CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ LAST_WORD=degree 3.14039 PREFIX=degre 1.44734 PREFIX=degr 1.44696 PREFIX=deg 1.43893 LASTPREFIX=degre 1.40981 LASTPREFIX=degr 1.40925 LASTPREFIX=deg 1.37288 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.73755 POS=NN -0.94682 WORDS -7.17069 ] using economics_degree
CPL @1100 (72.4%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "honorary doctor of _" "bachelor of _" "bachelor’s of _" "honours bachelor of _" "master’s of _" "Bachelor of _" ] using economics_degree
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" ] using (economics_degree, state_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" ] using (economics_degree, state_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" ] using (economics_degree, state_university)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" ] using (economics_degree, state_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Whitman arg2" "arg1 from Claremont McKenna arg2" "arg1 from Hendrix arg2" "arg1 from McDaniel arg2" "arg1 at Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 at Swarthmore arg2" "arg1 from Eckerd arg2" "arg1 from Middlebury arg2" "arg1 from Bentley arg2" "arg1 from Queens arg2" "arg1 from Washington and Jefferson arg2" "arg1 from Sarah Lawrence arg2" "arg1 from Loras arg2" "arg1 from Ursinus arg2" "arg1 from Centre arg2" "arg1 from Mount Holyoke arg2" "arg1 from Bryn Mawr arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 from Albertus Magnus arg2" "arg1 from Oberlin arg2" "arg1 from Dartmouth arg2" "arg1 from the Smeal arg2" "arg1 from Amherst arg2" "arg1 from Rollins arg2" ] using (economics_degree, college)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 from California Polytechnic arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Oklahoma arg2" ] using (economics_degree, state_university)