require_once('config.php'); ?>
(relation: domain geopoliticallocation, range person) See metadata for geopoliticallocationresidenceofpersion 259 instances, 1 page |
See inverse personhasresidenceingeopoliticallocation for the definition of this relation |
instance | iteration | date learned | confidence |
california, arnold_schwarzeneggar | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
boca_raton, addison_mizner | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
conn, woodward | 1096 | 19-jan-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
westport, woodward | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
hollywood, woodward | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
connecticut, richard_widmark | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
minnesota, ventura | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
shaker_heights, arthur | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ohio (stateorprovince), arthur | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mexico_city, carlos_reygadas | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
usa, directors | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
florida, alex_sink | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mexico, alix_goldsmith | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
jalisco, alix_goldsmith | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
solon, andrews | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
maine, andrews | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
los_angeles_ca, antonio_villaraigosa | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
beaverton, betsy_jeffries | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ore_, betsy_jeffries | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
iceland, bobby_fischer | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
fontana, bryan_a__brewster | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
calif_, bryan_a__brewster | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
cheboygan, cheryl001 | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mich_, cheryl001 | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ypsilanti, christine_moellering | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mich_, christine_moellering | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ypslanti, christine_moellering | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
outer_richmond, corbo | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
lancaster, diana_greenough | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mass_, diana_greenough | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
yauco, emmanuel_hernandez | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
havana, fidel | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
cuba, fidel | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mexico, goffredo_marcaccini | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
jalisco, goffredo_marcaccini | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
connecticut, governor | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
beijing, guo_jingjing | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
china, guo_jingjing | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
manhattan, her | 931 | 05-jun-2015 | (Seed) 100.0 |
chinese, hua_guofeng | 655 | 02-nov-2012 | (Seed) 100.0 |
texas (city), jeffrey_d__kettle | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
texas_city, jeffrey_d__kettle | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
louisville, john_gilderbloom | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ky_, john_gilderbloom | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
tanzania, julius_nyerere | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
france, kathleen | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
zambia, kenneth_kaunda | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
soviet_union, kick | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
new_south_wales (county), kick | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
state001, kick | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
chicago_south, kostow | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
west_jordan, larry_i__rougle | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
utah, larry_i__rougle | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
zambian, levy_mwanawasa | 655 | 02-nov-2012 | (Seed) 100.0 |
pembroke_pines, lillian_gordon | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
bedford, lindley_thomasett | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
n_y_, lindley_thomasett | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
jianmin_village, lu_youbing | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
taiwan, mark_feng | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ypsilanti, mark_moellering | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mich_, mark_moellering | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ypslanti, mark_moellering | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mass_, michael_j__kelley | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
scituate, michael_j__kelley | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
virginia, mildred_jeter_loving | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
dubai, mohammed_bin_rashid_al_maktoum | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
united_arab_emirates, mohammed_bin_rashid_al_maktoum | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
arizona, morris_k__udall | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
arizona, mr_ | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
zimbabwe, mugabe | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
congo, mukwege | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
bukavu, mukwege | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
woodstock, nancy_bliss | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
n_y_, nancy_bliss | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
hong_kong, nan_wang | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
china, nan_wang | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
new_south_wales (county), nan_wang | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
new_south_wales (geopoliticallocation), nan_wang | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
conn_, newman | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
westport, newman | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
hollywood, newman | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mie, noguchi | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ise, noguchi | 862 | 10-aug-2014 | (Seed) 100.0 |
kazakhstan, olga_dovgun | 1102 | 22-feb-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
md_, oliver_meade | 848 | 21-jun-2014 | (Seed) 100.0 |
conn, paul_newman (person) | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
us, president_george | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
arabia_saudita, qusai_khidr | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
new_delhi, rajendra_pachauri | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
india, rajendra_pachauri | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
nueva_york, republican | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
ohio (city), republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
arizona, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
virginia, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
concord, rose | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
dorchester, rose | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
georgia (city), senator | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
arizona, senator | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
israel, sheetrit | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
tallahassee, shirley_gordon | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
nevada, sig_rogich | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
cleveland, sills | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
indonesian, suharto | 802 | 11-jan-2014 | (Seed) 100.0 |
cheboygan, terry_blaskowski | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mich_, terry_blaskowski | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
illinois, u_s__sen_ | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
los_angeles_ca, vivian_yu | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
indian, v_p__singh | 643 | 05-oct-2012 | (Seed) 100.0 |
downtown_phoenix, wes_gullett | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
seattle, wife | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
new_jersey, woodrow_wilson | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
panshi_city, yan_guangxin | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mexico, james_goldsmith | 1106 | 21-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
cuixmala, james_goldsmith | 1106 | 21-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
jalisco, james_goldsmith | 1106 | 21-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
spain, lionel_messi | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mexico, lorena_ochoa | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
central_london, meg_rosoff | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
arizona, mrz | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
st__petersburg, gordon | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
italian, silvio_berlusconi | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
sri_lanka, arthur_c__clarke | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
spain, javier_bardem | 1105 | 31-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
brazil, jose_padilha | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
westport, paul_newman (personus) | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
baltimore, sheila_dixon | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
fresno, ashley_swearengin | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
tn, bill_purcell | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
central_london, boris_johnson | 1111 | 06-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
london_city, boris_johnson | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
shanghai, han_zheng | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
texas (city), kent_hance | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ghanian, kwame_nkrumah | 655 | 02-nov-2012 | (Seed) 100.0 |
miami, manny_diaz | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
philadelphia, michael_nutter | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
los_angeles_ca, richard_riordan | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
southern_african_country, robert_mugabe | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
toronto, rob_ford | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
edmonton, stephen_mandel | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
rome, walter_veltroni | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
u_s, barack_obama | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
us, barack_obama | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
illinois, barack_obama | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
michigan, carl_levin | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
n_y_, charles_e__schumer | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
florida, charlie_crist | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ri, david_cicilline | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
toronto, david_miller | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
new_mexico, domenici | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
mass, edward_j__markey | 871 | 14-sep-2014 | (Seed) 100.0 |
alaska, frank_h__murkowski | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
new_york (city), george_clinton | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
us, jesse_helms | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
north_carolina, jesse_helms | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
detroit, john_d__dingell | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
michigan, john_engler | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
central_london, ken_livingstone | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
london_city, ken_livingstone | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
del, mike_castle | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
shaker_heights, paul | 1070 | 08-aug-2017 | (Seed) 100.0 |
ohio (stateorprovince), paul | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
nev, richard_h__bryan | 435 | 18-oct-2011 | (Seed) 100.0 |
chicago_south, richard_m__daley | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 100.0 |
alaska, sarah_palin | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
wash, slade_gorton | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
texas (stateorprovince), tom_delay | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
texas (stateorprovince), us_senator | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
plymouth_colony, william_bradford | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
martinique, aime_cesaire | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
texas (city), dagoberto_gilb | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
boston, sue_miller | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | (Seed) 100.0 |
portland, sam_adams | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
detroit, dave_bing | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
georgia (city), republican | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
indiana, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
maryland, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
massachusetts, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
cuba, fidel_castro | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
casablanca, neil_bogart | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
nashville, bill_purcell | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
honolulu, mufi_hannemann | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
downtown_milwaukee, tom_barrett | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
colorado, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
oklahoma, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
iowa, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
illinois, senator | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
new_hampshire, republican | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
tennessee, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
alabama, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
kentucky, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
new_jersey, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
wisconsin, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
arizona, john | 1115 | 03-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
maine, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
north_carolina, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
pennsylvania, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
louisiana, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
philadelphia, republican | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 100.0 |
syria, quirinius | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 100.0 |
kansas, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 100.0 |
chicago_south, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 100.0 |
nebraska, republican | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 100.0 |
north_dakota, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.9 |
florida, directors | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 99.9 |
minneapolis, republican | 1106 | 21-may-2018 | 99.9 |
connecticut, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.9 |
delaware, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 99.9 |
utah, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.9 |
illinois, representative | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.9 |
national, directors | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 99.8 |
kentucky, directors | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 99.8 |
arkansas, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 99.8 |
idaho, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 99.8 |
west_virginia, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.8 |
syria, cyrenius | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 99.6 |
north_dakota, jack_dalrymple | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.6 |
rhode_island, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.6 |
vermont, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 99.2 |
wyoming, republican | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 99.2 |
az, senator | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 99.2 |
arizona, directors | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 98.4 |
illinois, directors | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 98.4 |
san_francisco, republican | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 98.4 |
montana, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 98.4 |
georgia (city), u_s__sen_ | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 98.4 |
new_york (city), conservative_party | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 98.4 |
texas (stateorprovince), dubya | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 98.4 |
nevada, brian_sandoval | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 98.4 |
west_virginia, earl_ray_tomblin | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 98.4 |
wyoming, matt_mead | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 98.4 |
alaska, frank_murkowski | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 97.1 |
ohio (city), rep_ | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 97.0 |
utah, directors | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 96.9 |
detroit, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 96.9 |
puerto_rico, republican | 1113 | 15-aug-2018 | 96.9 |
saint_louis, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 96.9 |
arizona, rep_ | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 96.9 |
michigan, senator | 1108 | 11-jun-2018 | 96.9 |
new_york (city), party | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 96.9 |
louisiana, edwin_edwards | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 96.9 |
new_york (stateorprovince), george_pataki | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 96.9 |
texas (city), george_w_bush | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 96.9 |
mississippi, phil_bryant | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 96.9 |
arizona, senator_john | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 96.9 |
new_york (city), republican | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 93.9 |
north_carolina, bev_perdue | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 93.8 |
arizona, representative | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 93.8 |
new_orleans, republican | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 93.8 |
rock, stanley | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 93.8 |
california, libertarian | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 93.8 |
north_carolina, libertarian | 1104 | 23-mar-2018 | 93.8 |
new_york (city), democratic | 1114 | 25-aug-2018 | 93.8 |
michigan, jennifer_granholm | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 93.8 |
georgia (stateorprovince), republican_sen_ | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 93.8 |
michigan, jennifer_m__granholm | 1103 | 18-mar-2018 | 93.8 |
arizona, jon | 1107 | 30-may-2018 | 93.8 |
california, arnold_schwarzenegger | 1116 | 12-sep-2018 | 93.8 |
missouri, matt_blunt | 1109 | 16-jun-2018 | 93.8 |
arkansas, president_clinton | 1112 | 24-jul-2018 | 93.8 |