Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "astronomy academicfieldhassubfield observational_astronomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using astronomy
SEAL @134 (88.1%) on 24-jul-2010 [ 1 ] using astronomy
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using astronomy
MBL @481 (100.0%) on 06-jan-2012 [ Promotion of academicfield:astronomy academicprogramatuniversity university:state_university ]
CPL @1114 (73.6%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "only professor of _" "long history of Chinese _" "Florida professor of _" "Nobel prize of _" "Arabic works on _" "European schools of _" "_ is an objective science" "_ is the scientific discipline" "undergraduate degree in _" "triumphs of modern _" "timeline of Chinese _" "paradigm of modern _" "problems of mathematical _" "computational fluid dynamics , computational _" "professional degrees in _" "other sub-disciplines of _" "regius professor of _" "interests are general _" "professional historians of _" "related field , such as _" "professor of planetary _" "survey of modern _" "undergrad degree is in _" "Chicago professor of _" "paradigm of contemporary _" "pieces of modern _" "whole of modern _" "university teacher of _" "central tenets of modern _" "early development of modern _" "Prospective graduate students in _" "known laws of _" "laws of modern _" "whole of contemporary _" "young science of _" "wisdom of Chinese _" "many other fields including _" "woman professor of _" "emphasis in _" "field of molecular _" "various sciences such as _" "topics in contemporary _" "various disciplines , such as _" "separate discipline from _" "fluid dynamics , computational _" "several areas of computational _" "Michigan professor of _" "wonders of modern _" "work of modern _" "biology , computational _" "_ is a soft science" "sciences ranging from _" "research in planetary _" "you intend to major in _" "scientific discipline , such as _" "branch of contemporary _" "founding fathers of modern _" "young women interested in _" "Fundamental concepts in _" "Foundation are _" "time in South African _" "sub-fields within _" "father of modern Chinese _" "essentials of modern _" "various subdisciplines of _" "well-known fact of _" "wider discipline of _" "world-renowned programs in _" "They were skilled in _" "Jesuit professor of _" "Indian science of _" "M. Sc. degree in _" "postdoctoral fellowship in _" "science subjects like _" "professor of theoretical _" "branches of practical _" "work in physical _" "way we practice _" "mechanics , mathematical _" "women majoring in _" "significant contributions to modern _" "views on modern _" "developments in Chinese _" "degrees in _" "master’s degree in _" "education courses , such as _" "prize in economic _" "workhorse of modern _" "theories of modern _" "women undergraduates in _" "MSc degree in _" "Free net encyclopedia In _" "Graduate training in _" "Great works of _" "B.A. in _" "Cornell graduate student in _" "problems in dynamical _" "first professor of _" "fundamental branches of _" "spectacular discoveries in _" "contribution to Canadian _" "vacant chair of _" "_ is the only science" "work in mathematical _" "various branches of modern _" "work in theoretical _" "academic areas including _" "basic sciences , including _" "field of theoretical _" "milestone of modern _" "historical development of modern _" "icon of modern _" "book on mathematical _" "areas include molecular _" "branch of practical _" "Science degrees in _" "students majoring in _" "program in optical _" "branch of theoretical _" "discipline other than _" "upper-division coursework in _" "_ is a subspecialty" "departments , ranging from _" "universe of modern _" "discoveries in physical _" "discoveries in modern _" "mysteries in modern _" "unsolved problem in _" "modern disciplines of _" "adjunct professor of _" "astronomy , modern _" "work in computational _" "undergraduate study of _" "scientific domains such as _" "astronomy , solar _" "assistant professor of _" "branch of applied _" "alternative conceptions in _" "net encyclopedia In _" "university distinguished professor of _" "physics , technical _" "Nobel prize in _" "basic concepts of modern _" "related sciences of _" "major areas of modern _" "many fields other than _" "new discipline of _" "icon of American _" "other sciences , such as _" "developments in twentieth-century _" "science differs from _" "scientist trained in _" "UCLA professor of _" "first Nobel prize in _" "questions in theoretical _" "chair of practical _" "chair of theoretical _" "chemistry , advanced _" "_ is a diverse field" "Yale professor of _" "BSc in _" "contribution to modern _" "Major discoveries in _" "age of Greek _" "basic preparation in _" "science fields , such as _" "modern sciences such as _" "professor of practical _" "researchers in molecular _" "science areas such as _" "such disparate fields as _" "scientific disciplines such as _" "theoretical branches of _" "tenets of modern _" "everything from arithmetic to _" "_ is not just the study" "scientific field such as _" "sciences except _" "subdiscipline in _" "teaching of modern _" "examples of modern _" "figures in modern _" "level degree in _" "key disciplines such as _" "many schools of _" "many diverse fields such as _" "new assistant professor of _" "expert in theoretical _" "sciences besides _" "birthplace of modern _" "elementary book on _" "doctorate in planetary _" "real science , like _" "appreciation of contemporary _" "degree in mathematical _" "exciting branches of _" "chosen field was _" "research areas in modern _" "professor of physical _" "scientific fields including _" "masters degree in _" "mathematics , elementary _" "contributions to modern _" "science degree in _" "dogma of modern _" "introductory principles of _" "science of physical _" "pure sciences of _" "geology , planetary _" "example of ancient _" "sub-discipline of _" "periods of Indian _" "mathematics , applied _" "mystery of modern _" "era in British _" "exciting areas of modern _" "division units in _" "fabric of Canadian _" "historians of ancient _" "first textbook of _" "articles on theoretical _" "_ was the first science" "hard sciences such as _" "fathers of modern _" "historian of ancient _" "childhood interests in _" "degree program in _" "college freshman majoring in _" "_ is a young science" "puzzles of modern _" "golden age of Chinese _" "scientific disciplines , including _" "professor of _" "curriculum in _" "college-level collection strong in _" "important figures in modern _" "_ is the scientific study" "she plans to major in _" "time in modern _" "degree in cultural _" "minds in modern _" "applications to mathematical _" "areas in contemporary _" "phD in _" "natural sciences such as _" "degree programs in _" "majoring in _" "research in mathematical _" "Caltech professor of _" "powerful tools of modern _" "aspect of Western _" "exciting new branch of _" "different sub-disciplines of _" "many scientific disciplines , including _" "I have to major in _" "Students minoring in _" "UF associate professor of _" "private practice of _" "professional practice of _" "tenured full professor of _" "distinguished achievement in _" "certificate in _" "concepts of computational _" "UW assistant professor of _" "questions of theoretical _" "academic specializing in _" "interests include ancient _" "studies in planetary _" "other sciences like _" "books on mathematical _" "conflict with modern _" "twentieth century Australian _" "theme in Australian _" "revelations of modern _" "important concepts in modern _" "Greek muse of _" "Canadian professor of _" "Program in _" "British professor of _" "scientific fields from _" "branches of theoretical _" "e .g. , learning _" "example of medieval _" "discovery in modern _" "MIT studying _" ".g. , learning _" "Wisconsin-Madison professor of _" "M.S. degree in _" "contribution to British _" "different disciplines , from _" "emperor in Chinese _" "human endeavor , from _" "field of _" "research fields including _" "courses in _" "triumph of modern _" "basic sciences such as _" "astrophysics , theoretical _" "diploma in _" "courses in nuclear _" "research in theoretical _" "research interests include computational _" "academic fields such as _" "Boston University professor of _" "Penn State graduate student in _" "Smith professor of _" "branch of physical _" "amateur interest in _" "history of twentieth-century _" "first time in modern _" "Swedish professor of _" "research in computational _" "misunderstanding of basic _" "ancient Indian system of _" "famous events in _" "language of contemporary _" "jewel of modern _" "hard sciences , such as _" "graduate degree in _" "historical sciences such as _" "important topics in modern _" "physical sciences such as _" "physical science , including _" "science subjects including _" "courses in introductory _" "different areas of modern _" "center for modern _" "course in forensic _" "field of high-energy _" "related sciences such as _" "fields of theoretical _" "interdisciplinary research into _" "great unsolved problems of _" "Nobel laureate in _" "M.S. degrees in _" "UW-Madison professor of _" "Masters degree in _" "Laboratory courses in _" "Ph.D. recipients in _" "research in pure _" "traditional disciplines , such as _" "B.S. degree in _" "relevant fields , such as _" "Open University degree in _" "scientific fields , from _" "names in modern _" "topics in planetary _" "science courses such as _" "teaching major in _" "discipline of architectural _" "father of American _" "prior qualification in _" "introductory survey course in _" "strong undergraduate preparation in _" "student misconceptions in _" "equivalent degree in _" "particular subfield of _" "new graduate program in _" "basic principles of modern _" "physics , solar _" "psychology than to _" "physics , general _" "metaphysics , of _" "theoretical branch of _" "bachelor degree in _" "concepts of classical _" "topics in theoretical _" "university training in _" "computational biology , computational _" "historian of Chinese _" "school of theoretical _" "key concepts of modern _" "students interested in _" "sequence in general _" "graduate curricula in _" "Philosophy degree in _" "BS degree in _" "other sciences , including _" "department of mathematical _" "field of physical _" "great advances in modern _" "more art than _" "f" ] using astronomy
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 which involves the study of arg2" "arg1 List of brightest arg2" "arg1 deals with the physics of arg2" "arg1 emphasizing the study of arg2" "arg1 means knowledge of arg2" "arg1 lost one of its brightest arg2" "arg1 goes on even when arg2" ] using (astronomy, stars)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "astronomy academicfieldhassubfield observational_astronomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (astronomy, observational_astronomy)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "astronomy academicfieldhassubfield theoretical_astromony", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (astronomy, theoretical_astromony)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at Minnesota arg2" "arg1 Department at Louisiana arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 Department at the Ohio arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 department at Wayne arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Program at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 Department of Arizona arg2" "arg1 department at New Mexico arg2" ] using (astronomy, state_university)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" ] using (astronomy, institute)
OE @806 (95.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (science, astronomy)
SEAL @596 (50.0%) on 17-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (science, astronomy)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 that seem connected to arg2" "arg1 impacted by culture arg2" "arg1 majors except arg2" "arg1 like physics or arg2" ] using (science, astronomy)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Earth and Environmental arg1" "arg2 and the Institute for Physical arg1" "arg2 and Earth and Space arg1" "arg2 and Earth and Planetary arg1" "arg2 and Applied Computer arg1" "arg2 and Computer arg1" ] using (sciences, astronomy)
OE @802 (99.9%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (sciences, astronomy)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 which involves the study of arg2" "arg1 List of brightest arg2" "arg1 deals with the physics of arg2" "arg1 emphasizing the study of arg2" "arg1 means knowledge of arg2" "arg1 lost one of its brightest arg2" "arg1 goes on even when arg2" ] using (astronomy, stars)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 which involves the study of arg2" "arg1 List of brightest arg2" "arg1 deals with the physics of arg2" "arg1 emphasizing the study of arg2" "arg1 means knowledge of arg2" "arg1 lost one of its brightest arg2" "arg1 goes on even when arg2" ] using (astronomy, stars)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and of Electrical arg1" "arg2 and of Electrical and Computer arg1" "arg2 and Electrical and Computer arg1" ] using (engineering, astronomy)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 degree from California Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the California Institute of arg1" "arg2 from Case Institute of arg1" ] using (technology, astronomy)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 which involves the study of arg2" "arg1 List of brightest arg2" "arg1 deals with the physics of arg2" "arg1 emphasizing the study of arg2" "arg1 means knowledge of arg2" "arg1 lost one of its brightest arg2" "arg1 goes on even when arg2" ] using (astronomy, stars)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 which involves the study of arg2" "arg1 List of brightest arg2" "arg1 deals with the physics of arg2" "arg1 emphasizing the study of arg2" "arg1 means knowledge of arg2" "arg1 lost one of its brightest arg2" "arg1 goes on even when arg2" ] using (astronomy, stars)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" ] using (astronomy, institute)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" ] using (astronomy, institute)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at Minnesota arg2" "arg1 Department at Louisiana arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 Department at the Ohio arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 department at Wayne arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Program at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 Department of Arizona arg2" "arg1 department at New Mexico arg2" ] using (astronomy, state_university)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" ] using (astronomy, institute)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" ] using (astronomy, institute)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at Minnesota arg2" "arg1 Department at Louisiana arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 Department at the Ohio arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 department at Wayne arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Program at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 Department of Arizona arg2" "arg1 department at New Mexico arg2" ] using (astronomy, state_university)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at Minnesota arg2" "arg1 Department at Louisiana arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 Department at the Ohio arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 department at Wayne arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Program at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 Department of Arizona arg2" "arg1 department at New Mexico arg2" ] using (astronomy, state_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 professor at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 professor at Wayne arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" ] using (astronomy, state)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 major at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 Department of Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Okanagan University arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 at the local Community arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 at Hertford arg2" "arg1 at Queen Mary and Westfield arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 at Balliol arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" ] using (astronomy, college)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at Minnesota arg2" "arg1 Department at Louisiana arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 Department at the Ohio arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 department at Wayne arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Program at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 Department at Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 Department of Arizona arg2" "arg1 department at New Mexico arg2" ] using (astronomy, state_university)