CMC @850 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2014 [ CHARS 3.39495 LASTSUFFIX=esign 1.99005 LASTSUFFIX=ign 1.82932 LAST_WORD=design 1.78072 LASTPREFIX=desi 1.77675 LASTSUFFIX=sign 1.76205 LASTPREFIX=desig 1.72615 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.15351 POS=NN -2.05296 WORDS -9.58071 ] using fashion_design
SEAL @740 (53.1%) on 09-jun-2013 [ 1 ] using fashion_design
CPL @1099 (89.4%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "BA Honours degree in _" "Bachelor degree programs in _" "B.S. degree in _" "BFA in _" "College degree in _" "concentration in _" "diploma in _" "BFA degrees in _" "Fine Arts degrees in _" "degree in _" "B.F.A. in _" "careers there are in _" "master’s degree in _" "He initially studied _" "Certificate Program in _" "degrees in _" "emphasis in _" "MFA in _" "honors degrees in _" "curriculum in _" "Degree programs are offered in _" "college students studying _" "Fine Arts degree in _" "basic coursework in _" "Bachelor in _" "MFA degree in _" "Science degree in _" "B.F.A. degree in _" "BSc degree in _" "bachelor degree in _" "Design degree in _" "Master in _" "creative disciplines of _" "adjunct professor of _" "design disciplines including _" "D-year Bachelor of _" "majoring in _" "courses in _" "new Faculty of _" "certificate in _" "design disciplines of _" "specialization like _" "bachelor’s degree in _" "design fields , including _" "Special Topics in _" "Diploma in _" "students interested in _" "additional degree in _" "professor of _" "Chicago majoring in _" "graduate degree in _" "European schools of _" "I 'm graduated in _" "field of _" "degree programs in _" "contribution to British _" "Masters degree in _" "Technology majoring in _" "Program in _" "degree program in _" "Science degree program in _" "Master of _" "_ See other places" "first degree is in _" "Associate degree program in _" "Davis majoring in _" "BFA degree in _" "Science Degrees in _" "she plans to major in _" "Science degrees in _" "assistant professor of _" "Certificate in _" "specialization in _" "BS degree in _" "Design majoring in _" "goal is to major in _" "students studying _" "professional degree program in _" "students majoring in _" "undergraduate degree in _" ] using fashion_design
MBL @782 (100.0%) on 25-oct-2013 [ Promotion of academicfield:fashion_design academicprogramatuniversity university:college ]
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Stephens arg2" "arg1 at George Brown arg2" "arg1 from Mount Mary arg2" "arg1 at Bennington arg2" "arg1 at Los Angeles Trade Technical arg2" "arg1 at Central Saint Martins arg2" "arg1 degree from the Philadelphia arg2" "arg1 program at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 program at George Brown arg2" "arg1 at Kwantlen University arg2" "arg1 from Mount Marty arg2" "arg1 from Centenary arg2" "arg1 major at California arg2" "arg1 at Fanshawe arg2" "arg1 from Calvin arg2" "arg1 at East Sydney Technical arg2" ] using (fashion_design, college)