" "executives sitting in _" "engines processing _" "family room , large _" "white cabinets in _" "workers sabotaging _" "marked box in _" "new sink in _" "_ include desk" "_ is very well equipped with" "_ remodeling project" "wife stepped into _" "you sweep into _" "he first took _" "foldout couch in _" "family room , private _" "hallway , into _" "group operates from _" "_ has a double bed" "President-elect Barack Obama taking _" "President-elect Barack Obama takes _" "Mother entered _" "Asia , opening _" "Ying-jeou took _" "bathroom off _" "candidates for high _" "bedroom with private _" "bedroom was converted into _" "conference room , small _" "diplomatic missions , consular _" "company , with corporate _" "_ has a wall" "_ facilitates the interface" "_ has a bay window" "Roosevelt took _" "I came running into _" "Bush was in _" "George W. Bush leaves _" "It has representative _" "I walked into _" "Murphy bed in _" "Delano Roosevelt took _" "well appointed _" "turns working in _" "dining room , front _" "closet located in _" "classroom , administrative _" "oath of _" "army cot in _" "academic file in _" "carrier central _" "dining room , separate _" "Garage converted to _" "PC sitting in _" "Bush came into _" "national weather service forecast _" "wood laminate flooring in _" "week processing _" "great decorative addition to _" "form is received in _" "firm with principal _" "young couple entered _" "telco central _" "attorney general s _" "built-in closet in _" "absence form from _" "_ does not have a closet" "_ leasing side" "_ is closed Fridays" "_ remodeling job" "public defender s _" "_ has placed the" ] using office
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of furniture:desk furniturefoundinroom room:office ]
OE @830 (99.1%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using office
SEAL @622 (82.7%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 123 ] using office
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ffice 2.08527 LASTSUFFIX=fice 2.08527 LASTPREFIX=offic 1.91700 LASTPREFIX=offi 1.91628 LASTPREFIX=of 1.78608 LASTPREFIX=off 1.78451 PREFIX=offic 1.59098 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -1.36615 FULL_POS=NN -2.82456 WORDS -4.93728 ] using office
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York took arg2" "arg1 York metropolitan arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York from her arg2" "arg1 York City and his arg2" "arg1 York from their arg2" "arg1 York City metropolitan arg2" "arg1 Zealand market arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York metro arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 York City his arg2" "arg1 York State Museum in arg2" "arg1 York theatre arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 York from his arg2" "arg1 York City real estate arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 England and New York arg2" "arg1 York and our arg2" "arg1 Zealand our arg2" "arg1 England at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 York legal arg2" "arg1 York to his arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Hampshire area arg2" "arg1 Jersey and our arg2" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 weather service forecast arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 Human Genome Research Institute in arg2" ] using (national, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 weather service forecast arg2" "arg1 Library of Canada in arg2" "arg1 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries arg2" "arg1 and Community Service in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 Institutes of Health in arg2" "arg1 Human Genome Research Institute in arg2" "arg1 Labor Relations Board in arg2" ] using (national, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York took arg2" "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 York metropolitan arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York City and our arg2" "arg1 York from her arg2" "arg1 York brokerage arg2" "arg1 York City and his arg2" "arg1 York flagship arg2" "arg1 Zealand tourism arg2" "arg1 York from their arg2" "arg1 York City metropolitan arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand market arg2" "arg1 York branch arg2" "arg1 York State Department of Labor arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York Rangers at arg2" "arg1 York metro arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 York City flagship arg2" "arg1 York City his arg2" "arg1 York State Museum in arg2" "arg1 York theatre arg2" "arg1 Labour came to arg2" "arg1 Years at arg2" "arg1 York from his arg2" "arg1 York City real estate arg2" "arg1 York Times home arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York headquarters arg2" "arg1 England and New York arg2" "arg1 York regional arg2" "arg1 York and our arg2" "arg1 York post arg2" "arg1 York City financial arg2" "arg1 Jersey at arg2" "arg1 England at arg2" "arg1 Zealand film arg2" "arg1 York law firm arg2" "arg1 Zealand and arg2" "arg1 Zealand at arg2" "arg1 Year at arg2" "arg1 York legal arg2" "arg1 York to his arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 York toward arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 York or Washington arg2" "arg1 Testament church arg2" "arg1 Haven law arg2" "arg1 York business arg2" "arg1 Orleans field arg2" "arg1 Hampshire area arg2" "arg1 Jersey and our arg2" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (department, office)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, department)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (department, office)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, department)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Academic arg1" ] using (office, affairs)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Academic arg1" ] using (affairs, office)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Academic arg1" ] using (office, affairs)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Academic arg1" ] using (affairs, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (office, united_states_department)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (united_states_department, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (office, united_states_department)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (united_states_department, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (office, u_s__department)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (u_s__department, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (office, u_s__department)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (u_s__department, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1097 (99.6%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 furniture desks arg1" "arg2 with a table and two arg1" "arg2 has rocking arg1" "arg2 with a table and arg1" "arg2 with two comfy arg1" "arg2 with big comfy arg1" "arg2 complete with table and arg1" "arg2 chairs Office arg1" ] using (chairs, office)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a sleeper arg1" "arg2 area with a sleeper arg1" "arg2 area with pullout arg1" "arg2 has a pull out arg1" "arg2 has a fold out arg1" "arg2 with sleeper arg1" "arg2 with double sleep arg1" "arg2 with a large leather arg1" ] using (sofa, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 with table and arg1" "arg2 with a table and arg1" "arg2 has a table and arg1" "arg2 chairs Office arg1" "arg2 or dining room arg1" "arg2 furnished with a table and arg1" ] using (chair, office)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with twin arg1" "arg2 with trundle arg1" "arg2 with bunk arg1" "arg2 has two single arg1" "arg2 furniture reception arg1" ] using (beds, office)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 has a double futon arg1" "arg2 is furnished with a leather arg1" "arg2 has a futon arg1" "arg2 with a fold out arg1" "arg2 with a pull out arg1" ] using (couch, office)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a king size arg1" "arg2 with a queen sized arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 and has a queen size arg1" "arg2 with a queen size arg1" ] using (futon, office)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with bath and arg1" "arg2 with walkin arg1" "arg2 with walk in arg1" "arg2 with a large walk in arg1" ] using (closet, office)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a king size arg1" "arg2 with a queen sized arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 and has a queen size arg1" "arg2 with a queen size arg1" ] using (futon, office)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 York metropolitan arg2" "arg1 York City metropolitan arg2" "arg1 York metro arg2" "arg1 York State Museum in arg2" "arg1 Orleans field arg2" ] using (new, office)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, justice_department)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (justice_department, office)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management_office)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management_office, office)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management_office)
CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management_office, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (office, u_s__department)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" ] using (u_s__department, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services_cfda)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services_cfda, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services_cfda)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services_cfda, office)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" ] using (office, services_information)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" ] using (services_information, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" ] using (office, services_information)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" ] using (services_information, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 and Staff Our arg2" "arg1 of Redundancy arg2" "arg1 suites like Microsoft arg2" ] using (office, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 and Staff Our arg2" "arg1 of Redundancy arg2" "arg1 suites like Microsoft arg2" ] using (office, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which has a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a single sofa arg1" "arg2 with double arg1" "arg2 has a fold out arg1" "arg2 has a single sofa arg1" "arg2 with a bunk arg1" "arg2 with a queen sofa arg1" "arg2 with one twin arg1" "arg2 there is a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 has a full sized arg1" "arg2 has a twin arg1" "arg2 with double sofa arg1" "arg2 with a Murphy arg1" "arg2 with trundle arg1" "arg2 with a double sofa arg1" "arg2 room with a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a king sized arg1" "arg2 with a queen size sofa arg1" "arg2 with a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" "arg2 with sofa arg1" "arg2 has a double sofa arg1" "arg2 and has a queen size arg1" "arg2 with a trundle arg1" "arg2 has sofa arg1" "arg2 area with sofa arg1" "arg2 has a Murphy arg1" "arg2 with a fold out sofa arg1" ] using (bed, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which has a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a single sofa arg1" "arg2 has a single sofa arg1" "arg2 with a bunk arg1" "arg2 with a queen sofa arg1" "arg2 there is a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 has a full sized arg1" "arg2 with double sofa arg1" "arg2 with a Murphy arg1" "arg2 and putting the kids to arg1" "arg2 with a double sofa arg1" "arg2 room with a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a king sized arg1" "arg2 with a queen size sofa arg1" "arg2 with a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" "arg2 with sofa arg1" "arg2 has a double sofa arg1" "arg2 and has a queen size arg1" "arg2 has sofa arg1" "arg2 area with sofa arg1" "arg2 with a fold out sofa arg1" ] using (bed, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 which has a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a single sofa arg1" "arg2 has a single sofa arg1" "arg2 with a bunk arg1" "arg2 with a queen sofa arg1" "arg2 there is a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a queen arg1" "arg2 has a full sized arg1" "arg2 with double sofa arg1" "arg2 with a Murphy arg1" "arg2 and putting the kids to arg1" "arg2 with a double sofa arg1" "arg2 room with a sofa arg1" "arg2 with a king sized arg1" "arg2 with a queen size sofa arg1" "arg2 with a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a sofa arg1" "arg2 has a double arg1" "arg2 with sofa arg1" "arg2 has a double sofa arg1" "arg2 and has a queen size arg1" "arg2 has sofa arg1" "arg2 area with sofa arg1" "arg2 with a fold out sofa arg1" ] using (bed, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management_program, office)
CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management_program)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" ] using (planning, office)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" ] using (office, planning)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (microsoft, office)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" "arg1 logo are trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" "arg1 logo are trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Multicultural Affairs arg2" ] using (office, house)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Multicultural Affairs arg2" ] using (house, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar or arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" ] using (college, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar or arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" ] using (office, college)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Intelligence and Research at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (office, state)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Intelligence and Research at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (state, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (u_s_, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, u_s_)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Admission or arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (office, financial_services)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Admission or arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (financial_services, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 The term of arg2" "arg1 member may be removed from arg2" "arg1 members shall hold arg2" ] using (office, commission)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 The term of arg2" "arg1 member may be removed from arg2" "arg1 members shall hold arg2" ] using (commission, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (consumer_product_safety_commission, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (office, consumer_product_safety_commission)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Legal Counsel in arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Appeals of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" "arg2 of Minority Health at arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs at arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser of arg1" "arg2 of Basic Energy Sciences within arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 on Violence Against Women at arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of the Surgeon General and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Refugee Resettlement of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs in arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel at arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs at arg1" "arg2 of the General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser at arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy at arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Foreign Assets Control of arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Policy at arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy of arg1" "arg2 of Postsecondary Education of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" "arg2 for Civil Rights of arg1" ] using (office, department)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Legal Counsel in arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Appeals of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" "arg2 of Minority Health at arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs at arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser of arg1" "arg2 of Basic Energy Sciences within arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 on Violence Against Women at arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of the Surgeon General and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Refugee Resettlement of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs in arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel at arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs at arg1" "arg2 of the General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser at arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy at arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Foreign Assets Control of arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Policy at arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy of arg1" "arg2 of Postsecondary Education of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" "arg2 for Civil Rights of arg1" ] using (department, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" ] using (office, education_department)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" ] using (education_department, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, employee_benefits_security_administration)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" ] using (employee_benefits_security_administration, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Surgeon General and arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" ] using (environmental_protection_agency, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Surgeon General and arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" ] using (office, environmental_protection_agency)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Thrift Supervision arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (federal_agency, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Thrift Supervision arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (office, federal_agency)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" ] using (federal_department, office)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" ] using (office, federal_department)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (federal_deposit_insurance_corporation, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (office, federal_deposit_insurance_corporation)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (federal_trade_commission, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, federal_trade_commission)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (office, food_and_drug_administration)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (food_and_drug_administration, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, general_accounting_office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (general_accounting_office, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Surgeon General and arg2" ] using (health_care_financing_administration, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Surgeon General and arg2" ] using (office, health_care_financing_administration)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" ] using (office, homeland_security_department)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" ] using (homeland_security_department, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" ] using (housing_and_urban_development, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" ] using (office, housing_and_urban_development)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" ] using (irs, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" ] using (office, irs)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs in arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" ] using (justice_department, office)
OE @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ http://www.ojjdp.gov/ ] using (justice_department, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs in arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" ] using (office, justice_department)
OE @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ http://www.ojjdp.gov/ ] using (office, justice_department)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (management_office, office)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (office, management_office)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Minority Health at arg2" ] using (office, national_institutes_of_health)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Minority Health at arg2" ] using (national_institutes_of_health, office)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs of arg1" ] using (national_science_foundation, office)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs of arg1" ] using (office, national_science_foundation)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (national_security_agency, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (office, national_security_agency)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" ] using (nsf, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" ] using (office, nsf)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Polar Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" ] using (nsf_, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Polar Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Polar Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" ] using (office, nsf_)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (office, services_administration)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (services_administration, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (office, small_business_administration)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (small_business_administration, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" ] using (texas_department_of_criminal_justice, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" ] using (office, texas_department_of_criminal_justice)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" ] using (transportation_department, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" ] using (office, transportation_department)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser of arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs in arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel at arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel in arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" "arg2 of Refugee Resettlement of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy at arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Minority Health at arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy and arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy of arg1" "arg2 of Foreign Assets Control of arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser at arg1" "arg2 on Violence Against Women at arg1" "arg2 for Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs at arg1" ] using (office, united_states_department)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser of arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs in arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel at arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel in arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" "arg2 of Refugee Resettlement of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy at arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Minority Health at arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy and arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs at arg1" "arg2 of Special Education Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy of arg1" "arg2 of Foreign Assets Control of arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser at arg1" "arg2 on Violence Against Women at arg1" "arg2 for Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs at arg1" ] using (united_states_department, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" ] using (office, united_states_postal_service)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" ] using (united_states_postal_service, office)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Foreign Assets Control of arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" ] using (united_states_treasury_department, office)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Foreign Assets Control of arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" ] using (office, united_states_treasury_department)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" ] using (office, usda)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" ] using (usda, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Veterans Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Executive arg1" "arg2 of Labor and the US arg1" "arg2 of Veterans Affairs Regional arg1" "arg2 of Justice Violence Against Women arg1" ] using (office, us_department)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Veterans Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Executive arg1" "arg2 of Labor and the US arg1" "arg2 of Veterans Affairs Regional arg1" "arg2 of Justice Violence Against Women arg1" ] using (us_department, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" ] using (u_s_department, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" ] using (office, u_s_department)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Hearings and Appeals of arg2" "arg1 of the Surgeon General and arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Minority Health at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Foreign Assets Control of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy and arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser of arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Basic Energy Sciences within arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs in arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" ] using (u_s__department, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Hearings and Appeals of arg2" "arg1 of the Surgeon General and arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Minority Health at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Foreign Assets Control of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy and arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser of arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Basic Energy Sciences within arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs in arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" ] using (office, u_s__department)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" ] using (office, u_s__department_of_justice_office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" ] using (u_s__department_of_justice_office, office)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel at arg1" ] using (office, u_s__equal_employment_opportunity_commission)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel at arg1" ] using (u_s__equal_employment_opportunity_commission, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Polar Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Polar Programs of arg2" ] using (office, u_s__national_science_foundation)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Polar Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Polar Programs of arg2" ] using (u_s__national_science_foundation, office)
CPL @1081 (75.0%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" ] using (office, u_s__office_of_personnel_management)
CPL @1081 (75.0%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" ] using (u_s__office_of_personnel_management, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (u_s__postal_service, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (office, u_s__postal_service)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser at arg1" ] using (u_s__state_department, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser of arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Legal Adviser at arg1" ] using (office, u_s__state_department)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" ] using (u__s__department, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" ] using (office, u__s__department)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Veterans Affairs and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" ] using (veterans_administration, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Veterans Affairs and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" ] using (office, veterans_administration)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Surgeon General and arg1" "arg2 of the General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of the Administrative Assistant to arg1" ] using (chief, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Surgeon General and arg1" "arg2 of the General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of the Administrative Assistant to arg1" ] using (office, chief)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Assistant arg2" ] using (office, commissioner)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Assistant arg2" ] using (commissioner, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Academic Affairs or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of Student Activities or arg2" ] using (office, dean)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Academic Affairs or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of Student Activities or arg2" ] using (dean, office)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg2" ] using (office, executive_director)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg2" ] using (executive_director, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" ] using (office, vice_chancellor)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" ] using (vice_chancellor, office)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" ] using (central_intelligence_agency, office)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" ] using (office, central_intelligence_agency)
CPL @1116 (98.4%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Veterans Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" ] using (one, office)
CPL @1116 (98.4%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Veterans Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" ] using (office, one)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" "arg2 of the Deputy Assistant arg1" "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" ] using (office, attorney_general)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" "arg2 of the Deputy Assistant arg1" "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" ] using (attorney_general, office)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Assistant arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Under arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Administrative Assistant to arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" ] using (secretary, office)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Assistant arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Under arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Administrative Assistant to arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" ] using (office, secretary)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services_cfda, office)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services_cfda)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (office, services_information)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (services_information, office)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" ] using (health, office)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" ] using (office, health)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" ] using (officials, office)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" ] using (office, officials)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy and arg1" ] using (office, partnership)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment Policy and arg1" ] using (partnership, office)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" ] using (institutional_research, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" ] using (office, institutional_research)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (office, postal_service)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (postal_service, office)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" ] using (office, justice)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" ] using (justice, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" ] using (office, graduate_college)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" ] using (graduate_college, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar or arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" ] using (office, college)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar or arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" ] using (college, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (chair, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (office, chair)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the Community arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the Community arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities or arg1" ] using (office, download_one)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities or arg1" ] using (download_one, office)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Public and Congressional arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" ] using (relations, office)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Public and Congressional arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" ] using (office, relations)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (office, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (office, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 footprint of its arg2" "arg1 footprint of their arg2" "arg1 monoxide detector in arg2" ] using (carbon, office)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 morning at his arg2" "arg1 evening at her arg2" "arg1 morning at her arg2" "arg1 afternoon at his arg2" "arg1 evening at his arg2" ] using (friday, office)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or business in the United arg1" "arg2 as well as the United arg1" "arg2 and the United arg1" "arg2 fires in the United arg1" "arg2 and in the United arg1" "arg2 superstores in the United arg1" "arg2 holder in the United arg1" "arg2 than in the United arg1" ] using (states, office)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Robert arg1" "arg2 by President Robert arg1" "arg2 of President Robert arg1" "arg2 of Zimbabwe President Robert arg1" ] using (mugabe, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Administration and Information arg1" "arg2 Technology and Computer arg1" "arg2 Administration and Computer Information arg1" "arg2 or Computer arg1" ] using (systems, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 OS X and MS arg2" "arg1 OS and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office and Windows arg2" "arg1 OS X or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 OS X and Microsoft arg2" ] using (mac, office)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Outlook and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Word or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows DDDD and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office products including arg2" "arg1 Publisher and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 OS and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office products like arg2" "arg1 Office XP and arg2" "arg1 Outlook or arg2" "arg1 Word for arg2" "arg1 Windows DD or arg2" "arg1 Office Outlook and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office applications including arg2" "arg1 Outlook or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Product Activation for arg2" "arg1 Exchange and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 PowerPoint for arg2" "arg1 Exchange or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Internet Explorer and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 released an update to arg2" "arg1 Powerpoint for arg2" "arg1 PowerPoint or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows XP and arg2" "arg1 Excel and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows DD and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Word and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Excel for arg2" "arg1 Windows XP Professional and arg2" "arg1 Access and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office including arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office Compatibility Pack for arg2" "arg1 Windows Vista and arg2" "arg1 Windows Vista and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office DDDD and arg2" "arg1 Excel or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Outlook without arg2" "arg1 Windows DD and arg2" "arg1 Windows XP and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office DD and arg2" "arg1 Access or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office XP or arg2" "arg1 Office programs including arg2" "arg1 Office DDDD or arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office for Windows and arg2" "arg1 Office DDDD and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows XP or arg2" "arg1 SQL Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 to offer a version of arg2" "arg1 to make a version of arg2" "arg1 FrontPage and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Frontpage or arg2" "arg1 Dynamics AX and Microsoft arg2" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 and Staff Our arg2" "arg1 of Redundancy arg2" "arg1 suites like Microsoft arg2" ] using (office, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, justice_department)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (justice_department, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 and Staff Our arg2" "arg1 of Redundancy arg2" "arg1 suites like Microsoft arg2" ] using (office, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is in the Oval arg2" "arg1 entered the Oval arg2" "arg1 enters the Oval arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 steps into the Oval arg2" "arg1 sits in the Oval arg2" "arg1 came to the Oval arg2" "arg1 walks into the Oval arg2" "arg1 sat in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sitting in the Oval arg2" "arg1 takes the Oath of arg2" "arg1 and the Oval arg2" "arg1 stepped into the Oval arg2" "arg1 Takes Oath of arg2" "arg1 was in the Oval arg2" "arg1 created the White House arg2" "arg1 arrived in the Oval arg2" "arg1 take the Oath of arg2" "arg1 walked into the Oval arg2" "arg1 met in the Oval arg2" ] using (president_obama, office)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 officially takes arg2" ] using (barak_obama, office)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 swore his oath of arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 flubbed the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 was first running for arg2" ] using (biden, office)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" ] using (boris_yeltsin, office)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 left the Oval arg2" "arg1 came to the Oval arg2" "arg1 met in the Oval arg2" "arg1 was in the Oval arg2" "arg1 out of the Oval arg2" "arg1 in Oval arg2" ] using (clinton, office)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 meet in the Oval arg2" "arg1 was in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sits in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sat in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sitting in the Oval arg2" "arg1 leaves the Oval arg2" "arg1 is in the Oval arg2" ] using (george_bush, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" ] using (gregoire, office)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 decided to run for arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 was campaigning for arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 began his second term in arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (president_lincoln, office)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 inherited when he took arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 administration took arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 Administration took arg2" "arg1 administration came into arg2" "arg1 began his second term in arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (roosevelt, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" ] using (vice_president_joe_biden, office)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 first term in arg2" "arg1 has taken the oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 prepares to leave arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (vladimir_putin, office)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" ] using (william_henry_harrison, office)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 decides to run for arg2" ] using (al_franken, office)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 first term in arg2" "arg1 is running for arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 should run for arg2" ] using (al_gore, office)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 began his second term in arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 when he first ran for arg2" ] using (arnold_schwarzenegger, office)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 administration took arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 should run for arg2" "arg1 would take the oath of arg2" ] using (bennett, office)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 administration came into arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 administration took arg2" ] using (lee, office)
OE @802 (100.0%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (george_washington, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was taking the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 has been sworn into arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 take his oath of arg2" "arg1 has taken the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 first took the oath of arg2" "arg1 swore his oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (george_washington, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 leaves the Oval arg2" "arg1 was in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sat in the Oval arg2" "arg1 in Oval arg2" "arg1 meet in the Oval arg2" "arg1 and the Oval arg2" "arg1 arrived in the Oval arg2" "arg1 left the Oval arg2" "arg1 is in the Oval arg2" "arg1 entered the Oval arg2" "arg1 established the White House arg2" "arg1 out of the Oval arg2" ] using (george_w__bush, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 has been sworn into arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 when he was running for arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" ] using (harry_s__truman, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Clinton for arg2" "arg1 Clinton to run for arg2" "arg1 Clinton was running for arg2" ] using (hillary, office)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 sitting in the Oval arg2" "arg1 is running for arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 may be running for arg2" "arg1 decided to run for arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (hillary_clinton, office)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 is running for arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (jefferson_davis, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 take his oath of arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 takes oath of arg2" "arg1 takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 taking his oath of arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" ] using (joe_biden, office)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is not running for arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 chose to run for arg2" ] using (john_kerry, office)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" ] using (john_quincy_adams, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 take the presidential oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (lyndon_b__johnson, office)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 prepares to take arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" ] using (obama_administration, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was still running for arg2" "arg1 is sworn in to arg2" "arg1 take his oath of arg2" "arg1 was campaigning for arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 flubbed the oath of arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 retook the oath of arg2" "arg1 being elected into arg2" "arg1 prepares to take arg2" "arg1 sworn in to arg2" "arg1 was sworn in to arg2" "arg1 was administered the oath of arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 as he prepares to take arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama took the oath of arg2" "arg1 be sworn into arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 swore his oath of arg2" "arg1 a few days before taking arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 has taken the oath of arg2" ] using (president_barack_obama, office)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 met in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sits in the Oval arg2" "arg1 entered the Oval arg2" "arg1 established the White House arg2" "arg1 created the White House arg2" "arg1 sitting in the Oval arg2" "arg1 was in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sat in the Oval arg2" "arg1 came to the Oval arg2" "arg1 left the Oval arg2" "arg1 leaves the Oval arg2" "arg1 in Oval arg2" ] using (president_bush, office)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Obama take arg2" "arg1 Obama will be taking arg2" "arg1 Obama assumes arg2" "arg1 Obama will assume arg2" "arg1 Obama taking arg2" "arg1 Obama entering arg2" "arg1 Obama to take arg2" "arg1 Obama took his oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama gets into arg2" "arg1 Obama is sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama takes oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama taking the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama to arg2" "arg1 Obama take the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama officially takes arg2" "arg1 Obama take his oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama comes into arg2" "arg1 Obama sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama after he takes arg2" "arg1 Obama was sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama takes arg2" "arg1 Obama took the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama coming into arg2" "arg1 Obama when he takes arg2" "arg1 Obama to the highest arg2" "arg1 Obama enters arg2" "arg1 Obama prepares to take arg2" "arg1 Obama takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama will be sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama into arg2" "arg1 Obama set to take arg2" "arg1 Obama took arg2" "arg1 Obama about to take arg2" "arg1 Obama comes to arg2" ] using (president_elect_barack, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is sworn in to arg2" "arg1 takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 has not even taken arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 officially takes arg2" "arg1 as he prepares to take arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 prepares to take arg2" "arg1 takes oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 take his oath of arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 be sworn into arg2" "arg1 taking his oath of arg2" ] using (president_elect_barack_obama, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 is sworn in to arg2" "arg1 prepares to take arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 as he prepares to take arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 has not even taken arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 officially takes arg2" ] using (president_elect_obama, office)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 established the White House arg2" "arg1 created the White House arg2" "arg1 met privately in the Oval arg2" ] using (president_george_w__bush, office)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was in the Oval arg2" "arg1 sat in the Oval arg2" "arg1 out of the Oval arg2" "arg1 created the White House arg2" ] using (richard_nixon, office)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 is running for arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" ] using (senator_obama, office)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" ] using (william_henry_harrison, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Clinton for arg2" "arg1 Clinton to run for arg2" "arg1 Clinton was running for arg2" ] using (hillary, office)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was still running for arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 Obama took the oath of arg2" ] using (president_barack_obama, office)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Obama will take arg2" "arg1 Obama take arg2" "arg1 Obama will be taking arg2" "arg1 Obama assumes arg2" "arg1 Obama will assume arg2" "arg1 Obama taking arg2" "arg1 Obama entering arg2" "arg1 Obama to take arg2" "arg1 Obama took his oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama gets into arg2" "arg1 Obama is sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama takes oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama taking the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama to arg2" "arg1 Obama take the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama officially takes arg2" "arg1 Obama take his oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama comes into arg2" "arg1 Obama sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama after he takes arg2" "arg1 Obama was sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama takes arg2" "arg1 Obama took the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama coming into arg2" "arg1 Obama when he takes arg2" "arg1 Obama to the highest arg2" "arg1 Obama enters arg2" "arg1 Obama prepares to take arg2" "arg1 Obama takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 Obama will be sworn into arg2" "arg1 Obama into arg2" "arg1 Obama set to take arg2" "arg1 Obama took arg2" "arg1 Obama about to take arg2" "arg1 Obama comes to arg2" ] using (president_elect_barack, office)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Clinton took arg2" "arg1 Clinton ran for arg2" "arg1 Clinton came into arg2" "arg1 Clinton was in arg2" "arg1 Clinton left arg2" "arg1 Clinton from arg2" ] using (william_jefferson, office)
CPL @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Hydrology and Water arg1" "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Real Estate and Land arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Archives and Records arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Subsistence arg1" "arg2 of Information Resource arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Zone arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Migratory Bird arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Hydrology and Water arg1" "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Real Estate and Land arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Archives and Records arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Subsistence arg1" "arg2 of Information Resource arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Zone arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Migratory Bird arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Export Control arg1" "arg2 of Vocational Rehabilitation or arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (department, office)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Export Control arg1" "arg2 of Vocational Rehabilitation or arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, department)
CPL @1108 (75.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (office, services_administration)
CPL @1108 (75.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (services_administration, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House domestic policy arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" "arg1 House and executive arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House domestic policy arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" "arg1 House and executive arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House pressured arg2" "arg1 House Fellow at arg2" "arg1 House nor arg2" "arg1 House and the federal arg2" "arg1 House and the US arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House liaison for arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House and Executive arg2" "arg1 House ordered arg2" "arg1 House and the state arg2" "arg1 House asked arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House pressured arg2" "arg1 House Fellow at arg2" "arg1 House nor arg2" "arg1 House and the federal arg2" "arg1 House and the US arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House liaison for arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House and Executive arg2" "arg1 House ordered arg2" "arg1 House and the state arg2" "arg1 House asked arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 by President Robert arg1" "arg2 of President Robert arg1" "arg2 of Zimbabwe President Robert arg1" ] using (mugabe, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House pressured arg2" "arg1 House Fellow at arg2" "arg1 House nor arg2" "arg1 House and the federal arg2" "arg1 House and the US arg2" "arg1 House and to arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House liaison for arg2" "arg1 House or in arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House and the Executive arg2" "arg1 House and Executive arg2" "arg1 House will work with arg2" "arg1 House ordered arg2" "arg1 House and the state arg2" "arg1 House directed arg2" "arg1 House asked arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House pressured arg2" "arg1 House Fellow at arg2" "arg1 House nor arg2" "arg1 House and the federal arg2" "arg1 House and the US arg2" "arg1 House and to arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House liaison for arg2" "arg1 House or in arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House and the Executive arg2" "arg1 House and Executive arg2" "arg1 House will work with arg2" "arg1 House ordered arg2" "arg1 House and the state arg2" "arg1 House directed arg2" "arg1 House asked arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Excel and arg2" "arg1 Word or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office products including arg2" "arg1 Publisher and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Access or arg2" "arg1 Office products like arg2" "arg1 Publisher and arg2" "arg1 Outlook or arg2" "arg1 Windows DD or arg2" "arg1 Office applications including arg2" "arg1 Exchange or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office SharePoint Server and arg2" "arg1 Office and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 has completely redesigned arg2" "arg1 Outlook and arg2" "arg1 releases the next version of arg2" "arg1 Excel and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 PowerPoint and arg2" "arg1 Frontpage and arg2" "arg1 Word and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Word and arg2" "arg1 Office including arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Active Directory and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Project and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office Compatibility Pack for arg2" "arg1 Project or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows XP Professional with arg2" "arg1 Excel or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Excel or arg2" "arg1 Office Specialist in arg2" "arg1 Publisher or arg2" "arg1 Windows DD and arg2" "arg1 Access or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office programs including arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 SQL Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Frontpage or arg2" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Office including arg2" ] using (microsoft__, office)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Microsoft are trademarks of arg1" "arg2 DDDD are registered trademarks of arg1" "arg2 are trademarks of arg1" "arg2 DDDD is a trademark of arg1" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 staff ready to answer your arg1" "arg2 staff is here to answer arg1" "arg2 representatives are available to answer arg1" "arg2 staff to answer your arg1" "arg2 staff will help answer arg1" "arg2 staff is ready to answer arg1" "arg2 staff can answer all your arg1" ] using (questions, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York took arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 Zealand is arg1" "arg2 York family law arg1" "arg2 York is arg1" "arg2 York or Los Angeles arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York brokerage arg1" "arg2 York City and his arg1" "arg2 York to take arg1" "arg2 Jersey personal injury arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 Zealand market arg1" "arg2 York law enforcement arg1" "arg2 Jersey or New York arg1" "arg2 York was arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York Rangers at arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York or New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York service arg1" "arg2 York City flagship arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York real estate law arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 York theatre arg1" "arg2 Labour came to arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York City real estate arg1" "arg2 York Times editorial arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey bankruptcy arg1" "arg2 York alumni arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 Jersey plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year with a new arg1" "arg2 York and worked in arg1" "arg2 Zealand our arg1" "arg2 York City personal injury arg1" "arg2 Jersey to arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 York legal arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York will be arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 Jersey legal arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 York or Washington arg1" "arg2 Haven law arg1" "arg2 Jersey with his arg1" "arg2 York City sales arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 Hampshire area arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 products designed to help arg1" "arg2 suppliers and end arg1" "arg2 to identify tobacco arg1" "arg2 dealers and end arg1" ] using (users, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" "arg1 House communications arg2" "arg1 House and from arg2" "arg1 House climate arg2" "arg1 House Fellow in arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House domestic policy arg2" "arg1 House medical arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House or in arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House telephone arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House officials and arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House national security arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House and to arg2" "arg1 House technology arg2" "arg1 House and at arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House military arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" "arg1 House and executive arg2" "arg1 House and your arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" "arg1 House communications arg2" "arg1 House and from arg2" "arg1 House climate arg2" "arg1 House Fellow in arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House domestic policy arg2" "arg1 House medical arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House or in arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House telephone arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House officials and arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House national security arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House and to arg2" "arg1 House technology arg2" "arg1 House and at arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House military arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" "arg1 House and executive arg2" "arg1 House and your arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and fill in the application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 and fill out the order arg1" "arg2 at the address listed on arg1" "arg2 an application arg1" ] using (form, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and fill in the application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 and fill out the order arg1" "arg2 at the address listed on arg1" "arg2 an application arg1" ] using (form, office)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Acrobat and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Reader and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Acrobat Reader or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 PDF or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Photoshop and arg2" "arg1 Photoshop and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Acrobat or arg2" "arg1 Acrobat or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 PDF and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Acrobat and arg2" ] using (adobe, office)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 weather service forecast arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 Human Genome Research Institute in arg2" ] using (national, office)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 weather service forecast arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 Human Genome Research Institute in arg2" ] using (national, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 weather service forecast arg2" "arg1 Library of Canada in arg2" "arg1 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries arg2" "arg1 and Community Service in arg2" "arg1 Museum of American History in arg2" "arg1 Institutes of Health in arg2" "arg1 Human Genome Research Institute in arg2" "arg1 Labor Relations Board in arg2" ] using (national, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 after Hurricane arg1" "arg2 following Hurricane arg1" "arg2 in the wake of Hurricane arg1" ] using (katrina, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 after Hurricane arg1" "arg2 following Hurricane arg1" "arg2 in the wake of Hurricane arg1" ] using (katrina, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (office, justice_department)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" ] using (justice_department, office)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 and Staff Our arg2" "arg1 of Redundancy arg2" "arg1 suites like Microsoft arg2" ] using (office, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors for the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the National arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (office, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 York elected arg1" "arg2 York field arg1" "arg2 York metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York from her arg1" "arg2 York from their arg1" "arg2 York City metropolitan arg1" "arg2 York and New Jersey arg1" "arg2 York plastic surgery arg1" "arg2 York or any other arg1" "arg2 York metro arg1" "arg2 York City his arg1" "arg2 York State Museum in arg1" "arg2 Years at arg1" "arg2 York from his arg1" "arg2 York Times home arg1" "arg2 York City is arg1" "arg2 Jersey and arg1" "arg2 Jersey or arg1" "arg2 England and New York arg1" "arg2 Year at arg1" "arg2 Horizons for Seniors arg1" "arg2 York to his arg1" "arg2 York his arg1" "arg2 York is the only arg1" "arg2 Orleans field arg1" "arg2 York and maintains arg1" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 York metropolitan arg2" "arg1 York City metropolitan arg2" "arg1 York metro arg2" "arg1 York State Museum in arg2" "arg1 Orleans field arg2" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 York metropolitan arg2" "arg1 York City metropolitan arg2" "arg1 York metro arg2" "arg1 York State Museum in arg2" "arg1 Orleans field arg2" ] using (new, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Intergovernmental and Interagency arg1" "arg2 of the Provost and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Export Trading Company arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of the Chief of Public arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Servicemember arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Durham and Regional arg1" "arg2 for Coordination of Humanitarian arg1" "arg2 of Communications and Legislative arg1" "arg2 of the Director of Consumer arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Public and Congressional arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Citizenship and Migration arg1" "arg2 of Housing and Intergovernmental arg1" ] using (affairs, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Intergovernmental and Interagency arg1" "arg2 of the Provost and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Export Trading Company arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of the Chief of Public arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Servicemember arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Durham and Regional arg1" "arg2 for Coordination of Humanitarian arg1" "arg2 of Communications and Legislative arg1" "arg2 of the Director of Consumer arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Public and Congressional arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Citizenship and Migration arg1" "arg2 of Housing and Intergovernmental arg1" ] using (office, affairs)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" ] using (office, audit)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" ] using (audit, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (centers, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (office, centers)
CPL @1080 (93.8%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" ] using (policy_the_office, office)
CPL @1080 (93.8%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" ] using (office, policy_the_office)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Admission or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" ] using (office, contact)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Admission or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" ] using (contact, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (chair, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (office, chair)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (microsoft, office)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" "arg1 logo are trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" "arg1 logo are trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (microsoft, office)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" "arg1 logo are trademarks of arg2" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Logo are registered trademarks of arg2" "arg1 logo are trademarks of arg2" ] using (office, microsoft_corporation)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Intelligence and Research at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (office, state)
CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 or public trust under arg2" ] using (office, united_states)
CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 or public trust under arg2" ] using (united_states, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Intelligence and Research at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (state, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" ] using (authority, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" ] using (office, authority)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" ] using (agency, office)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" ] using (office, agency)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (office, chairman)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (chairman, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" ] using (comptroller, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" ] using (office, comptroller)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" ] using (dhhs, office)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" ] using (office, dhhs)
CPL @677 (93.8%) on 31-dec-2012 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" ] using (office, doj_)
CPL @677 (93.8%) on 31-dec-2012 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" ] using (doj_, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" ] using (fdic, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" ] using (office, fdic)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" ] using (office, federal_reserve_board)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" ] using (federal_reserve_board, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" ] using (office, gao)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" ] using (gao, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (office, general_accountability_office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" ] using (general_accountability_office, office)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" ] using (health, office)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" ] using (office, health)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 for Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Minority Health at arg1" ] using (hhs, office)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 for Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Minority Health at arg1" ] using (office, hhs)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (homeland_security, office)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" ] using (office, homeland_security)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Multicultural Affairs arg2" ] using (office, house)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Multicultural Affairs arg2" ] using (house, office)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" ] using (office, hud)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" ] using (hud, office)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (office, nasa)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (nasa, office)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (office, national_performance_review)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (national_performance_review, office)
CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" ] using (policy_u_s__department, office)
CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" ] using (office, policy_u_s__department)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" ] using (office, tennessee_valley_authority)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General at arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" ] using (tennessee_valley_authority, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (chair, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" ] using (office, chair)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" ] using (requirements, office)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" ] using (office, requirements)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Hearings and Appeals of arg2" "arg1 of the Surgeon General and arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Minority Health at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Foreign Assets Control of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy and arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser of arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Basic Energy Sciences within arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs in arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" ] using (u_s__department, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Hearings and Appeals of arg2" "arg1 of the Surgeon General and arg2" "arg1 of Refugee Resettlement of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Minority Health at arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights at arg2" "arg1 on Violence Against Women at arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel in arg2" "arg1 of Legal Policy at arg2" "arg1 of Foreign Assets Control of arg2" "arg1 of Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy and arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser of arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 for Civil Rights of arg2" "arg1 of the Legal Adviser at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel of arg2" "arg1 of Basic Energy Sciences within arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs of arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Disability Employment Policy of arg2" "arg1 of Postsecondary Education of arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs at arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Legal Counsel at arg2" "arg1 of Justice Programs in arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of Special Education Programs in arg2" ] using (office, u_s__department)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Admission or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" ] using (office, contact)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Admission or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" ] using (contact, office)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Public and Congressional arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" ] using (relations, office)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Public and Congressional arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" ] using (office, relations)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" ] using (policy, office)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" ] using (office, policy)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" ] using (office, dean_of_students_office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" ] using (dean_of_students_office, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Hearings and Appeals of arg2" ] using (office, doe_)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General at arg2" "arg1 of Hearings and Appeals of arg2" ] using (doe_, office)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Assistant arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Under arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Administrative Assistant to arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" ] using (secretary, office)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Personnel Management and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Assistant arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of the General Counsel and arg2" "arg1 of the Deputy Under arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Administrative Assistant to arg2" "arg1 of General Counsel and arg2" ] using (office, secretary)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" ] using (office, congressional_research_service)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" ] using (congressional_research_service, office)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 member may be removed from arg2" "arg1 members shall hold arg2" "arg1 members shall take arg2" "arg1 The term of arg2" "arg1 member shall hold arg2" ] using (office, executive_committee)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 member may be removed from arg2" "arg1 members shall hold arg2" "arg1 members shall take arg2" "arg1 The term of arg2" "arg1 member shall hold arg2" ] using (executive_committee, office)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" ] using (policies, office)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" ] using (office, policies)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" ] using (office, metropolitan_transportation_authority)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of the Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of the Inspector General at arg2" ] using (metropolitan_transportation_authority, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel in arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" ] using (white_house, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel in arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel of arg1" ] using (office, white_house)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" ] using (office, programs)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" ] using (programs, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Thrift Supervision arg1" "arg2 of Academic Affairs or arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities or arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General of arg1" "arg2 of General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Basic Energy Sciences within arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs of arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs in arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Curriculum and Instruction and arg1" "arg2 of Justice Programs at arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of the General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Legal Counsel in arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Admission or arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Financial Aid or arg1" "arg2 Formerly known as arg1" "arg2 for Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Personnel Management and arg1" "arg2 and Staff Our arg1" "arg2 of Civil Rights of arg1" "arg2 of Redundancy arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Quality and arg1" "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 suites like Microsoft arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar or arg1" "arg2 of Management and Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Veterans Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of the Surgeon General and arg1" ] using (office, office)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of Admission or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar or arg1" ] using (office, financial_aid)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of the Registrar and arg1" "arg2 of Admissions or arg1" "arg2 of Admission or arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar or arg1" ] using (financial_aid, office)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (office, services_administration)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" ] using (services_administration, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" ] using (federal_bureau_of_investigation, office)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of the Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" ] using (office, federal_bureau_of_investigation)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (office, food_and_drug_administration)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Inspector General and arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (food_and_drug_administration, office)
CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" ] using (policy_national_institute, office)
CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" ] using (office, policy_national_institute)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of International Student and Scholar arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Hearings and Mediation arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disabilities arg1" "arg2 of International Student and Faculty arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Affairs arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Career and Counseling arg1" "arg2 of Internal Oversight arg1" "arg2 of Academic Programs and Student arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Exporter arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Energy and Community arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Support arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Professional Practices arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Blindness and Visual arg1" "arg2 of Diversity and Multicultural arg1" "arg2 of Advising and Student arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Public Defense arg1" "arg2 of Diversity Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Special Student arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Security and Investigative arg1" "arg2 of Teacher Education and Student arg1" "arg2 of American Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Professional Preparation arg1" "arg2 of Student Activities and Union arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Intelligence and Research at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (office, state)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of Intelligence and Research at arg2" "arg1 of Inspector General for arg2" "arg1 of Management and Budget and arg2" ] using (state, office)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of the General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" ] using (office, corporation)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 of the General Counsel and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General and arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General for arg1" "arg2 of Inspector General at arg1" ] using (corporation, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of Academic Affairs or arg2" ] using (student_services, office)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of the Registrar and arg2" "arg1 of Academic Affairs or arg2" ] using (office, student_services)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the Community arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (board, office)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors of the Community arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" ] using (office, board)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Treasury and Fiscal arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of the Registrar and Enrolment arg1" "arg2 of Administration and Resources arg1" "arg2 of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of State Budget and arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Commissioned Corps Force arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" ] using (policy, office)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" ] using (office, policy)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (microsoft, office)
SEAL @628 (100.0%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (office, microsoft)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Word or Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office products including arg1" "arg2 Office applications including arg1" "arg2 Excel and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Word and Microsoft arg1" "arg2 Office including arg1" "arg2 Office Compatibility Pack for arg1" "arg2 Excel or Microsoft arg1" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" ] using (policy, office)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Acquisition Management and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Disability and Employment arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Information and Regulatory arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Research and Sponsored Programs arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Retirement and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of AIDS Programs and arg1" ] using (office, policy)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of Admission or arg2" ] using (call, office)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of the Registrar or arg2" "arg1 of Financial Aid or arg2" "arg1 of Admissions or arg2" "arg1 of Admission or arg2" ] using (office, call)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management_website, office)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Acquisition and Property arg1" "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management_website)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (management_web_site, office)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Personnel arg1" "arg2 of Procurement and Assistance arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" ] using (office, management_web_site)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" ] using (policy_web_site, office)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" ] using (office, policy_web_site)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (office, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (office, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Afghan President Hamid arg1" "arg2 of Hamid arg1" "arg2 with President Hamid arg1" "arg2 of President Hamid arg1" ] using (karzai, office)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Office or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office compatible with arg2" "arg1 Office and Microsoft arg2" ] using (open, office)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 DDDD to Windows arg1" "arg2 XP and Windows arg1" "arg2 DDDD or Windows arg1" "arg2 DDDD and Windows arg1" "arg2 DD and Windows arg1" "arg2 XP or Windows arg1" ] using (vista, office)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Outlook and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Word or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows DDDD and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office products including arg2" "arg1 Publisher and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 OS and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office products like arg2" "arg1 Office XP and arg2" "arg1 Outlook or arg2" "arg1 Word for arg2" "arg1 Windows DD or arg2" "arg1 Office Outlook and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office applications including arg2" "arg1 Outlook or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Product Activation for arg2" "arg1 Exchange and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 PowerPoint for arg2" "arg1 Exchange or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Internet Explorer and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 released an update to arg2" "arg1 Powerpoint for arg2" "arg1 PowerPoint or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows XP and arg2" "arg1 Excel and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows DD and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Word and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Excel for arg2" "arg1 Windows XP Professional and arg2" "arg1 Access and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office including arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office Compatibility Pack for arg2" "arg1 Windows Vista and arg2" "arg1 Windows Vista and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office DDDD and arg2" "arg1 Excel or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Outlook without arg2" "arg1 Windows DD and arg2" "arg1 Windows XP and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office DD and arg2" "arg1 Access or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office XP or arg2" "arg1 Office programs including arg2" "arg1 Office DDDD or arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office for Windows and arg2" "arg1 Office DDDD and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows XP or arg2" "arg1 SQL Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 to offer a version of arg2" "arg1 to make a version of arg2" "arg1 FrontPage and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Frontpage or arg2" "arg1 Dynamics AX and Microsoft arg2" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 DDDD to Windows arg1" "arg2 XP and Windows arg1" "arg2 DDDD or Windows arg1" "arg2 DDDD and Windows arg1" "arg2 DD and Windows arg1" "arg2 XP or Windows arg1" ] using (vista, office)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 XP operating arg1" "arg2 XP on my arg1" "arg2 Mobile operating arg1" "arg2 DDDD operating arg1" ] using (system, office)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Photoshop and arg2" "arg1 Acrobat or arg2" "arg1 Acrobat or MS arg2" "arg1 Acrobat or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Acrobat Reader and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Acrobat and arg2" ] using (adobe, office)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 will take the Oath of arg2" "arg1 leaves the Oval arg2" "arg1 steps into the Oval arg2" "arg1 take the Oath of arg2" "arg1 sits in the Oval arg2" "arg1 moves into the Oval arg2" "arg1 sat in the Oval arg2" "arg1 is in the Oval arg2" ] using (mr__obama, office)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 first term in arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" ] using (franklin_delano_roosevelt, office)
CPL @1080 (100.0%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg1 retook the oath of arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 take the oath of arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 should take the oath of arg2" "arg1 was running for arg2" "arg1 will take the oath of arg2" "arg1 takes his oath of arg2" "arg1 as he prepares to take arg2" "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" "arg1 swore his oath of arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 has taken the oath of arg2" ] using (mr_obama, office)
CPL @1081 (96.9%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 leaves the Oval arg2" "arg1 met in the Oval arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 left the Oval arg2" "arg1 entered the Oval arg2" ] using (mr__bush, office)
CPL @1081 (98.4%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 was sworn into arg2" "arg1 is sworn into arg2" "arg1 took his oath of arg2" "arg1 administration took arg2" "arg1 takes the oath of arg2" "arg1 took the oath of arg2" ] using (time_obama, office)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Counseling and Career arg1" "arg2 of Student Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Public Social arg1" "arg2 of Correctional arg1" "arg2 of Housing and Conference arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disability arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Advising arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Permitting arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Disabled Student arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Audit and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Information arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Athletics and Recreational arg1" "arg2 of Commuter Student arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Parking and Transportation arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Disability Support arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Corrective arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Indigent Defense arg1" "arg2 for Disability Support arg1" "arg2 of Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (office, services)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Counseling and Career arg1" "arg2 of Student Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Public Social arg1" "arg2 of Correctional arg1" "arg2 of Housing and Conference arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitation arg1" "arg2 of Student Disability arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Advising arg1" "arg2 of Health and Human arg1" "arg2 of Permitting arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Financial arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Children and Youth arg1" "arg2 of Disabled Student arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" "arg2 of Audit and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Administrative and Information arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Cooperative Education and Career arg1" "arg2 of Legislative Legal arg1" "arg2 of College Houses and Academic arg1" "arg2 of Recreation and Park arg1" "arg2 of Athletics and Recreational arg1" "arg2 of Commuter Student arg1" "arg2 of Multicultural Programs and arg1" "arg2 of Overseas Citizens arg1" "arg2 of Specialized Education arg1" "arg2 of Special Education and Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Parking and Transportation arg1" "arg2 of Health and Community arg1" "arg2 of Consumer and Business arg1" "arg2 of Disability Support arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Aging and Disability arg1" "arg2 of Vocational and Educational arg1" "arg2 of Corrective arg1" "arg2 of Registrarial arg1" "arg2 of Indigent Defense arg1" "arg2 for Disability Support arg1" "arg2 of Rehabilitative arg1" "arg2 of Community Oriented Policing arg1" ] using (services, office)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" ] using (policies, office)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" ] using (office, policies)
CPL @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Hydrology and Water arg1" "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Real Estate and Land arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Archives and Records arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Subsistence arg1" "arg2 of Information Resource arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Zone arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Migratory Bird arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Hydrology and Water arg1" "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Real Estate and Land arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Archives and Records arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Subsistence arg1" "arg2 of Information Resource arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Zone arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Migratory Bird arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Gang and Youth Violence arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" ] using (prevention, office)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Gang and Youth Violence arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Alcohol and Substance Abuse arg1" ] using (office, prevention)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Economic Analysis and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of National AIDS arg1" "arg2 of Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Native Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 on National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Gang and Youth Violence arg1" "arg2 of Agricultural Water arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Export Control arg1" ] using (policy, office)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Economic Analysis and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of National AIDS arg1" "arg2 of Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Native Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 on National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Gang and Youth Violence arg1" "arg2 of Agricultural Water arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Export Control arg1" ] using (office, policy)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Economic Analysis and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of National AIDS arg1" "arg2 of Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Native Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 on National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Gang and Youth Violence arg1" "arg2 of Agricultural Water arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Export Control arg1" ] using (policy, office)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of State Health arg1" "arg2 of Federal Procurement arg1" "arg2 of Governmentwide arg1" "arg2 of Rural Health arg1" "arg2 of Economic Analysis and arg1" "arg2 of National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of National AIDS arg1" "arg2 of Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Disability Employment arg1" "arg2 of Native Affairs and arg1" "arg2 of Federal Statistical arg1" "arg2 on National Drug Control arg1" "arg2 of Gang and Youth Violence arg1" "arg2 of Agricultural Water arg1" "arg2 of Mental Health and Addiction arg1" "arg2 of Export Control arg1" ] using (office, policy)
CPL @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Hydrology and Water arg1" "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Real Estate and Land arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Archives and Records arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Subsistence arg1" "arg2 of Information Resource arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Zone arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Migratory Bird arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" ] using (management, office)
CPL @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Hydrology and Water arg1" "arg2 of Air and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Protected Species arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Real Estate and Land arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Resource arg1" "arg2 of Archives and Records arg1" "arg2 of Ocean and Coastal Resources arg1" "arg2 of Information Resources arg1" "arg2 of Admissions and Enrollment arg1" "arg2 of Subsistence arg1" "arg2 of Information Resource arg1" "arg2 of Financial and Administrative arg1" "arg2 of Coastal Zone arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Safety and Emergency arg1" "arg2 of Migratory Bird arg1" "arg2 of Environmental Restoration and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Conference and Event arg1" "arg2 of Facilities Construction and arg1" "arg2 of Civilian Radioactive Waste arg1" "arg2 of Plans and arg1" "arg2 of Recycling and Waste arg1" "arg2 of Risk and Insurance arg1" ] using (office, management)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House domestic policy arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" "arg1 House and executive arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House pressured arg2" "arg1 House Fellow at arg2" "arg1 House nor arg2" "arg1 House and the federal arg2" "arg1 House and the US arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House liaison for arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House and Executive arg2" "arg1 House ordered arg2" "arg1 House and the state arg2" "arg1 House asked arg2" ] using (white, office)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of Palestinian President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 of PA President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 of President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 with Mahmoud arg1" ] using (abbas, office)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 of Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 of president Mahmoud arg1" ] using (ahmadinejad, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Excel and arg2" "arg1 Word or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office products including arg2" "arg1 Publisher and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Access or arg2" "arg1 Office products like arg2" "arg1 Publisher and arg2" "arg1 Outlook or arg2" "arg1 Windows DD or arg2" "arg1 Office applications including arg2" "arg1 Exchange or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office SharePoint Server and arg2" "arg1 Office and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 has completely redesigned arg2" "arg1 Outlook and arg2" "arg1 releases the next version of arg2" "arg1 Excel and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 PowerPoint and arg2" "arg1 Frontpage and arg2" "arg1 Word and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Word and arg2" "arg1 Office including arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Active Directory and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Project and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office Compatibility Pack for arg2" "arg1 Project or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Windows XP Professional with arg2" "arg1 Excel or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Excel or arg2" "arg1 Office Specialist in arg2" "arg1 Publisher or arg2" "arg1 Windows DD and arg2" "arg1 Access or Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Office programs including arg2" "arg1 Exchange Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 SQL Server and Microsoft arg2" "arg1 Frontpage or arg2" ] using (microsoft, office)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Microsoft are trademarks of arg1" "arg2 DDDD are registered trademarks of arg1" "arg2 are trademarks of arg1" "arg2 DDDD is a trademark of arg1" ] using (microsoft_corporation, office)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" "arg1 House communications arg2" "arg1 House and from arg2" "arg1 House climate arg2" "arg1 House Fellow in arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House domestic policy arg2" "arg1 House medical arg2" "arg1 House chief of arg2" "arg1 House personnel arg2" "arg1 House or in arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House telephone arg2" "arg1 House and in arg2" "arg1 House officials and arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House national security arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House and to arg2" "arg1 House technology arg2" "arg1 House and at arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House military arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House drug policy arg2" "arg1 House and executive arg2" "arg1 House and your arg2" ] using (white, office)