CPL @1111 (81.7%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "first professor of _" "expert in forensic _" "biotechnology , advanced _" "background in evolutionary _" "paradigms of modern _" "computer science , applied _" "nature of forensic _" "models of evolutionary _" "knowledge in applied _" "project in modern _" "key concepts of modern _" "principles of object-oriented _" "engineering , sound _" "central ideas of modern _" "discipline other than _" "degree was not in _" "advancement of wireless _" "intelligence , mobile _" "pass degree in _" "BEng in _" "specific disciplines of _" "topics in contemporary _" "area of aesthetic _" "adopter of digital _" "associate professor of _" "applications of advanced _" "world of molecular _" "B.A. in _" "MSc in _" "national honor society in _" "nascent field of _" "other related disciplines such as _" "other advanced topics in _" "master’s degree in _" "medicine , molecular _" "miracles of modern _" "formal qualification in _" "field of computational _" "first time in modern _" "category theory to _" "founding fathers of modern _" "genomics , molecular _" "first degree is in _" "biology , forensic _" "basic sciences , including _" "foundation of molecular _" "instructional design , educational _" "Numerical methods in _" "MS degree in _" "world of high _" "piece of wearable _" "pinnacle of modern _" "open , distributed _" "engineering , applied _" "interests include statistical _" "professor of electrical _" "_ is the only science" "birthplace of modern _" "research in applied _" "pioneer in molecular _" "mathematics , biomedical _" "new discipline of _" "students majoring in _" "practice of defensive _" "degree in applied _" "client/server based _" "course in introductory _" "degree programs in forensic _" "competence in general _" "commitment to innovative _" "subject area such as _" "concepts from evolutionary _" "bioinformatics , molecular _" "broadening participation in _" "flexible , distributed _" "professional historians of _" "theory , combinatorial _" "book on forensic _" "geophysics , applied _" "pieces of modern _" "good honours degree in _" "instruction set _" "world leader in green _" "computing , parallel _" "economics , evolutionary _" "degree in elementary _" "students of visual _" "statistics , mathematical _" "core disciplines such as _" "technology of molecular _" "breathtaking advances in _" "work of modern _" "degrees in applied _" "processes , mathematical _" "practitioners of social _" "important concepts in modern _" "minority graduate students in _" "definition of alternative _" "professor of biomedical _" "practice in forensic _" "research in parallel _" "specialist in physical _" "interests are in mathematical _" "interests include distributed _" "program in biomedical _" "fields of physical _" "field of molecular _" "era of personalized _" "emphasis in _" "icons of modern _" "foundations of evolutionary _" "forefront of green _" "recent advances in modern _" "other sub-disciplines of _" "research interests include evolutionary _" "profiling , forensic _" "interests include educational _" "masters degree in educational _" "theories of educational _" "undergraduate degree course in _" "specialists in forensic _" "_ is a new science" "bachelor’s degree in _" "testing , social _" "studies in educational _" "n-tier distributed _" "mathematics , statistical _" "multi-tier distributed _" "support of instructional _" "artificial intelligence , cognitive _" "contributions to modern _" "broad-based training in _" "advances in biomedical _" "senior undergraduates in _" "fathers of modern _" "advances in molecular _" "Master of _" "professor of _" "Masters degree in _" "areas in contemporary _" "subspecialties of _" "standards-based distributed _" "state of forensic _" "topics in introductory _" "second class Honours degree in _" "sub-discipline of _" "fundamentals of evolutionary _" "continuous advances in _" "field of biomedical _" "leadership in advanced _" "Masters programmes in _" "navigation , >D In _" "language of contemporary _" "masters degree in _" "piece of modern _" "contributions to naval _" "exciting branches of _" "counseling , physical _" "direction of urban _" "genetics , statistical _" "interests are in evolutionary _" "engineering , cognitive _" "courses in physical _" "mathematics , applied _" "figures in modern _" "examples of modern _" "teacher of clinical _" "_ thought leader" "biology , physical _" "perspective of mainstream _" "biostatistics , statistical _" "advancement in modern _" "masters degree in forensic _" "specialist status in _" "practice of educational _" "field of adaptive _" "graduate program in social _" "_ is a diverse field" "areas of applied _" "graduate degree in educational _" "excellent degree in _" "B.S. degree in _" "international honor society in _" "equivalent qualification in _" "research in mathematical _" "doctorate in human _" "courses in introductory _" "engineering , optical _" "accounting , forensic _" "overview of evolutionary _" "neuroscience , evolutionary _" "researcher in applied _" "expertise in evolutionary _" "exciting areas of modern _" "influential books in _" "first degree is not in _" "lecturer in physical _" "neuroscience , cognitive _" "medicine , forensic _" "professor of medical _" "chemistry , applied _" "_ is a multi-disciplinary field" "courses in forensic _" "bioinformatics , medical _" "Nobel prize of _" "technological fields , including _" "field of evolutionary _" "Specialization in _" "minority students studying _" "master’s in educational _" "background in statistical _" "important aspects of personal _" "field of applied _" "era of molecular _" "research interests are in mathematical _" "robust distributed _" "dual background in _" "computer science , molecular _" "diploma in _" "assistant professor of _" "branch of molecular _" "applications in statistical _" "benefits of service-oriented _" "integrated distributed _" "career in commercial _" "neuroscience , cellular _" "model driven _" "time in modern _" "informatics , biomedical _" "research on evolutionary _" "department of applied _" "design , distributed _" "courses in _" "researchers in structural _" "specialization in _" "researchers in mathematical _" "program in forensic _" "criminal justice , forensic _" "Sc degree in _" "Graduate study in _" "practitioners of forensic _" "aspects of applied _" "work in physical _" "program in experimental _" "prior qualification in _" "techniques of forensic _" "client/server distributed _" "problems in statistical _" "Postgraduate degree in _" "combination of state-of-the-art _" "certificate in financial _" "current research in molecular _" "Honors degree in _" "faculty of medical _" "particular subject area , such as _" "recent advances in digital _" "prior degree in _" "assistant professor of biomedical _" "foundations of classical _" "expert in physical _" "emphasis on advanced _" "researchers in biological _" "degrees in _" "principles of visual _" "rapid advances in molecular _" "sciences , financial _" "undergraduate degree in _" "new field of molecular _" "strong theoretical background in _" "fields of molecular _" "good background in basic _" "franca in _" "intelligence , industrial _" "concentration in _" "_ is the scientific study" "M.S. degree in _" "dynamics , evolutionary _" "paradigm of classical _" "approach to instructional _" "ordinary degree in _" "goal of cognitive _" "Explore careers in _" "works on social _" "academic offerings in _" "professional skills such as _" "icon of American _" "engineering , biomedical _" "engineering , internet _" "degree programs in _" "particular subfield of _" "field of cognitive _" "expertise in forensic _" "Open University degree in _" "women undergraduates in _" "next generation data center _" "bachelor degree in _" "work in evolutionary _" "research in theoretical _" "Stanford professor of _" "materials science , molecular _" "course in forensic _" "other professions , such as _" "degrees in forensic _" "net encyclopedia In _" "knowledge of applied _" "problems in applied _" "marvels of modern _" "disciplines associated to _" "degree in educational _" "degree in biomedical _" "details of evolutionary _" "book on evolutionary _" "applications of forensic _" "associate professor of biomedical _" "approach of molecular _" "introduction to evolutionary _" "graduate degree in _" "theory , evolutionary _" "certificate in _" "differential equations , mathematical _" "example of modern _" "career in educational _" "research in molecular _" "basic principles of modern _" "equations , mathematical _" "graduate program in forensic _" "engineering , physical _" "program in educational _" "services oriented _" "scientific fields like _" "grand scheme of _" "concept of adaptive _" "chemistry to molecular _" "concepts of contemporary _" "use of service-oriented _" "unsolved problem in _" "Free net encyclopedia In _" "MSc degree in _" "evolution , evolutionary _" "description of classical _" "areas , including strategic _" "art of forensic _" "phD in _" "professional programmes in _" "researcher in theoretical _" "aptitude test in _" "age of molecular _" "field of physical _" "MSc degrees in _" "engineering , forensic _" "ideas in evolutionary _" "breakthrough in modern _" "axiom of modern _" "work in molecular _" "students studying _" "professor of cognitive _" "robotics , cognitive _" "principles of evolutionary _" "sciences , visual _" "energy for sustainable _" "grand challenges in _" "female faculty in _" "methods in natural _" "lingua franca in _" "field of _" "entire history of modern _" "problem in molecular _" "_ is an engineering discipline" "flexible distributed _" "he chose to major in _" "interests include evolutionary _" "careers there are in _" "degree is not in _" "innovations of modern _" "essentials of modern _" "physical sciences including _" "roots in evolutionary _" "icon of modern _" "mathe" ] using computing
MBL @665 (99.6%) on 05-dec-2012 [ Promotion of academicfield:computing academicprogramatuniversity university:college ]
SEAL @398 (50.0%) on 23-aug-2011 [ 1 ] using computing
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Graduate School of Information arg1" "arg2 Engineering and Information arg1" "arg2 from Indian Institute of arg1" "arg2 at Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 and Business Information arg1" "arg2 at the Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 in Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 at The Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Georgia Institute of arg1" ] using (technology, computing)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and in Information arg1" "arg2 and Computer arg1" "arg2 and Bachelor of Information arg1" "arg2 and of Computer arg1" "arg2 and Business Information arg1" ] using (systems, computing)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the natural and social arg1" "arg2 technology and the life arg1" "arg2 and earth and environmental arg1" "arg2 and the physical and biological arg1" ] using (sciences, computing)
CPL @1099 (99.2%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Science and Software arg1" "arg2 Science and Electrical and Computer arg1" "arg2 Science and Computer arg1" "arg2 Science and Mechanical arg1" "arg2 and Information Science and arg1" "arg2 Science or Software arg1" "arg2 Science and Electrical arg1" ] using (engineering, computing)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Science or Information arg1" "arg2 and Communication arg1" "arg2 Science and Information arg1" "arg2 and Information Science and arg1" ] using (technology, computing)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (assistant, computing)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (computing, assistant)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (assistant, computing)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (computing, assistant)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or theoretical computer arg1" "arg2 and theoretical computer arg1" "arg2 is a branch of computer arg1" ] using (science, computing)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Science or Information arg1" "arg2 Science and Information arg1" "arg2 and Communication arg1" ] using (systems, computing)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (assistant, computing)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (computing, assistant)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (assistant, computing)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Vice President of Academic arg2" "arg1 Dean for Educational arg2" "arg1 Dean for Academic arg2" ] using (computing, assistant)