SEAL @186 (100.0%) on 10-jan-2011 [ 12345678910111213 ] using jude_law
CPL @1100 (94.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "movie also stars _" "all-star cast are _" "top actors such as _" "title role , with _" "public break-up with _" "DD+ photos of _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "Sullivan , played by _" "actors included _" "available photos of _" "celebs such as _" "Holmes , starring _" "Mountain , starring _" "production starring _" "_ 's birth chart" "_ was Tony-nominated" "_ started acting with" "film stars _" "he is played by _" "he played opposite _" "acting talents of _" "she stars opposite _" "such celebrities as _" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "Hollywood heavyweights like _" "Nude pictures of _" "_ enlarge Share" "_ plays a journalist" "debut starring _" "main character , played by _" "_ did not star" "_ was perfectly cast as" "son , played by _" "_ is an awesome actor" "_ gives a great performance" "_ plays Dan" "_ is also back as" "prostitute played by _" "star cast including _" "_ stars as" "_ 's Charity Work" "Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "big stars like _" "_ 's star style" "_ has a new admirer" "_ played Dan" "cast featuring _" "co-stars like _" "_ plays the title character" "famous faces including _" "lead performance from _" "ensemble cast including _" "remake starring _" "crime drama starring _" "father , played by _" "Room , starring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "villain played by _" "British actors , including _" "_ 's supporting performance" "actors , like _" "all-star cast includes _" "other performers include _" "astrological interpretation of _" "flick starring _" "film opposite _" "prosperity are very important to _" "film , starring _" "guest stars , including _" "version , starring _" "Sherlock Holmes , starring _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "_ portray in" "intimate is _" "it , starring _" "_ were starring in" "_ is an English actor" "favorite actor is _" "role went to _" "Intense metaphysical musings are evident in _" "Other celebrities such as _" "Celebrities such as _" "A-list celebrities including _" "celebrities such as _" "new movie with _" "movie , starring _" "comedy also stars _" "own page dedicated to _" "quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "characters played by _" "_ played Danny" "film narrated by _" "film are played by _" "high-profile celebrities including _" "Hollywood stars _" "Holmes starring _" "favorite actors are _" "film stars like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "_ Do a love match" "_ gives an extraordinary performance" "film starred _" "piece starring _" "big star like _" "role was recast with _" "_ 's character discovers" "_ has been cast as" "release starring _" "_ plays Hamlet" "other amorous encounters was _" "musings are evident in _" "_ have split after" "Tomorrow , starring _" "filmsshows featuring _" "Rick , played by _" "actors like _" "he is voiced by _" "cast members include _" "film actors like _" "_ worked wonderful" "cast included _" "In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "new quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "It starring _" "Hamlet starring _" "cast led by _" "co-star opposite _" "dreams , played by _" "character , played by _" "_ 's dollpage" "_ also returns as" "she starred with _" "_ almost steals the show" "_ plays an architect" "heartthrobs like _" "film’s stars _" "_ stars in" "romantic drama stars _" "role opposite _" "man is played by _" "actor such as _" "talented cast including _" "_ is still a great actor" "_ is miscast as" "remake , starring _" "actor award went to _" "_ practically steals the film" "it co-starred _" "major film starring _" "she performed alongside _" "picture starring _" "pic starring _" "celebrities including _" "new movie starring _" "father played by _" "Joe , played by _" "man , played by _" "protagonist , played by _" "He starred alongside _" "actors , including _" "_ continually updated from around" "_ then presented the award" "celebs like _" "brother played by _" "supporting cast includes _" "_ links offered by" "It also stars _" "Illusions of _" "productions starring _" "celebs include _" "man played by _" "international celebrities such as _" "brief cameo by _" "_ is a good actor" "_ plays the husband" "_ has a gambling instinct" "_ also stars as" "style icons as _" "boyish good looks of _" "cast headlined by _" "celebrities , such as _" "Saturday Night Live is hosted by _" "A-list actors like _" "romantic comedy also stars _" "actors such as _" "_ read the phone book" "_ Try these FANSITE Search" "_ plays a woman" "actor like _" "comedy film starring _" "Poster starring _" "Broadway , starring _" "stellar cast including _" "_ is a terrible actor" "naked shots of _" "_ doing a spoof" "_ is a talented actor" "_ have no fans" "all-star cast including _" "drama stars _" "Hollywood stars as _" "View quotes by _" "Dan , played by _" "cast consisting of _" "co-stars including _" "such Hollywood stars as _" "sweetheart , played by _" "cast headed by _" "many celebrities , such as _" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "_ also has a streak" "physical compatibility with _" "Joe played by _" "_ 's picture galleries" "film I ever saw _" "London starring _" "Graham , played by _" "cameo by _" "film , co-starring _" "film starring _" "guy played by _" "War drama starring _" "A-listers like _" "Movies starring _" "owner played by _" "star-studded cast includes _" "video news clips of _" "_ has a thoughtful" "trailers featuring _" "actors including _" "_ steals the movie" "_ starred as" "_ stars alongside" "cast includes _" "first film I ever saw _" "_ joins the cast" "_ plays Will" "such talents as _" "Porky Rehab In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "Mountain starring _" "_ quotes at" "_ was originally considered for" "thriller stars _" "school , played by _" "Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "stars such as _" "sociology is keen in _" "_ had been cast as" "metaphysical musings are evident in _" "Other cast members include _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Holiday , starring _" "time starring _" "Men stars _" "movie stars _" "star vehicle for _" "Hollywood actors such as _" "supporting performance from _" "love match with _" "movies starring _" "sex scene with _" "movie trailers featuring _" "stars include _" "_ Find rare images" "hottie like _" "_ was well cast as" "_ is a fantastic actor" "major movie starring _" "feature starring _" "passionate is _" "_ is a great actor" "_ gives a chilling performance" "cast , including _" "_ plays a man" "star-studded cast including _" "star-making turn by _" "it stars _" "films starring _" "affair with co-star _" "Men , starring _" "Watson , played by _" "VHS featuring _" "Film stars _" "famous celebrities like _" "hit movie starring _" "episode hosted by _" "other films starring _" "revival starring _" "he 's played by _" "lover , played by _" "_ is not especially sentimental" "cast including _" "stars alongside _" "excellent cast including _" "exclusive biography of _" "co-stars include _" "cast also includes _" "debut opposite _" "He also appeared alongside _" "A-list stars including _" "stars including _" "dvd starring _" "film also stars _" "he starred alongside _" "_ 's Alfie" "People feature on _" "Night Live is hosted by _" "_ gives a fine performance" "tale also stars _" "supporting cast , including _" "motion picture starring _" "She starred alongside _" "journalist played by _" "_ seeks companionship" "Rehab In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "_ costars as" "high profile relationship with _" "_ are godparents" "famous actors including _" "_ 's gossips" "it also stars _" "_ was the only actor" "famous celebrities such as _" "movie , narrated by _" "character played by _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "she co-starred with _" "owner , played by _" "celebrities like _" "performances are given by _" "_ are perfectly cast as" "_ gives a performance" "celebs including _" "_ is a fine actor" "great actors such as _" "_ spends the entire film" "drama starring _" "Hollywood talent including _" "He was played by _" "VHS films starring _" "Live is hosted by _" "Broadway production starring _" "famous friends including _" "amorous encounters was _" "release , starring _" "all-star cast , including _" "Hollywood actors like _" "other stars such as _" "other celebrities such as _" "hero , played by _" "co-stars with _" "title role opposite _" "_ plays Holmes" "_ is convincing as" "_ plays a robot" "Men starring _" "movie posters with _" "next year , starring _" "acting career of _" "star cast includes _" "thriller starring _" "lead performances by _" "big screen opposite _" "_ is often torn with" "_ is an underrated actor" "recent remake with _" "strong cast headed by _" ",aslo include _" "Sherlock Holmes starring _" "actress such as _" "actor played by _" "_ is an excellent actor" "hunks such as _" "movie starring _" "_ was a fine actor" "killer played by _" "soldier played by _" "star studded cast including _" "actresses , including _" "_ 's new comedy" "rare images of _" "brother , played by _" "great actors like _" "Hamlet , starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors included _" "Potter starring _" "_ 's Quotation" "version stars _" "year , starring _" "young man , played by _" ] using jude_law
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=jude 4.05099 SUFFIX=ude 3.55531 PREFIX=ju 2.87631 PREFIX=jud 2.73364 LASTSUFFIX=aw 2.32539 FULL_POS=NN_NN 1.75224 LAST_WORD=law 1.21654 WORDSHAPE=aaa -1.64998 WORDS -2.03014 CHARS -5.08510 ] using jude_law
CPL @1112 (89.3%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "movie also stars _" "top actors such as _" "title role , with _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "Sullivan , played by _" "available photos of _" "celebs such as _" "Holmes , starring _" "Mountain , starring _" "production starring _" "_ 's birth chart" "film stars _" "he is played by _" "he played opposite _" "bad guy played by _" "she stars opposite _" "such celebrities as _" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "Hollywood heavyweights like _" "Nude pictures of _" "_ plays a journalist" "main character , played by _" "_ was perfectly cast as" "son , played by _" "_ is an awesome actor" "_ gives a great performance" "_ is also back as" "prostitute played by _" "star cast including _" "_ stars as" "_ 's Charity Work" "big stars like _" "_ 's star style" "cast featuring _" "co-stars like _" "_ plays the title character" "famous faces including _" "lead performance from _" "ensemble cast including _" "remake starring _" "crime drama starring _" "father , played by _" "Room , starring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "villain played by _" "British actors , including _" "all-star cast includes _" "other performers include _" "astrological interpretation of _" "flick starring _" "film opposite _" "prosperity are very important to _" "film , starring _" "guest stars , including _" "version , starring _" "Sherlock Holmes , starring _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "_ portray in" "intimate is _" "_ is an English actor" "male celebrities like _" "celebrities , including _" "favorite actor is _" "role went to _" "Intense metaphysical musings are evident in _" "Other celebrities such as _" "Celebrities such as _" "A-list celebrities including _" "celebrities such as _" "movie , starring _" "comedy also stars _" "own page dedicated to _" "profile relationship with _" "quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "film narrated by _" "high-profile celebrities including _" "Hollywood stars _" "Holmes starring _" "favorite actors are _" "film stars like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "_ Do a love match" "_ plays Danny" "film starred _" "big star like _" "release starring _" "other amorous encounters was _" "musings are evident in _" "filmsshows featuring _" "Rick , played by _" "actors like _" "he is voiced by _" "cast members include _" "film actors like _" "_ worked wonderful" "cast included _" "new quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "It starring _" "Hamlet starring _" "cast led by _" "co-star opposite _" "character , played by _" "_ 's dollpage" "she starred with _" "_ plays an architect" "heartthrobs like _" "romantic drama stars _" "role opposite _" "_ plays an assassin" "talented cast including _" "_ reprising the role" "_ is miscast as" "actor award went to _" "_ practically steals the film" "it co-starred _" "major film starring _" "she performed alongside _" "picture starring _" "pic starring _" "celebrities including _" "new movie starring _" "father played by _" "Joe , played by _" "man , played by _" "protagonist , played by _" "He starred alongside _" "celebs like _" "brother played by _" "supporting cast includes _" "_ links offered by" "It also stars _" "Illusions of _" "man played by _" "international celebrities such as _" "actress stars alongside _" "_ is a good actor" "_ plays the husband" "_ has a gambling instinct" "_ also stars as" "style icons as _" "cast headlined by _" "celebrities , such as _" "Saturday Night Live is hosted by _" "A-list actors like _" "romantic comedy also stars _" "_ read the phone book" "_ Try these FANSITE Search" "_ plays a woman" "comedy film starring _" "Poster starring _" "Broadway , starring _" "stellar cast including _" "_ is a talented actor" "_ have no fans" "all-star cast including _" "drama stars _" "Hollywood stars as _" "View quotes by _" "cast consisting of _" "co-stars including _" "such Hollywood stars as _" "cast headed by _" "many celebrities , such as _" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "physical compatibility with _" "_ 's picture galleries" "_ 's new movie" "London starring _" "film , co-starring _" "film starring _" "guy played by _" "War drama starring _" "A-listers like _" "Movies starring _" "owner played by _" "star-studded cast includes _" "video news clips of _" "_ has a thoughtful" "trailers featuring _" "actors including _" "_ steals the movie" "cast includes _" "_ joins the cast" "_ plays Will" "such talents as _" "_ was originally considered for" "A-list celebs like _" "thriller stars _" "smooch with _" "sociology is keen in _" "_ had been cast as" "metaphysical musings are evident in _" "Other cast members include _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Holiday , starring _" "time starring _" "Men stars _" "movie stars _" "star vehicle for _" "Hollywood actors such as _" "supporting performance from _" "love match with _" "movies starring _" "movie trailers featuring _" "stars include _" "_ Find rare images" "hottie like _" "_ was well cast as" "feature starring _" "passionate is _" "_ is a great actor" "cast , including _" "_ plays a man" "star-studded cast including _" "it stars _" "films starring _" "affair with co-star _" "Men , starring _" "Watson , played by _" "VHS featuring _" "Film stars _" "_ 's fourth movie" "famous celebrities like _" "hit movie starring _" "episode hosted by _" "other films starring _" "revival starring _" "he 's played by _" "lover , played by _" "_ is not especially sentimental" "cast including _" "stars alongside _" "excellent cast including _" "exclusive biography of _" "co-stars include _" "cast also includes _" "debut opposite _" "He also appeared alongside _" "A-list stars including _" "dvd starring _" "film also stars _" "he starred alongside _" "People feature on _" "Night Live is hosted by _" "_ gives a fine performance" "tale also stars _" "supporting cast , including _" "motion picture starring _" "She starred alongside _" "journalist played by _" "_ seeks companionship" "_ costars as" "high profile relationship with _" "famous actors including _" "_ 's gossips" "it also stars _" "famous celebrities such as _" "character played by _" "she co-starred with _" "rock stars including _" "owner , played by _" "celebrities like _" "_ are perfectly cast as" "celebs including _" "_ is a fine actor" "great actors such as _" "drama starring _" "Hollywood talent including _" "He was played by _" "VHS films starring _" "Live is hosted by _" "Broadway production starring _" "amorous encounters was _" "release , starring _" "all-star cast , including _" "Hollywood actors like _" "other stars such as _" "other celebrities such as _" "hero , played by _" "Ceilidh Posted in _" "co-stars with _" "title role opposite _" "Men starring _" "movie posters with _" "star cast includes _" "thriller starring _" "lead performances by _" "_ is often torn with" ",aslo include _" "Sherlock Holmes starring _" "actress such as _" "actor played by _" "_ is an excellent actor" "movie starring _" "killer played by _" "soldier played by _" "star studded cast including _" "actresses , including _" "rare images of _" "brother , played by _" "great actors like _" "Hamlet , starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors included _" "_ 's Quotation" "version stars _" "year , starring _" "young man , played by _" ] using jude_law
SEAL @244 (87.5%) on 25-apr-2011 [ 123 ] using jude_law
CPL @1116 (80.3%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "movie also stars _" "top actors such as _" "title role , with _" "public break-up with _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "Sullivan , played by _" "available photos of _" "celebs such as _" "Holmes , starring _" "Mountain , starring _" "film stars _" "he is played by _" "he played opposite _" "she stars opposite _" "such celebrities as _" "Hollywood heavyweights like _" "debut starring _" "main character , played by _" "_ was perfectly cast as" "son , played by _" "_ is also back as" "prostitute played by _" "star cast including _" "_ stars as" "_ 's Charity Work" "Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "_ 's star style" "_ played Dan" "co-stars like _" "_ plays the title character" "lead performance from _" "ensemble cast including _" "remake starring _" "crime drama starring _" "father , played by _" "Room , starring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "villain played by _" "British actors , including _" "_ 's supporting performance" "all-star cast includes _" "astrological interpretation of _" "prosperity are very important to _" "film , starring _" "version , starring _" "Sherlock Holmes , starring _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "_ portray in" "_ is an English actor" "male celebrities like _" "favorite actor is _" "role went to _" "Intense metaphysical musings are evident in _" "Other celebrities such as _" "celebrities such as _" "movie , starring _" "comedy also stars _" "own page dedicated to _" "characters played by _" "_ played Danny" "film narrated by _" "film are played by _" "Holmes starring _" "favorite actors are _" "film stars like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "_ Do a love match" "_ gives an extraordinary performance" "_ plays Danny" "film starred _" "release starring _" "other amorous encounters was _" "musings are evident in _" "filmsshows featuring _" "Rick , played by _" "actors like _" "he is voiced by _" "cast members include _" "film actors like _" "_ worked wonderful" "cast included _" "In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "Hamlet starring _" "cast led by _" "co-star opposite _" "character , played by _" "she starred with _" "_ almost steals the show" "_ plays an architect" "film’s stars _" "romantic drama stars _" "role opposite _" "man is played by _" "talented cast including _" "_ reprising the role" "_ is miscast as" "_ practically steals the film" "it co-starred _" "major film starring _" "picture starring _" "pic starring _" "new movie starring _" "father played by _" "Joe , played by _" "man , played by _" "protagonist , played by _" "He starred alongside _" "brother played by _" "supporting cast includes _" "_ links offered by" "It also stars _" "celebs include _" "man played by _" "_ plays the husband" "_ has a gambling instinct" "_ also stars as" "cast headlined by _" "A-list actors like _" "romantic comedy also stars _" "_ read the phone book" "_ Try these FANSITE Search" "_ plays a woman" "comedy film starring _" "Poster starring _" "Broadway , starring _" "stellar cast including _" "_ is a talented actor" "_ have no fans" "all-star cast including _" "drama stars _" "View quotes by _" "Dan , played by _" "cast consisting of _" "co-stars including _" "cast headed by _" "many celebrities , such as _" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "Celebration , hosted by _" "physical compatibility with _" "Joe played by _" "_ 's picture galleries" "film I ever saw _" "London starring _" "Graham , played by _" "film , co-starring _" "film starring _" "guy played by _" "War drama starring _" "Movies starring _" "owner played by _" "star-studded cast includes _" "video news clips of _" "_ steals the movie" "cast includes _" "first film I ever saw _" "_ joins the cast" "_ plays Will" "such talents as _" "Porky Rehab In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "Mountain starring _" "_ was originally considered for" "A-list celebs like _" "thriller stars _" "school , played by _" "Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "sociology is keen in _" "_ had been cast as" "metaphysical musings are evident in _" "Other cast members include _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Holiday , starring _" "time starring _" "movie stars _" "she has been linked with _" "star vehicle for _" "Hollywood actors such as _" "supporting performance from _" "movie trailers featuring _" "stars include _" "_ Find rare images" "_ is a fantastic actor" "feature starring _" "passionate is _" "_ is a great actor" "_ gives a chilling performance" "cast , including _" "_ plays a man" "star-studded cast including _" "star-making turn by _" "films starring _" "Men , starring _" "Watson , played by _" "VHS featuring _" "famous celebrities like _" "hit movie starring _" "episode hosted by _" "other films starring _" "revival starring _" "he 's played by _" "lover , played by _" "_ is not especially sentimental" "cast including _" "excellent cast including _" "exclusive biography of _" "co-stars include _" "cast also includes _" "debut opposite _" "He also appeared alongside _" "stars including _" "film also stars _" "he starred alongside _" "People feature on _" "_ gives a fine performance" "tale also stars _" "supporting cast , including _" "motion picture starring _" "She starred alongside _" "journalist played by _" "_ seeks companionship" "Rehab In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "_ costars as" "_ 's gossips" "it also stars _" "famous celebrities such as _" "movie , narrated by _" "character played by _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "she co-starred with _" "owner , played by _" "celebrities like _" "_ are perfectly cast as" "_ gives a performance" "celebs including _" "_ is a fine actor" "great actors such as _" "_ spends the entire film" "drama starring _" "Hollywood talent including _" "He was played by _" "VHS films starring _" "Broadway production starring _" "famous friends including _" "amorous encounters was _" "release , starring _" "all-star cast , including _" "Hollywood actors like _" "other stars such as _" "other celebrities such as _" "hero , played by _" "co-stars with _" "title role opposite _" "_ plays Holmes" "movie posters with _" "next year , starring _" "_ Sounds Off on" "star cast includes _" "thriller starring _" "big screen opposite _" "_ is often torn with" "_ is an underrated actor" "recent remake with _" "strong cast headed by _" ",aslo include _" "Sherlock Holmes starring _" "actor played by _" "_ is an excellent actor" "hunks such as _" "movie starring _" "killer played by _" "soldier played by _" "star studded cast including _" "actresses , including _" "_ 's new comedy" "rare images of _" "brother , played by _" "great actors like _" "Hamlet , starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors included _" "_ 's Quotation" "version stars _" "year , starring _" ] using jude_law