SEAL @805 (59.0%) on 18-jan-2014 [ 1 ] using sports_medicine
CPL @1105 (85.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "students interested in _" "certified physician in _" "American college of _" "practices holistic _" "techniques of Chinese _" "specialization in _" "subspecialty certification in _" "M.D. Board certified in _" "interests include pediatric _" "Plans to major in _" "medicine , pediatric _" "practice of osteopathic _" "goal is to major in _" "subspecialty board certification in _" "physician specializing in _" "MS degree in _" "emphasis in _" "persons practicing _" "physicians experienced in _" "practitioner of Chinese _" "certified specialist in _" "adjunct professor of _" "curriculum in _" "Masters degree in _" "research in pediatric _" "practice specialising in _" "associate professor of _" "medical specialty of _" "He is also board certified in _" "residency training in _" "physician trained in _" "master’s degree in _" "college senior majoring in _" "college teachers of _" "sub-discipline of _" "tool widely used in _" "special qualifications in _" "degrees in _" "practitioner of holistic _" "double boarded in _" "specialist in pediatric _" "assistant clinical professor of _" "board-certified in _" "british journal of _" "courses in _" "physician board certified in _" "field of equine _" "clinical instructor of _" "board certified in _" "degree in _" "graduate courses in _" "students studying _" "professor of _" "graduate curriculum in _" "He has practiced _" "Board certified in _" "field of _" "interest in pediatric _" "science degree in _" "surgery , pediatric _" "board-certified physician in _" "department of clinical _" "I want to major in _" "additional degree in _" "marvels of modern _" "medicine , chiropractic _" "head of pediatric _" "college of veterinary _" "specialty training in _" "BS degree in _" "board certified specialist in _" "fellowship in pediatric _" "American journal of _" "He is board-certified in _" "physician , specializing in _" "concentration in _" "degree programs in _" "clinical professor of _" "...Majoring in _" "B.S. degree in _" "bachelor’s degree in _" "specialist fields such as _" "clinical fellowship in _" "board certification in _" "contemporary concepts in _" "chief of pediatric _" "private practice of _" "original background was in _" "second residency in _" "masters degree in _" "American academy of _" "principles of Chinese _" "certificate in _" "multi-disciplinary field of _" "special qualification in _" "training in pediatric _" "surgery , advanced _" "team-based approach to _" "board certified physician in _" "Students minoring in _" "medicine , preventive _" "master’s of _" "assistant professor of _" "diploma in _" "miracles of modern _" "national academy of _" "expertise in pediatric _" "bachelor degree in _" "board eligible in _" "undergraduate degree in _" "field of veterinary _" "graduate degree in _" "professional degree in _" "interest areas include _" "special interest in adolescent _" "field of pediatric _" "majoring in _" "British journal of _" "Science degree in _" "He intends to major in _" "National academy of _" "CAQ in _" "science of veterinary _" "medical specialties such as _" "she plans to major in _" "expert in pediatric _" "post graduate qualifications in _" "american academy of _" ] using sports_medicine
MBL @802 (100.0%) on 11-jan-2014 [ Promotion of academicfield:sports_medicine academicprogramatuniversity university:paris_junior_college ]
CMC @839 (100.0%) on 19-may-2014 [ SUFFIX=icine 7.01645 SUFFIX=cine 6.82033 SUFFIX=rts 6.65628 LASTSUFFIX=icine 4.32798 LASTSUFFIX=cine 4.05135 SUFFIX=ine 2.98933 CHARS 2.89497 LASTSUFFIX=ne -2.06418 POS=NN -2.61346 WORDS -10.60265 ] using sports_medicine
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, state_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, state_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, state_university)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, state_university)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Marietta arg2" "arg1 at Seaver arg2" "arg1 from Whitworth arg2" "arg1 from Ithaca arg2" "arg1 from Mercyhurst arg2" "arg1 from Keene State arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 from Otterbein arg2" "arg1 fellowship at Baylor arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at Belhaven arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, college)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Tarleton arg2" "arg1 from Grand Valley arg2" "arg1 from North Georgia College and arg2" ] using (sports_medicine, state_university)