CMC @908 (100.0%) on 28-feb-2015 [ CHARS 3.19343 FIRST_WORD=the 3.10430 FULL_POS=DT_NN 1.96358 PREFIX=th 1.13211 SUFFIX=he 1.04495 POS=DT 0.89406 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.74611 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.56531 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.63644 WORDS -3.88571 ] using the_observer
CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=the 4.05784 PREFIX=new 2.21150 SUFFIX=ews 1.63310 WORDSHAPE=x 1.57330 SUFFIX=ws 1.33595 LAST_WORD=observer 1.07960 LASTPREFIX=obser 0.87699 WORDSHAPE=Aaaa -0.22748 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.66493 WORDS -4.89100 ] using the_news___observer
SEAL @225 (99.8%) on 27-mar-2011 [ 123456789 ] using the_observer
CPL @1105 (94.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "food editor at _" "morning copy of _" "former reporter at _" "opinion piece in _" "address is not serviced by _" "writer for _" "recent story in _" "former executive editor of _" "Saturday edition of _" "conservative columnist for _" "business editor of _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "opinion piece for _" "sports editor at _" "public editor at _" "staff writer at _" "food writer for _" "food editor of _" "photo editor at _" "front page of _" "group comparison for _" "editorial in _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "former reporter for _" "features editor of _" "editor of _" "copy desk at _" "op-ed in _" "book editor of _" "columnist for _" "_ writes this week" "Peer group comparison for _" "assistant sports editor at _" "publications such as _" "copy editor at _" "deputy managing editor at _" "such newspapers as _" "former book editor of _" "recent article in _" "features writer at _" "former food editor of _" "newspapers such as _" "sports department of _" "Washington correspondent for _" "political reporter for _" "religion reporter for _" "media outlets like _" "editorialists at _" ] using the_news___observer
CPL @1097 (97.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "op-ed piece for _" "international newspapers such as _" "column for _" "former travel editor of _" "recent piece in _" "literary editor at _" "wine columnist for _" "today’s issue of _" "undercover reporter for _" "picture editor at _" "poetry editor for _" "literary editor of _" "longtime columnist for _" "economics editor of _" "style editor at _" "gardening columnist for _" "theatre critic of _" "sports columnist for _" "film critic at _" "affairs editor at _" "books editor of _" "theater critic for _" "television critic for _" "former editor-in-chief for _" "technology writer for _" "’s issue of _" "week’s issue of _" "such publications as _" "food writer for _" "former correspondent for _" "picture editor of _" "former associate editor of _" "front page of _" "weekly gardening column for _" "wine correspondent of _" "chief music critic of _" "theatre critic for _" "newspapers including _" "daily papers such as _" "sports editor of _" "big papers like _" "op-ed columns for _" "senior editor at _" "economics correspondent for _" "editor at large at _" "architecture critic at _" "major publications such as _" "poetry critic for _" "leader writer at _" "editor-in-chief of _" "design critic for _" "political correspondent for _" "classical music critic of _" "business editor at _" "New York correspondent for _" "affairs editor of _" "publications such as _" "Africa correspondent of _" "weekend article in _" "article yesterday in _" "article over at _" "recent story in _" "local newspapers such as _" "economics commentator at _" "foreign correspondent for _" "travel editor for _" "travel editor of _" "features editor of _" "former architecture critic for _" "former editor of _" "current issue of _" "Sunday article in _" "recent article in _" "publications like _" "deputy managing editor of _" "March interview with _" "drama critic of _" "drama critic for _" "recent story from _" "Thursday edition of _" "food editor at _" "science correspondent of _" "deputy editor of _" "writer for _" "weekend report in _" "Peer group comparison for _" "international newspapers like _" "restaurant critic for _" "op-ed yesterday in _" "Asia correspondent of _" "opinion piece for _" "former business editor of _" "former Washington correspondent for _" "YouGov poll for _" "music critic of _" "environment editor of _" "publications , such as _" "business editor of _" "political editor of _" "columnist at _" "Sunday edition of _" "TV critic for _" "newspapers such as _" "staff writer for _" "snap survey by _" "columnist for _" "food columnist for _" "associate publisher of _" "East correspondent of _" "former assistant editor of _" "Washington correspondent for _" "TV critic of _" "foreign correspondent of _" "editorial pages of _" "such periodicals as _" "war correspondent for _" "political columnist for _" "media outlets like _" "York correspondent for _" "health correspondent for _" "dance critic of _" "business columnist with _" "national newspapers such as _" "chess editor of _" "bridge correspondent of _" "recent editorial in _" "architecture critic for _" "medical columnist for _" "sex columnist for _" "food critic for _" "science editor of _" "education reporter for _" "editorial in _" "movie critic for _" "music critic for _" "journalist writing for _" "deputy literary editor of _" "chief political correspondent for _" "editor of _" "article today in _" "cricket correspondent of _" "sub-editor at _" "sports writer for _" "television critic of _" "former literary editor of _" "group comparison for _" ] using the_observer
CPL @1107 (92.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "morning copy of _" "opinion piece in _" "recent story in _" "former executive editor of _" "conservative columnist for _" "business editor of _" "former publisher of _" "sports editor at _" "public editor at _" "feature writer for _" "staff writer at _" "food writer for _" "food editor of _" "sports section of _" "fashion writer for _" "group comparison for _" "managing editor at _" "former reporter for _" "features editor of _" "reporter at _" "bureau chief for _" "columnist for _" "Peer group comparison for _" "copy editor at _" "deputy managing editor at _" "such newspapers as _" "former book editor of _" "recent article in _" "former food editor of _" "newspapers such as _" "Washington correspondent for _" "religion reporter for _" "media outlets like _" "food editor for _" ] using the_news___observer
SEAL @128 (50.0%) on 21-jun-2010 [ 1 ] using the_news___observer
CMC @965 (100.0%) on 17-dec-2015 [ FIRST_WORD=the 3.68349 FULL_POS=DT_NN 1.34752 SUFFIX=rver 0.72504 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.66264 SUFFIX=he 0.61637 SUFFIX=erver 0.61120 LASTSUFFIX=erver 0.60689 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.53533 SUFFIX=er -0.64447 WORDS -1.19161 ] using the_observer
CMC @919 (100.0%) on 15-apr-2015 [ FIRST_WORD=the 2.32973 POS=CC 1.13980 SUFFIX=ews 1.10668 CHARS 1.03889 PREFIX=new 1.02666 SUFFIX=ws 0.91647 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.84568 LASTSUFFIX=er -0.73085 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.83813 WORDS -3.23709 ] using the_news___observer
CPL @1098 (95.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "companies like _" "international newspapers such as _" "former travel editor of _" "sports column for _" "freelance reporter for _" "real estate reporter for _" "science correspondent for _" "food editor for _" "literary editor of _" "economics editor of _" "style editor at _" "theatre critic of _" "affairs editor at _" "television critic for _" "former editor-in-chief for _" "technology writer for _" "such publications as _" "food writer for _" "former correspondent for _" "weekly gardening column for _" "wine correspondent of _" "weekly column for _" "chief music critic of _" "interesting article in _" "newspapers including _" "investigative reporter for _" "critic for _" "sports editor of _" "big papers like _" "news editor at _" "senior editor at _" "editor at large at _" "architecture critic at _" "sports section of _" "major publications such as _" "poetry critic for _" "leader writer at _" "political correspondent for _" "classical music critic of _" "columnist with _" "business editor at _" "weekly column in _" "article yesterday in _" "recent story in _" "foreign correspondent for _" "features editor of _" "former editor of _" "Sunday article in _" "recent article in _" "March interview with _" "estate reporter for _" "drama critic of _" "Thursday edition of _" "sites such as _" "deputy editor of _" "feature writer for _" "Peer group comparison for _" "former publisher of _" "Asia correspondent of _" "former business editor of _" "former political editor of _" "YouGov poll for _" "music critic of _" "environment editor of _" "business editor of _" "political editor of _" "columnist at _" "Sunday edition of _" "TV critic for _" "newspapers such as _" "staff writer for _" "snap survey by _" "columnist for _" "magazines such as _" "East correspondent of _" "Washington correspondent for _" "editorial pages of _" "such periodicals as _" "war correspondent for _" "media outlets like _" "recent article from _" "newspapers like _" "dance critic of _" "national newspapers such as _" "recent editorial in _" "architecture critic for _" "sex columnist for _" "education reporter for _" "reporter at _" "deputy literary editor of _" "chief political correspondent for _" "book reviewer for _" "article today in _" "sports writer for _" "television critic of _" "former literary editor of _" "group comparison for _" ] using the_observer
CMC @895 (100.0%) on 10-jan-2015 [ PREFIX=new 2.79912 SUFFIX=ws 1.95285 SUFFIX=ews 1.75884 FIRST_WORD=the 1.55498 SUFFIX=he 1.33205 PREFIX=ne 1.29458 WORDSHAPE=x 1.12381 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.71844 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.98861 WORDS -3.23498 ] using the_news___observer
CMC @944 (100.0%) on 08-aug-2015 [ FIRST_WORD=the 3.47750 CHARS 2.81257 POS=DT 1.93170 SUFFIX=he 1.14369 PREFIX=th 0.95210 LAST_WORD=observer 0.81406 LASTPREFIX=obser 0.81306 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.73140 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.87743 WORDS -6.58798 ] using the_observer
SEAL @94 (75.0%) on 15-apr-2010 [ 12 ] using the_news___observer
CPL @1107 (88.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "op-ed piece for _" "international newspapers such as _" "recent piece in _" "wine columnist for _" "picture editor at _" "literary editor of _" "theatre critic of _" "sports columnist for _" "affairs editor at _" "books editor of _" "theater critic for _" "television critic for _" "food writer for _" "former correspondent for _" "weekly gardening column for _" "chief music critic of _" "theatre critic for _" "big papers like _" "architecture critic at _" "major publications such as _" "leader writer at _" "classical music critic of _" "business editor at _" "New York correspondent for _" "affairs editor of _" "article yesterday in _" "recent story in _" "film critic for _" "travel editor of _" "deputy managing editor of _" "drama critic of _" "drama critic for _" "Peer group comparison for _" "restaurant critic for _" "Asia correspondent of _" "opinion piece for _" "former business editor of _" "music critic of _" "business editor of _" "political editor of _" "Sunday edition of _" "TV critic for _" "foreign correspondent with _" "Washington correspondent for _" "foreign correspondent of _" "editorial pages of _" "war correspondent for _" "political columnist for _" "York correspondent for _" "national newspapers such as _" "arts editor at _" "architecture critic for _" "science editor of _" "education reporter for _" "movie critic for _" "deputy literary editor of _" "chief political correspondent for _" "article today in _" "sports writer for _" "group comparison for _" ] using the_observer
SEAL @178 (98.4%) on 14-dec-2010 [ 123456 ] using the_observer
CPL @1107 (89.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "address is not serviced by _" "recent story in _" "business editor of _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "opinion piece for _" "sports editor at _" "public editor at _" "staff writer at _" "food writer for _" "group comparison for _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "former reporter for _" "copy desk at _" "book editor of _" "Peer group comparison for _" "assistant sports editor at _" "copy editor at _" "deputy managing editor at _" "such newspapers as _" "former book editor of _" "features writer at _" "sports department of _" "Washington correspondent for _" "political reporter for _" "religion reporter for _" ] using the_news___observer
CMC @866 (100.0%) on 25-aug-2014 [ FIRST_WORD=the 1.81667 PREFIX=ne 1.73088 PREFIX=new 1.37922 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.95608 SUFFIX=ws 0.80929 SUFFIX=ews 0.80644 POS=DT 0.77212 WORDSHAPE=aaaa -0.44455 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.55908 WORDS -2.35296 ] using the_news___observer
CPL @1103 (91.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "food editor at _" "morning copy of _" "former reporter at _" "opinion piece in _" "address is not serviced by _" "recent story in _" "former executive editor of _" "Saturday edition of _" "features reporter for _" "conservative columnist for _" "business editor of _" "former publisher of _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "opinion piece for _" "sports editor at _" "public editor at _" "day edition of _" "convenient home delivery of _" "young reporter for _" "recent opinion piece in _" "staff writer at _" "food writer for _" "food editor of _" "fashion writer for _" "veteran reporter at _" "group comparison for _" "editorial cartoonist for _" "former reporter for _" "features editor of _" "former food editor for _" "print edition of _" "copy desk at _" "op-ed in _" "book editor of _" "reporter at _" "columnist for _" "Peer group comparison for _" "assistant sports editor at _" "executive editor of _" "outdoors writer for _" "front-page story in _" "staff writers for _" "copy editor at _" "_ 's sports department" "deputy managing editor at _" "such newspapers as _" "former book editor of _" "recent article in _" "features writer at _" "former food editor of _" "newspapers such as _" "sports department of _" "Washington correspondent for _" "providers accessible through _" "political reporter for _" "religion reporter for _" "food editor for _" "editorialists at _" "story last year in _" ] using the_news___observer
CMC @896 (99.9%) on 22-jan-2015 [ FIRST_WORD=the 2.72501 POS=DT 1.15818 SUFFIX=he 1.10985 LASTSUFFIX=er 0.76533 PREFIX=th 0.74448 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 0.63738 SUFFIX=ver 0.54340 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.38632 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=A -0.42600 WORDS -1.76472 ] using the_observer
CPL @1100 (84.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "op-ed piece for _" "music critic from _" "international newspapers such as _" "former travel editor of _" "recent piece in _" "wine columnist for _" "fashion column for _" "sports column for _" "undercover reporter for _" "weekly columns in _" "art critic from _" "real estate reporter for _" "columnists at _" "food editor for _" "longtime columnist for _" "economics editor of _" "sister paper of _" "style editor at _" "gardening column for _" "gardening columnist for _" "theatre critic of _" "sports columnist for _" "film critic at _" "Excellent article in _" "gardening column in _" "_ is an independent weekly newspaper" "foreign affairs editor of _" "books editor of _" "chief reporter for _" "theater critic for _" "technology column in _" "television critic for _" "rave review from _" "former editor-in-chief for _" "technology writer for _" "society editor of _" "such publications as _" "_ commissioned tests" "food writer for _" "former correspondent for _" "picture editor of _" "former associate editor of _" "weekly gardening column for _" "wine correspondent of _" "chief music critic of _" "theatre critic for _" "page coverage in _" "newspapers including _" "investigative reporter for _" "political correspondent with _" "daily papers such as _" "critic for _" "sports editor of _" "big papers like _" "op-ed columns for _" "comment piece in _" "lengthy profile in _" "scathing article in _" "exclusive poll for _" "travel section of _" "economics correspondent for _" "architecture critic at _" "correspondent of _" "major publications such as _" "poetry critic for _" "leader writer at _" "design critic for _" "front-page story in _" "political correspondent for _" "classical music critic of _" "Opinions section of _" "columnist with _" "business editor at _" "New York correspondent for _" "political column for _" "newspaper columnist for _" "literary editor for _" "Africa correspondent of _" "weekend article in _" "article yesterday in _" "critic at _" "recent story in _" "local newspapers such as _" "occasional columns in _" "film critic for _" "economics commentator at _" "Affairs correspondent for _" "travel editor of _" "crime correspondent for _" "features editor of _" "chief political columnist for _" "Sunday article in _" "recent article in _" "deputy managing editor of _" "estate reporter for _" "drama critic of _" "drama critic for _" "Thursday edition of _" "report last year in _" "international publications such as _" "food editor at _" "weekend story in _" "science correspondent of _" "executive editor of _" "deputy editor of _" "weekend report in _" "Peer group comparison for _" "international newspapers like _" "restaurant critic for _" "former publisher of _" "op-ed yesterday in _" "Asia correspondent of _" "opinion piece for _" "former business editor of _" "former Washington correspondent for _" "YouGov poll for _" "music critic of _" "environment editor of _" "business editor of _" "political editor of _" "columnist at _" "Sunday edition of _" "TV critic for _" "newspapers such as _" "business section of _" "staff writer for _" "regular book reviewer for _" "snap survey by _" "columnist for _" "design editor of _" "food columnist for _" "East correspondent of _" "’s edition of _" "former assistant editor of _" "Washington correspondent for _" "TV critic of _" "yesterday’s issue of _" "foreign correspondent of _" "editorial pages of _" "war correspondent for _" "political columnist for _" "film critic of _" "leading publications such as _" "print edition of _" "newspapers like _" "dance critic of _" "business columnist with _" "national newspapers such as _" "chess editor of _" "bridge correspondent of _" "recent editorial in _" "terrific piece in _" "arts editor at _" "architecture critic for _" "former sports editor of _" "_ 's theatre critic" "medical columnist for _" "literary pages of _" "sex columnist for _" "fiction critic for _" "food critic for _" "science editor of _" "education reporter for _" "mystery reviewer for _" "movie critic for _" "reporter at _" "political cartoonist for _" "health editor at _" "music critic for _" "deputy literary editor of _" "chief political correspondent for _" "book reviewer for _" "editorial staff of _" "Sunday ’s issue of _" "Sunday ’s edition of _" "article today in _" "sports page of _" "chief foreign correspondent of _" "cricket correspondent of _" "sub-editor at _" "sports writer for _" "television critic of _" "former literary editor of _" "group comparison for _" ] using the_observer
SEAL @33 (87.5%) on 26-jan-2010 [ 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 ] using the_news___observer
SEAL @170 (75.0%) on 18-nov-2010 [ 12 ] using the_observer
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_observer)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_observer, new_york)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_news___observer)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_news___observer, new_york)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_observer)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_observer, new_york)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_news___observer)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_news___observer, new_york)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_observer)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_observer, new_york)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_news___observer)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_news___observer, new_york)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_observer)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_observer, new_york)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_news___observer)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_news___observer, new_york)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_observer)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_observer, new_york)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_news___observer)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_news___observer, new_york)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_observer)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Times Magazine and arg2" "arg1 Times Book Review and arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_observer, new_york)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (new_york, the_news___observer)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Times and arg2" "arg1 Times or arg2" "arg1 Times and arg2" ] using (the_news___observer, new_york)