MBL @222 (93.8%) on 21-mar-2011 [ Promotion of academicfield:biology academicprogramatuniversity university:wesleyan_university ]
CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ SUFFIX=gy 4.54886 LASTSUFFIX=gy 3.57667 LASTSUFFIX=ogy 3.21193 LASTSUFFIX=logy 2.72203 SUFFIX=ogy 2.24596 SUFFIX=logy 2.23987 CHARS 2.05759 PREFIX=biol -2.05892 FULL_POS=NN -2.26704 WORDS -4.85189 ] using biology
CPL @1097 (92.6%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "science fields including _" "questions in developmental _" "control theory , mathematical _" "solid background in basic _" "techniques in microbial _" "_ find that coursework" "Cum Laude graduate in _" "many fields other than _" "lesson in basic _" "knowledge in molecular _" "new discipline of _" "major areas of modern _" "it mean to major in _" "themes in environmental _" "sophomore studying _" "university training in _" "topics in theoretical _" "_ is an integrative science" "baccalaureate degrees in _" "research interests are molecular _" "professor of reproductive _" "courses in _" "degree in oral _" "environmental science , forensic _" "Section of Molecular _" "Washington department of _" "names in modern _" "lecturer in forensic _" "junior double-majoring in _" "molecular biology , developmental _" "other areas of mathematical _" "such sciences as _" "anthropology , behavioral _" "areas such as mathematical _" "biology , developmental _" "biology , mathematical _" "areas in molecular _" "formal training was in _" "fields of forensic _" "important revolutions in _" "rise of molecular _" "program in forensic _" "pharmacology , molecular _" "problems in forensic _" "concepts in evolutionary _" "degree program in environmental _" "ecology , comparative _" "dual concentrations in _" "oncology , molecular _" "professor of _" "many areas of computational _" "important concept in modern _" "questions in theoretical _" "senior lecturer in social _" "recent developments in molecular _" "Popular majors include _" "Bachelor?s degree in _" "Master of _" "Senior studying _" "Science degree program in _" "technological fields , including _" "significant course work in _" "techniques used in forensic _" "PhD degree in molecular _" "M.S. degree in _" "Covers topics in _" "BS/MS degree in _" "MIT studying _" "Wisconsin-Madison professor of _" "programs in oral _" "powerful tools of molecular _" "paradigms of contemporary _" "_ is n't physics" "problem in mathematical _" "program in modern _" "questions of theoretical _" "learning , computational _" "mathematical tools of _" "neurobiology , developmental _" "physiology , evolutionary _" "laboratory of Molecular _" "studies in veterinary _" "upper-division course work in _" "terminology of modern _" "studies in evolutionary _" "methods of molecular _" "models in computational _" "microbiology , molecular _" "major , minoring in _" "many disciplines , such as _" "interdisciplinary relationship between _" "systems biology , computational _" "triumph of modern _" "theories in evolutionary _" "tools of contemporary _" "student in molecular _" "topics in forensic _" "sub-discipline of _" "director of reproductive _" "department of theoretical _" "degree in secondary _" "degree cum laude in _" "courses on computational _" "course in forensic _" "branches of experimental _" "basic science courses such as _" "bioengineering , environmental _" "Students Declare _" "Students planning to major in _" "I am going to major in _" "materials science , molecular _" "mathematics , computational _" "leader in molecular _" "Catholic professor of _" "B.Sc. in _" "S. degrees in _" "biology / _" "doctorate in computational _" "biology , behavioral _" "earlier interests in _" "body of speculative _" "degreee in _" "concept in evolutionary _" "chemistry , theoretical _" "contemporary studies in _" "college-level introduction to _" "great unanswered questions of _" "fundamental tenet of modern _" "issues related to modern _" "intelligence , mathematical _" "figures in modern _" "medicine , oral _" "interface of computational _" "Masters degree in _" "Science subjects such as _" "Pennsylvania majoring in _" "Laboratory courses in _" "genetics , developmental _" "forensic anthropology , forensic _" "fields , such as molecular _" "projects in mathematical _" "research in vascular _" "researcher in theoretical _" "role in computational _" "attack on modern _" "baccalaureate program in _" "distinct disciplines of _" "doctorate in cellular _" "fields of developmental _" "related sciences such as _" "science of evolutionary _" "outside field in _" "science , computational _" "papers in mathematical _" "scientific fields from _" "lecturer in molecular _" "known laws of _" "many courses as possible in _" "issues in theoretical _" "subject categories , such as _" "subspecialties of _" "training program in molecular _" "_ is not a natural science" "unique moment in _" "techniques such as molecular _" "student intending to major in _" "school subjects , such as _" "problem in theoretical _" "science of structural _" "realm of computational _" "scientific discipline , such as _" "PhD in molecular _" "courses in computational _" "disciplines such as evolutionary _" "discipline areas including _" "environmental science , environmental _" "communication , computational _" "scientific fields like _" "teachers of human _" "students to marine _" "numerous disciplines including _" "new assistant professor of _" "nanotechnology , computational _" "Columbia College senior majoring in _" "Undergraduate student in _" "Mathematical models in _" "degree in developmental _" "cellular biology , molecular _" "course in structural _" "doctoral degree in theoretical _" "cytogenetics , molecular _" "university instruction in _" "specialists in computational _" "student in clinical _" "theory , theoretical _" "field of applied _" "groups traditionally underrepresented in _" "exercise in comparative _" "basics of evolutionary _" "bachelor degree in _" "approaches in computational _" "acceptance of evolutionary _" "academic background was in _" "Seniors majoring in _" "Boston University professor of _" "College assistant professor of _" "Doctorate degrees in _" "Bachelor in _" "aspect of avian _" "professor of historical _" "programs in mathematical _" "Science degree majoring in _" "genetics , human _" "discipline in modern _" "case of evolutionary _" "division coursework in _" "courses in forensic _" "degree with major in _" "clinical associate professor of _" "articles on evolutionary _" "architecture , marine _" "animal science , agricultural _" "books on mathematical _" "conflict with modern _" "area is computational _" "careers in forensic _" "degee in _" "dual minors in _" "broad-based training in _" "connection between evolutionary _" "clinical medicine , molecular _" "contributions to modern _" "combinatorics , mathematical _" "Connecticut majoring in _" "College departments of _" "molecular genetics , cellular _" "revelations of modern _" "research program in computational _" "fields of theoretical _" "fellow in molecular _" "expertise is in environmental _" "image processing , computational _" "interests in computational _" "biology , structural _" "discipline of comparative _" "founder of experimental _" "expertise in reproductive _" "fields such as molecular _" "_ is a new science" "technologies in molecular _" "techniques of modern molecular _" "teaching major in _" "tools from molecular _" "students in computational _" "undergraduate majors are _" "disciplines , in particular _" "college student , studying _" "college degrees are in _" "disciplines of forensic _" "degree in analytical _" "topics in molecular _" "science classes such as _" "techniques from computational _" "skills in computational _" "search In molecular _" "significant coursework in _" "studies degree in _" "school subjects like _" "MSc degrees in _" "dynamics , structural _" "cell biology , developmental _" "courses on introductory _" "developmental psychology , developmental _" "computer science , computational _" "college students studying _" "chaired professor of _" "expert on evolutionary _" "department of clinical _" "discoveries in evolutionary _" "deserving student majoring in _" "broad understanding of modern _" "chapter in Australian _" "computer science applied to _" "economics , evolutionary _" "degree in tropical _" "equations arising in _" "program in computational _" "psychology , developmental _" "pathology , oral _" "partial differential equations , mathematical _" "modelling , mathematical _" "language processing , computational _" "major subdisciplines of _" "She was majoring in _" "Open University degree in _" "other sciences like _" "problems in evolutionary _" "appreciation of contemporary _" "biology , reproductive _" "algorithms for computational _" "certificate in _" "degree in pharmaceutical _" "example of modern _" "differential equations , mathematical _" "dynamical systems , mathematical _" "college career studying _" "ethology , evolutionary _" "concepts of computational _" "evolutionary biology , molecular _" "biology , physical _" "amateur interest in _" "areas in evolutionary _" "interests include structural _" "journal of tropical _" "Higgins professor of _" "Philosophy degree in _" "BS degree in _" "Online bachelor degree in _" "UW assistant professor of _" "High School , is majoring in _" "language of contemporary _" "laboratory of molecular _" "_ is essentially the application" "doctorate in human _" "different areas of modern _" "courses in introductory _" "environmental studies , environmental _" "development of regenerative _" "course in computational _" "degree in evolutionary _" "degree preferred in _" "project in human _" "research is computational _" "science areas such as _" "world leader in sustainable _" "training in molecular _" "graduate program in forensic _" "expert in computational _" "equations , mathematical _" "assistant professor of environmental _" "analysis , mathematical _" "applications in computational _" "advances in developmental _" "techniques used in molecular _" "tenure-track assistant professorship in _" "topics in introductory _" "studies in behavioral _" "computer vision , computational _" "career in molecular _" ] using biology
SEAL @121 (93.8%) on 19-jun-2010 [ 1234 ] using biology
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using biology
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (77.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "knowledge in molecular _" "principles of molecular _" "research interests are molecular _" "professor of reproductive _" "diverse fields from _" "Washington department of _" "DNA techniques in _" "areas in molecular _" "promise of molecular _" "oncology , molecular _" "many career opportunities available in _" "recent developments in molecular _" "technological fields , including _" "research program in molecular _" "laboratory of Molecular _" "life sciences including _" "new advances in molecular _" "methods of molecular _" "microbiology , molecular _" "computational science to _" "director of reproductive _" "course in forensic _" "materials science , molecular _" "leader in molecular _" "B.Sc. in _" "biology / _" "discovery , molecular _" "entire spectrum of modern _" "graduate students in molecular _" "fields , such as molecular _" "related sciences such as _" "relevant applications in _" "laboratory course in _" "interests include environmental _" "training program in molecular _" "techniques such as molecular _" "new assistant professor of _" "Georgia department of _" "Mathematical models in _" "clinical applications of molecular _" "engineering fields including _" "traditional fields such as _" "education in medical _" "breakthroughs in molecular _" "Science degree majoring in _" "developments in medical _" "techniques for molecular _" "broad-based training in _" "microscopy , molecular _" "programs include medical _" "fellow in molecular _" "field of cardiac _" "fields such as molecular _" "_ is a new science" "topics in environmental _" "development , molecular _" "emphasis areas in _" "technologies such as molecular _" "science , molecular _" "State departments of _" "MSc degrees in _" "biology , cellular _" "degree in tropical _" "program in computational _" "old student studying _" "microbiology , environmental _" "other sciences like _" "practice of molecular _" "proteomics , cellular _" "science areas such as _" "training in molecular _" "biosciences , including _" "advances in developmental _" "career in molecular _" "biology , agricultural _" "development in molecular _" "biotechnology , environmental _" "tool for molecular _" "professor of medical _" "techniques of molecular _" "software for molecular _" "scientific disciplines , including _" "various fields ranging from _" "basic concepts of molecular _" "field of reproductive _" "gene expression , molecular _" "interests include computational _" "chemistry , applied _" "emphasis in molecular _" "expertise in molecular _" "dynamic science of _" "contribution to molecular _" "field of musculoskeletal _" "forefront of molecular _" "management , molecular _" "Diploma degree in _" "Master’s program in _" "genetic engineering in _" "new field of molecular _" "molecular biology , cellular _" "degree in general _" "state department of _" "areas including molecular _" "basic sciences related to _" "flow cytometry , molecular _" "biotechnology , molecular _" "medicine , forensic _" "bedrock of modern _" "research in cardiovascular _" "problems in computational _" "Minors are available in _" "they are majoring in _" "proteomics , molecular _" "field of cardiovascular _" "diagnostics , molecular _" "cancer molecular _" "areas include marine _" "interest in molecular _" "laboratory skills in _" "Recent advances in molecular _" "State University graduate in _" "computer science , molecular _" "way to molecular _" "Mexico department of _" "anatomy , medical _" "advances in molecular _" "material on molecular _" "professor of molecular _" "_ meets ecology" "_ is an old science" "_ is an interdisciplinary science" "second year student majoring in _" "areas of reproductive _" "biological disciplines such as _" "platform for molecular _" "pathology , forensic _" "part of molecular _" "revolution in molecular _" "advancement of molecular _" "researchers in molecular _" "methods , molecular _" "area of Molecular _" "associate professor of molecular _" "incoming freshman majoring in _" "world of molecular _" "procedures in molecular _" "biology , medical _" "era of molecular _" "pioneer in molecular _" "graduate program in molecular _" "approaches to molecular _" "interface between molecular _" "courses in molecular _" "context of molecular _" "new era of molecular _" "developments in molecular _" "degree in molecular _" "chemistry , medical _" "interests include molecular _" "methods such as molecular _" "technologies for molecular _" "postdoctoral training in molecular _" "program in molecular _" "careers in marine _" "goal of molecular _" "department of medical _" "particular industry , like _" "research in reproductive _" "sectors as varied as _" "methods for molecular _" "leaders in molecular _" "courses in medical _" "interests include general _" "key role in modern _" "innovations in molecular _" "cornerstone of modern _" "degree , major in _" "concepts of molecular _" "tools in molecular _" "scientific areas , such as _" "biochemistry , cellular _" "scientific disciplines such as _" "biochemistry , medical _" "degree in Molecular _" "jobs related to _" "training in cardiovascular _" "nanotechnology , molecular _" "applications of evolutionary _" "expertise in medical _" "scientific fields such as _" "expert in marine _" "implications of molecular _" "expertise in cardiac _" "field of forensic _" "frontiers of molecular _" "human genetics , molecular _" "field of Molecular _" "future of molecular _" "fundamentals of molecular _" "contributions to molecular _" "_ is a multi-disciplinary science" "course on molecular _" "Nanoparticles in _" "medicine , molecular _" "physiology , advanced _" "research fields , such as _" "research , molecular _" "I plan to major in _" "area of microbial _" "areas of biomedical _" "studies in molecular _" "technological fields such as _" "We employ molecular _" "Advances in molecular _" "nj department of _" "new disciplines such as _" "scientist in molecular _" "research in global _" "efforts in molecular _" "applications in environmental _" "data mining techniques in _" "discoveries in molecular _" "cutting-edge field of _" "field of molecular _" "excellence in molecular _" "disease , molecular _" "field of behavioral _" "relevance to molecular _" "physics , medical _" "skills in molecular _" "Florida department of _" "various disciplines like _" "she plans to major in _" "information extraction in _" "degree in medical _" "course in molecular _" "cytometry , molecular _" "expertise in cellular _" "technology for molecular _" "such new forms of _" "research in computational _" "interests are molecular _" "medicine , modern _" "fellowship in molecular _" "genomics , molecular _" "environmental engineering , environmental _" "programme in medical _" "science in molecular _" "Florida majoring in _" "laboratories for molecular _" "life sciences , such as _" "advances in reproductive _" "use in molecular _" "aspects of computational _" "specific field , such as _" "fields like molecular _" "intended major is _" "fields of molecular _" "high-tech industries such as _" "technologies , such as molecular _" "biological sciences , such as _" "biology to molecular _" "science fields such as _" "approach to molecular _" "recent advances in molecular _" "sciences , advanced _" "doctorate in molecular _" "products of modern _" "areas such as molecular _" "interest is in molecular _" "biochemistry , molecular _" "products for molecular _" "range from molecular _" "multidisciplinary fields of _" "topics in reproductive _" "uses of molecular _" "areas of molecular _" "degree in Animal _" "state-of-the-art molecular _" "field of medical _" "spectroscopy , molecular _" "benefits of molecular _" "Technology majoring in _" "implementation of responsible _" "education in molecular _" "experience in Molecular _" "fields of modern _" "discovery in molecular _" "research fields such as _" "organic chemistry , molecular _" "technologies of molecular _" "immunology , molecular _" "concepts in molecular _" "scientists in molecular _" "course in general _" "certificate in general _" "branch of modern _" "expert in forensic _" "genetics , microbial _" "support for molecular _" "microelectronics to _" "year student majoring in _" "genetics , medical _" "experience in molecular _" "New Mexico department of _" "journal of experimental _" "life sciences , including _" "I have to major in _" "researcher in molecular _" "senior double majoring in _" "training in Molecular _" "technology of molecular _" "emergence of molecular _" "analysis , forensic _" "work in reproductive _" "expert in molecular _" "center for molecular _" "Science degree programs in _" "genetics , cellular _" "neuroscience , molecular _" "problems in environmental _" "projects in molecular _" "applications in molecular _" "area of molecular _" "base relating to _" "biology , applied _" "advancements in molecular _" "role in molecular _" "system for molecular _" "science writer specializing in _" "aspect of molecular _" "studies in Molecular _" "physiology , medical _" "research disciplines including _" "Ph.D. in molecular _" "challenges in molecular _" "basics of molecular _" "research in molecular _" "particular field , such as _" "department of molecular _" "new degree programs in _" "area of computational _" "basic research in molecular _" "animal molecular _" "areas of Molecular _" "research focuses on molecular _" "techniques used in medical _" "_ is a young field" "virginia department of _" "techniques in molecular _" "fields of Molecular _" "msc in _" "technical fields , including _" "such realms as _" "biology , molecular _" "issues in molecular _" "majors range from _" "value of molecular _" "bioph" ] using biology
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and computational systems arg1" "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 and theoretical and computational arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 focus on living arg2" "arg1 concerned with the relations between arg2" "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 and ecology of aquatic arg2" "arg1 is a science that studies arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 and ecology of marine arg2" "arg1 dealing with the study of arg2" "arg1 are conducted outside of arg2" "arg1 classifies living arg2" "arg1 deals with living arg2" "arg1 of a major group of arg2" "arg1 are conducted outside arg2" "arg1 to study the interactions of arg2" ] using (biology, organisms)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, anatomy)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the Department of Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, anatomy)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield bioinformatics", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 option with either arg1" "arg2 and RNA arg1" "arg2 has affected more than just arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 typically have degrees in arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" "arg2 database of human arg1" "arg2 applications in molecular arg1" "arg2 tool for systems arg1" "arg2 than computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
OE @803 (95.1%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, biochemistry)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" ] using (biology, biochemistry)
SEAL @670 (50.0%) on 16-dec-2012 [ 12 ] using (biology, biochemistry)
SEAL @622 (100.0%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using (biology, ecology)
OE @803 (90.7%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, ecology)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" ] using (biology, ecology)
SEAL @626 (100.0%) on 22-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (biology, immunology)
OE @820 (97.9%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (biology, immunology)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, immunology)
SEAL @626 (100.0%) on 22-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using (biology, microbiology)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Applied arg1" "arg2 or Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, microbiology)
OE @806 (98.7%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, microbiology)
SEAL @626 (100.0%) on 22-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (biology, pharmacology)
OE @802 (97.7%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, pharmacology)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, pharmacology)
CPL @1099 (96.9%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular Cell arg1" "arg2 and Cellular and Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cellular arg1" "arg2 and Applied arg1" ] using (biology, physics)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cellular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular Cell arg1" ] using (biology, biophysics)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Molecular and Cellular arg1" "arg2 or Behavioural arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 or Molecular arg1" ] using (biology, evolutionary_biology)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and plant agricultural arg2" "arg1 pursuing a certificate in arg2" "arg1 and potential for use in arg2" "arg1 opportunities medical arg2" ] using (biology, biotechnology)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 department at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rennselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from the Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 degree from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 major at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Worcester Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 laboratory of the National arg2" "arg1 from the Weizmann arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 from the Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Korea Advanced arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachussetts arg2" "arg1 professor at Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 degree from the California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 degree from Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 department at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Oregon Graduate arg2" ] using (biology, institute)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department of Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 from Frostburg arg2" "arg1 from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 program at Idaho arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 degree from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 from The Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 degree from Idaho arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Missouri arg2" "arg1 degree from Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at California arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 major at Colorado arg2" "arg1 degree from Montclair arg2" "arg1 from Southeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Kennesaw arg2" "arg1 department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 from Central Missouri arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" "arg1 Department at Illinois arg2" "arg1 degree from Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Valdosta arg2" "arg1 Department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Department at Boise arg2" "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 degree from Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department of San Francisco arg2" "arg1 department at Utah arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 Department at Utah arg2" "arg1 from Bowie arg2" "arg1 Department of Leningrad arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 from Mankato arg2" "arg1 from Fort Valley arg2" "arg1 department at Ball arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Western Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Governors arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Texas arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and arg2" "arg1 from Northeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Angelo arg2" "arg1 Department at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 Department at Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Portland arg2" "arg1 Department at Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at North Carolina arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic and arg2" "arg1 Department at the Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 degree from Boise arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Wright arg2" "arg1 Department at Florida arg2" "arg1 Department at Missouri arg2" "arg1 department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Faculty of Moscow arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 degree from Emporia arg2" "arg1 Department at Arizona arg2" "arg1 Department at Kansas arg2" "arg1 Department at Ball arg2" ] using (biology, state_university)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Western Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Mankato arg2" "arg1 from Fort Valley arg2" "arg1 from Valdosta arg2" ] using (biology, state_college)
CPL @1098 (96.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" "arg1 major at Illinois arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from Illinois arg2" "arg1 professor at Illinois arg2" ] using (biology, wesleyan_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the Department of Computer arg1" "arg2 with a minor in Computer arg1" "arg2 and Professor of Computer arg1" "arg2 and Electrical Engineering and Computer arg1" "arg2 with a minor in Political arg1" "arg2 and Department of Computer arg1" "arg2 and Philosophy of arg1" "arg2 and Earth and Space arg1" "arg2 and minored in Computer arg1" "arg2 and Applied arg1" "arg2 and Biomedical arg1" "arg2 and Earth and Environmental arg1" "arg2 and Computer Information arg1" "arg2 from the Imperial College of arg1" "arg2 and Computer and Information arg1" "arg2 or Computer arg1" "arg2 and minored in Political arg1" "arg2 or Political arg1" "arg2 and History and Philosophy of arg1" "arg2 and minors in Political arg1" "arg2 and a minor in Computer arg1" "arg2 and minoring in Computer arg1" "arg2 and Engineering and Applied arg1" "arg2 from the Norwegian University of arg1" "arg2 and of Computer arg1" "arg2 and Computer arg1" "arg2 and a minor in Political arg1" ] using (science, biology)
SEAL @596 (87.5%) on 17-jun-2012 [ 123 ] using (science, biology)
SEAL @569 (75.0%) on 15-may-2012 [ 12 ] using (sciences, biology)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (sciences, biology)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Earth and Atmospheric arg1" "arg2 with a minor in Political arg1" "arg2 Centre of the Academy of arg1" "arg2 and Computer Information arg1" "arg2 and Earth and Space arg1" "arg2 and Earth and Environmental arg1" "arg2 and College of Arts and arg1" "arg2 and Philosophy of arg1" "arg2 and Biomedical arg1" "arg2 and Computer arg1" "arg2 and Earth and Planetary arg1" ] using (sciences, biology)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from Helsinki University of arg1" "arg2 from the Illinois Institute of arg1" "arg2 from Illinois Institute of arg1" "arg2 professor at Massachusetts Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Florida Institute of arg1" "arg2 at Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 degree from Massachusetts Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Swiss Institute of arg1" "arg2 from Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 from Massachusetts Institute of arg1" "arg2 at Darmstadt University of arg1" "arg2 from New Jersey Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the California Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Massachusetts Institute of arg1" "arg2 at the Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 from University of Science and arg1" ] using (technology, biology)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 and computational systems arg1" "arg2 Bioinformatics and computational arg1" ] using (biology, biology)
CPL @1108 (75.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 and theoretical and computational arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" ] using (biology, mathematics)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" ] using (biology, animal_physiology)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, biomedical_engineering)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and the various fields of arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, chemistry)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Cellular and Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular Cell arg1" ] using (biology, neurobiology)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, pediatrics)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" ] using (biology, signal_transduction)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" ] using (biology, tissue_engineering)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 and computational systems arg1" "arg2 Bioinformatics and computational arg1" ] using (biology, biology)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and computational systems arg1" "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 and theoretical and computational arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 focus on living arg2" "arg1 concerned with the relations between arg2" "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 and ecology of aquatic arg2" "arg1 is a science that studies arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 and ecology of marine arg2" "arg1 dealing with the study of arg2" "arg1 are conducted outside of arg2" "arg1 classifies living arg2" "arg1 deals with living arg2" "arg1 of a major group of arg2" "arg1 are conducted outside arg2" "arg1 to study the interactions of arg2" ] using (biology, organisms)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and computational systems arg1" "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 and theoretical and computational arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and computational systems arg1" "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 and theoretical and computational arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" "arg1 Biology is the study of arg2" ] using (biology, life)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 studies living arg2" "arg1 is the science of living arg2" ] using (biology, systems)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the study of living arg2" "arg1 that studies living arg2" "arg1 The study of living arg2" ] using (biology, things)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, anatomy)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the Department of Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, anatomy)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, anatomy)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the Department of Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, anatomy)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield bioinformatics", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 option with either arg1" "arg2 and RNA arg1" "arg2 has affected more than just arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 typically have degrees in arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" "arg2 database of human arg1" "arg2 applications in molecular arg1" "arg2 tool for systems arg1" "arg2 than computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, anatomy)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the Department of Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, anatomy)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, anatomy)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the Department of Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, anatomy)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, anatomy)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the Department of Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, anatomy)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield bioinformatics", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 option with either arg1" "arg2 and RNA arg1" "arg2 has affected more than just arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 typically have degrees in arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" "arg2 database of human arg1" "arg2 applications in molecular arg1" "arg2 tool for systems arg1" "arg2 than computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield bioinformatics", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to explore themes in arg1" "arg2 option with either arg1" "arg2 and RNA arg1" "arg2 has affected more than just arg1" "arg2 and computational structural arg1" "arg2 typically have degrees in arg1" "arg2 and computational molecular arg1" "arg2 methods in computational arg1" "arg2 database of human arg1" "arg2 applications in molecular arg1" "arg2 tool for systems arg1" "arg2 than computational arg1" ] using (biology, bioinformatics)
Human feedback from bbd @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "biology academicfieldhassubfield anatomy", Action=(+academicfieldhassubfield) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (biology, anatomy)
CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the Department of Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, anatomy)
SEAL @626 (100.0%) on 22-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using (biology, microbiology)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Applied arg1" "arg2 or Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cellular arg1" ] using (biology, microbiology)
OE @806 (98.7%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, microbiology)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" ] using (biology, tissue_engineering)
SEAL @626 (100.0%) on 22-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (biology, immunology)
OE @820 (97.9%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (biology, immunology)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, immunology)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" ] using (biology, signal_transduction)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and the various fields of arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, chemistry)
SEAL @626 (100.0%) on 22-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (biology, pharmacology)
OE @802 (97.7%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, pharmacology)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, pharmacology)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, pediatrics)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, pediatrics)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" ] using (biology, tissue_engineering)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Cellular and Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular Cell arg1" ] using (biology, neurobiology)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and the various fields of arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, chemistry)
SEAL @622 (100.0%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using (biology, ecology)
OE @803 (90.7%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, ecology)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" ] using (biology, ecology)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, pediatrics)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and the various fields of arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, chemistry)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, pediatrics)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cellular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular Cell arg1" ] using (biology, biophysics)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Cellular and Molecular arg1" "arg2 and Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 and Molecular Cell arg1" ] using (biology, neurobiology)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" ] using (biology, signal_transduction)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and the various fields of arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, chemistry)
OE @803 (95.1%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, biochemistry)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" ] using (biology, biochemistry)
SEAL @670 (50.0%) on 16-dec-2012 [ 12 ] using (biology, biochemistry)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, biomedical_engineering)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" ] using (biology, pediatrics)
SEAL @626 (100.0%) on 22-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (biology, pharmacology)
OE @802 (97.7%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, pharmacology)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" "arg2 and molecular cell arg1" "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and of cell arg1" "arg2 and molecular and cell arg1" ] using (biology, pharmacology)
SEAL @622 (100.0%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using (biology, ecology)
OE @803 (90.7%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (biology, ecology)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and cell and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cellular and molecular arg1" "arg2 and cell and developmental arg1" ] using (biology, ecology)
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is a technology based on arg1" "arg2 is technology based on arg1" ] using (biology, biotechnology_biotechnology)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 department at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rennselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from the Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 degree from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 major at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Worcester Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 laboratory of the National arg2" "arg1 from the Weizmann arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 from the Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Korea Advanced arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachussetts arg2" "arg1 professor at Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 degree from the California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 degree from Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 department at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Oregon Graduate arg2" ] using (biology, institute)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 major at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" ] using (biology, tech)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Low Temperature arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" ] using (biology, division)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1098 (96.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" "arg1 major at Illinois arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from Illinois arg2" "arg1 professor at Illinois arg2" ] using (biology, wesleyan_university)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 department at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rennselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from the Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 degree from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 major at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Worcester Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 laboratory of the National arg2" "arg1 from the Weizmann arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 from the Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Korea Advanced arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachussetts arg2" "arg1 professor at Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 degree from the California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 degree from Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 department at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Oregon Graduate arg2" ] using (biology, institute)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 of Allied Health and arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Chemistry and Cell arg1" ] using (biology, departments)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Low Temperature arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" ] using (biology, division)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Low Temperature arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" ] using (biology, division)
CPL @1112 (100.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 for Molecular and Cell arg1" "arg2 for Stem Cell and Regenerative arg1" "arg2 of Chemistry and Cell arg1" "arg2 of Ecology and Conservation arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 of Basic and Applied arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Agricultural and Environmental arg1" ] using (biology, department)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 of Allied Health and arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Chemistry and Cell arg1" ] using (biology, departments)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department of Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 from Frostburg arg2" "arg1 from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 program at Idaho arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 degree from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 from The Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 degree from Idaho arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Missouri arg2" "arg1 degree from Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at California arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 major at Colorado arg2" "arg1 degree from Montclair arg2" "arg1 from Southeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Kennesaw arg2" "arg1 department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 from Central Missouri arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" "arg1 Department at Illinois arg2" "arg1 degree from Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Valdosta arg2" "arg1 Department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Department at Boise arg2" "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 degree from Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department of San Francisco arg2" "arg1 department at Utah arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 Department at Utah arg2" "arg1 from Bowie arg2" "arg1 Department of Leningrad arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 from Mankato arg2" "arg1 from Fort Valley arg2" "arg1 department at Ball arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Western Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Governors arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Texas arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and arg2" "arg1 from Northeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Angelo arg2" "arg1 Department at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 Department at Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Portland arg2" "arg1 Department at Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at North Carolina arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic and arg2" "arg1 Department at the Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 degree from Boise arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Wright arg2" "arg1 Department at Florida arg2" "arg1 Department at Missouri arg2" "arg1 department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Faculty of Moscow arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 degree from Emporia arg2" "arg1 Department at Arizona arg2" "arg1 Department at Kansas arg2" "arg1 Department at Ball arg2" ] using (biology, state_university)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 major at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" ] using (biology, tech)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 department at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rennselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from the Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 degree from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 major at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Worcester Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 laboratory of the National arg2" "arg1 from the Weizmann arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 from the Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Korea Advanced arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachussetts arg2" "arg1 professor at Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 degree from the California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 degree from Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 department at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Oregon Graduate arg2" ] using (biology, institute)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Low Temperature arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" ] using (biology, division)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Low Temperature arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" ] using (biology, division)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 major at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" ] using (biology, tech)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 department at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Rennselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from the Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 degree from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 major at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Worcester Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 laboratory of the National arg2" "arg1 from the Weizmann arg2" "arg1 professor at the California arg2" "arg1 from the Virginia Military arg2" "arg1 professor at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Korea Advanced arg2" "arg1 department at the California arg2" "arg1 professor at California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachussetts arg2" "arg1 professor at Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at the Virginia Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 degree from the California arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 degree from Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 department at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 in DDDD at the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 from the Oregon Graduate arg2" ] using (biology, institute)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 of Allied Health and arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Chemistry and Cell arg1" ] using (biology, departments)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1098 (96.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 professor at Ohio arg2" "arg1 major at Illinois arg2" "arg1 in DDDD from Illinois arg2" "arg1 professor at Illinois arg2" ] using (biology, wesleyan_university)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Low Temperature arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" ] using (biology, division)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department of Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 from Frostburg arg2" "arg1 from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 program at Idaho arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 degree from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 from The Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 degree from Idaho arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Missouri arg2" "arg1 degree from Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at California arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 major at Colorado arg2" "arg1 degree from Montclair arg2" "arg1 from Southeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Kennesaw arg2" "arg1 department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 from Central Missouri arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" "arg1 Department at Illinois arg2" "arg1 degree from Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Valdosta arg2" "arg1 Department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Department at Boise arg2" "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 degree from Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department of San Francisco arg2" "arg1 department at Utah arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 Department at Utah arg2" "arg1 from Bowie arg2" "arg1 Department of Leningrad arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 from Mankato arg2" "arg1 from Fort Valley arg2" "arg1 department at Ball arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Western Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Governors arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Texas arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and arg2" "arg1 from Northeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Angelo arg2" "arg1 Department at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 Department at Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Portland arg2" "arg1 Department at Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at North Carolina arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic and arg2" "arg1 Department at the Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 degree from Boise arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Wright arg2" "arg1 Department at Florida arg2" "arg1 Department at Missouri arg2" "arg1 department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Faculty of Moscow arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 degree from Emporia arg2" "arg1 Department at Arizona arg2" "arg1 Department at Kansas arg2" "arg1 Department at Ball arg2" ] using (biology, state_university)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department of Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 from Frostburg arg2" "arg1 from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 program at Idaho arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 degree from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 from The Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 degree from Idaho arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Missouri arg2" "arg1 degree from Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at California arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 major at Colorado arg2" "arg1 degree from Montclair arg2" "arg1 from Southeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Kennesaw arg2" "arg1 department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 from Central Missouri arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" "arg1 Department at Illinois arg2" "arg1 degree from Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Valdosta arg2" "arg1 Department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Department at Boise arg2" "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 degree from Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department of San Francisco arg2" "arg1 department at Utah arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 Department at Utah arg2" "arg1 from Bowie arg2" "arg1 Department of Leningrad arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 from Mankato arg2" "arg1 from Fort Valley arg2" "arg1 department at Ball arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Western Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Governors arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Texas arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and arg2" "arg1 from Northeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Angelo arg2" "arg1 Department at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 Department at Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Portland arg2" "arg1 Department at Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at North Carolina arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic and arg2" "arg1 Department at the Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 degree from Boise arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Wright arg2" "arg1 Department at Florida arg2" "arg1 Department at Missouri arg2" "arg1 department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Faculty of Moscow arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 degree from Emporia arg2" "arg1 Department at Arizona arg2" "arg1 Department at Kansas arg2" "arg1 Department at Ball arg2" ] using (biology, state_university)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
SEAL @142 (75.0%) on 03-sep-2010 [ 12 ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Chestnut Hill arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at Southern Maine Community arg2" "arg1 at Beloit arg2" "arg1 Department at Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 from Agnes Scott arg2" "arg1 from Rosemont arg2" "arg1 from Mesa State arg2" "arg1 from West Liberty State arg2" "arg1 at Ramapo arg2" "arg1 at Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Midland Lutheran arg2" "arg1 from Tennessee Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Augsburg arg2" "arg1 from Siena arg2" "arg1 from Belmont Abbey arg2" "arg1 from Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Juniata arg2" "arg1 from LeMoyne arg2" "arg1 from Westmont arg2" "arg1 from Grinnell arg2" "arg1 from Santa Fe Community arg2" "arg1 at Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 Department at Pomona arg2" "arg1 at Millsaps arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Canisius arg2" "arg1 from Worcester State arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Morningside arg2" "arg1 from Colby arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" "arg1 at Magdalen arg2" "arg1 from Newcomb arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Warren Wilson arg2" "arg1 from Alma arg2" "arg1 at Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from West Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 at Stonehill arg2" "arg1 from Arapahoe Community arg2" "arg1 from Marygrove arg2" "arg1 from West Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Harvey Mudd arg2" "arg1 from Simmons arg2" "arg1 from Tougaloo arg2" "arg1 from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Hunter arg2" "arg1 from Meredith arg2" "arg1 from Grove City arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 Department at Queens arg2" "arg1 at Royal Holloway arg2" "arg1 at Pomona arg2" "arg1 from Lafayette arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Western Washington State arg2" "arg1 from Trenton State arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mercy arg2" "arg1 from Huntingdon arg2" "arg1 from Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from William Smith arg2" "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Marist arg2" "arg1 from Kenyon arg2" "arg1 from Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 at Washtenaw Community arg2" "arg1 from Coe arg2" "arg1 from Haverford arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Lake Forest arg2" "arg1 from The Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Guilford arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Nazarene arg2" "arg1 from Lynchburg arg2" "arg1 major at Carleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Williams arg2" "arg1 at Occidental arg2" "arg1 degree from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 at Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Hampshire arg2" "arg1 from Salem State arg2" "arg1 from Catawba arg2" "arg1 from Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Douglass arg2" "arg1 from Mount Union arg2" "arg1 from Delaware Valley arg2" "arg1 from Saint Joseph arg2" "arg1 from Reed arg2" "arg1 at Iona arg2" "arg1 at Hunter arg2" "arg1 degree from Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Converse arg2" "arg1 from Western Oregon State arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Knox arg2" "arg1 from Marian arg2" "arg1 from North Adams State arg2" "arg1 professor at Southwestern arg2" "arg1 from Immaculate Heart arg2" "arg1 from Wabash arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Saint Vincent arg2" "arg1 from Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 from Aquinas arg2" "arg1 from Davidson arg2" "arg1 at Langara arg2" "arg1 at Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 at Loras arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Benedict arg2" "arg1 from Stonehill arg2" "arg1 degree from Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Albright arg2" "arg1 from Albion arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Madras Christian arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 Department at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Marycrest arg2" "arg1 from Utica arg2" "arg1 from Upsala arg2" "arg1 from Assumption arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Muskingum arg2" "arg1 from Williams arg2" "arg1 major at Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Hartwick arg2" "arg1 from Principia arg2" "arg1 from Metropolitan State arg2" "arg1 from Glassboro State arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Goucher arg2" "arg1 from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Villa Julie arg2" "arg1 degree from Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 from Spelman arg2" "arg1 from Marymount Manhattan arg2" "arg1 from Morris Brown arg2" "arg1 at Grove City arg2" "arg1 at Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Beloit arg2" "arg1 from Morehouse arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Augustana arg2" "arg1 from Mundelein arg2" "arg1 from Simpson arg2" "arg1 from Hiram arg2" "arg1 from The Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 at Castleton State arg2" "arg1 at Bergen Community arg2" "arg1 from the Eberly arg2" "arg1 from Pacific Union arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Wagner arg2" "arg1 from Manhattanville arg2" "arg1 Department at Cabrillo arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Cabrini arg2" "arg1 from Barat arg2" "arg1 from Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 from Iona arg2" "arg1 from State University arg2" "arg1 from Framingham State arg2" "arg1 Department at Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Earlham arg2" "arg1 at Saint Anselm arg2" "arg1 at Springfield Technical Community arg2" "arg1 from Talladega arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Teachers arg2" "arg1 from Bates arg2" "arg1 from Berea arg2" "arg1 in the Eberly arg2" "arg1 Department at Imperial arg2" "arg1 Program at Bard arg2" "arg1 Department at Oberlin arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Western Maryland arg2" "arg1 from Hobart arg2" "arg1 from Walla Walla arg2" "arg1 Department at Smith arg2" "arg1 Department at Trinity arg2" "arg1 at Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 degree from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 at Barnard arg2" "arg1 department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Ursuline arg2" "arg1 from Roane State Community arg2" "arg1 from Rivier arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Wofford arg2" "arg1 from Gustavus Adolphus arg2" "arg1 from Thiel arg2" "arg1 from Lebanon Valley arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at Amherst arg2" "arg1 from MacMurray arg2" "arg1 from the State University arg2" "arg1 degree from Queens arg2" "arg1 at Kansas State Teachers arg2" "arg1 program at Muskingum arg2" "arg1 Department at Ithaca arg2" "arg1 Department at Buffalo State arg2" "arg1 from George Peabody arg2" "arg1 from The Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 degree from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Queen Mary arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Union arg2" "arg1 from Millsaps arg2" "arg1 from Charter Oak State arg2" "arg1 from Milligan arg2" "arg1 from Tarkio arg2" "arg1 Department at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 at Canterbury University arg2" "arg1 at Birbeck arg2" "arg1 from Johnson State arg2" "arg1 from the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 from Russell Sage arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Westfield State arg2" "arg1 at the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Gettysburg arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from Vassar arg2" "arg1 from Cedar Crest arg2" "arg1 from Wheaton arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 from Judson arg2" "arg1 Department at Loyola arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 Department at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Rollins arg2" "arg1 from Lewis and Clark arg2" "arg1 in the Weinberg arg2" "arg1 degree from Hope arg2" "arg1 from Saint Olaf arg2" "arg1 from Moravian arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Kalamazoo arg2" "arg1 from Nazareth arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Evergreen State arg2" "arg1 from Occidental arg2" "arg1 from Linfield arg2" "arg1 from the Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Western New England arg2" "arg1 at Bridgewater State arg2" "arg1 at Anne Arundel Community arg2" "arg1 from Stockton State arg2" "arg1 from Ripon arg2" "arg1 Department at Douglas arg2" "arg1 Department of Imperial arg2" "arg1 from Juniata arg2" "arg1 from Messiah arg2" "arg1 from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Le Moyne arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 major at Hunter arg2" "arg1 at Keene State arg2" "arg1 at the Wilkes Honors arg2" "arg1 at Diablo Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Boston arg2" "arg1 from Goshen arg2" "arg1 from Lycoming arg2" "arg1 from Newberry arg2" "arg1 major at Davidson arg2" "arg1 from Mary Baldwin arg2" "arg1 from Tusculum arg2" "arg1 at Salem State arg2" "arg1 at Principia arg2" "arg1 from Pitzer arg2" "arg1 from Chadron State arg2" "arg1 at Sweet Briar arg2" "arg1 at Onondaga Community arg2" "arg1 at Baruch arg2" "arg1 at Westmont arg2" "arg1 Department of Trinity arg2" "arg1 from Berry arg2" "arg1 from Albany Medical arg2" "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 at Vassar arg2" "arg1 degree from Dickinson arg2" "arg1 from Fort Lewis arg2" "arg1 from Providence arg2" "arg1 from Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from Armstrong State arg2" "arg1 from Emmanuel arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Spring Hill arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Barnard arg2" "arg1 Department at Calvin arg2" "arg1 at Allan Hancock arg2" "arg1 from Albertson arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Lake Erie arg2" "arg1 from Wartburg arg2" "arg1 from Bowdoin arg2" "arg1 at Franklin and Marshall arg2" "arg1 Department at Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 Department at Wellesley arg2" "arg1 from Castleton State arg2" "arg1 from Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 from Birmingham Southern arg2" "arg1 at Kingsborough Community arg2" "arg1 from Mary Washington arg2" "arg1 from Shorter arg2" "arg1 from Florida Southern arg2" "arg1 at Piedmont Virginia Community arg2" "arg1 at Finger Lakes Community arg2" "arg1 at Redeemer University arg2" "arg1 from Utah Valley State arg2" "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Adams State arg2" "arg1 at Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Mills arg2" "arg1 from Roanoke arg2" "arg1 program at Brooklyn arg2" "arg1 program at Sheridan arg2" "arg1 from Belhaven arg2" "arg1 from Monroe Community arg2" "arg1 from Fairmont State arg2" "arg1 degree from Allegheny arg2" "arg1 from Merrimack arg2" ] using (biology, college)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Ramapo arg2" "arg1 from Western Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Richard Stockton arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Mankato arg2" "arg1 from Fort Valley arg2" "arg1 from Valdosta arg2" ] using (biology, state_college)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department of Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 from Frostburg arg2" "arg1 from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 program at Idaho arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" "arg1 degree from Sam Houston arg2" "arg1 from The Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 Department of Ohio arg2" "arg1 degree from Idaho arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Missouri arg2" "arg1 degree from Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 Department at California arg2" "arg1 from The Ohio arg2" "arg1 Department of San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 major at Colorado arg2" "arg1 degree from Montclair arg2" "arg1 from Southeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Kennesaw arg2" "arg1 department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department at Sonoma arg2" "arg1 from Central Missouri arg2" "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" "arg1 Department at Illinois arg2" "arg1 degree from Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 from Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Valdosta arg2" "arg1 Department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Department at Boise arg2" "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 Department at Bowling Green arg2" "arg1 degree from Michigan arg2" "arg1 Department at Humboldt arg2" "arg1 Department of San Francisco arg2" "arg1 department at Utah arg2" "arg1 Department at Iowa arg2" "arg1 degree from arg2" "arg1 Department at Utah arg2" "arg1 from Bowie arg2" "arg1 Department of Leningrad arg2" "arg1 from Youngstown arg2" "arg1 from Mankato arg2" "arg1 from Fort Valley arg2" "arg1 department at Ball arg2" "arg1 Department at San Diego arg2" "arg1 from Western Connecticut arg2" "arg1 from Governors arg2" "arg1 Department at Georgia arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" "arg1 from Southwest Texas arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and arg2" "arg1 from Northeast Missouri arg2" "arg1 from Angelo arg2" "arg1 Department at San Francisco arg2" "arg1 Department at Central Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Portland arg2" "arg1 Department at Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at North Carolina arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Polytechnic and arg2" "arg1 Department at the Pennsylvania arg2" "arg1 degree from Boise arg2" "arg1 Department at Colorado arg2" "arg1 from Southern Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Department at Wright arg2" "arg1 Department at Florida arg2" "arg1 Department at Missouri arg2" "arg1 department of Moscow arg2" "arg1 Faculty of Moscow arg2" "arg1 department of California arg2" "arg1 degree from Emporia arg2" "arg1 Department at Arizona arg2" "arg1 Department at Kansas arg2" "arg1 Department at Ball arg2" ] using (biology, state_university)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" "arg2 for Theoretical arg1" "arg2 for Systems arg1" "arg2 for Regenerative arg1" ] using (biology, center)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Structural and Molecular arg1" "arg2 of Low Temperature arg1" "arg2 of Veterinary arg1" "arg2 of Genetics and Developmental arg1" ] using (biology, division)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Department at New Mexico arg2" "arg1 major at Georgia arg2" "arg1 Department at Montana arg2" ] using (biology, tech)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of The Pennsylvania arg1" "arg2 at Sul Ross arg1" "arg2 at Western Connecticut arg1" "arg2 at Southern Polytechnic arg1" "arg2 at Georgia College and arg1" "arg2 at Southwestern Oklahoma arg1" ] using (state_university, biology)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of The Pennsylvania arg1" "arg2 at Sul Ross arg1" "arg2 at Western Connecticut arg1" "arg2 at Southern Polytechnic arg1" "arg2 at Georgia College and arg1" "arg2 at Southwestern Oklahoma arg1" ] using (biology, state_university)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or nervous arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" "arg2 and the endocrine arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the reproductive arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the cardiovascular arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the circulatory arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the nervous arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the visual arg1" "arg2 and nervous arg1" "arg2 as well as the immune arg1" ] using (system, biology)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or nervous arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" "arg2 and the endocrine arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the reproductive arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the cardiovascular arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the circulatory arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the nervous arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the visual arg1" "arg2 and nervous arg1" "arg2 as well as the immune arg1" ] using (system, biology)