MBL @1097 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2018 [ Promotion of academicfield:ministry_degree academicprogramatuniversity university:theological_seminary ]
CPL @1097 (90.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "Doctorate of _" "Master in _" "Master of _" "Doctor of _" "Doctorate in _" "her Doctorate in _" "honorary Doctor of _" "professional Doctor of _" "first Doctor of _" "_ is offered jointly with" ] using ministry_degree
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Lancaster Theological arg2" "arg1 from the Princeton Theological arg2" "arg1 from Western Conservative Baptist arg2" "arg1 from The Southern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Bethany Theological arg2" "arg1 from McCormick Theological arg2" "arg1 from Erskine Theological arg2" "arg1 from Fuller Theological arg2" "arg1 from the Southern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Grace Theological arg2" "arg1 from Northern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Liberty Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from New Orleans Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Louisville Presbyterian Theological arg2" "arg1 from Gordon Conwell Theological arg2" "arg1 from Eastern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Lexington Theological arg2" "arg1 from Virginia Theological arg2" "arg1 from Union Theological arg2" "arg1 from Chicago Theological arg2" "arg1 from Christian Theological arg2" "arg1 from Luther Rice arg2" "arg1 from Southern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Wesley Theological arg2" "arg1 from Ashland Theological arg2" "arg1 from New York Theological arg2" "arg1 from Eden Theological arg2" "arg1 from Columbia Theological arg2" "arg1 from Covenant Theological arg2" "arg1 from Bethel Theological arg2" "arg1 from Biblical Theological arg2" "arg1 from Memphis Theological arg2" "arg1 from Pittsburgh Theological arg2" "arg1 from Phillips Theological arg2" "arg1 from Dallas Theological arg2" "arg1 from Southeastern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Palmer Theological arg2" "arg1 from San Francisco Theological arg2" "arg1 from Golden Gate Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Drew Theological arg2" "arg1 from Reformed Theological arg2" "arg1 from Princeton Theological arg2" "arg1 from Nazarene Theological arg2" "arg1 from Western Theological arg2" "arg1 from the United Theological arg2" "arg1 from Andersonville Baptist arg2" "arg1 from the Pittsburgh Theological arg2" "arg1 from United Theological arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 at Reformed Theological arg2" "arg1 from Garrett Evangelical arg2" "arg1 from Luther arg2" "arg1 from Westminster Theological arg2" "arg1 at Covenant Theological arg2" "arg1 from Trinity Theological arg2" "arg1 from Austin Presbyterian arg2" "arg1 from Midwestern Baptist Theological arg2" "arg1 from Covington Theological arg2" "arg1 from Austin Presbyterian Theological arg2" "arg1 from the New York Theological arg2" "arg1 from Gordon Conwell arg2" ] using (ministry_degree, seminary)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from The Southern Baptist arg2" "arg1 from Northern Baptist arg2" "arg1 from the New Orleans Baptist arg2" "arg1 from Midwestern Baptist arg2" "arg1 from New Orleans Baptist arg2" "arg1 from the University of Dubuque arg2" "arg1 from Louisville Presbyterian arg2" "arg1 from Austin Presbyterian arg2" "arg1 from Golden Gate Baptist arg2" "arg1 from Southeastern Baptist arg2" "arg1 from Southwestern Baptist arg2" "arg1 from Gordon Conwell arg2" ] using (ministry_degree, theological_seminary)