CMC @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ POS=CD 3.27261 PREFIX=19 2.97030 LASTPREFIX=19 1.37017 WORDSHAPE=0000 1.24504 FULL_POS=CD 0.86923 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=0x 0.73302 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=x 0.61457 FULL_POS=CD_NN -0.54850 CHARS -1.52644 WORDS -1.89244 ] using n1964__
CPL @1094 (98.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "life insurance industry in _" "winter of _" "College , graduating in _" "company was founded in _" "spring of _" "Senate seat in _" "Act was passed in _" "resident since _" "solutions since _" "they married in _" "summer of _" "industry since _" "inception in _" "it was founded in _" "Democratic Convention in _" "home was built in _" ] using n1964__