SEAL @175 (99.6%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 12345678 ] using donald_sutherland
CPL @1104 (94.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "actors including _" "himself , played by _" "he was played by _" "co-starring role opposite _" "drama stars _" "manager played by _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "supporting performances from _" "_ perfectly cast as" "version , starring _" "veteran actors like _" "_ joins the cast" "stellar cast including _" "_ 's title character" "leader played by _" "guest stars including _" "film stars , including _" "hilarious cameo by _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "thespians like _" "movie version , starring _" "veteran played by _" "film also starring _" "_ 's Quotation" "Money , starring _" "surprising cast includes _" "voice was provided by _" "talented actors like _" "actor like _" "same name starring _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "movie starred _" "father , played by _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "stars such as _" "sergeant played by _" "_ has been cast as" "actors , including _" "feature film starring _" "fine cast includes _" "other persons named _" "passionate is _" "novel starring _" ",aslo include _" "name starring _" "speaker booking agency for _" "supporting cast includes _" "celebrities like _" "American actors like _" "_ also stars as" "(voice of _" "boss , played by _" "great cameo by _" "_ was not the only choice" "supporting performances by _" "uncle , played by _" "film starring _" "thief played by _" "_ is a great actor" "film version with _" "captain played by _" "(voice talent of _" "_ is well-cast as" "cast including _" "_ play a couple" "villains played by _" "it starred _" "movies starring _" "thriller , starring _" "stars including _" "stunning performances by _" "Mask , starring _" "_ is perfectly cast" "_ 's gossips" "Intimate secrets about _" "actors , like _" "great actors including _" "_ stars as" "it co-stars _" "ensemble cast including _" "_ sleepwalks through" "film also stars _" "horror movie starring _" "_ plays the detective" "cast includes _" "nice cameo by _" "husband , played by _" "film narrated by _" "supernatural thriller starring _" "View quotes by _" "_ has a merry disposition" "film starred _" "cast , starring _" "actor named _" "Blog posts mentioning _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "persons named _" "film opposite _" "cameo by _" "program , narrated by _" "_ has joined the cast" "character actors like _" "figure , played by _" "role opposite _" "He starred opposite _" "new film starring _" "tycoon played by _" "talented actors such as _" "outstanding cast including _" "nice performance by _" "dad , played by _" "astrological interpretation of _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "international cast , including _" "strong supporting cast includes _" "stage play starring _" "_ has a bit part" "actor called _" "character played by _" "cast , including _" "early appearances by _" "_ has a small role" "cast , led by _" "cast include _" "co-starring with _" "_ has a meaty role" "Personal Relationship of _" "actors like _" "couple played by _" "film adaptation starring _" "_ is menacing as" "_ is an amazing actor" "_ delivers a fine performance" "officer played by _" "cast stars _" "character was played by _" "it also stars _" "stars like _" "such stars as _" "early appearance by _" "masterful performance by _" "House , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "He was played by _" "professor played by _" "_ continually updated from around" "lead performances of _" "People , starring _" "_ 's birth chart" "she worked opposite _" "performance opposite _" "_ also has a strong drive" "leader , played by _" "movie stars _" "she starred opposite _" "available photos of _" "movie starring _" "_ plays the father" "_ has a buoyant" "cast also includes _" "film , played by _" "intimate is _" "motion picture starring _" "he starred opposite _" "She starred opposite _" "_ plays the president" "_ played Michael" "_ is also a great actor" "great cast including _" "_ ' pictures Thousands" "VHS featuring _" "commander played by _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "movie posters with _" "_ has a childlike openness" "drama starring _" "_ plays the owner" "_ is a Canadian actor" "man portrayed by _" "Drama , starring _" "_ does fine work" "play , starring _" "supporting cast , including _" "_ gives a chilling performance" "It also starred _" "hero , played by _" "Glory starring _" "Prejudice , starring _" "_ played a cop" "She also starred with _" "_ plays the President" "all-star cast including _" "father played by _" "grandfather , played by _" "cast featuring _" "mentor , played by _" "crime film starring _" "film stars _" "_ is another actor" "series also stars _" "_ 's Filmography" "movie stars , including _" "general played by _" "movies stars _" "Tom , played by _" "_ has an impulsive side" "_ plays the title role" "trailers featuring _" "role was alongside _" "documentary film narrated by _" "marketing company , hire _" "guest stars , including _" "film , starring _" "_ stars alongside" "movie also stars _" "version starring _" "films starring _" "star cast includes _" "thriller starring _" "thieves led by _" "picture starring _" "Gun , starring _" "character voiced by _" "_ quotes at" "_ plays Alex" "play starring _" "movie , starring _" "film stared _" "mini-series starring _" "boss played by _" "U.S. named _" "supporting cast including _" "actors such as _" "such actors as _" "_ worked wonderful" "celebrities including _" "_ was perfectly cast as" "film version starring _" "It also stars _" "adaptation starring _" "_ 's Irish accent" "(voice by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "character portrayed by _" ] using donald_sutherland
SEAL @204 (87.5%) on 11-feb-2011 [ 123 ] using donald_sutherland
CPL @1109 (91.3%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "himself , played by _" "he was played by _" "co-starring role opposite _" "drama stars _" "manager played by _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "supporting performances from _" "_ perfectly cast as" "version , starring _" "veteran actors like _" "stellar cast including _" "leader played by _" "guest stars including _" "film stars , including _" "hilarious cameo by _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "thespians like _" "spy , played by _" "movie version , starring _" "veteran played by _" "film also starring _" "_ 's Quotation" "surprising cast includes _" "voice was provided by _" "talented actors like _" "actor like _" "same name starring _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "movie starred _" "father , played by _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "sergeant played by _" "feature film starring _" "fine cast includes _" "other persons named _" "passionate is _" ",aslo include _" "name starring _" "speaker booking agency for _" "supporting cast includes _" "American actors like _" "_ also stars as" "(voice of _" "boss , played by _" "great cameo by _" "_ was not the only choice" "uncle , played by _" "film starring _" "thief played by _" "_ is a great actor" "film version with _" "captain played by _" "_ is well-cast as" "cast including _" "villains played by _" "movies starring _" "thriller , starring _" "stunning performances by _" "Mask , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "_ stars as" "ensemble cast including _" "film also stars _" "_ plays the detective" "cast includes _" "nice cameo by _" "husband , played by _" "film narrated by _" "View quotes by _" "_ has a merry disposition" "film starred _" "cast , starring _" "actor named _" "Blog posts mentioning _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "persons named _" "film opposite _" "_ has joined the cast" "character actors like _" "figure , played by _" "role opposite _" "He starred opposite _" "new film starring _" "tycoon played by _" "talented actors such as _" "outstanding cast including _" "dad , played by _" "astrological interpretation of _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "strong supporting cast includes _" "_ has a bit part" "actor called _" "character played by _" "cast , including _" "cast , led by _" "co-starring with _" "Personal Relationship of _" "actors like _" "couple played by _" "film adaptation starring _" "_ is menacing as" "_ is an amazing actor" "_ delivers a fine performance" "officer played by _" "cast stars _" "character was played by _" "it also stars _" "early appearance by _" "House , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "He was played by _" "lead performances of _" "People , starring _" "performance opposite _" "_ also has a strong drive" "leader , played by _" "movie stars _" "she starred opposite _" "available photos of _" "movie starring _" "_ plays the father" "_ has a buoyant" "cast also includes _" "film , played by _" "intimate is _" "motion picture starring _" "he starred opposite _" "She starred opposite _" "great cast including _" "_ ' pictures Thousands" "Us , starring _" "VHS featuring _" "commander played by _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "_ has a childlike openness" "drama starring _" "_ plays the owner" "_ is a Canadian actor" "Drama , starring _" "_ 's naked butt" "supporting cast , including _" "_ gives a chilling performance" "It also starred _" "patriarch played by _" "hero , played by _" "Glory starring _" "_ played a cop" "She also starred with _" "_ plays the President" "all-star cast including _" "father played by _" "grandfather , played by _" "mentor , played by _" "crime film starring _" "early role for _" "film stars _" "_ is another actor" "series also stars _" "_ 's Filmography" "movie stars , including _" "general played by _" "Tom , played by _" "_ has an impulsive side" "_ plays the title role" "role was alongside _" "documentary film narrated by _" "marketing company , hire _" "guest stars , including _" "film , starring _" "movie also stars _" "version starring _" "films starring _" "star cast includes _" "thriller starring _" "picture starring _" "Gun , starring _" "character voiced by _" "play starring _" "movie , starring _" "film stared _" "mini-series starring _" "boss played by _" "U.S. named _" "such actors as _" "film version starring _" "It also stars _" "adaptation starring _" "(voice by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "character portrayed by _" ] using donald_sutherland
CPL @1109 (85.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "himself , played by _" "he was played by _" "co-starring role opposite _" "drama stars _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "supporting performances from _" "_ perfectly cast as" "version , starring _" "veteran actors like _" "_ joins the cast" "stellar cast including _" "leader played by _" "hilarious cameo by _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "spy , played by _" "movie version , starring _" "film also starring _" "_ 's Quotation" "Money , starring _" "surprising cast includes _" "voice was provided by _" "talented actors like _" "same name starring _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "movie starred _" "father , played by _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "sergeant played by _" "feature film starring _" "fine cast includes _" "other persons named _" "passionate is _" ",aslo include _" "name starring _" "speaker booking agency for _" "supporting cast includes _" "celebrities like _" "American actors like _" "_ also stars as" "(voice of _" "boss , played by _" "guest voice of _" "_ was not the only choice" "supporting performances by _" "film starring _" "thief played by _" "_ is a great actor" "film version with _" "captain played by _" "(voice talent of _" "_ is well-cast as" "_ deliver fine performances" "_ does the voice" "cast including _" "it starred _" "thriller , starring _" "stars including _" "role eventually played by _" "Mask , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "Intimate secrets about _" "_ stars as" "it co-stars _" "ensemble cast including _" "film also stars _" "cast includes _" "husband , played by _" "film narrated by _" "supernatural thriller starring _" "View quotes by _" "film starred _" "cast , starring _" "actor named _" "Blog posts mentioning _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "persons named _" "_ has joined the cast" "character actors like _" "role opposite _" "He starred opposite _" "new film starring _" "talented actors such as _" "outstanding cast including _" "nice performance by _" "company , hire _" "dad , played by _" "astrological interpretation of _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "international cast , including _" "strong supporting cast includes _" "stage play starring _" "_ enjoy harmony" "character played by _" "cast , including _" "cast include _" "co-starring with _" "Personal Relationship of _" "actors like _" "couple played by _" "film adaptation starring _" "_ is menacing as" "_ is an amazing actor" "_ delivers a fine performance" "officer played by _" "cast stars _" "it also stars _" "early appearance by _" "House , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "He was played by _" "professor played by _" "lead performances of _" "People , starring _" "performance opposite _" "_ also has a strong drive" "leader , played by _" "movie stars _" "she starred opposite _" "available photos of _" "movie starring _" "cast also includes _" "film , played by _" "motion picture starring _" "he starred opposite _" "_ plays the president" "_ was then cast as" "great cast including _" "_ ' pictures Thousands" "Us , starring _" "VHS featuring _" "commander played by _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "movie posters with _" "_ has a childlike openness" "drama starring _" "_ plays the owner" "_ is a Canadian actor" "man portrayed by _" "Drama , starring _" "supporting cast , including _" "_ gives a chilling performance" "It also starred _" "patriarch played by _" "hero , played by _" "Glory starring _" "Prejudice , starring _" "_ plays the President" "all-star cast including _" "father played by _" "grandfather , played by _" "mentor , played by _" "crime film starring _" "film stars _" "series also stars _" "_ 's Filmography" "movies stars _" "Tom , played by _" "_ has an impulsive side" "_ plays the title role" "role was alongside _" "documentary film narrated by _" "marketing company , hire _" "film , starring _" "movie also stars _" "version starring _" "films starring _" "star cast includes _" "thriller starring _" "picture starring _" "Gun , starring _" "character voiced by _" "_ plays a preacher" "_ plays Alex" "movie , starring _" "film stared _" "mini-series starring _" "U.S. named _" "supporting cast including _" "such actors as _" "_ worked wonderful" "_ was perfectly cast as" "film version starring _" "It also stars _" "adaptation starring _" "_ 's Irish accent" "(voice by _" "movie trailers featuring _" ] using donald_sutherland
SEAL @180 (58.9%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using donald_sutherland
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey